(The Party That Dispute)


In order to effectively proclaim and establish the message of Allah within the realm of lower consciousness, it is decreed that we must embrace mindfulness of Allah. This essential mindfulness enables us to adhere solely to trust what has been divinely revealed by our Lord. We shall not yield to the whims of the rejecters and the deluded, who, through self-deception, stray from the righteous path.

An equilibrium of the mind emerges when thoughts are not the sustenance upon which it relies. Thoughts, being products of the mind, possess inherent limitations and should not, in turn, nourish the mind itself. Thus, equilibrium is established by the truth obtained either through the support from paternal independence (pure mind) or through the maternal support for sustenance from external sources, wherein nourishment is directly bestowed by our Lord.  From this nourishment, the mind engages in critical thinking, enabling independent analysis for a deeper comprehension. Alternatively, the mind may scrutinize the information gathered from external sources, which themselves have received direct nourishment from their Lord.

Allah elucidates the unequivocal notion that the interplay of paternal support and maternal support, which facilitates the transmission of the pristine message of truth from your Lord, ought not to be embraced solely as maternal support.  It is imperative to activate your independent paternal support for sustenance.  Undoubtedly, the independent paternal support resonates intimately with your inherent script, drawing you nearer to the essence of truth.

The fresh knowledge that comes to us is unseen, and it is Allah who reveals upon us a spirit that blesses our rational thoughts when we comprehend the message of truth. Initially, the insight may be met with doubt, but it becomes certain when it resonates within our hearts with Allah's certainty. This is the moment when those who seek solace in the intrinsic script are tested and are stirred by its bewildering nature.

However, there are those who argue and sow doubts within us, claiming that we cannot rely on our own independent minds for answers and understanding, dismissing them as mere delusions. They urge us to betray our intuition and evade its guidance. Hence, we must remain mindful that even after receiving the revelation of truth, our troubled minds may still harbor negative thoughts that challenge its validity. These thoughts attempt to extinguish the fledgling truth emerging within us through divine revelation.  

Among those who take security in Al Kitab, the inherent script is the independent urges given birth by our nafs, experiencing self. From among the independent urges, there are those who have fulfilled their vow, honoring their covenant with Allah, while others continue to procrastinate. Undoubtedly, Allah rewards those who honor their covenant and punishes those who deceive themselves.

Both the experiencing self of the nafs and the remembering self of memory are responsible for either heeding the message delivered by your inner voice or pursuing the attachments and relationships of the dunya and its adornments. If you embrace the message of truth, then Allah has prepared for you to become fortified by the truth and grants you a great reward. Conversely, if you succumb to the allure of the dunya, then Allah will expose you to its enticing attachments and dissolve you in a beautiful dissolution.

Allah has decreed that thoughts arising from sensory inputs, pronounced and established by an-nabi, the one who is matured in his understanding of the truth, are statements that solely present facts that are acknowledged and known. They are the ahlil baita, the ones residing in Allah’s mental house. Allah had  purified them by removing all impurities.

The evolution begins with a rational thought, which then evolves into proclaiming and establishing the message. Then, an inner voice will come, praising the knowledge bestowed upon him and the beautiful practice thereof, symbolizing its completeness. Those who seek security in Al Kitab, the inherent script, will constantly strive to enhance their awareness by immersing themselves in Allah's abundant knowledge. Through this process, they progress from lacking clarity to a state of early clarity and eventually mature in understanding." 

Allah has made it lawful to obtain support from zakara (independent sustenance) and unsa (support from sensory inputs) to ascertain understanding of the message received. What is not lawful is that you completely mix thoughts derived from sensory inputs with your own independent sustenance and information from sensory inputs that are analyzed.  It is crucial that the mind is calm so that they are not in a state of restlessness when they reflect or ponder knowledge from sensory inputs, in their effort to seek the reality behind its representation.  

Allah curses those who abuse Allah and His rasul (inner voice) and rejects the message that has been delivered. When Allah curses, you will not receive guidance from your Lord, and those elevated elderly thoughts will continue leading you astray from the right path, hindering your perception of the saa’ah (direct experience of reality). 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).  

