The Fragmented (Hidden Knowledge)


Your experience of reality is not a static entity but a dynamic construct shaped by the continuous gathering, processing, and understanding of potential knowledge of the hidden. This journey, involving decision-making, discernment, and behaviour, ultimately manifests a collective experience that defines your shared reality.  The first step in constructing reality is the gathering of the hidden knowledge which are fragmente in their early emergence like flickering stars. Each piece holds with it, its potential, waiting to be processed and understood. 

Once gathered, the information undergoes processing. This involves organizing, filtering, and interpreting the raw data. The human mind, equipped with independent logical faculty, transform potential hidden knowledge into actual understanding.  Understanding is not merely about acquiring facts but about integrating them into a coherent framework that makes sense of the reality. This integration requires discernment—an ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant, credible and unreliable information. It is through this discerning process that your logical mind builds a more accurate and meaningful understanding and conceive a formative insight.

With an understanding in place, the next step involves decision-making. This process is crucial because it shapes the actions and behaviors that follow. It determines which pieces of knowledge will be acted upon and which will be ignored. Therefore, the quality of decisions directly impacts the quality of the constructed reality and the fulfillment of Allah's Deen—your indebted obligations to obey Allah's system, law, and judgment. Conversely, behaviors based on poorly processed or ill-chosen knowledge can lead to negative outcomes, conflicts, and discord. Thus, the alignment between understanding and behavior is essential for creating a reality that is conducive to well-being and progress.

This Surah further illustrates the process of how understanding and transformation take place when the Hadith, the forms and names representing reality, reaches Ibrahim, who is inclined towards Allah's abstract system of education for the truth. You will first be highlighted and made aware by the Hadith of your established thoughts and their disguised foundations, where facts are not known. The reason for this disguise is that you tend to conclude your understanding hastily when potential hidden knowledge is still dispersed and not coherently considered. Then, when fear comes to you, you will be given rational and sensible thoughts with a more intense urge to learn and explore. Your stubborn thoughts will then be stunted in their growth and halted in their evolution.  It is emphasized that the messenger, the bearer of the message, is essentially sent to the mujrimun—those who have violated their covenant with Allah—so that their hard-headed minds may evolve, arising from intrinsic values of shame and survival as an evolutionary mechanism. Additionally, the messenger is sent to the musawwamah—the transgressors with their fanciful imaginations that transgress limits and create distorted versions and fabricated ideas, other than the truth, residing in their mental realms.  Then Allah gives you the signs for your understanding and evolution.

It further illustrates how understanding and transformation occur when the hadith—the forms and names representing reality—reach Musa, who is familiar with the truth. Allah sends Musa with clear authority to confront Firaun, the embodiment of a superiority complex. By its nature, the superiority complex, engulfed in false authority, will claim that Musa lacks authority and has deviated from the true path, obscuring his awareness from the truth.  Allah will abandon them and drown them in the captivation of knowledge other than the truth.  They are the one who is blameworthy.  In the case of Aad, who refused to accept the truth, when Allah sent them the spirit of hidden knowledge, they were unable to comprehend due to the impurities of their minds. Their understanding was chaotic and imperfect. Similarly, for Thamud, who embraced falsehoods, they defied Allah's command not to hastily pass judgment. And for the group of established thoughts to whom Allah sent a messenger full of empathy and compassion, they defiantly disobeyed Allah's commands.

Allah has constructed the higher consciousness with strength and an abundance of hidden knowledge. He has also formed the lower consciousness, permeating it with signs for your pleasant thoughts, cultivating it in a conducive place for development. This allows you to embody Allah's divine masculine and feminine attributes, evolving your soul to become your higher self. So, turn away from your established thoughts and do not take security in falsehood. Serve Allah by evolving yourselves as those who take security in Him, so that you may be successful. Allah does not seek any provision from you, nor does He require you to feed Him anything.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

51.1    And the fragmented potential hidden knowledge, a dispersion (early perception of the Quran / expression of truth from the signs received)

51.2    Then the haamilaati / conceiving wiqran / a formative insight (of the message)

51.3    Then the jaariyaati / flowing (of knowledge), an ease

51.4    Then the muqassimaati / one who pledge, amran / an order (to make changes to oneself),

51.5    Indeed, what you are promised is lasodiqun / surely true.

51.6    And indeed, the deena / indebted obligation to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law) is inevitable (bound to happen).

51.7    By the samaa'i / higher consciousness full of the hubuki / containing pathways

51.8    Indeed, you are in qaulin / sayings of mukhtalifin / one who is captivated by the representation.

51.9    Deluded about he who is deluded.

51.10    Perished are the khorrasun / guess work.

51.11    They are those who are in ghamratin / suffocation, saahun / heedless.

51.12    They ask, "When is the moment of the deen / indebted obligation to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment)?"

51.13    Moment they will be tested over the nar / burning sensation of internal conflicts.

51.14    Taste (self-experience) fitnatakum / your trial. This is those who were with it tasta'jilun / impatient."

51.15    Indeed, the muttaqeen / one who is mindful (of Allah) is in jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge and 'uyun / perceptions (of the signs),

51.16    Accepting what their Rabb / Lord has given them. Indeed, they were before that muhsinin / one who are fortified with factual knowledge.

51.17    Little were they from the darkness of what will be unmindful,

51.18    And with the ashar / turning before appearance (of anything unmindfulness), they would ask forgiveness,

51.19    And in amwaalihim / their wealth of knowledge was truth for saa'ili / those who ask, and the mahrum / forbidden.

