(The Spiritual Journey)


The spiritual journey of the seeker of knowledge, Al Isra'  is defined in this surah as the journey from the darkness of Al Masjidil Al Haraam to Al Masjid Al Aqsa, from aversing or dissolving the forbidden barrier of darkness to attaining insights of the truth in submission.  The darkness is created by the mental barriers (where the mind is conditioned) that block the light of guidance to a submission with remote insights of the truth.  The related mental barriers that block the light of guidance are defined in surah Al Maidah 5:3 as mental destitute (a state of extremely poor in knowledge), cruel and bloody thoughts, self magnifying thoughts, intrusive thoughts which suffocate (over thinking) and hurt the brain, thoughts that lead to argument and destructive thoughts.  Thus the spiritual journey is constructed with the initiation to dissolve these mental barriers that Allah has forbidden.  

Thereby,  Allah equip bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey by giving Musa / the inner voice familiar with the truth, Al Kitab / the inherent script to transform our mental weaknesses to become healthy so that light of guidance illuminate the journey.  Allah warned the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey to be aware of the two challenges that will corrupt their lower consciousness that is 1) they will sell their soul together with what is revealed for the purchase of others at a small price and 2) experience the sorrow from their psychological hurt. 

The journey reinforce the maturity of the seeker when Allah put him on trial with challenges firstly that may end up with evil encircling thoughts of selling his soul with what Allah has revealed and secondly that he may face the sorrow from psychological hurt.  Allah's help will come redressing the evil encircling thoughts and if he returns, then Allah will return him to his original state, reinforce him with wealth of knowledge and independent thinking giving birth to thoughts that are free from his conditioned mind.

Alhamdulillah / Praise be to Allah (for the knowledge of the system of consciousness) who has not taken waladan / a creation (to produce, rear, educate and bring up), nor does He has sharikun / a partner in the mulki / kingdom, nor does He have waliyyun / an intrusted guardian out of the zulli / humility.” And kabbir / magnify Him takbiran / magnificiently.  

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated meaning to it for nothing exist without being named), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

17.1    Subhaana / explore (swim in the abundant knowledge) is the one who asra' / had spiritual journey with His abdi / servant, lailan / a darkness (not having insights) from al masjidil al haram / the forbidden unhealthy mind in submission (like destitute mind, cruel mind, magnifying thoughts, thoughts hinder rational thinking, etc) to al masjid al aqsa / the state of submission with remote infinite insights (of the truth), whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our ayaati / signs.  Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

17.2    And We gave Musa / the one who is familiar with the truth, the kitab / inherent script and We made it hudan / a guidance for the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey: “Do not take from other than Me, wakilan / a trusted custodian.” 

17.3    Zurriyata / off-springs of early developed thoughts of those whom hamalna / We conceived with Nuhin / who is strong with empathy and  compassion (to the nescient and ignorant), he was a thankful servant. 

17.4    And We decreed to the bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey in the kitab / inherent script, surely tufsidunna / corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness pass along twice (first is selling your soul with what Allah revealed and second is sorrow from psychological hurt), and surely you will be 'uluwwan / elevated, kabiran / mature in understanding. 

17.5        So, when the promise of the first of the two comes, Ba'athna / We raised over you servants of Ours, those who are strong in ba'sin / evil, so they be on the look up for redressing the diyar / state of encircling thoughts, and was a promise maf'ula / fulfilled. 

17.6    Then We returned to you the karrata / original state from them, and We reinforced you with amwal / wealth of knowledge and banin / thoughts conceived out of own independent thinking, and We made you more nafiran / influential.

17.7    If you do good, (then) do good for anfusikum / your self / soul, and if you do evil, then it is for it. And when the promise of the last (second time) comes, they will make wjuhakum / your focus to care filled with sorrow (from psychological hurt) and they will enter the masjida / state of submission as they did the first time, and they will strike down all that was raised up.

