(The sparkling of revelation)


The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge required for your inner growth and transformation, to evolve into a virtuous and harmonious being, is referred to as ghaiba, or the knowledge of the unseen. This knowledge is not something external or distant from you—it resides within you, written and embedded deeply in the fabric of your consciousness. It is called Al Kitab, the inherent script.  You are inherently equipped with this unseen knowledge, and your task is to draw it out, to allow it to rise from its hidden depths.

Allah, in His infinite wisdom, continuously reveals aspects of this unseen knowledge through signs—subtle yet discernible messages that align with your perception. These signs are not random or meaningless; they are woven into the experiences and circumstances of your life. By attuning yourself to these signs, you begin to recognize the hidden patterns and values that point toward the truth. In this way, the knowledge of the unseen becomes accessible, allowing you to align more deeply with divine reality and embody the principles of truth in your life.

The spark of revelation begins to illuminate your inner being when there is a passionate desire—a deep emotional drive, born from within, urging you to pursue something you truly love. It is called an-nisa, the passionate urge.  This intense longing acts as a catalyst, a magnetic force that draws you toward the hidden realms of knowledge, urging you to communicate with the spiritual dimension and seek out the mysteries that lie beyond ordinary perception.

When this desire is strong and genuine, it opens the channels of inspiration within you, making it easier to access a state of flow—a harmonious, effortless connection with higher wisdom. In this state, your mind becomes fluid, and the barriers between the seen and unseen dissolve. You begin to make connections, insights arise spontaneously, and the boundaries of knowledge expand effortlessly. The passionate desire fuels your journey, allowing revelations to unfold naturally, guiding you toward the hidden truths you seek, and helping you align with the deeper currents of wisdom present in the universe. 

When the signs are revealed, they will unmistakably present themselves before you, and your logical mind will naturally begin to decode them, uncovering the answers you’ve been seeking in the spiritual realm. These signs are not ambiguous or unclear; they will speak to you with a clarity that resonates deeply, offering insights that illuminate your path. As you grasp these answers, you will be astonished, even bewildered, by the profound understanding that emerges—an ultimate comprehension that goes beyond surface knowledge and touches the core of your being.

In these moments of revelation, the insight you receive is so pure and clear that there is no room for doubt about its truthfulness. It stands as an undeniable reflection of reality, a direct transmission of divine wisdom. Yet, in this journey, it is essential to remain vigilant of al-lat—the inner resistance that can arise as you evolve. This resistance often disguises itself as the comfort you find in the status quo, particularly in the allure of being encased in honor, respect, and worldly recognition. These attachments can subtly hold you back, making you believe that you have already achieved something substantial.

Beware also of the wishful thinking that you can receive Allah's love and grace without engaging in the lived, practical experience of aligning yourself with divine principles. True spiritual growth is not passive; it requires active participation, sincere effort, and the willingness to let go of egoic comforts. The love of Allah is not a reward for mere belief but a response to the sincere striving of the soul toward truth and embodiment of divine wisdom in every aspect of life. Only through this deep and practical engagement with the signs and truths revealed to you can you fully evolve and align yourself with the boundless love and grace of the Divine. 

Those who indulge in hedonism—those who are consumed by worldly pleasures as a response to their evildoing—fall into sins and immoralities. They seek fulfillment in fleeting desires, unaware of the deeper consequences of their actions. Yet, there is always a path for those who repent and seek to correct their ways. Those who acknowledge their wrongdoings and genuinely strive to amend them are met with the boundless mercy of Allah. Indeed, your Lord's forgiveness encompasses all, extending far beyond what the human mind can fathom.

Allah knew you intimately even before you were conscious of yourself, when you were raised from the depths of lower consciousness. He knew you when you were concealed from the higher truths, hidden from the knowledge of your spiritual self. In these stages, you were held in a nurturing state, much like the care, love, acceptance, and compassion that a mother provides for her child. This maternal support was not just physical but spiritual, enveloping you in an environment designed for your growth and protection.