33.1    O an-nabiyyu / the one who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib),  ittakillah / be mindful of Allah, and do not obey the kaafirin / those who reject (the message of Allah) and the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their own logic).  Indeed, Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise. 

33.2    And follow what is being inspired to you from your Rabb / Lord.  Indeed Allah is Khobiran / All Aware of what ta'malun / you do. 

33.3    And put your trust upon Allah.  Sufficient with Allah wakilan / a trusted custodian. 

33.4    Allah did not make for rajulin / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) from qalbain / two hearts (pull of affection from your Lord and pull of duniya) in his jawfi / accumulation (of knowledge).  And He did not make your azwaj / pair (zakara / divine masculine energy and unsa / divine feminine energy whom you make tuzahiru / as manifestation to be your ummaha / motherly support.  And He has not made your ad'iyaa / act of disrupting the equilibrium (peace of mind) your abna / thoughts that you give birth to. Such is qaulukum / your saying with afwaahikum / your mouths, but Allah speaks the haq / truth, and He guides to the path. 

33.5    Call them to abaa'ihim / their paternal support, it is aqsathu / more equitable with Allah.  Then if you do not know abaa'uhum / their paternal support, then, as your ikhwa / brotherly support in the deen / indebted obligations to consciously (obey Allah's systems, law and judgment) and mawali / state of guardianship (giving command and authority over others). There is no junahun / inclination to wrong-doing upon you in what akhta'tum / burden you remove with it; but you (will be responsible for) what qulubukum / your hearts (pull of truth and duniya) intention. Allah is Forgiver, Merciful (for the approval of the knowledge). 

33.6    The nabiyyu / one who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), awlaa / having more authority and command with the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) than their souls / selves, and his azwaaju / pairs (zakara / independent paternal support (for sustenance) and unsa / maternal support (for sustenance from sensory inputs) are ummahatuhum / motherly support to them and those who possess the arham / approval to conceive the truth, some of them closer to another in Allah's kitabi / inherent script from the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) and the muhaajirin / the one who emigrate (unbecoming the become) except you do to your awliya / intrusted guarding (that has authority and gives command), makrufan / a known and established truth.  That has been decreed in the kitab / inherent script, masthuran / well recorded with no crookedness. 

33.7    And when We took from the nabiyyin / those who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) their covenant,  and from you and from Nuh / who is compassion to those who is not aware (of the covenant), and Ibrahim / who is inclined to the truth, and Musa / who is matured and familiar with the truth, and Isa / who is fortified with Ruh Qudus (holy spirit of the truth), construct of Maryam / state of ardent pursuit of truth; We took from them ngalizhan / a solemn (genuine) covenant. 

33.8    Certainly the sodiqin / truthful may be asked about their shidqi / truthfulness, and He has prepared for kafirin / rejecters azaban 'aliman / a painful punishment. 

33.9    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), be aware of the nikmah / blessing (with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts) of Allah upon you when junudun / enlisted fresh knowledge came to you then We reveal upon them rihan / a spirit and junudan / enlisted fresh knowledge you could not see them. Allah is with what you do, bashiran / All - Seer. 

33.10    When they came from fawqikum / above you (what you excel in), and from below you (what you are weak in); and the absoru / insight were zaghatin / doubtful,  and reached the quluubu / hearts (pull of affection) mentioned, and you are tazhunnun / certain with Allah's zununa / certainty.  

33.11    That is when the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) were ubtuliya / tested; and zulzila / dazzled / shakened, (with) a severe bewilderment. 

33.12    And the munaafiqun / those who self-experience (the reform) and those who have maradhun / a sickness in their hearts (pull of affection) said: “Allah and His rasul / inner voice that deliver the message promised us nothing but ngururan / delusion!”