17.8    Perhaps your Rabb / Lord will have mercy on you (give you the knowledge from His abstract system of education), and if you return then We will also return. And We made jahannam / state of stagnation a gathering place for the kaafirin / rejecters.

17.9    Certainly this Qur’an / expression (of the truth) guides to that which is more aqwam / upright (in the transformative deeds), and it gives yubasshiru / sensible thoughts to the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) who do solehati / reform that they will have a great reward. 

17.10    And for those who do not yukminun / take security (in Al kitab) with the aakirah / ending (all attachments), We have prepared for them a painful punishment. 

17.11    And call the insaan / who is aligned with the truth, bissharri /  with badness (as) he calls with goodness, and the insaan / who is aligned with the truth, 'ajulan / a hasty act.

17.12    And We made the laila / barrier that bring darkness and the nahar / uplifted barrier of darkness that bring light as ayaataini / two signs (that is the sign for the barrier that bring darkness and the sign that uplift the barrier that light is seen), so We erased the sign of laila / barrier that bring darkness and We made the sign of an-nahar / uplifted barrier that the light seen, that you may seek fadhlan / a given advantage from your Rabb / Lord, and surely you 'adada / consider as-sinin / the knowledge rooted in memory as understanding and the hisaba /  account (of it). And everything We have excellently detailed it.

17.13    And We have alzamnaahu / commonly adhered to him thoirahu / flight of his fantasy and wild thoughts of every insaan / one who is aligned with the truth, in his 'unuqihi / embracement, and We bring forth for him kitaban / a book on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing (the transformative deed) which he will find manshuran / unfolded wide open.

17.14    Read your kitaba / inherent script (to comprehend the Quran, expression of truth)!  It is sufficient for you with your nafsi / soul / self the moment over you, an account (of it).

17.15    Whoever is guided then certainly is guided for his nafsi / self / soul, and whoever is misguided then certainly is misguided against it. And no bearer may carry the burden of another; and We were not to punish until We nab'asa / raise a rasulan / inner voice (that deliver the message).

17.16    And when We intend that We destroy qaryatan / a cluster of established thoughts, We order mutrafiha / one who possesses the like in it, then defiantly disobeyed in it, so the qaul / saying is haqqa / proven against it, then We destroy it, a complete destruction.

17.17    And how many from qurun / thoughts binding of the same group have We destroyed from after Nuh / one who is compassionate to those who are not remembering? And it is enough with your Rabb / Lord with the sins of His servants to have khobira / acquiantance, sight.

17.18    Whoever seeks the life of the 'ajilah / hastiness, We will hasten for him in it what he wishes to whom We intend, then We will make jahannam / dark hole of ignorance for him a place which he will be burned, disgraced, abandoned.

17.19    And whoever seeks the aakhirah / ending and struggles for it as it deserves, and is mukminun / one who take security (in Al kitab), then they are those who struggle in a state of gratefulness.

17.20    (To) each We will bestow from the bounty of your Rabb / Lord; and the bounty of your Rabb / Lord was not confined.

17.21    Unzur / ponder how We fadhal have given advantage some of them over the others; and for the aakhirah / ending are greater darajaat / degrees, and greater preference.

17.22    Do not make with Allah another ilaahan / reality, then you will find yourself mazmuman / imperfect, makhzulan / abandoned.

17.23    And your Rabb / Lord decreed that you shall not serve except He, abidingly to Him, and do good with your waalidaini / thoughts given birth to (manifested and produced to rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urge). When one of them or both of them reach kibaru / fully grown, do not say to them a word of disrespect nor shout at them, but say to them a kind saying.

17.24    And lower for them (make yourself easy to deal and lower yourself from) the inclination to wrong doings, the humility from rahmati / mercy of abstract system of education, and say: “My Rabb / Lord, have mercy upon them (receiving education) as they rabbayani / raised me (in know-how) when I was young (still lacking in knowledge).”