51.20    And in the ardh / lower consciousness are signs for the muqinin / one who is certain

51.21    And in your anfus / soul / psyche, will you not have insight?

51.22    And in the samaa'i / higher consciousness is your provision and whatever you are promised.

51.23    Then by Rabb / Lord of the samaa'i / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, indeed, it is surely truth - just like what you certainly tanthiqun / speak of.

51.24    Has there reached you hadithu / representation of reality dhoifi / inclination of Ibraheem (who is inclined to Allah's abstract system of education), the mukramin / one who is honored?

51.25    When they (the hadith) entered upon him and said, "salaman / peace." He said, "(And upon you) peace, you are qaumun / group of established thoughts, munkarun / disguised (where facts are not known).

51.26    Then he went to his ahli / those acquianted (with the established thoughts) and came with ijla saminin / nourished (conditioned) hastiness.

51.27    Then placed it near them; he said, "Will you not kulun / consume (the conclusion made in hastiness)?

51.28    Then he began to khifatan / have fear from them. They said, "Fear not," and bashharuhu / gave him rational thoughts with ghulaamin 'alim / learned intense excitement.

51.29    Then amra'atuhu / his obstinate (stubborn) thoughts turned with persistence then struck wajhaha / her care (for growth) and said, 'ajuzun 'aqeem / powerless, unable (to evolve)!"

51.30    They said, "So has your Rabb / Lord said (how it will be); indeed, He is the Wise, the Knowing."

51.31    He said, "Then what is khotbukum / your exhortation (urge), O the mursalun / one who deliver the message?"

51.32    They said, "Indeed, we have been sent to qaumin / a group of established thoughts, mujrimin / ones who violated the covenant.

51.33    To send down upon them hijaaratan / hard headed minds from tin / natural intrinsic quality (like sense of shame and survival as an evolved mechanism).

51.34    Musawwamah / fanciful imagination (from the hard headed mind) in the nearnest of your Rabb / Lord to the musrifin / one who is heedless (unmindful)."

51.35    Then We brought out whoever was in it from the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind).

51.36    Then what We found in it is other than baitin / mental house from the muslimin / those who submit (their independent logical mind).

51.37    And We left in it ayatan / a sign for those who fear the painful punishment.

51.38    And in Musa / one who is familiar with the truth, when We sent him to firaun / thoughts of superiority complex, with clear authority.

51.39    Then he turned away with his supporters and said," saahirun / a diversion from the right course or majnun / souls hidden from awarenesss."

51.40    So We took him and his junuda / enlisted knowledge then nabaznaahum / We abandon them into the yammi / putting him into full attention, and he was mulimun / one who is blameworthy.

51.41    And in 'Aad / that refuses to accept which is true, when We sent upon them the riha / spirit (of the hidden knowledge), the 'aqeem / barren (poor understanding of the knowledge due to its toxic condition).

51.42    It did not leave anything atat / that came upon it except ja'alathu / it made it like the rameem / not in order, 

51.43    And in Thamud / exhaustion (due to accepting the various messages that which are not true), when it was said to them, "tamatta'u / enjoy until heen / a period.

51.44    Then they defied about the command of their Rabb / Lord, so the so'iqotu / desire to hastily comprehend seized them while they were yanzhurun / looking (at the revelation).

51.45    So they were unable to astatho'u / willingly obey (the command) from (what they) establish, nor could they become muntasirun / those who help each other.

51.46    And qaum / group of established thoughts of (that Allah sends) Nuhin / a sense of empathy and compassion, from before; indeed, they were a qaum / established thoughts that fasiqun / disobey defiantly.

51.47    And the samaa'a / higher consciousness We constructed her biaydin / with strength, and indeed, surely musi'un / fully abundant (of riha, spirit of the hidden knowledge).

51.48    And the ardh / lower consciousness farashnaha / We have spread it then nikma / have enjoyable and pleasant thoughts of al-mahdun / the place to prepare for development. 

51.49    And from all things kholaqna / We evolved zawjain / a pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes); perhaps tazakkarun / you will embody masculine attributes (and evolve towards higher self).

51.50    So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am to you from Him nazirun mubin / a clear warner.

51.51    And do not make with Allah another ilaahan / reality. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner.

51.52    Similarly, there came not to those from before them from rasulin / an inner voice (that deliver the message) except that they said, "saahirun / a diversion from the right path or majnun / souls hidden from awareness."

51.53    Did they suggest it to them? Rather, they are qaumun / groups of established thoughts that thoghun / take security in falsehood.

51.54    So tawalla / turn away from them, then you are not with a blame.

51.55    And zakkir / embody the divine masculine attributes, for indeed, the zikraa / embodiment of the divine masculine attributes, tanfa'u / benefits the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind).

51.56    And I did not khalaqtu / evolve the jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) and the insan / intellect familiar with the unseen except liya'budun / to serve Me.

51.57    I do not seek from them any rizqin / provision, and do not wish them to feed Me (anything).

51.58    Indeed, it is Allah who is the Provider (of the news of the unseen), the firm possessor of strength.

51.59    And indeed, for those who have wronged is zanuban / a sin like zanubi / sin of their companions (thoughts of the agitated mind), so let them not yasta'jilun / ask Me to hasten.

51.60    And woe to those who kafaru / have rejected (Allah's signs) from their moment which they were promised.



  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...