
At the heart of the intricate tapestry of human existence lies the profound interplay between our true inner self of the higher consciousness and the evolution of our conditioned mind, a separate soul or self in the lower consciousness. The mind serves as the alchemical workshop where experiences, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are transmuted into the essence that forms our individual personality and soul. It is within this complex synthesis that the foundation of our unique identity is forged. Accumulated knowledge, preferences, aversions, aspirations, and convictions converge to shape the distinct tapestry of our soul.

As we traverse the landscapes of life, our interactions with the world around us mold the clay of our soul, engraving upon it the imprints of our deeds and the footprints of our consciousness. It is this amalgamation of experiences, perceptions, and insights that we shall one day present to our 'Lord,' our separate self and its deeds. This moment of reckoning invites us to reflect upon the legacy we have woven, the wisdom we have gleaned, and the transformation we have undergone.

Yet, in the symphony of selfhood, a tension emerges between the individual self we cultivate and the universal interconnectedness we share with all beings. There will be forces attempting to hinder our progress, tugging at us to prevent forward movement. A call will restrain us, as we are aware of the impending punishment. However, as we persist in reciting with the intention to comprehend, a realization dawns upon us – that no reality, truth, or permanency exists except in Allah, the absolute and indivisible singular reality.  

Allah has adorned the lower consciousness with the duniya, intimate attachments, relationships, and glimpses of truth. Therefore, grasp these glimpses of truth and follow them closely, allowing their radiance to imbue our journey of self-evolution with the essence of truth. This path leads us to consciously submit to Allah's laws, principles, and systems.

Seek empowerment for our inner self, granting us the authority to harness the received truths, combined with clarity and discernment. This enables the operation from a space of authority, empowering us to navigate the realm of the unknown within the higher consciousness. All comprehension of these messages is a provision bestowed upon us by our Lord, given to those who are resolute in their endeavors. Such provision does not come about by accident.

The content of higher consciousness is objectively true, and its scope is boundlessly vast. It is essential for us to align ourselves with the correct path to ensure that we remain on track. As long as we reside in this transient world, our experiences encompass both the objectivity of higher consciousness and the subjectivity of lower consciousness. The subjectivity of the lower consciousness involves several aspects that can be considered as potentially true. Thus, unlike the higher consciousness, there is no singular truth. Despite its multiplicity, it might appear chaotic in nature. However, by maintaining alignment with the straight path and expanding our consciousness to understand Allah's universal laws, principles, and systems, we can tap into our own intelligence and logic. This will empower us to formulate a personal interpretation of reality that is supported by these faculties. 

Certainly, among those who astray and unaware, there is Nuhan, the compassionate caller (for those who are unaware), invoking the Rabb / Lord of all factual knowledge. Allah then bestowed abundant blessings of delightful and pleasant thoughts upon the responsive souls who are honest and sincere, that answer. Allah is truthful to His promise that He will save those who will from misguidance.

Then Allah bestowed upon Ibrahim the fatherly authority inclined towards the truth, accompanied by a sound heart, establishing that there are no other realities except Allah—the singular ultimate reality. Therefore, turn away from illusory perceptions and grasp the glimmers of truth that come to you. Serve only Allah and do not serve the constructs of your own mind. 

Then Allah bestowed upon you the reward of Ishaq, one who is estranged from your conditioned mind. In this state of perfection, Allah fortifies you with Musa, one who is intimately acquainted with the truth, and Harun, one who possesses the strength to convey the truth. From this juncture, Allah will safeguard you from any profound afflictions, provide guidance on the correct path, and dissolve all conflicts in the culmination, consequently leading you to a serene state of mind. 

Allah then sends Ilyasa, one who is profoundly mindful of Allah's laws, principles, and system, to convey His message. The message is crystal clear: do not rely on external sources for guidance. Instead, turn to your Lord and your own self-reliant paternal pillar, which is your intellect and rational thinking. Through these faculties, seek to comprehend the unadulterated truth and facts. 

Subsequently, Allah dispatches another messenger, Lut, who unwaveringly adheres to the truth. As time progresses, doubts may arise, tempting a return to reliance on external sources and prompting a departure from one's self-reliant, paternal foundation. Through the messenger Lut, Allah safeguards those plagued by doubt, preventing them from delving deeper into erroneous and illusory knowledge, while also thwarting any attempts at veering toward failure. 

We must comprehend that it is Allah who possesses the authority to interpret the truth, while our independent paternal foundation aids in attaining discernment of the truth's gnosis. To successfully attain the knowledge of truth, honesty and sincerity are imperative. We must dispel all illusory and false knowledge, relying on Allah for guidance and our autonomous intellect for discernment. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all factual knowledge, for bestowing the awareness of newfound wisdom. 