33.13    And when tho'ifatun / a group of them (thoughts) said: “O ahla / those who are familiar with yathriba / reproval (argument), there is no muqama / one who established (the truth) for you, farji'u / so come back.” And yasta'zinu / to seek pronouncement a group from them the nabiyyi / one who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), saying: “Certainly our buyuta / mental homes are exposed,” while they were not exposed. They just wanted to firaran / elude / dodge.

33.14    And if the enemy had entered over them from all sides, and then they were asked to betray, they would do so with very little hesitation.

33.15    And certainly they had pledged to Allah from before that they would not turn around and the 'adbaara / course behind (aim or goal from before); and making a pledge to Allah is mas'ulan / an inquiry (not an issue).

33.16    Say: “the firaaru / elusion (dodge) will not benefit you from mauti / destituteness or the qatli / killing (of the nafs / self / psyche), and then you will not be allowed to profit (from it) except qalilan / a little.”

33.17    Say, "Who is it that ya'simukum / can protect you from Allah if He intends for you suuan / a badness or intends for you rahmatan / a mercy?" And they will not find for themselves besides Allah any protector or any helper.

33.18    Certainly Allah knows mu'awwiqin / those who depart (from the right path) among you and qaa'ilin / those who say to their brotherhood thoughts (like liberality and courage), "halumma / consolidate your thoughts (bring forth) to us," and do not come to the ba'sa / suffering, except for a few,

33.19    In need (of support) toward you.  And when fear comes, you see them looking at you, their eyes revolving like one being overcome from mauti / destituteness.  Then when fear departs, they lash you with sharp tongues, indisposed toward good. Those have not yukminu / taken security (in Al Kitab), so Allah has rendered their deeds worthless, and ever is that, for Allah, easy.

33.20    They think the ahzab / parties disputed (those who have not taken security in Al Kitab) among them have not withdrawn. And if the ahzab / parties that dispute should come, they would wish they were ba'duna / immature in understanding among the 'araabi / those who are clear in understanding, inquiring about anbaa'ikum / your news of the ghaib. And if they should be among you, they would not qaatalu / kill (not having the capacity to kill your understanding of the truth ), except for a little. 

33.21    Indeed, there has been for you in rasuli / inner voice that deliver the message of Allah, an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the moment of aakhirah / ending the illusory otherness and zakara / independently support in abundant (what Allah has given you).

33.22    And when the mukminun / those who take security (with independent logical mind) saw the ahzab / party that dispute, they said, "This (zakara) is what Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) had promised us, and truthfulness of Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message)." And it increased them not except imaanan / take security (in Al Kitab) and tasliman / a state of peace and soundness (truthfulness). 

33.23    Among the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) are rijalun / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow (to fulfil their part of the covenant with Allah), and among them is he who yantashiru / awaits to see (procrastinate).  And they did not alter (the terms of their obligation) by any alteration.

33.24    That Allah may reward the truthful for their truth and punish the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their own logic), if He wills or accept their repentance. Indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.

33.25    And Allah radda / repelled those who kafaru / rejected, in their rage, not having obtained any good. And sufficient was Allah for the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) the qital / kill ignorance by educatiing the truth, and ever is Allah Powerful and Exalted in Might.

33.26    And He anzala / revealed those who zaharu / manifested  them, among the ahlil kitab / those acquainted with the Kitab (inherent script) from soyaasihim / their detrimental results they adept and cast terror into their hearts a party you killed, and you took captive a party.

33.27    And He caused you to inherit their ardh / lower consciousness and their mental homes and their amwal / accumulated wealth of knowledge and ardhan / a lower consciousness which never tatho'uhum / encroach it (true self). And ever is Allah, over all things, competent.

33.28    O nabiyyu / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), say to azwaajika / your pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes), "If you should desire the hayaatad dunya / living temptations of attachments and relationships and its adornment, fata'alayna / then call, I will provide for you and dissolve you jamilan / a beautiful dissolution.

33.29    And if you should desire Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) and the mental home of the aakhirah / ending (the reality of otherness) then indeed, Allah has prepared for the muhsinaati / one who fortify among you, a great reward."

