(The One Who Is Obliterated) 



The Divine Masculine attributes embody fatherly support, characterized by a linear, logical, focus and assertive energy that manifests meaningful actions in the physical world.  When you lean on it, it inspires you to replicate such qualities in your pursuit to accomplish your goals.  However, the challenge lies in the necessity to truly know oneself and understand how to align with the characteristics encapsulated within the divine masculine, in order to embody it.  Failing to comprehend oneself may result in embracing the divine masculine attributes driven by falsehood and incorrect understanding often influenced by negative entities masquerading as benevolent forces.

Al muddathir, is the one who has destroyed his higher consciousness as a result of embracing the divine masculine attributes without knowing oneself, driven by his own egoistic self. Allah commanded to those who have destroyed their higher consciousness to rise and purify oneself by removing the barriers that hinder the light and magnify the greatness of their Rabb / Lord.  Forthwith, relinquish their punishment by removing all the attachments by their self-crafted masculine attributes.

In this surah, Allah emphasizes the importance of patience during times of confusion and difficulty. Those who take security in Al Kitab are advised to endure patiently, as difficulties will gradually dissipate through perseverance. Conversely, those who reject Allah's message find it challenging to overcome their hardships. The text urges leaving the process of evolution to Allah for those with the will to evolve.

The verses also describe a person who has been granted extended wealth, encompassing knowledge of the unseen. This individual is given opportunities for attestation and a prepared space for personal development and ascension. Despite these blessings, there are those among them who remain obstinate towards Allah's signs. It suggests that disobedience and a decline in reform await him. The individual contemplates and measures his well-being, and Allah commanded to dissolve his conceptualized self, emphasizing a transformative process.

The individual further examines the command to dissolve his conceptualized self, approaching it with intellectual scrutiny. However, the verses highlights the pitfalls of hastiness and premature conclusions, cautioning against the remnants of contemplation and arrogance. Those who fall in this pitfalls, dismisses the transformative process as mere traces of diversion from the right course. He attributes the command to rational and sensible thoughts, expressing skepticism. The text forewarns that Allah will drive him into Saqar, a metaphorical representation of burning sensations of conflicts. In this state, the individual will experience a burning that leaves nothing behind, emphasizing the profound and irreversible nature of the consequences for disregarding the destroyed higher consciousness.

Allah made the mala'ikah, faculties of authority in one's psyche to be the companions of the burning sensation of internal conflicts when you destroyed your higher consciousness. The account of these challenges is a trial, aiming to convince those with the inherent script and increase the security of those who have taken refuge. The verse suggests that those who take security in the Kitab, inherent script will not doubt, while those with disorder in their hearts and the rejecters may question the divine intention behind such trials. Allah guides whom He wills and leaves astray whom He wills, emphasizing that only Allah knows the fresh knowledge of the Lord, and this reminder serves as a divine attribute for sensible thoughts who trust in the transformation.

Indeed, the paramount covenant entails immersing oneself in the boundless knowledge of Allah and seeking guidance during moments of absence, darkness, and ambiguity. Those dwelling in Saqar are the mujrimun, the ones who violate their covenant with Allah. Their abode is amidst the scorching turmoil of internal conflicts. They do not belong to the Mushollin – those who severe their consciousness with their Lord – and they do not contribute knowledge to those in need of guidance. Furthermore, the inhabitants of Saqar indulge in false speech for amusement, willfully disobeying Allah's judgment despite being well aware of it. Moreover, they turn away, avoiding the Tazkirah, the embodiment of divine masculine attributes. What is the matter with them?  Why are they not embodying the divine masculine attributes of Allah? Everyone from among them desires to be given the discernment of Al Kitab but they themselves are confused and they are the ones who do not fear the ending moment where all close attachments and relationships will be  dissolved. 

Allah wills for those who choose to embody the divine masculine attributes of Allah. Through this embodiment, one becomes intimately connected with mindfulness and develops a habitual inclination towards seeking forgiveness.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman). 

74.1    O you the muddathir / one who is obliterated (destroyed when his higher consciousness broke apart), 

74.2    Qum / Rise up then warn 

74.3    And then magnify (the greatness of) your Rabb / Lord  

74.4    And then purify your thiyaba / cover (barriers that blocked your light of insights and broke your higher consciousness)

74.5    And then fahjur / relinquish rujza / punishment (as a result of attachment to your self-crafted masculine attributes) 

74.6    And do not tamnan / acquire strength (in self-crafted masculine attributes) to tastakthiru / ask for more (inception of the truth). 

74.7    And Fashbir / then be patient towards your Rabb / Lord.

74.8    Then when nuqira / agitation (from the confusion come) in the naquri / predicament (difficult situation)

74.9    Then that yawmaizin / moment will be yawmun 'asirun / 
moment of difficulties

74.10    Upon the kaafirin / rejecters, it will not be easy.

74.11    Leave Me and whoever I evolved, alone

74.12    And gave to him maalan mamdudan / extended wealth (knowledge of the unseen)

74.13    And banina / thoughts given birth to, shuhudan / an attestation

74.14    And mahhadtu / a place prepared for development for him, tamhidan / a developmental place (for evil and ascension).

