(The Most High)


An-nas is the agitated mind that gives birth to neurosis thoughts characterized by anxiety, conflicts, depression, or other feelings of unhappiness or distress that are out of proportion to the circumstances of a person's life.  An agitated mind can be a tool for the self to identify its own weaknesses, the conflicts or the restlessness so that evolution can be initiated.  At the same time, an agitated mind can also dominantly occupy our mind giving life to the ego and putting to sleep our consciousness.  
In this surah, Allah begins with a command to the agitated mind to swim to explore the depths of knowledge from higher consciousness in the name of our Rabb, the Most High, who evolved and shaped the higher self in higher consciousness. The One who measured and guided, bringing out the art of listening for discernment, cultivating knowledge to annihilate a defective state of affairs. Allah will make the self recite, and we will not forget, except what Allah wills. He knows the manifested and the concealed. He will ease us toward discernment and independent rationalization. Remember, independent thinking benefits those who fear and rationalize independently.  
The worst will be bewildered, burning in the greatest internal conflict, unable to dissolve their lower self nor live. Success in decoding the message belongs to those who develop mentally, independently rationalize the elevated hidden meaning of their Lord, and connect. Yet, we prefer the temptations of worldly attachments, while the ending of this world is better and more enduring. Indeed, this is in the discernment of earlier inherent scripts, the discernment of Ibrahim, the one who is inclined to the truth, and Musa, the one who is familiar with the truth. 


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman). 

87.1    Swim to explore (the knowledge from higher consciousness) the name (with elevated hidden meaning) of your Rabb / Lord, the Most High,

87.2    The one who khalaqa / evolved fasawwa / then shaped (higher self in higher consciousness)

87.3    And the one who qaddara / measured (the shape in accordance to knowing the elevated hidden meaning), then guided


87.4    And the one who akhraja / brings out the mar'a / cultivation (for your mental development)


87.5    Then makes it ghuthaa'an ahwaa / a defective (bad state of affair) cultivation of knowledge.


87.6    Sanuqri'uka / We will make you recite, then you will not tansaa / forget,


87.7    Except what Allah should will. Indeed, He knows what is jahra / manifested and what is yakhfaa / concealed.

87.8    And We will ease you (to discern) toward ease (discernment).

87.9    So zakkir / independently rationalize (the hidden meaning), if the zikraa / self independent thinking should benefit;

87.10    He who fears will zakkaru / independently rationalize.


87.11    And the ashqa / worst (among them) yatajannabuha / will be bewildered with it,

87.12    They are those who will burn in the greatest nar / internal conflict,


87.13    Then they will not mauta / dissolve their lower self in it nor living.

87.14    Certainly, has aflaha /  succeeded (breaking the frontiers of consciousness) who tazakkaa / developed mentally,

87.15    And zakara / embody divine masculine attributes of his Rabb / Lord and sallaa / connect (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice)

87.16    Rather you prefer the hayaatal duniya / living temptations of worldly attachments,

87.17    And the aakhirah / ending (of duniya) is better and more enduring.

87.18    Indeed, this is surely in the shuhufi 'ula / discernment of earlier (inherent scripts),

87.19    Shuhufi / discernment (inherent scripts) of Ibrahim / one who is inclined to the truth and Musa / one who is familiar with the truth.




(The Pursuit To The Path) 



Surah At-Tariq elaborates on the elements entailed in the quest for the path and explores the consequences for those who disregard Allah's messages concerning this journey. The culmination of this pursuit, the Aakhirah, signifies the unification of the higher self with higher consciousness and the disconnection of the higher self from lower consciousness.

The journey on the path towards its culmination commences when Al-Insaan, those who are acquainted with the truth, receive a revelation's light that pierces through the darkness of their ignorance. Allah assures that those accepted on this path will be granted a guardian to assist them, helping them stay focused and attentive to gain a deeper understanding of the received revelation and to fully absorb the wisdom it offers. Their mental impurities serve as barriers, obstructing the light of revelation. The pursuit of the path primarily involves identifying and dissolving these impurities through the knowledge of truth and practical evolution towards unification of higher self and dissociation from lower consciousness.

The statement of the unification of higher self with higher consciousness and disconnection of higher self from lower consciousness is not to be taken lightly; instead, it carries a profound and distinguished sentence of truth from false. However, those who reject Allah's messages have their own agenda, and they are unwilling to align with Allah's intended path. Therefore, for those who choose to reject Allah's plan and distance themselves from it, let them do so.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman). 

86.1    By the samaa-i / higher consciousness and the thoriq / pursuit to the path, 

86.2    And what can make you know what the thoriq / pursuit to the path, is?

86.3    The najmu / light of revelation of the thaqib / piercing (its radiance into the darkness),

86.4    Not every nafsin / soul save that it has over it hafizhun / a guardian.

86.5    So let al insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, observe from what he khuliqa / evolved.

86.6    Evolved from maa'in / an emanating knowledge (of truth), daafiq / flowed out (to be consumed by the insaan),

86.7    Emerging from between the shulbi / hardness and the taraa'ib / lightness (of mental impurities).

86.8    Indeed, to raj'ihi / return to Him, laqaadir / surely is (in accordance to) the measurement (of the mental impurities).