17.25    Your Rabb / Lord is fully aware with what is in nufusikum / your souls. If you are solihin / correct / reform, then certainly He is to awwaabina / those who return, a Forgiver.

17.26    And give the dhal qurba / circle of those who approach for knowledge his due, and the miskina / those needy of knowledge, and the abna sabili / those who construct / pursue the path; and do not tubazzir / scatter and waste, tabziran / (become) disseminated and diffused.

17.27    Certainly those who waste diffused (the process educating them) are brotherhood thoughts to the shaytan / acts arises from the state of despair, and the shaytan / acts arises from the state of despair to his Rab / Lord, kafuran / a rejecter.

17.28    And if you tu'ridhanna / presented from them rahmatin / a mercy for knowledge from your Rabb / Lord tarjuha / which you expect, then say to them maisuran / a state of easiness (and gentle) saying.

17.29    And do not make your hand (what you are in control and aware of) maghlulatan / act unfaithfully to 'unuqika / your disappointment, nor shall you tansutha / unfold it fully open so you become maluman / blameful and mahsuran / regret.

17.30    Certainly your Rabb / Lord yabsuthu / unfold openly the rizqa / provision for whoever wishes, and yaqdiru / gaining according to measure.  Certainly He is Acquainted and Seer over His servants.

17.31    And do not taqtulu / kill your walaadakum / thoughts given birth (by rijal / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urge) by mind khosyata / out of fear imlaaqin / of intense force; We provide for you and them. Indeed their killing is a great khith'an / sin.  

17.32    And do not come near the zina / intermingle (exxageration) the truth and falsehood, indeed it is fahisha / obscene (in speech or language / discourse / utterance) and an evil path.  

17.33    And do not taqtulu / kill the nafsa / soul / self, which Allah has made this harram / forbidden, except with the haqqi / truth.  And whoever is killed mazhluman / wrongfully, verily We have made for his wali / guardian, sulthanan / an authority so let him yusrifu / be heedless in the qatal / killing, surely he is mansuran / a state of one who need help.

17.34    And do not come near maa / knowledge of the yatimi / one who is not guided by Allah, except with which is best, until he reaches ashuddahu / his maturity (also strength). And fulfill with the ahdi / covenant, surely the ahdi / covenant is mas'ulan / a state of one who question.

17.35    And wafu / fulfill the kaila / intelligence when kiltum / you exercise your intellect, and its importance equitably that is straight. That is good and better takwilan / interpretation

17.36    And do not taqfu / follow what you have no knowledge of. For the hearing, and bashara / insight, and the fuad / mind, all those about it mas'ulan / a state that question.

17.37    And do not tamshi / continue the course of action in the ardh / lower consciousness marahan / inflamed with anxiety, surely you will never takhriqa / make a dent (effective) in the ardh / lower consciousness, and never will you tablugha / reach the jibala / fixed headed thoughts thulan / that can be infiltrated.

17.38    All of this is sayyi'uhu / his badness, and in the nearness of your Rabb / Lord, makruhan / a state of dislike and unwilling.

17.39    That (the message), is from what your Rabb / Lord has inspired to you from the hikmah / wisdom (understanding with clear empirical and factual evidence). And do not make with Allah another ilaahan / reality of being, or you will be cast into jahannam / dark hole of ignorant, maluman / blameworthy, madhuuran / abandoned state.

17.40    Has your Rabb / Lord ashfaakum / chosen you with the banina / thoughts conceived (from Rijal), and He has taken from malaaikah / faculty of authority in mind, inaathan / thoughts conceived from sensory inputs ? You are indeed saying a grave thing!

17.41    And certainly We have dispatched in this Qur’an / expression of truth (by your Rabb) that they yazzakkaru / may embody with divine masculine attributes (logic, focus, assertiveness, etc), but it only increases them save nufuran / aversion (when they embody with their desire)!  

17.42    Say: “If there had been aalihah / realities with Him as they say, then they would have tried to gain a way to the arshi / structure that support.”  