33.30    O nisaa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) of the nabiyyi / one who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), whoever of you should commit a clear faahishah / immorality - for her the punishment would be doubled two fold, and ever is that, for Allah, easy.

33.31    And whoever among you devoutly obeys Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) and do solehan / a corrective action, We will give her, her reward passing along twice; and We have prepared for her a noble provision. 

33.32    O nisaa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) of the nabiyyi / one who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), you are not like anyone among the nisaa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity).  If taqaitunna / you are mindful of Allah, then do not be takhdo'na / humiliated with saying, lest he in whose heart is disordered, but We say a saying of ma'rufan / state of facts fully acknowledged and known.

33.33    And qarna / stay in your mental homes and do not display yourselves the display of the former state of jaahilliyyah / nescient (who do not possess knowledge due to uninformed). And establish salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and pursue zakah / mental growth and development, and obey Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  Certainly, Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity, O ahlal baita / those who are acquainted of the mental home, and to purify you, a purification.

33.34    And uzkurna / rationalize what is recited in your mental homes from the ayaati / signs of Allah and the hikmah / wisdom. Indeed, Allah is ever Subtle and Acquainted.

33.35    Indeed, the muslimin / those who submit (with unfeterred logical mind) and muslimaat / those who submit (with intuitve mind), the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) and mukminaat / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind), those who are qaanitin / obedient independently and those who are qaanitaat / obedient from intuitive mind, the saadiqin / truth obtained independently and saadiqat / truth obtained from intuitive mind, the sobirin / patience obtained independently and sobiraat / patience obtained from intuitive mind, the khoshi'in / independent humility and khoshi'at / humility from intuitive mind, the sodiqin / independent genuineness and sodiqat / genuineness from intuitive mind, the so'imin / independent self restraint and so'imat / self restraint from intuitive mind, the khofizhin furujahum / preservation of their exposure and the khofizati wazzakirin / preservation and zaakirin / the independent preservation and rationalization of Allah in abundant and zakirat / rationalization from sensory inputs, for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.

33.36    It is not for mukmin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) or mukminaat / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind), when Allah and His rasul / inner voice that deliver the message has decreed a matter, a matter that should be better for them from their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His rasul / inner voice that deliver the message, then he surely strayed into a clear astray.

33.37    And when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor (with sensible thoughts) and you bestowed favor (with sensible thoughts) upon him, "Amsik / hold on upon zawjaka/ your pair (zakara / masculine attributes (logic, focus, brave, asssertive) and unsa / feminine attributes (love, care) and attaqi / be mindful of Allah," while you concealed within your self that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the nas / agitated mind, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when zaidun / an increase (added) to what you already have, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished.

33.38    There is not upon the nabiyyi / one who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) harajan / any difficulty in what Allah faradhu / has made obligatory to him. (This is) the sunnah / practice of Allah in those who khalau / have been emptied (of impurities) from before. And ever is the command of Allah, a measurement destined.

33.39    Those who convey risaalaat / messages of Allah and fear Him and do not fear anyone but Allah.  And sufficient is Allah in hasiban / taking account.

33.40    Muhammadun / one who is praised (for the hidden knowledge given and sunanun / practice from it) is not abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind) of anyone from your rijal / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization), but the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the knowledge of the unseen) of Allah and khotama / seal (completed the evolution), of the nabiyyin / those who pronounce and establishes (news of the ghaib).  And Allah is aliman / knower of all things.

33.41    O those who are aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), uzkuru / be aware (of Allah), (with) an awareness in abundant.

33.42    And sabbihu / swim in His knowledge, (in state of) bukratan / an early stage of clarity and (in a state of) ashilan / lacking clarity. 

33.43    It is He who yusalli / connect (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) upon you, and His malaaikah / faculty of authorities, that He may bring you out from zhulumat / darknesses (without guidance) into the nur / illumination (with guidance). And ever is He, to the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind), Rahiman / Merciful (in His education to those who seek the knowledge through Ar Rahman). 

