(The Bewilderment)


Surah Al-Zalzalah speaks to the profound moment when the insaan, the one who is familiar with the truth, becomes deeply aware of the inner turmoil—disorder, disarray, contradiction, and confusion—that resides within. This awakening is not abstract; it manifests as thoughts, images, and sensations that arise from the past, all stored within the depths of memory. As these records are revealed, you will be astounded by the clarity with which your Rabb, your Lord, brings forth their true nature.

In this moment of revelation, the insaan—who is attuned to the truth—will also recognize the inherent consequences of his actions. He will become acutely aware that his misdeeds, no matter how seemingly insignificant, have the potential to lead him astray from the upright path. Conversely, every small act of goodness will not go unnoticed; it will be clearly seen, just as the smallest act of evil will be brought to light. This Surah reminds us that nothing escapes the divine awareness, and each action, no matter how minute, holds weight in the grand balance of existence.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman). 

99.1    When the ardh / lower consciousness zilzilati / dazzles zilzalaha / its bewilderness. 

99.2    And the ardh / lower consciousness brings out asthqalaha / its heavy load. 

99.3    And the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, will say: “What is to her (the lower consciousness) ?” 

99.4    That moment (is embraced) akhbaaraha / its knowing tuhaddith / of the representation. 

99.5    With certainly your Rabb / Lord awhaa / had inspired her to do so. 

99.6    That moment, the yashduru / awareness of the insaan / who is familiar with the truth, ashtatan / is divided to be shown of a'maluhum / their deeds. 

99.7    So whoever does mithqala zarratin / a weighty early developed thought of good, will see it. 

99.8    And whoever does mithqala zarratin / a weighty early developed thought of evil, will see it. 


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