17.43    Subhaanahu / glorified He (for His abundant knowledge) and exalted above what they say, an uluwwan kabiran / elevated greatness.  

17.44    Tusabbihu / He is glorified for the abundant insight by the seven samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and all that is therein, and is there from anything except it glorifies with His praise, but you do not comprehend their glorification (because precisely they are representations / symbols / signs).  He is Forbearing, Forgiving.

17.45    And when you read (to comprehend) the Qur’an / expression of truth (from your Rabb), We place between you and those who do not yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab) with the aakhirah / ending, hijaaban mastura / a hidden barrier.

17.46    And we place akinnatan / coverings over qulubihim / their hearts, never to understand it, and waqran / a formative insight in their adhan / call. And when zakartu / you embody masculine attributes of your Rabb / Lord in the Qur’an / expression of truth (received from your Rabb / Lord) alone, they run away turning their backs in nufuran / aversion.

17.47    We are fully aware with what they are hearing with it, when they are listening to you and when they are in najwa / save from being misguided, when the zaalimun / wrongdoers say that you are following but rajulan / an independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization) mashuran / in a state diversion (that turned from the right course)!”

17.48    See how they put forth unzur / certainty for you. The example then astray, so they are not abled (find) a path.

17.49    And they said: “Is it when we are 'izhaman / great and rufaatan / insignificant, will we surely mab'uthun / be resurrected to kholqan jadidan / a new evolution?”

17.50    Say: “Even if you become hijaratan / a hard headed mind (not accepting new and fresh knowledge) or hadidan / narrow minded (bigoted, intolerant and prejudiced).”

17.51    “Or kholqan / an evolution of what is yakburu / great in your suduuri / awareness.” Then they will say: “Who will return us?” Say: “The One who fathara / initiated you the first time.” Then they will be agitated (with hatefulness) over their  mind at you and say: “When is it?” Say: “Perhaps it is near.”  

17.52    The moment He calls you and you respond with His hamdi / praise, and you tazhunnun / are certain that you only stayed a little while.  

17.53    And say to My servants to say that which is best. Indeed the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair makes bitterness between them. The shaytan / acts arises from state of despair is to the insaan / one who is aligned with the truth, a clear enemy.  

17.54    Your Rabb / Lord is fully aware of you, if He wishes He yarhamkum / will have mercy on you, or if He wishes He yu'azzankum / will punish you.  And We have not sent you over them wakilan / a trusted custodian.

17.55    And your Rabb / Lord is fully aware of who is in the samaawat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. And surely, We have preferred some nabiyyin / who pronounced and established (news of the ghaib) over others, and We gave Daud / the one who break up complex and wild thought, zaburan / intelligence that is determined and shaped (about the realisation of meaning with insights and conscious understanding)

17.56    Say: “Call on those you have claimed besides Him. For they have no power to remove harm from you or shift it.”  

17.57    They are those whom they call, (they are themselves) seeking the wasilah / mean / approach to their Rabb / Lord which is nearer, and they desire His rahmah / abstract system of education, and they fear His azaba / punishment.  Indeed, your Rabb / Lord's punishment is mahzura / to be conscious of!

17.58    And there is not qaryatin / cluster of established thoughts except We  destroy it before the yawmil qiayamah / moment of establishment, or punish it with a severe punishment. This has been masthura / written / committed in the kitab / inherent script.

17.59    And what prevented Us from sending with the ayaati / signs except that the awwalun / former kazzaba / denied with it. And We gave to Thamud / that accept which is not true, the naaqata / sound (free from imperfections) with foresight, but they did wrong with her. And We do not send with the ayaati / signs except takhwifan / a warning.

17.60    And when We said to you: “Indeed, your Rabb / Lord has ahatho / surrounded (you) with an-nas / agitated thoughts.” And We did not make the rukya / vision that We showed you except as fitnatan / a test for an-nas / the soul / self, and the shajarata / tree / word that was cursed in the Qur’an / expression (that is understood from reading). And We are making them fearful, but it only increases their yughyaanan / falsehood activities, more. 