33.44    Their tahiyyat / revival of their moment they measure to determine Him will be, "Salaamun / Peace." And He has prepared for them a noble reward.

33.45    O the nabiyyu / one who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), indeed We have revealed (to) you syahidan / a witness (of the truth) and mubasshiran / one who bring sensible thoughts (who trust) and naziran / a warner (to put oneself on guard).

33.46    And daa'iyan / a call to Allah, by His permission, and an illuminating discourse. 

33.47    And give basshiril / sensible thoughts (that trust) to the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) that they will have from Allah great fadlan / a given advantage.

33.48    And do not obey the kaafirin / rejecters (of Al Kitab) and the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their own logic) but do not harm them, and rely upon Allah. And sufficient with Allah, wakilan / a trusted custodian.

33.49    O You who aamanu / have taken security (in Al Kitab), when you nikahtu / commingle (with) the mukminat / those who take security from external observation and then tholaqtu / separate them from before you tamassuhu / have touched them, then there is not for you (to) iddatin / take into account concerning them. So dissolve them,  sarahan jamilan / a beautiful dissolution.

33.50    O nabiyyu / one who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib), indeed We have made lawful to you azwaajaka / your pair (zakara / masculine attributes and unsa / feminine attributes) to whom you have given ujurahunna / their reward and ma malakat yaminuka / what authority of your right (experience based on factual knowledge) what Allah has returned to you and banaati / thoughts constructed from external source of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and mukminaatan / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind) if she gives herself to the nabi / who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib).  If the nabi / who proclaim and establish the truth wishes to yasyankihaha / commingle with her,  only for you, from other than the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind). We certainly know what We have made obligatory upon them in azwajihim / their pair (zakara and unsa) and ma malakat aymanuhum / what authority of their right (experience based on factual knowledge), in order that there will be upon you no discomfort. And Allah is a Forgiver and Merciful (for the blessings). 

33.51    You may defer affirming whom you will of them or take to yourself whom you will. And any that you desire of those nisa / thoughts from sensory inputs from whom you had separated - there is no blame upon you (in returning her). That is more suitable that they should be content and not grieve and that they should be satisfied with what you have given them - all of them. And Allah knows what is in your hearts. And ever is Allah Knowing and Forbearing.

33.52    Not lawful to you are an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) from after, nor that you to exchange them from azwaajin / a pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa, divine feminine attributes), even if their beauty amazed you, except ma malakat yaminuka / what authority of your right (experience based on factual knowledge). And ever is Allah , over all things, an Observer.

33.53    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not enter buyuta / mental houses of the nabiyyi / those who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib), except when you are permitted to do so, for its digestion (of the message) without reflecting or ponder inaahu / its cultivation.  But when you are invited, then enter; then when you have reflected or pondered, disperse without mus'tanisina / one who is in a state of agitation seeking for hadithin / a representation (to a reality).  Indeed, that (behavior wanting to consume the knowledge) was troubling the nabiyyi / one who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib), so he is alive from them. And Allah is la tahyi / not alive away from the truth. And when sa'altumuhunna / you question them mataa'an / a provision from a wrong-doing, question them from behind hijabin / a veil (not directly question on the wrong-doing). That is purer for qulubikum / your hearts and qulubihinna / their hearts. And it is not for you to harm rasul / inner voice that deliver the message of Allah and not to tankihu / commingle (get affected) azwaajahu / his pair (zakara and unsa) from after him, ever.  Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah, an enormity.

33.54    If you tubdu / has no opinion of a thing or conceal it, indeed Allah is with all things, a Knower.

33.55    There is no junaha / inclination to wrong-doing upon them in abaa'ihinna / paternal support for sustenance and abnaa'ihinna / their constructed thoughts that they give birth to and their brotherly thoughts or their constructed brotherly thoughts and their sisterly thoughts and their nisa'ihinna / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) and ma malakat aymanuhum / what authority of your right (experience based on factual knowledge). And be mindful of Allah.  Indeed Allah is over all things, syahidan / a witness.

