(What Authority You Have, To Do Your Right)



Reality is a manifestation of your thoughts, the realm of the mind, as an expression of your consciousness. These thoughts give rise to your emotions, which embody your spirit, and manifest as actions within the physical realm of your body. To manifest right actions, you must embrace your inherent sovereignty. Sovereignty means being the unified ruler within, establishing profound self-control and ownership over your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It is about aligning with higher principles of integrity, authenticity, and inner harmony, thus unifying thoughts, emotions, and actions with higher consciousness. Without sovereignty, actions may manifest in chaos.

The Quran uses the word "aymaani," often translated as "right." In this context, "right" refers to the correct action, distinct from wrong, that aligns with moral behavior and does not harm others like human rights. This principle lies at the heart of Natural Law, Tawrah. Thus, a Right can be defined as an action that, when taken, does not cause harm to others because it is done correctly based on truth and morality harmonized with Natural Law.

The phrase "ma malakat aymaanukum" is translated here as "what authority do you have to do your right." Let us delve into 11 verses from the book of AlQuran to understand how the words "malakat" and "aymaani" are used within this framework of understanding and interpretation.



By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.  (The Rahmaan is Allah's abstract education system that provides abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).    

4:3    And if you are fearful that you cannot do justice in the yatama / that who has no fatherly support (in respect of self-development), then nikah / commingle what is good to you from an-nisa / the intuitive knowledge, twos and threes and fours, then if you are fearful that you cannot be taqdilu / equitable then one or ma malakat aymaanukum / what authority you have, to do your right (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others). That is adnaa / appropriate, that you may not ta'ulu / deviate from the right course. 

4.24    And muhsanaatu / the one who is fortified with true hidden knowledge, from an-nisa / the intuitive knowledge except ma malakat aymaanukum / what authority you have, to do your right (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others).  Allah has written over you and it is uhilla / lawful / permitted for you what is behind those that you seek with them your wealth (of knowledge) to be of those who fortify (with true knowledge) other than musaafihin / the one who does an unprofitable deed.  So whatever astamtaqtum / advantage you seek from them with it, give them their ordained rewards and there is no junaha / inclination to wrong-doing in you in what you agreed together with it after the ordained (rewards).  Surely Allah is knowledgeable, wise (actions based on true knowledge).  

4:25    And from you who could not extend / stretch out yankiha / commingle the fortified (with true knowledge) mukminat / the one who accept security then (you commingle) from ma malakat aymaanukum / what authority you have, to do your right (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others) from your prime mukminat / the one who accept security.  And Allah knows more about your imaan / feeling safe / secure.  Some of you are from some.  Then fankihu / commingle them with the permission of their ahli / those who are familiar and give them their reward with acknowledgement / recognition of facts to those who accept fortification other than musaafihaatin / the one who does an unprofitable deed.  And they are not to be taken as intimate companions, so when they are being fortified then when they come with obscenity the punishment is half on them to what is over the one fortified.  That is for those who fear hardship from you and that you may have patience it is better for you.  And Allah is forgiving, merciful.  

4:36    Serve Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to waalidaini / that foster parental support (rijal / own independent thinking and nisa / intuitive knowledge) do good, and the qurba / dissolving its reality (of waalidaini) and the yatama / to avail guidance to who has no guidance and the masakin / to avail guidance to who are poor of guidance and the jarizil qurba / those who are closeby in attaining the dissolution (of waalidaini) and the jarizil junubi / those who are closeby but in wilderness (puzzle for the new understanding is fresh and different from what is known) and the sahibi bil janbi / the companion with wilderness ibni sabil / those who construct the path and those whom ma malakat aymaanukum / what authority you have, to do your right (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others).  Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.

24.33    And let those who are not able yajidu / to find nikahan / a commingle (with nisa, intuitive knowledge) until yughniyahu / strengthen them from fadhlihi / His excellence.  And those who seek al kitab / the inherent script (from their Rabb) from ma malakat aymaanukum / what authority you have, to do your right (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others) then write them if you know in them any good. And give them from malillah / Allah's wealth of knowledge which He has given you.  And do not tukrihu / force your premature understanding upon al bigha'i / the exploration if they desire to be thasshunan / emancipated (liberated), so that you may make a gain in the goods of this hayati duniya / living temptation of close attachments and relationships. And whoever forces them, then certainly Allah from after their compulsion, ghafurrun / Forgiving, rahimun / Merciful (for the knowledge approved). 

24.58    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), let those who malakat aymaanukum / have authority you have, to do your right (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others) and those who have not attained yablughul / maturity, liyasta'zinukum / request your permission of al huluma / the kindness from them passed three times, from before salaatil fajr / passage open for connection, and hina / at the time you put off your thiyaba / attributes of intelligence and eloquency from zhahirah / manifested and from after salaatil isha' / connection during early part of darkness (no guidance).  (These are) Three awrat / times of blindness for you. (Other than these times), it is not for you and not on them junahun / to incline to do wrong after that.  Thus Allah makes clear the ayaati / signs for you.  And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise. 

30.28    Masalan / an example is put forth from your anfus / self / soul.  Are there any from ma malakat aymaanukum / what authority you have, to do your right (right here represents correct based on truth, good morals in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others) from (those who are) partners in what Our razaq / provisions to you, We have given you that you become equal therein? Would you fear them as you fear each other?  Thus to you, We nufasshilu / explain to qaum / group of established thoughts who use ya'qilun / aqal (logic).  

33.50    O nabiyyu / that proclaim and establish the truth, indeed We have made lawful to you azwaajaka / your pair (zakara / masculine attributes and unsa / feminine attributes) to whom you have given ujurahunna / their reward and ma malakat yaminuka / what authority you have, to do your right (right here represents correct based on truth, good morals in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others) what Allah has returned to you and banaati / thoughts constructed from external source of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and mukminaatan / one who take security from other sources if she gives herself to the nabi / that proclaim and establish the truth.  If the nabi / that proclaims and establishes the truth wishes to yasyankihaha / commingle with her,  only for you, from other than the mukminin / the ones who take security (in Al Kitab). We certainly know what We have made obligatory upon them in azwajihim / their pair (zakara and unsa) and ma malakat aymaanuhum / what authority they have, to do your right (right here represents correct based on truth, good morals in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others), so that there will be upon you no discomfort. And Allah is a Forgiver and Merciful (for the blessings). 

16.71    And Allah has preferred some of you over others in the rizqi / provision of knowledge (from your Rabb / Lord).  Then those who have been preferred will not relinquish their rizqi / provision of knowledge to ma malakat aymaanuhum / what authority they have, to do their right (right here represents correct based on truth, good morals in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others) so they in it take shape.  Will they then yajhadun / struggle with the blessing of Allah?  

23.6    Except over azwaajihim / their pair (zakara and unsa) or ma malakat aymaanuhum / what authority they have, to do their right (right here represents correct based on truth, good morals in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others), so indeed they are not malumin / blameable. 

70.30    Except over azwaajihim / their pair (zakara and unsa) or ma malakat aymaanuhum / what authority they have, to do their right (right here represents correct based on truth, good morals in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others)so indeed they are not malumin / blameable. 







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