17.61    And when We said to the malaikah / state of sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul constitute one ruler one authority) : “isjudu / prostrate / submit to Adam / one who receive education of the unseen.” So they sajadu / submit except for Iblees / one who is wrapped with despair (hopelessness), he said: “Shall I asjudu / submit to one you have kholaqta / evolved from thinan / a natural inherent morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism)!”

17.62    He said: “Do you see this whom you karramta / have honoured above me ?  Surely if You give me respite until the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment (in respect to dissolution of illusory self), I will laahtanika / surely lead his zurriyati /off-springs of early developed thoughts to obey me, except for a few.”

17.63    He said: “Go, and whoever follows you from them so indeed, Jahannam / dark hole of ignorance shall be jaza'ukum / the reward to you all, a reward well deserved.”    

17.64    “And istafziz / disturb (include putting fear) whoever you can of them with your voice, and mobilize against them with your forces and your rajilika / independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization), and you may share with them in their amwal / knowledge and awladi / thoughts that you give birth to, and promise them.” And nothing that the shaytan / acts arises from despair promises except deceit.

17.65    “Indeed, My servants, you will have laysa / no sulthan / authority over them.” And sufficient with your Rabb / Lord, wakilan / a trusted custodian.

17.66    Your Rabb / Lord is the One who drives the fulki / germination of the truth for you in the bahri / ocean of knowledge so that you may seek of fadlihi / His given advantage.  Indeed, He is rahiman / merciful with His abundant knowledge with you.

17.67    And when hardship afflict you in the bahri / ocean of knowledge, then all those whom you called on besides Him suddenly vanish from you except for Him. So when He saves you to the barri / truthfulness (of your covenant), you turn away.  And the insaan / one who is aligned with the truth, (become) kafuran / a rejecter.

17.68    Are you amin / secured that He will not cause this side of the barri / truthfulness (of your covenant) to swallow you up, or that He would not send a violent storm (confusion) against you? Then you will not find for yourselves, wakilan / a trusted custodian.

17.69    Or are you amin / secured that He would not send you back again in it, then He would send against you qasifan / a brain snap (all logical and reasoning take a back seat) from the rih / spirit and cause you to drown for your rejection? Then you will not find tabi'an / a second chance over Us with it.

17.70    And indeed, We have honored bani Adam / construct of the one who receive education of the unseen and hamalna / conceive them in the barri / truthfulness (of their covenant) and the bahri / ocean of knowledge, and We have provided for them of the good things, and We fadhal / have given advantage (to) them over many of those We khalaq / evolved in a marked preference. 

17.71    The moment We call every unasin / thoughts familiar / aligned with imaamihim / their leader (who guides with Allah's commands, truth). Then, whoever is given his kitab / inherent script with yaminihi / his right (experience based on factual knowledge), they will read (to comprehend) their kitab / inherent script, and they will not be wronged, (however much) a twist (from the truth).

17.72    And whoever is blind (with respect to insight) in this, then he will be blind (in respect to insight) in the aakhirah / ending and adolla / astray sabilan / path (of truth).

17.73    And indeed they kadu / nearly yaftinu / diverted you from what We inspired to you so that you would fabricate something different against Us, and then they would have taken you as a friend!

17.74    And if We had not made you stand firm, you were about to lean towards them a little bit.

17.75    Then, We would have surely made you taste (self-experience) dhi'fa / weakness in the hayati / close attachment and dhi'fa / weakness in the mamaati / dissolution (of your conceptialized self and duniya).  Then you would not find for yourself any nasiran / helper against Us.

17.76    And indeed, they surely almost intimidated you from the ardh / lower consciousness so they could drive you out from it (ardh / lower consciousness). And then they would have not yalbasuna / remained khilafaka / representing you, except a little.