(Standing Before Our Rabb To Present Our Soul And Deeds)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

37.1    And the saffat / standing in rows (presenting their deeds before their Rabb), a display (of the content of their soul / self that they created) 

37.2    Then the zaajirat / restrained (from coming forward to present knowing there will be punishment), zajran / a call restraining. 

37.3    Then the taaliyati / recitation (to follow), zikran / an awareness.  

37.4    Indeed, your ilaha / reality is surely waahidun / singular. 

37.5    Rabb / Lord of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and what lies between them, and the Rabb / Lord of the mashaariq / illuminated state (from darkness).  

37.6    Indeed, We have adorned (make it beautiful) the duniya / close relations of the samaa'a / higher consciousness, (is) with an adornment of the kawaakib / bright sparkles of truth.

37.7    And hifzhan / preserve (the sparkles of truth) from every shayatin / acts arises from despair (fear, sorrow, anxiety and conflicts), maarid / a disorder.

37.8    They will not hear towards the mala'i / command of the higher level; wayuqzafun / and they whisper conjectures from every janibin / side.
37.9    Duhuuran / abandoned; and they will have azaabun waasib / a perpetual punishment. 

37.10    Except who khotifa / seizes the khotfah / sparkles of truth, then follow it (closely) a piercing shihabun / radiance.

37.11    Then, inquire of them, "Are they ashaddu / stronger (or more difficult) kholqan / an evolution creation or who We have evolved ?" Indeed, We evolved them from tin laazibin / cohesive natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism). 

37.12    Rather,  amaze you, and yaskhorun / you will ridicule. 

37.13    And when they zukkiru / are aware, they are la yazkurun / not in awareness.

37.14    And when they see ayaatan / a sign, they ridicule

37.15    And they say, "This is not except an obvious sihrun / diversion (that turned from the right course).

37.16    It is when our death and has become turaaban / a state of misery (dur to not receiving guidance from Rabb) and 'izhoman / a thought that held (sihrun - established illusory thought not based on facts), are we indeed mab'uthun / to be resurrected?

37.17    And our earlier abaa / fatherly support (that sustain our earlier thoughts) ?

37.18    Say, "Yes, and you daakhirun / are despicable."

37.19    Then it will surely be only one zajrah / abstention (from being despicable), so when they yanzurun / will be observing (the sparkles of truth).

37.20    They will say, "O woe to us! This is the moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment)."

37.21    This is the moment of the fashal / decision (to accept Allah's deen) to those who are with it, tukazzibun / deny."

37.22     Gather those who zhalamu / committed wrong, and azwaajahum / their pair (zakara / independent support and unsa / support from sensory inputs), and what they ya'budun / used to serve 

37.23    Other than Allah, then guide them to the path of the jahim / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halts your spiritual progress)

37.24    Stop them; indeed, they are to be questioned.

37.25    "What is it to you (you did) not give help to one another?"

37.26    Rather they, (at) the moment, (are) mustaslimun / the ones who are in submission.

37.27    And they accept some of them upon them, yatasa'alun /  questioning each other.

37.28    They say, "Indeed, you used to come at us from the yamini / right (experience based on factual knowledge)."

37.29    The say, "Rather, you were not mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind),

37.30    And we had over you no sulthan / authority, rather you were thoghin / a falsehood activity of qauman / a group of established thoughts.

37.31    Then the saying of our Rabb / Lord haqqa / is truth; indeed, indeed we will surely taste (self-experience the consequence).

37.32    Then aghwainaakum / we misled you; indeed, we were deceivers."

37.33    So indeed they, that moment, will be sharing in the punishment. 

37.34    Indeed, that is how We deal with the mujrimin / those who violated the covenant.

37.35    Indeed they, when it was said to them, "There is no ilaaha / reality except Allah ," were arrogant

37.36    And were saying, "Are we to leave aalihatina / our reality (of beings) for shairi / deep feeling, majnun /  souls hidden from awareness?"

37.37    Rather, (the message) has come with the haqqi / truth and confirmed the mursalin / inner voices that deliver the messages.

