(The Overwhelming Representation)



A hadith serves as an embodiment of truth, containing within it ayaati/signs that are perceivable in the lower consciousness by our brains. The purpose of these signs is to effectively communicate and convey inherent values and information, aiding the recipient in interpreting and comprehending the truth it represents. This initiates a spiritual journey of self-discovery, where individuals strive to understand and discern the truth embedded in these signs. Success in this journey is reflected in the humility demonstrated, accompanied by the evident distinction and diligent effort invested in the process.

Connection with higher consciousness brings forth fresh knowledge through a matured perception. Those in tune with this elevated state acquire knowledge solely through humility, with no nourishment or sustenance against hunger, as this knowledge is bestowed upon the sincere (mukhlasin).  In that moment, your life's goal or purpose is to receive blissful knowledge in Jannatin, the hidden garden of Allah's wisdom. Within Jannatin, non-factual knowledge will not reach your ears. Instead, the vision of factual knowledge will flow continuously, bringing delight and elevating you to a higher consciousness.

And vessels of knowledge are put in place in a state of readiness, creating an atmosphere of understanding that develops from the vessels arranged in rows, forming an unmarked pattern with no space in between. This knowledge is then rolled out, ready to be digested, and is in a state of permeation, spread out for understanding and discernment.

Do they not reflect upon the evolution of skills? Be aware, for indeed, you are the one who is aware. You are not above them who tell stories, except for those who turn away and reject (tuwalla/kafara). For them, Allah will inflict a greater punishment. Indeed, their ultimate return is to Allah, and upon Him rests their account of what they reject.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman). 

88.1    Has there come to you hadith ul ghashiyah / the overwhelming representation (that conceal the truth) ?

88.2    Wuju'hun / focus to care (for growth) that moment, khoshi'ah / a humility,

88.3    'Amilatun nashibah / A clearly distinguishable work (that has been done).

88.4    Connection (in the higher consciousness) of an intensed spiritual heat (burning sensation of the mind signifying hard work). 

88.5    Tusqaa / fresh knowledge from 'ainin aaniyah / a matured perception.

88.6   There is no tho'amun / consumption (of knowledge) for them except from dhori'in / humility,

88.7    Neither nourishing nor availing against hunger (because the knowledge is given to mukhlasin / those who are sincere).

88.8   That moment, wujuhun / focus to care (for growth), na'imah / receiving blissful knowledge. 

88.9    Rhadhiyah / satisfied lisa'iha / for their effort,

88.10    In jannatin / a hidden garden of knowledge, 'aaliyah / most high,

88.11    (They will) not hear wherein laaghiyah / non-factual knowledge.

88.12    Within it is a 'ainun jaariyah / flowing of perceptions (of the signs).

88.13    Within it are sururun / a delightful marfu'ah / elevated state

88.14    And akwaabun / vessels of knowledge mawdhu'ah / put in place (in a state of readiness)

88.15    And namaariqu / atmosphere of understanding (that developed from the vessels of knowledge) masfuufah / in rows (unmark pattern with no space in between)

88.16    And zarabiyyu / rolled out to be digested (knowledge ready to be understood and discerned) mabthuthah / in a state of permeation (spread out)

88.17    Then do they not look at the ibili / skills - how they khuliqat / evolved?

88.18    And at the samaa'i / higher consciousness - how it is rufi'at / elevated?

88.19    And at the jibal / fixed balanced equilibrium (in the understanding of realities of body and mind) - how they nushibat / set up?

88.20    And at the ardh / lower consciousness - how it is suthihat / expanded (the consciousness)?

88.21    So zikkir / be aware, indeed what you are is muzakkir / the one who is aware.

88.22    You are not over them (content of higher consciousness) with mushaithirun / the ones who tell stories.

88.23    Except, he who tuwalla / turns away and kafara / rejects

88.24    Then Allah 'uazzibu / will punish him the azaabal akbar / greater punishment.

88.25    Indeed, to Us is iyyabahum / their return.

88.26    Then indeed, upon Us is hisabahum / their account (of what they reject).



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