17.77    (Such was) sunnata / practice of those whom We had sent before you of Our rusul / inner voices (that deliver the message).  And you will not find in Our sunnati / practice, tahwilan / an alteration.

17.78    Aqimi / establish the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), for the duluki / rubbing of the shamsi / brightness, towards ngasaqi / dissappearing of the laili / darkness; and the Qur’an at the fajar / piercing light through a passage that opened.  Indeed, Qur’an at the fajar / passage that opened is witnessed.

17.79    And from the laili / darkness (state of not knowing the truth), then arise with it nafilatan / an ascension (spiritual growth) for you, perhaps your Rabb / Lord would raise you (to) maqaman / a station that is mahmudan / praiseworthy (for the hidden knowledge received).

17.80    And say: “My Rabb / Lord, adhilni / admit me (as) mudkhala / one who enter sidqin / a truth and akhrijni / let me exit (as) mukhraja / one who exit sidqin / a truth, and grant me from ladunka / directly from You sultanan / an authority (of) nasiran / a support.” 

17.81    And say: “The haq / truth has come and bathil / falsehood has perished. Indeed, the bathil / falsehood is always bound to perish!”

17.82    And We nunazzilu / reveal from the Qur’an / an expression of the truth, what is shifa'un / a healing and rahmatun / mercy of being accepted to Allah's system of education for the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind).  And not only increases (to what they already have) the zalimin / wrongdoing, hasaran / a loss.

17.83    And when We an'am / bless with pleasant thoughts over the insaan / one who is aligned with the truth, he turns away and become remote on his side.  But when sharru / evil touches him, he is ya'usan / a despair!

17.84    Say: “Let each ya'mal / deed according to shakilatihi / his own capacity. Then your Rabb / Lord is fully aware with who is best guided, sabilan / a path (to the truth).”

17.85    And they ask you concerning the Ruh / Spirit (essence of the truth).  Say: “The Ruhu / Spirit (essence of the truth) is from (the) affair of my Rabb / Lord; and you are not given the knowledge except a  little.”

17.86    And if We wished, We would take away that which awhaina / We have inspired to you then you would not find for yourself with it against Us, wakilan / a trusted custodian.

17.87    Except for rahmatan / a mercy for the acceptance in the system of education, of your Rabb / Lord.  Indeed, His fadhla / given advantage upon you is great.

17.88    Say: “surely if the ins / those who are familiar with the truth and the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) were to gather to bring a Qur’an / expression of the truth with this likeness, they could not come with its likeness, even if they were some of them to some others zahiran / visible.”

17.89    And indeed, We have sharraf / turned back to linnas / the agitated mind in the Qur’an / expression of truth from every masalin / example, but most of the nas / agitated mind save kufuran / a rejecter!

17.90    And they said: “We will not nu'mina / take security (in Al Kitab) unto you until you tafjura / pierce a passage open for us from the ardh / lower consciousness yanbu'an / a spring of inspiration.” 

17.91    “Or you have for you jannatun / hidden garden of knowledge from nahilin / structured and inabin / related (significant) to the subject matter, and you cause the anhaara / gushing flow of knowledge through it tafjiran / piercing open a passage.”

17.92    “Or that you make the samaa'a / higher consciousness to fall upon us in pieces as you claimed, or that you bring with Allah and the malaaikah / faculty of authority before us.”

17.93    “Or that you have baitun / a mental house from zuhruf / fancy undertanding (of no important value in Islam), or that you can (unsubstantiated by evidence) ascend into the samaa'a / higher consciousness.  And we will not nukmina / take security in your ascension until you reveal for us kitaban / a book that we ta'rauhu / can read it.”  Say: “Subhana / Glory be to my Rabb / Lord what am I but basharan rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver the message) of sensible thought!”

17.94    And what mana'a / prevented an-nas / the agitated mind that yukminu / take security when the hudaa / guidance came to them, except that they said: “Has Allah aba'asa / raised basharan rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver the message) of sensible thought?”

