(The Early Light Of Revelation)


Surah Ad-Dhuha illustrates the profound truth that nikmah, blessings from Allah are intimately connected to receiving knowledge of the unseen. This knowledge, however, is not conveyed in a straightforward or overt manner. Instead, it is imparted to you through the use of representations from the material world—qiyas, symbols and metaphors that your cognitive faculties can grasp. These linguistic expressions serve as bridges between the seen and unseen, allowing us to access deeper truths. Your rational mind then engages with these metaphors, evaluating their significance, and through this process, you gain insight into the hidden realms of knowledge. The understanding that emerges is not merely intellectual but is imbued with spiritual depth, guiding you towards a more profound comprehension of the divine mysteries. 

When the first rays of revelation illuminate the mind, they bring a brilliant light that pierces through the darkness of confusion and uncertainty. This divine light shines upon the symbols and metaphors that convey the divine message. However, as it seeks to guide you, it encounters obstacles—impurities such as misunderstandings, distorted perceptions, incomplete knowledge, and mere speculation—that attempt to obscure its path. Yet, there is no need to fear or despair.

Surah Adh-Dhuhaa serves as a comforting reminder that your Rabb, never abandons you, even in your darkest and most perplexing moments. It reassures you that your minds are inherently designed to seek and uncover the truth, no matter how lost, unsupported, or misled you may feel. The Surah promises that, despite the challenges, the light of divine wisdom will continue to guide you, helping you to navigate through the fog of confusion and to discover the deeper truths that lie beyond the surface of our understanding. In this process, you are not alone, for the divine presence is always with you, nurturing your inner light and leading you towards clarity and insight.

Once the truth is revealed, it becomes your responsibility to decipher it and grasp its full significance. However, merely seeking the truth doesn't automatically grant you an instant and complete understanding. The pathway to comprehension only opens when your minds are clear, free from the impurities of preconceived notions, biases, prejudice and misunderstandings. It is in this state of mental clarity that you are able to truly perceive and appreciate the depth of the truth presented to you.

When you are fortunate enough to grasp profound truths, you come to realize that reality is elegantly reflected in the natural world around you. The symbols and representations you encounter in nature serve as mirrors, reflecting deeper spiritual realities. By embracing these reflections, you strengthen your connection to the natural world, fostering an intimate relationship with the ultimate moral truths that govern existence.

This connection to nature is not merely aesthetic but is deeply rooted in a sense of true knowledge. It enriches your lives, guiding you to live in harmony with both the seen and unseen aspects of existence. Through this harmonious relationship, you develop a moral compass that is aligned with the divine, allowing you to navigate life with wisdom and insight. In this way, the truth not only illuminates your minds but also transforms your lives, leading you to a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos and your relationship with your Rabb.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).   

93.1    By the dhuha / early light of revelation (that shine penetratingly). 

93.2   And  the layli / darkness (without guidance as a result of barriers that block the light) when it's blocking is extended, 

93.3   Your Rabb / Lord has not wadda'aka / abandon you (when you are in darkness without guidance), nor has He qalaa / dislike (of your ignorance). 

93.4   And surely the aakhirah / ending is better for you from the uulaa / beginning. 

93.5   And surely soon, your Rabb / Lord is going to give you, fatardho / then you will be pleased.

93.6    Did He not find you yatiman / an orphan (who has no fatherly support for guidance) then give refuge?

93.7    And He found you dhollin / misguided then hudaa / guided,

93.8    And He found you 'ailan / in need then faghnaa / made available.

93.9   So as for the yatima / orphan (who has no fatherly support for guidance), then not subjugated. 

93.10    And as for the saa'ila / questioning (what is made available upon the yatima ?), then no tanhar / flow or chanelling (of knowledge of the ghaib / unseen).

93.11    And as with ni'mati / blessing (for receiving the knowledge of the ghaib / unseen) of your Rabb / Lord, then haddis / embrace the representations (to have deep intimate relationship with the reality).




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