(The Abundant)


Surah Al Takathur delves into your awareness of the abundant hidden knowledge that Allah has revealed. This knowledge is fresh, devoid of contradictions, and serves as the foundational structure that establishes absolute truth. Initially, you may be captivated by the beauty and novelty of this hidden knowledge, until you immerse yourself in it for a deeper dimension that deserves your attention. However, this initial allure can trap you in mere conceptual and intellectual understanding. True immersion entails more than grasping facts or possessing information; it involves engaging in profound reflection and questioning, driven by a desire to explore the depths of this hidden knowledge beyond its conceptual and intellectual boundaries.

The knowing beyond its conceptual and intellectual comprehension is essentially the fundamental consciousness that is always present, regardless of what you think you understand like a silent light that illuminates all thoughts and experiences.  The quality of knowing is spontaneous and requires no effort.  It is an innate reflection of your consciousness.  Even when the mind is confused, there is something that knows that the confusion is happening. 

This inner journey will lead you through moments of fear, doubt, uncertainty, and questioning of your existing understanding that has shaped your life so far. These instances of resistance are crucial for developing resilience and discovering your true strength, marking the beginning of your ilm al-yaqin—the knowledge of certainty in its truth. This is where your path of enlightenment and transformation begins, as you attain ain al-yaqin—a direct perception of certainty. You will witness your spiritual awakening, recognize your stagnant state of transformation, and expand your consciousness.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman.


102.1    The takathur / much acquainted hidden knowledge alhaakumu / distract you.

102.2    Until the maqaabir / state of imersion (in the truth), zurtumu / come upon you. 

102.3    Kalla / lo and behold, soon ta'lamuna / you will know.  
102.4    Then again lo and behold, soon ta'lamuna / you will know. 

102.5    Kalla / Lo and behold, if only you know ilmal yaqin / knowledge of the certainty. 

102.6    Surely you would see the jahim / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halts your spiritual progress). 

102.7    Then surely you would see it (with) ainal yaqin / direct perception of the certainty. 

102.8    Then you would be questioned, on that moment, about the naim / blessing (of the acquainted hidden knowledge that you have received). 




(The Squeeze)



Your thoughts are like seeds that you plant in the garden of your minds.  They can grow into beautiful flowers or become thorny weeds depending on how you react to them.  When you react impulsively to every thought that crosses your mind, you often find yourselves entangled in a web of emotions and actions that may not serve your highest good.  The illusion of control is that many of you believe by reacting to your thoughts, you can control your lives and shape your destinies.  


Surah Al Asr is about those whose state of mind is gradually closing and loosing out the light of guidance because the light of guidance is being squeezed by the darkness created by barriers that block the light.  The barriers that blocked the light of guidance are from your impulsive reactions to your thoughts and the illusory control that it is sufficient you received guidance from your independent logical mind.  


The food for your soul is the truth and without the truth you will have destitude mind (mind that is poor or lacking sensible thoughts), cruel mind (that inflict or cause pain), mind that lead to arguments, mind that magnify the facts, mind that do overthinking that suffocate the brain and destructive mind (that do harm).  It is forbidden to allow your state of mind to be degraded from state of light receiving guidance to state of darkness without receiving guidance.  This is a great loss except to those who do reform, dissolve the barriers that block the light and bring back the light of guidance.  They are the successful ones, those who take security in ayaati of Allah and do solehat / reform, and support one another with the truth, and support one another with patience (that is, not impulsively react to your thoughts).  


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman.

103.1    By the asr / squeeze (where darkness created by the barriers, is squeezing out the light leading to more darkness to a state of not receiving guidance from Allah). 

103.2    Certainly, the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, is indeed in khusrin / loss.  

103.3    Except those who aamanu / take security (in ayaati of Allah), and do solehat / reform, and support one another with the truth, and support one another with perseverance. 




(The Incitement)


Surah Al Humazah addresses those who are ensnared by the incitement of the shayatin, whispering despair into their hearts. These afflictions not only cause suffering but also entangle individuals in an unending cycle of negative thoughts, establishing barriers that hinder them from attaining enlightenment. Among the common obstacles spawned by these afflictions are ignorance, ego, attachment, hatred, and an over-reliance on material concerns.

The surah vividly portrays the characteristics of those afflicted, portraying them as individuals who possess a wealth of knowledge, yet they arrogantly proclaim themselves as the exclusive possessors of wisdom. Despite their perceived knowledge, they remain ignorant of the consequences of their actions and hold onto the belief that their current understanding is eternal, devoid of any need for growth or expansion of consciousness. Consequently, their grasp of reality is flawed, grounded in erroneous and unsubstantiated beliefs. This distorted worldview corrupts their innate purity, polluting their thoughts and leading them away from truth.