37.38    Indeed, you will be tasters (experiencers) of the painful punishment,

37.39    And you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do -

37.40    But not the sincere (pure) servants of Allah.

37.41    They are those to them rizqun ma'lum / a provision determined (this mean it is achieved with determination and support from our Rabb / Lord and not achieved by accident)-

37.42    it's delight (from comprehension); and they are mukramun / the one who is honored 

37.43    In jannatin naim / the pleasure of the hidden gardens of knowledge 

37.44    Upon sururin / a manifest perception mutaqabilin / accepting one another

37.45    There yuthofu / will circulate among them with a digestion (of knowledge) from ma'in / a perception,

37.46    Pleasant manifestation lisshaaribin / for the inward understanding;

37.47    No bad effect in it, nor from it yunzafun / will they be exhausted.

38.48    And with them the thorfi / awareness will qasiraatu / fell short of its accomplishment, a perception,

37.49    As if they were baidhun / a manifestation, well-protected.

37.50    Then they accept some of them upon some, questioning each other.

37.51    A speaker from among them will say, "Indeed, I had for me qarun / thought binding (of the same group)

37.52    Who would say, 'Are you indeed of those musoddiqin / the one who confirm (the truth)' ?

37.53    Is it when mitna / we have died and become turaaban / a state of misery (due to not receiving guidance from Rabb) and izhoman / an established illusory thought (not based on facts), indeed we will surely madinun / be in state of an indebted obligation to consciously obey (Allah's judgment, law and system) ?'

37.54    He will say, "Would you muttholi'un / be the one who departed (from Allah's judgment) ?"

37.55    Then he thola'u / depart and see him in midst of the jaheem / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halts your spiritual progress).

37.56    He says, "By Allah, you almost ruined me.

37.57    And if not for the favor of my Rabb / Lord, surely I would have been from the muhdhorun / the one who are in the presence (of the jaheem).

37.58    Then we are not with mayyitin / lifeless (souls),

37.59    Except for our earlier mautata / dissolution (of the duniya), and we are not with mu'azzibin / the one who is punished.

37.60    Indeed, this is surely the fawzul azheem / great attainment.

37.61    For example of this, falya'mali / so do the 'aamilun / deeds.

37.62    Is that khoirun / a revelation or shajaratul zaqqum / such word that germinate disputes ?

37.63    Indeed, We have made it fitnatun / a trial for zhaalimin /  wrongdoers.

37.64    Indeed, it is shajaratun / a word that flow in ashlil jaheem / root of stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halts your spiritual progress),

37.65    Thol'uha / its departure (of shajaratul zaqqum) as if it ru'usu / commands the shayatin / acts arise from despair. 

37.66    And indeed, they will surely kiluna / consume (the shajaratul zaqqum) from it then what is filled with it the buthun / inner self.

37.67    Then indeed, to them upon it surely is shawban / a  mixture from hamim / heated conflicting knowledge.

37.68    Then indeed, marji'ahum / their return will surely be to the jaheem / root of internal conflicts.

37.69    Indeed they found their aaba / fatherly support (for knowledge) astray.

37.70    Then they yahra'un / will rush towards 'athaarihim / their footsteps.

37.71    And certainly there had strayed before them most of the earlier thoughts,

37.72    And certainly We sent among them munzirin / those who were warned. 

37.73    Then look how was 'aqibatu / the consequence of the munzarin / those who were warned -

37.74    Except the servants of Allah of the mukhlasin / the one who is sincere.

37.75    And certainly Nuhan / one who is compassion to those who are not aware, had called Us, then surely nikma / blessings with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts (to the mukhlasin) of the mujibun / the one who answer.

37.76    And We saved him and his ahle / those acquainted from the great alkarbi / closed attachments and relations (duniya).

37.77    And We made zurriyahu / his off-springs of early developed thoughts, they are the baaqin / remaining

37.78    And We left for him in the aakhirin / ending

37.79    Salaamun / Peace upon Nuhin / one who is compassion to those who are not aware, in aalamin / factual and empirical knowledge of truth

37.80    Indeed, that to you is reward of the muhsinin / the one whose experience is of the true knowledge.

37.81    Indeed, he was from Our servants of the mukminin . the one who take security (in Al Kitab).

37.82    Then we aghraq / drowned the aakhorin / others 

37.83    And indeed, from shi'atihi / his kind was surely Ibraheem / one who is inclined to the truth,

37.84    When he came to his Rabb / Lord with a sound heart

37.85    When he said to his aaba / fatherly support (independent logical mind) and his qaum / established thoughts, "What do you serve ?"

37.86    Is it ifkan / an illusory aalihatan / realities other than Allah (the actual reality) you desire?

37.87    Then what is zhannukum / your certainty with the Rabb / Lord of aalamin / all factuals and empirically evidenced knowledge?"