74.15    Then yathma'a / he hopes that it gets azida / increase (on top of what knowledge he has).

74.16    Certainly not! Indeed, he has been toward Our ayaati / signs,  obstinate.

74.17    Soon, he will be made to disobey so'idan / an ascension (in his reform).

74.18    Indeed, he thought and qaddara / measured (his body, mental and emotional well-being).

74.19    So qutila / kill (dissolve his conceptualized self as) how he measured.

74.20    Then qutila / kill (put into practice dissolving his conceptualised self as) how he measured.

74.21    Then he nazhara / examined (it intellectually)

74.22    Then 'abasa / hasty (looking for results) and basara / prematurely reaching a conclusion;

74.23    Then adbara / (what is left is the) remnant of the contemplation and istakbara / arrogant

74.24    Then he said, "That, this is not but yu'tharu / traces of sihrun / diversion (turn from the right course).

74.25    That this is not but qaulu / saying of the bashar / rational (and sensible) thoughts

74.26    Sa'ushlihi / soon, I will drive him into Saqar / burning sensation of conflicts.

74.27    And what can make you know what is Saqar / burning sensation of conflicts ?

74.28    Nothing remain and leaves nothing,

74.29    (The burning) Lawwaahatun / localised contents of consciousness, for the bashar / sensible (rational) thoughts.

74.30    Over it are nineteen.

74.31    And We have not made companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of the nar / burning sensation of internal conflicts except malaa'ikah / sovereign authority (one authority one ruler of mind, body and soul). And We have not made iddatuhum / their account except as fitnatan / a trial for those who kafaru / reject - that those who were given the kitab / inherent script may be convinced and those who have aamanu / taken security will increase in imaanan / security and those who were given the kitab / inherent script and the mukminun / those who took security will not doubt and that those in whose hearts is maradhan / state of disorder (sick, tired, in pain and short of knowledge) and the kaafirun / rejecters will say, "What does Allah intend by this as an example?" Thus does Allah leave astray whoever wills and guides whoever wills. And none knows junuda / fresh knowledge of your Rabb / Lord except Him. And this is nothing but zikraa / divine masculine attribute for bashar / sensible (logical) thoughts (who trust the transformation).

74.32    Certainly not!  And the qamar / vaqueness (truth is in vaqueness or illusory)

74.33    And the laili / darkness (without guidance) when it adbara / departs

74.34    And the subhi / swim (in the abundant knowledge of his Rabb / Lord) when it asfara / (in) state of absence (zero / blank mind),

74.35    Indeed, this is the kubra / greatest ahda / covenant (that is seeking guidance of Allah through exploring His abundant knowledge) 

74.36    Naziran / a warning for the bashar / sensible (rational) thoughts

74.37    To whoever wills among you that yataqaddama / will proceed or yata'akhhar / end (fulfilled).

74.38    Every nafsun / soul, with what it has earned, rahinan / 
pledge a holding on (not letting it go)

74.39    But the companions (thoughts of the pure mind) of the yamini / right (right action that experience based on factual knowledge),

74.40    In jannaatin / hidden gardens of knowledge, questioning each other

74.41    About the mujrimin / those who violated the covenant

74.42    What salakakum / led you into saqar / burning heat of internal conflicts ?

74.43    Say, ""We were not from the mushollin / those who connect (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice)

74.44    And we were not used to feed (knowledge to) the miskin / needy of guidance.

74.45    And we used to nakhudu / amuse (ourselves) with the kho'idin / false speech (vain discourse with those who engaged),

74.46    And we used to nukazzibu / deny with the moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment)

74.47    Until ataana / we are given the yaqin / certainty.

74.48    So (it) does not benefit them (any) shafa'ah / intercede of the shaafi'in / intercession.

74.49    Then what is to them, about the tazkirah / embodiment of divine masculine attributes (like linearity, logic, focus and assertiveness), mu'ridhin / turning away avoiding it.

74.50    As if they are humurun / reddened from stripping the superficial attributes of mustanfirah / the one who avoid and incite others to avoid (keep away from embodying the divine masculine attributes).

74.51    Farrat / eluding (dodging) from qaswarah / (facing) oppression ?

74.52    Rather, everyone from among them stubbornly desires that he would be given suhufan / discernment (of their inherent script), munashharah / one who is disorganized (confused).

74.53    Certainly not !  Rather, they yakhofuna / do not fear the aakhirah / ending (where duniya / close attachments are dissolved).

74.54    Certainly not!  Indeed it is tazkiratun / an embodiment of divine masculine attributes.

74.55    So whosoever wills, he zakara / embodies the divine masculine attributes (of Allah)

74.56    And they yazkuru / will not embody divine masculine attributes (of Allah) except that Allah wills.  He ahlul taqwaa / becomes intimate with mindfulness and ahlul maghfirah / becomes accustomed seeking forgiveness.




  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...