The words yakjuj and makjuj come from the root word ajaja which mean intense flaming of corrupt forces.  Yakjuj relate to active tense where one will do while makjuj relate to passive tense where one is already in such state of mind.  As described in HQ 25:53, it is referred to the  information added to reality from mentation that will be seen as beautiful so that the judgment or conclusion is arrived hastily.  Our brains have a natural tendency to seek out additional information from our memory and from sensory inputs that support our perceptions of reality, which can lead to the addition of information making things appear more favourable or desirable.  Such psychological behaviour is known as cognitive bias where our brains have the tendency to distort or manipulate reality in ways that align with our preconceived notions or beliefs. 

It is important to be aware of such bias and actively work to combat them in order to have a more accurate and realistic understanding of reality.  If we fail to combat them, we will construct an imaginary wall that act as a barrier of hinderances restraining us in our mental development and transformation.

This narration is formulated from the observation of the verses of Al Quran below.  


(Adding Other Information To Reality & State Of Having Distorted Reality)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).   

25.53    And it is he who maraja / merges / mixes the two oceans (mental knowledge and knowledge from Rabb); this is azbun furatun / punishable, unintelligible and this is milhun ujajun / cognitive bias where information is added to make it look nice.  And He made between them barzakhan / imaginary wall and hijran mahjuran / a barrier of hindrances, state of restraining you from advancing. 

35.12    And the two oceans (mental knowledge and truth from Rabb) are not the same.  This is azbun furatun / punishable, unintelligible, shaa'ighun sharabuhu / swallowing it (the distorted knowledge), absorbing inwardly, and this milhun ujajun / cognitive bias where information is added to make it look nice.  And from each of them you eat tender meat, and you extract jewelry to wear. And you see the ships sailing through them, seeking His provisions; and perhaps you may be thankful. 

29:96    Until when futihat / act of decoding for understanding (is done), yakjuj / adding other information to reality and makjuj / state of having distorted reality and they (distortions) from every angle, they will come forth.  

18:94    They said, O dhul qarnain / possessor of united thoughts (from the two consciousness) surely yakjuj / adding other information to reality and makjuj / state of having distorted reality, mufsidu / the one who are corrupt in Al Ardh / lower consciousness then shall we make for you kharjan / a way out upon that between us and between them, saddan / a saying (towards the right direction)?

56.70    If We wished, We can make it ujajan / cognitive bias where other information is added to make it lool nice.  So why are you not grateful ?

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