So, do not hastily claim that you have reached the heights of mental or spiritual development, for true growth is not for you to boast of. It is Allah who knows the depths of your soul and who is mindful of your sincerity and progress. He alone is aware of those who are truly mindful of Him, those who, through humility and dedication, continue to grow in their awareness of the Divine. Your journey is one of constant refinement, and Allah sees the hidden struggles, the unseen efforts, and the purity of intention that may not be visible to others. Thus, true development is marked not by self-assertion but by a heart that remains humble and aligned with divine awareness. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman). 

53.1    By the najmi / sparkling of revelation when it (rijal, his independent rational mind) desires passionately (with emotional drive to seek what he loves to do),

53.2    Your sohibu / companion (nisa / passionate urges as the companion to your rijal, independent rational mind) has not strayed, nor has he erred,

53.3    And he does not yanthiqu / articulate (examine) out of the desire.

53.4    It is not except wahyun / a revelation, revealed,

53.5    Taught him by intense strength (of divine masculine energy like focus, logic, assertive, brave, attributes that Allah has given),

53.6    Possessor of mirrah / emanating (energy), then he correspondingly (by what is received) elevated,

53.7    And he was with the higher ufuqi / germination (of the revelation),

53.8    So he gets closer (to the revelation that is germinated), then tadalla / (it is) presented (make known of the revelation),

53.9    Then it was qaba / uprooted qawsayni / appraise logically and intuitively, or (having) close attachment (intimate emotional, physical, mental and spiritual relationship).

53.10    And he revealed to His servant what he revealed.

53.11    The fuadu / pure heart (where the passionate urge came from) did not lie (about) what it saw. 

53.12    Will you then tamaaru / doubt him over what he saw?

53.13    And certainly he saw it, another nazlatan / revelation.

53.14    Close (to) sidratil muntaha / bewildered at the achievement of its ultimate understanding (judgment). 

53.15    Near it is hidden garden of the ma'waa / refuge (knowledge of the unseen)

53.16    When there covered the sidrata / bewildered, what  covers (it).

53.17    The insight (of the revelation) is not zagha / doubtful, and did not thagha / exceed the limits.

53.18    Certainly he saw signs from his Rabb / Lord, the greatest.

53.19    So have you considered al-lat / the resistance to evolve, and al-'uzza / the enjoyment of receiving honour and respect?

53.20    And manat / wishing (of receiving Allah's love without practical deeds), the third - the other?

53.21    Is the zakaru / divine masculine attributes (like strength, logic focus, assertive) for you and for Him the unsa / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love, compassion and acceptance)?

53.22    That, then, is an qismatun dhizaa / unjust division.

53.23    They are not except names you have named them - you and your fatherly support (logical mind) - for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow (their logical mind) not but (with) the certainty and what tahwal anpus / souls desire, and certainly, the hudaa / guidance has come to them from their Rabb / Lord.

53.24    Or is for insaan / intellect aligned to the truth, what he wishes?

53.25    Then for Allah is the aakhirah / ending and the ulaa / beginning,

53.26    And how many malikin / a sovereign authority (one ruler - mind, body and soul - one authority free from interferences) there are in the samaawaat / higher consciousness whose shafaat / intercession will not avail at all except from after Allah has permitted (it) to who wills and approves (of the intercession).

53.27    Indeed, those who do not yukminuna / take security with the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of close attachment and relationship) surely name the mala'ikah / sovereign authority, the unsaa / divine feminine attributes,

53.28    And they have thereof no knowledge. They follow not except the zhanna / thought (assumption), and indeed, the zhanna / thought (assumption) avails not against the truth at all.

53.29    So avoid from whoever tawalla / turn away from Our zikri / divine masculine attributes and (avoid those who) desires not except the duniya / living temptation of close attachments and relationships.