37.88    And he cast a look in the nujum / sparklings of revelation

37.89    And said, "Indeed, I am saqim / mentally disordered." 

37.90    So they turned away from him, mudbirin / the one who turned their back.

37.91    Then he turned to their aalihaa / realities and said, "Do you kuluna / consume the knowledge for understanding? 

37.92    What is to you that you do not tanthiqun / cross-examine?"

37.93    And he turned upon them dhorban / a strike with the yamini / right (experience based on factual knowledge). 

37.94    Then they returned toward him, yaziffun / hastening.

37.95    He said, "Do you serve what you tanhitun / fashioned,

37.96    While Allah kholaqakum / evolved you and what you do?"

37.97    They said, "Construct for him bunyaanan / a structure then throw him into the jaheem / burning sensation of conflicts."

37.98    And they intended with him kaidan / a plan, but We made them the asfalin / lowest (in the jaheem).

37.99    And he said, "Indeed, I will zaahabun / make my way to my Rabb / Lord; He sayahdin / will offer guidance.

37.100    My Rabb / Lord, grant me from the solihin / ones who correct themselves."

37.101    So We gave him bashar / sensible thoughts (that trust the transformation) with ghulaamin / intense excitement of halimin / a leniency. 

37.102    Then when he balagha / delivered with him the sa'ya / struggle, he said, "O bunayya / my construct, indeed I have seen in the manaami / state of inactivity of awareness, that I azbahuka / am disregarding you, so see what you think." He said, "O my abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind), do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast." 

37.103    Then when they had both submitted and tallahu / make him prostrate (put him down) liljabin / for holding back,

37.104    We called to him, "O Ibraheem / one who is fatherly inclined to the truth,

37.105    Certainly, you have been truthful (to) the rukya / vision." Indeed, We thus reward the muhsinin / the one whose deeds are based on true knowledge.

37.106    Indeed, this was surely the clear trial.

37.107    And fadainaahu / We liberated him with a great mutilation (of his abna),

37.108    And taraknaa / We took away (the conflicts) upon him in the aakhirin / ending:

37.109    Salaamun / peace (no conflict) upon Ibraheem / one who is fatherly inclined to the truth

37.110    That is, Our reward (to) the muhsinin / the one whose deeds are based on the truth.

37.111    Indeed, he was from Our servants, the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind). 

37.112    And We gave him basshar / rational thoughts (who trust the transformation) with Ishaq / who is perfect and alienated from conditioned mind, nabiyyan / who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib) from the solihin / who correct and transform.

37.113    And baarakna / We blessed him and upon Ishaq / who is perfect and alienated (from other than the truth) and from zuriayatihima / among both their off-springs of early developed thoughts (from ladunni and own independent thinking) mufsinun / the one whose deeds are based on truth and are aware of  zhalimun / wrongdoings to his nafs / self. 

37.114    And We did certainly mananna / confer strength (which Allah has given when you were weak) upon Musa / one who is familiar with the truth and Harun / strong will to deliver the truth.

37.115    And We saved them and their qaum / cluster of established thoughts from the great affliction,

37.116    And We supported them so it was they who overcame.

37.117    And We gave them the clear kitab / inherent script,

37.118    And We offer guidance to them, the siratul mustaqim / path of those who has established (the truth).

37.119    And taraknaa / We took away (the conflicts) upon him in the aakhirin / ending:

37.120    Salaamun / peace (no conflict) upon Musa / one who is familiar with the truth and Haarun / strong will to deliver the truth

37.121    Indeed, that is Our reward to the muhsinin / the one whose deeds are based on the truth.

37.122    Indeed, they were from Our servants, the mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab).

37.123    And indeed, Ilyasa / one who is mindful of Allah, was of the mursalin / one who deliver Allah's message,

37.124    When he said to his qaum / cluster of established thoughts, "Will you not tattaqun / be mindful ?

37.125    Do you call upon ba'lan / dependency on others for your improvement, and leave the best of the kholiqin / evolution (that is),

37.126    Allah, your Rabb / Lord and the Rabb / Lord of your first abaa / fatherly support (azwaaja) ?

37.127    And they denied him, so indeed, they will surely muhdhorun / one who is present of evil doing

37.128    Except the servants of Allah, the mukhlashin / one who is sincere 

37.129    And taraknaa / We took away (the conflicts) upon him in the aakhirin / ending

37.130    Salaamun / peace upon ilyaasin / strong awareness and mindful of Allah  

37.131    Indeed, We thus reward the muhsinin / one whose deeds are based on the truth.

37.132    Indeed, he was from Our servants, the mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab). 

37.133    And indeed, Luthon / one who adhered to the truth, was from the mursalin / one who deliver the message.

37.134    When We saved him and his ahle / those who acquainted, altogether,

37.135    Except 'ajuuzan / a failure (from those who unable to overcome it) in the ghaabirin / corruption.

37.136    Then We destroyed the aakhirin / ending.

37.137    And indeed, you surely murrun / permeate upon them, mushbihin / one who begin to be illuminated (with Allah's message of truth)

37.138    And with darkness (not receiving guidance from your Rabb), will you then  not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind)?

