(The Cluster of Established Thoughts)


At any given moment, there are three simultaneous processes occurring within your mind: your thoughts, your emotions, and your physiological responses to both. For instance, if a thought triggers an emotion like anger, your body may respond by releasing adrenaline into your bloodstream.

Surah Al-Qariah metaphorically illustrates the clustering of persistent repetitive and negative thoughts toward a common direction or goal. Our minds often accumulate memories, experiences, knowledge, and projections. These thoughts, referred to as an-nas when agitated, form clusters unified by their direction and goal. Such clusters can encompass emotions like fear, sorrow, pleasure, and anxiety, clouding the mind and hindering clear perception of Allah's signs. Over time, these established thought clusters can become entrenched, displaying stubbornness proportional to the significance we attribute to them.

Those who become attached to these thought clusters find comfort and validation falsely embrace maternal support from their conditioned logical mind, influenced by fear, sorrow, pleasure, and anxiety. This attachment often manifests in physiological responses related to these thoughts.  Essentially, the true maternal support of wisdom, care and compassion is not within the realm of your logical mind.  They are the attributes of your intuitive mind.  

In daily life, our logical mind, rooted in lower consciousness, plays a crucial role in establishing our understanding and responses. However, through connection with our Rabb (Lord) in higher consciousness, it can transcend impurities and comprehend divine masculine attributes such as linearity, focus, logic, and assertiveness.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).  

101.1    The qari'ah / cluster of established thoughts (repetitive and negative). 

101.2    What is the qari'ah / cluster of established thoughts (repetitive and negative)?  

101.3    And what can make you know what the qari'ah / cluster of established thoughts (repetitive and negative) is? 

101.4    Moment an-nas / the agitated mind will be kal-farashi / like expand (spread its development),  mabthuth / dispersed.  

101.5    And the jibalu / fixed headed stubborn thoughts will be kalihni / like unsettled, manfush / loosened (smoothly afflicting the mind). 

101.6    Then as for whoever is thaqulat / weighty in its importance, mawaazinuhu / (according to) his scale of importance.  

101.7    Then he (will be) in 'ishatin rodiyah / a satisfying life that is approved. 

101.8    And as for whoever is khaffat / light in importance, mawaazinuhu / (according to) his scale of importance. 

101.9    Then his ummu / motherly support is hawiyah / own desire. 

101.10    And how would you know what it is? 

101.11    Internal conflicts that narun / intensely burn. 



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