33.56    Indeed, Allah and His malaa'ikah / sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one rule and one authority), yusallu / connect (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) upon nabiyyi / one who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib). O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), sallu / connect upon him and sallimu tasliman / get connected to a state of a peaceful soundness.

33.57    Indeed, those who abuse Allah and His rasul / inner voice that deliver the message - Allah cursed them in this duniya / world of close attachments and relationships and the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya) and prepared for them a humiliating punishment.

33.58    And those who yu'zuna / abuse the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) and mukminat / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind) with other than what they have earned then certainly ahtamalu / born upon themselves buhtanan / an amazement (that you do not see the truth) and a clear sin.

33.59    O the nabiyyu / one who proclaim and establish(news of the ghaib), say to your azwaja / pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes) and banatika / your constructed thoughts and the nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) of the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) yudnina / bring close over them from jalaabihinna / their accumulation (of thoughts). That is more adnaa / closely attached that they will be known and not be abused. And Allah is a Forgiver and Merciful (for the knowledge given). 

33.60    Surely if the munaafiqun / those who self-experience (the reform) and those in whose hearts is maradhun / in a state of disorder (sick, tired, in pain and short of knowledge) and murjifun / one who is in a state of disturbance in al-Madinah / the state of conscious obedience (to Allah's judgment) do not cease, We will surely incite you against them; then they will not remain your yujawiru / closed attachments therein except for a little. 

33.61    Accursed, wherever they are found, seized and dissolved, taqtilan / a complete dissolution.

33.62    (This is) sunnata / practice of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in sunnati / practice of Allah any change.

33.63    An-nas / the agitated mind ask you about saa'ah / direct experience of reality.  Say, indeed, "Its knowledge is only with Allah.  And what may make you perceive the saa'ah / direct experience of the reality ?  Perhaps the saa'ah / direct experience of reality is qaiban / near."

33.64    Indeed, Allah has cursed the kafirin / rejecter (of Allah's message) and addada / prescribed for them sa'iran / an intense burning.

33.65    Abiding therein forever, they will not find waliyyan / an intrusted guardian and no nashiran / a helper.

33.66    The moment wujuhuhum / their focus to care (for growth) turned in the nar / burning sensation of internal conflict, they will say, "How we wish we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the rasul / inner voice that deliver the message."

33.67    And they will say, "Our Rabb / Lord, indeed we obeyed our sadatana / elevated thoughts and our kubaraa'a / elderly thoughts, and they led us astray from the way.

33.68    Our Rabb / Lord, give them double from the punishment and curse them with la'nan kabiran / a great curse (where they will not receive any guidance from their)."

33.69    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), be not like those who abused Musa / who is familiar with the truth; fabarra'ahu / then Allah absolved him (from establishing the deen) of what they said. And he, in the sight of Allah, wajihan / a focus to care (for growth).

33.70    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), ittaqu / be mindful of Allah and say, a saying of sadidan / a rightly directed (speech).

33.71    (Sadidan) yuslih / will correct for you your deeds and forgive you your sins.  And whoever obeys Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) has certainly attained a great attainment.

33.72    Indeed, aradna / we presented the amanah / trust to the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and the jibali / fixed headed thoughts, and they refused that yahmilnaha / we conceive it and ashfaqna / we feared from it; and the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth,  conceive it. Indeed, he was zhaluman / a wrong-doer, jahulan / an ignorant (who do not possess knowledge because they consciously ignore seeking it).

33.73    Surely Allah punish the munaafiqin / those who self-experience with their own logic and munaafiqaat / those who self-experience with their intuitive thinking and the mushrikin / those who independently associate Allah and mushrikaat / those who associate Allah (after misunderstood Allah's revelation) and that Allah accept yatuba / repentance over the mukminin / those who yake security (with independent logical mind) and mukminaat / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind). And Allah is a Forgiver and Merciful (for accepting repentance).











  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...