37.139    And indeed, Yunus / who is in pursuit of the truth, was from the mursalin / one who deliver Allah's message.

37.140    When abaqa / he endured to the fulki / germination of the mashun / state of fulfilment.

37.141    Then saahama / lack of fulfilment (he judged without understanding fully) and then he was from the mudhadhin / one who invalidate (the truth germinated).

37.142    Then he swallowed the huutu / false knowledge that swim around enticing, and he was mulimun / blameworthy.

37.143    Then had he not been of the musabbihin / those who swim in the abundant knowledge of Allah,

37.144    He would have remained in his bathin / inner self to the moment they yub'athun / are raised.

37.145    Then nabaznaahu / We abandoned him with the 'araa'i / exposure and he was saqimun / mentally disordered.

37.146    And We cultivated (the lower consciousness) over him shajaratan / solidified foundation of good word (for discernment) from yaqtinin / drying up.

37.147    And We sent him to mi'ati / inward chuckle of 'alfin / lively familiarity (and affection) or yazidun / added (discernment) to what possessed.

37.148    So they aamanu / take security (in the discernment), then mataaqnaahum / We benefited them (with the discernment) for an experience.

37.149    Then inquire in their youthful prime (of discernment), "Does your Lord the banaatu / receiving action (over what you construct) and they the banun / think for themselves (over what they construct) ?

37.150    Or did We kholaq / evolve the malaa'ikah / faculty of authority (in mind) inaathan / as divine feminine attributes while they were witnesses?"

37.151    Unquestionably, it is out of their [constructed] falsehood that they surely say, 

37.152    " Allah has walada / given birth (manifested, produce, rear, breed, bring up)," and indeed, they are surely kaazibun / liars.

37.153    Has He chosen the banaati / receiving actions (over what you construct) over the banin / think for themselves (over what they construct) ?

37.154    What is (wrong) with you? How do you make judgement?

37.155    Will you not be tazakkarun / independently aware (of the truth) ?

37.156    Or do you have a clear sulthonun / authority?

37.157    Then produce with kitaabikum / your inherent scripture, if you should sodiqin / be truthful.

37.158    And they have made between Him and the jinn / those who are not familiar with the truth, nasaban / a relationship, and certainly the jinn / those not familiar with the truth, have already known indeed they will be brought to muhdhorun / the one who is present (of the punishment).

37.159    Subhaanallah / swim in Allah's abundant knowledge (for discernment) above what they describe,

37.160    Except servants of Allah, the mukhlasin / one who is sincere and honest.

37.161    Then indeed, you (the insincere and dishonest) and whatever you serve,

37.162    You cannot over him (making him sincere and honest) with delusion

37.163    Except he who is abided in the jaheem / burning sensation of internal conflicts.

37.164    And there is not among us any except for him maqaamun ma'lumun / a known state of established position.

37.165    And indeed, we are surely the soffun / those standing (before our Rabb in awareness of our deeds).

37.166    And indeed, we are surely of the musabbihun / the one who swim in Allah's abundant knowledge

37.167    And indeed, that will be the yaqulun / say,

37.168    If that is of our nearnest (from us), (will be) an awareness from the former,

37.169    We would surely have been servants of Allah, the mukhlasin / the one who is sincere and honest. 

37.170    Then they kafaru / rejected with it, so they are going to know.

37.171    And certainly, Our word has sabaqat / already preceded for Our servants, the mursalin / the one who deliver the message,

37.172    Indeed, for them, the mansyurun / state of those given support

37.173    And indeed, jundana / Our enlisted fresh knowledge surely they, the ghaalibun / ones who overcome. 

37.174    So turn away from them until an experience (of receiving fresh knowledge come). 

37.175    And see them, for they are going to see (the new knowledge that come).

37.176    Then is it for Our punishment they hasten ?

37.177    Then when it nazala / reveals with sahaatihim / their spacious emptiness, then evil is sobahu / seized in its early appearance, for munzarin / those who were warned.

37.178    So turn away from them until an experience (of receiving fresh knowledge come).

37.179    And see them, for they are going to see (the new knowledge that come).

37.180    Subhana / swim in the abundant knowledge of our Rabb / Lord, Rabb / Lord of the izzah / most honourable, above what they describe.

37.181    And salaamun / peace upon the mursalin / one who deliver the message.

37.182    And all praise to Allah (for the consciousness), Rabb / Lord of 'aalamin / all the factual knowledge.





















  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...