In essence, Surah Al Humazah serves as a poignant reminder of the pitfalls of arrogance and ignorance, urging individuals to seek true knowledge that fosters genuine understanding and spiritual growth, liberated from the confines of false beliefs and ego-driven perceptions. Continuously succumbing to afflictions without recognizing their harm and without halting such behavior leads inevitably to confusion, discordant thoughts, contradictions, and internal conflicts that disturb the mind. This prolonged state unquestionably results from a closed mind. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.  (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

104.1    Woe to every humazah / incitement (of shayatin / whispers from despair), lumazatin / an urge (inducement). 

104.2    Those who gather his maalan / wealth of knowledge and addadah / self proclaimed as the one who knows.  

104.3    He thinks that his maa / wealth of knowledge to him is akhladah / everlasting. 

104.4    Never! Surely yunbazanna / he will drift into the huthomah / baseless knowledge (unfounded). 

104.5    And what will make you know what is the huthomah / baseless knowledge (unfounded) is ? 

104.6    Al muqodah / the one who fueled narullah / fire of Allah (with internal conflicts that burn the agitated mind). 

104.7    Which tatholi'u / pierces upon the af'idah / pure heart 

104.8    Certainly, it upon them are closed mind (they do not want to think rationally). 

104.9    In amadin / act of subduing, mumaddadah / prolonged. 





(The Weak Minded)


Surah Al-Fil highlights the consequences faced by those who exhibit weakness in their judgment, while pretending that they are tough, an action to aggrandize themselves.  A weak-minded person, acting tough, often exudes a facade of strength and confidence to mask their inner insecurities and vulnerabilities. Their bravado is typically an act to aggrandize themselves, aiming to project an image of dominance and control. This behavior can manifest in boastful talk, aggressive posturing, and a tendency to belittle others to elevate their own status. Their actions are driven by a deep-seated need for validation and approval from others, as their true self-doubt and fear of inadequacy remain hidden beneath the surface. 

Allah delivers to them "Thoiran Ababil", flight of unrestrained, skillful, yet wild and fantastical thoughts that create barriers and disputes against sensible, rational thinking. These thoughts often arise from accepting false authorities, baseless understandings, and unfounded matters without proper investigation, examination, or observation.

The passage warns against the ease with which nonsensical knowledge can be swiftly embraced as truth, without critical scrutiny. This tendency leads to confusion and misguidance, as decisions and beliefs are formed on shaky foundations. Ultimately, such misguided plans and thoughts are destined to fail, as Allah ensures that all plans based on falsehood and weak judgment will go astray.

In essence, Surah Al-Fil serves as a profound reminder of the importance of seeking true knowledge and exercising sound judgment. It calls for individuals to rise above the allure of superficial understanding and to engage deeply with truth and reason. Only by doing so can one avoid the pitfalls of ignorance and ensure that their actions and beliefs align with divine wisdom and guidance.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

105.1    Did you not see how your Rabb / Lord fa'ala / dealt with the companions (the agitated mind) of the fil / weak minded (that pretend to act tough and aggrandize themselves) 

105.2    Did He not make their plans in tadhlil / astray?  

105.3    And He arsala / deliver upon them thoiran ababil / a flight of skilful wild and fantasy thoughts.  

105.4    Striking them with hijaratan / hard headed mind (not accepting new and fresh knowledge) from sijjilin / a scroll (of Al Kitab). 

105.5    Then He made them ka'ashfin ma'kul / like digesting swiftfully the knowledge (without ascertaining its truth, facts and logic). 






(The Abundance) 


Abundance in the context of hidden spiritual knowledge is the recognition and experience of truth governed by the natural law, the divine masculine attributes and the divine feminine attributes.  It is an understanding that the truth is spiritual and that we are intrinsically connected to this infinite source.   

Surah Al-Kawthar, one of the shortest yet profound surah of the book Al-Quran, imparts a significant spiritual message. It begins with a divine proclamation: "Indeed, We have given you the Kawthar," which signify that you are given an abundance of spiritual knowledge and truth. This divine gift is from an infinite source of wisdom and understanding is bestowed upon the chosen ones.

Following this, the Surah instructs: "Then, you shall solli to your Rabb," which emphasizes the importance of establishing a deep, heartfelt connection with the Lord. After the connection is established, then only you are abled spiritually download the message, allows one to internalize and comprehend the divine truths.

The final directive, "wanhar," urges you to master and implement the knowledge you have understood. This mastery involves living by the divine guidance and embodying the spiritual truths.

The Surah concludes with a powerful statement: "Indeed, your shani'a, it is the abtar." This can be interpreted as the purification of one's mind from impurities, which leads to the complete eradication of all negative influences and obstacles.

In essence, Surah Al-Kawthar highlights the journey of receiving divine knowledge begins with purified thoughts, connecting deeply with your Lord and mastering the acquired wisdom to achieve spiritual completeness and fulfillment.  


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman). 

108.1    Indeed, We have given you the kawthar / the abundance (knowledge of the truth)

108.2    Then, you shall solli / connect (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) to your Rabb / Lord, wanhar / and master the knowledge (what is understood). 

108.3    Indeed shani'a / your removing of your mental impurities, it is the abtar / one to cut off in entirety. 




(The Rejecters) 


Surah Al-Kafirun makes it clear that there is a fundamental separation between those who reject or deny the signs (ayaati) of Allah, referred to as kafir, and those who find security in these signs, referred to as mukmin. A kafir is someone who, having recognized the signs from Allah, chooses to reject them. When these signs are rejected, their reliance shifts to their own limited logical mind, which cannot attain the ultimate truth.

You are instructed to leave those who have rejected Allah's signs for guidance, as delivering Allah's message to them is futile. You do not serve what they serve, and they do not serve what you serve. The system, law, and judgment you follow are not the same as those they adhere to. To them, you say, "For me, my deen is to be consciously obligated to Allah's system, law, and judgment."


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

109.1    Say, "O the kafirun / rejecters (of Allah's ayaat / signs), 

109.2    I do not serve what you serve, 

109.3    And you do not serve what I serve, 

109.4    And I do not serve what you serve 

109.5    And you do not serve what I serve

109.6    For you is your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement), and for me is my deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement).” 



  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...