53.30    That is their ultimate state of maturity from the knowledge (that is hidden). Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is most knowing with who dolla / strays from His way, and He is most knowing with who ahtadaaa / is guided.

53.31    And to Allah belongs whatever is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and whatever is in the ardh / lower consciousness - that He may recompense those who do evil with amalu / his deeds and recompense those who (seek for forgiveness) do good with the best,

53.32    Those who yajtanibuna / are hedonistic (love and lost in the worldly pleasure as recompense to those who do evil) of the major sins and the immoralities, except the lamama / penitence (those who consolidate their wrongdoings and willing to make amend). Indeed, your Rabb / Lord waasi'u / encompass the forgiveness. He was most knowing of you when He ansha'kum / raised you from the ardh / lower consciousness and when you were 'ajinnatun / hidden thought process (not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) in butuni / inner affair (of), ummahatikum / your motherly support (like care, love, acceptance, compassion). So do not claim yourselves to be mentally developed (for growth); He is most knowing with who ittaqa / is mindful of Him.

53.33    Have you seen the one who turned away

53.34    And gave a little (for mental growth) and refrained (the rest for their worldly pleasure)?

53.35    Does he have ilmul ghaiba / knowledge of the unseen, so that he can see?

53.36    Or has he not been yunabba'a / informed of what was in the suhufi Musa / discernments of the one whose intellect is familiar with the truth ?

53.37    And Ibraheem / of strict abidance of the truth, the one who waffa / completed (his obligations of his covenant with Allah)

53.38    That no bearer may carry the burden of another

53.39    And that nothing is for the insaan / one who is familiar to the truth, except what he sa'aa / strives for,

53.40    And that his struggle (effort) will soon be seen

53.41    Then yujzaahu / he will be recompensed aljazaa'a / the recompensation of the fullest,

53.42    And that to your Rabb / Lord is the muntahaa / the one who received ultimate understanding,

53.43    And that it is He adhhaka / who makes you laugh (by reason of happiness) and abkaa / weep (by reason of sadness)

53.44    And that it is He who amata / causes lifeless (without awareness of truth for the soul) and ahya / gives life (with awareness of truth to the soul)

53.45    And that He evolves the zawjain / two attributes, the zakara / divine masculine attributes and the untha / divine feminine attributes

53.46    From nutfatin / a seed of knowledge when it tumnaa / is wished

53.47    And that upon Him is the nash'atal ukhraa / the next development

53.48    And that it is He who aghnaa / makes it available (provider of the ingredients for development) and aqnaa / provide strength for acquisition (to fulfill the development) 

53.49    And that it is He who is Rabb / Lord of the shi'raa / enlightenment (perception and recognition of truth)

53.50    And that He ahlaka / destroyed the early (beginning stage of) 'Aadan / that refuses to accept which is true 

53.51    And Thamud / that accept which is not true, so they are not abqaa / everlasting

53.52    And qaum / established thoughts of Nuh / sense of empathy and compassion (for those ignorant), from before. Indeed, it was they who were azlama / unjust (wrong) and athgha / established in falsehood.

53.53    And the muktafikah / one who is deluded, ahwaa / wished for,

53.54    Then ghasshhaaha / it covered (became barrier that covered) by that which ghasshhaa / covered (blocked the light of guidance).

53.55    Then which of the favors of your Rabb / Lord do you tamaraa / doubt?

53.56    This is nazirun / a warner from the nuzuri / warners of the ulaa / beginning (early stage of losing guidance).

53.57    Azifati /  evil disposition of the aazifah / weak or narrow minded disposer.

53.58    Laisa / nothing from besides Allah, kaashifah / can heal for it (the evil disposition).

53.59    Are you amazed at this hadith / representation (of the truth)?

53.60    And tadhhakum / you smile cynically and do not tabkuna / weep

53.61    And you are saamidun / self-regard (proud of giving evil disposition as if they are good)?

53.62    Fasjudu / so surrender to Allah and serve.




  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...