17.95    Say: “If there were in the ardh / lower consciousness malaaikah / faculty of authorities yamshuna / setting out surely We reveal to them from the samaa'a / higher consciousness malakan rasulan / an authorised inner voice (that deliver the message).”

17.96    Say: “Allah suffices as a witness between me and you. Indeed He is Acquianted and Seer with His servants.”

17.97    And whoever Allah guides then he is the guided one. And whoever He misguides then you will not find for them any awliya / guardians from other than Him. And We gather them on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishment on wujuhuhim / their focus to care (to evolve and grown), blind, mute, and deaf; their abode will be jahannam / dark hole of ignorance. Every time it dies down, We increase for them the fire.

17.98    Such is their jazaa / recompense because they kafaru / rejected with Our ayaati / signs, and they said: “When we are 'izhaman / great (in our understanding of the truth) and rufaatan / broken into pieces (fragmented understanding of the truth), will we be sent into a new khalqan / evolution?”

17.99    Did they not see that Allah who has khalaqa / evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness is able to yakhluqa / evolve their like? And He has made an appointed time for them in which there is no doubt. But the zalimun / wrong-doer refuse anything except kufuran / rejection.

17.100    Say: “If you were the ones tamlikuna / possessing authority of khazaa'ina / treasures of rahmah / abstract system of education of my Rabb / Lord, then surely amsaktumu / you would have held back fearing the infaq / self-experience (the reform).  And the insaan / one who is aligned with the truth, qaturan / insufficient according to his capability!”  

17.101    And indeed, We had given Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, nine clear ayaati / signs. So ask the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey, when he (Musa) came to them, then Firaun / one who is having superiority complex, said: “Indeed, I am certain that you O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, mashuran / a state in deviation (turned away from the truth)!” 

17.102    He said: “Certainly, you know that none of these has been revealed except for the Rabb / Lord of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness basha'iru / as insights.  And I think that you O firaun / one who is having superiority complex, mathburan / (in) a state of restricted mind (narrow minded)!” 

17.103    So he wished that (he) yastafizza / will evade them (the insights due to his narrow mindedness) from the ardh / lower consciousness.  Then argraqnaa / We drowned him and all those with him. 

17.104    And We said from after him to bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey: “Uskunu / calm down / remain still the ardh / lower consciousness, then, when come the promise of aakhirah / ending, We will bring with you lafifan / wrapped with whole understanding.” 

17.105    And it is with the truth that We have revealed it, and with the truth it revealed. And We have not revealed to you except as mubasshiran / a bearer of sensible thoughts and naziran / a warner. 

17.106    And quranan / an expression of truth (comprehended from the reading) that We have divided, so that you may read it to an-nas / the agitated mind over time; and We have revealed it gradually. 

17.107    Say: “Aminu / take security with it or do not tukminu / take security. Indeed those who have been given the knowledge from before it, when it is recited to them, they fall down to their chins prostrating (in submission).” 

17.108    And they say: “Subhana / Praise be to our Rabb / Lord (for allowing us to swim in His abundant knowledge). Indeed, the promise of our Rabb / Lord was fulfilled.” 

17.109    And they yahirru / fall down to their chins weeping, and it increases them in humility. 

17.110    Say: “Call on Allah or call on the Rahman (Allah's abstract system of education); by whichever you call on, to Him are the best names.” And do not be tajhar / manifested  with your salaat / connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice), nor tukhofit / silent (in the mind) with it; but seek a path in between. 

17.111    And say: “Alhamdulillah / Praise be to Allah (for the knowledge of the system of consciousness) who has not taken waladan / a creation (to produce, rear, educate and bring up), nor does He have sharikun / a partner in the mulki / kingdom, nor does He have waliyyun / an intrusted guardian out of the zulli / humility.” And kabbir / magnify Him takbiran / magnificiently. 



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