86.9    Moment when the saraa'ir / hidden intention is tubla / examined,

86.10    Then to him there is nothing of power and no helper.

86.11    And the samaa'i / higher consciousness possessed the raji' / association,

86.12    And the ardh / lower consciousness possessed of the sodi' / dissociation,

86.13    Indeed it, surely is a saying, fashal / a distinguish sentence (truth from false),

86.14    And it (a saying) is not with the hazl / frivolous sentence.

86.15    Indeed, they are planning a plan,

86.16    And I am planning a plan.

86.17    So (let) the kaafirin / those who reject (Al Kitab) deliberately moving slowly away (from the truth). Let them move deliberately away, ruwaidan / a wish (as what they wish for).






(The Prominent Light Of Truth)


This surah delves into the Quran, an embodiment of truth veiled by its outward representation. Our cognitive faculties lack the capacity to directly apprehend the essence of the Quran in a first-person manner. Quran, the expression of truth is perpetually manifested as 'ayaati' (signs), which our cognitive faculties can perceive. These 'ayaati' (signs) serve as pointers to the truth, bearing attributes and values that mirror the truth, yet in and of themselves, they are not the truth.

Al Buruj represents the brilliant illumination of the expression of the truth, quran, that resides within higher consciousness, destined to be unveiled and witnessed by the observer at the appointed moment. To truly apprehend this truth, one must dissolve all falsehood, freeing our cognitive faculties from their grasp. This is crucial because falsehoods, if retained, would engender internal conflicts, leaving no space for the truth.

Those who have found security in Allah are the ones who have fully embraced their inner authority, possessing the sovereign authority of both higher and lower consciousness. In contrast, those who depend on their independent and external thinking, shaped by sensory inputs, will remain trapped in the darkness of ignorance due to the limitations inherent in such paths.

Two main characteristics outlined in this surah that require attention are the superiority complex of firaun and the unrelenting nature of thamud, those who toil without seeking reform. Both of these traits are evident in their observable representations, but they conceal the hidden expression of truth, quran. Allah asks, can we perceive the concealed truths behind firaun and thamud? This is all a part of the Torah, the natural law that governs the Arsh, the structure that guides the intended actions. Allah is the Originator, and He will repeat the intention, as stipulated in His natural law. He is the Forgiver and the Affectionate.

What is concealed within the hadith, its representation, and perceivable by our cognitive faculties, is the Honorable Quran. It is the expression of the truth encompassed by Allah in Luth Mahfuz, a preserved tablet, brimming with details with valuable lessons for us to learn. Take it with strength and order our group of established thoughts to take the best from it.


85.1    By the samaa'a / higher consciousness (that) possessed the buruj / prominent light (of truth),

85.2    And the maw'ud / promised moment (that guidance will come to those who seek guidance),

85.3    By shahidin / a witness and mashhud / state of witnessing (when the truth is revealed), 

85.4    Qutila / dissolved were the companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of the ukhdud / marked falsehood, 

85.5    the nar / burning sensation of internal conflict,  (that) possessed the waqud / burning fuel (which inflame the conflict), 

85.6    When they over it qu'ud / were waiting (to strike), 

85.7    And they, were shuhudin / witnesses to what they (companions of falsehood) yaf'alun / did to the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind). 

85.8    And they (companions of falsehood) naqamu / resented them (mukminin) not except because they (mukminin) yukminu / take security with Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy, 

85.9    The one for him belongs mulku / spiritual sovereignty (signify one ruler one authority for soul, body and mind) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness.  And Allah is witness over all things.

85.10    Indeed, those who fatanu / instigate the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) and mukminaat / those who take security (by receiving Allah's revelation with their intuitive mind), then have lam-yatubu / not repented will have the punishment of jahannam / dark hole of ignorance, and to them, punishment of the hariq / burning sensation (from internal conflicts). 

85.11    Indeed, those who aamnu / took security (with Allah)  and did the solehaati / corrective deeds, for them is jannatun / gardens of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow. That is the great attainment. 

85.12    Indeed, bathsha / seizure of your Rabb / Lord is lashadid / surely severe. 

85.13    Indeed, it is He who yubdi / originates (thoughts) and yu'id / will repeat (in accordance with His natural law). 

85.14    And He is the Forgiving, the Affectionate, 

85.15    Possessor of the Honorable 'arsh / structure support, 

85.16    Fa'alun / a doer of what he intends. 

85.17    Has there reached you hadith / the representation (behind the reality) of junud / the enlisted fresh knowledge, 

85.18    (of) Firaun / superiority complex and thamud / that accept which is not true? 

85.19    Rather, those who kafaru / rejected (Allah's message)  are in takzib / state of denial, 

85.20    And Allah encompasses them from waraa / all round (hiding the truth it represents). 

85.21    Rather, it is an honoured Qur'an / expression of truth, 

85.22    In luth mahfuz / a preserved localised content of your consciousness.





  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...