(The sense of helplessness and vulnerability)


The Quran is the expression of truth.  This expression of truth is kindled by our action establishing the salaah / connection and to download the message of truth from Al Kitab.  When the salaah / connection is established, Allah reveals the ayaati / signs that are embedded in the physical world perceivable by our sensory apparatus.  Then bushra / sensible thoughts will make sense of the features and qualities that we read to seek its takwil / interpretation.   Allah inspired those who seek the guidance and its interpretation by giving the meaning of the reality that the ayaati / signs represent.  The meaning obtained will then become our hudan / guidance and bushra / sensible thoughts form the framework to accept, to doubt or to reject the takwil / interpretation provided by Allah.   To those who accept, the takwil / interpretation from Allah will contribute towards the zakaah / mental growth and gives you the certainty with your aakhirah / ending of your dissociation.  

Sulaiman / one who submitted and attained peace, is the one who will crush naml, thoughts having sense of helplessness and vulnerability.  Essentially the sense of helplessness and vulnerability is an illusion and a mental confusion.  The dissolution of such illusory thoughts is with the establishment with certainty of the reality and submit to its truth wholly, there is no ilaaha / fundamental absolute reality except Allah, Rabbul 'Aalamin.

This languid attitude of lifeless and easy living of naml / helplessness and vulnerability is forbidden to those whom Allah has given the faculties of fuad, hearing and sight.  It is their duty to use the said faculties to evolve and tranform an-nas / the agitated mind acknowledging and getting approval to be accepted to Allah's abstract system of education.  He will show you His ayaati / signs and you will know them.  To Him are all things, and you have been ordered to be from the muslimin / those who submit to His Al Kitab / inherent script.  And your Rabb / Lord is not unaware of what you do.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

27.1    Tho Sin (Tho signify the natural growth of an-nas in the transformation to purity and Sin represent the progress of the growth)  these are ayaati / signs of the Qur’an / expression of truth and a clear kitabin / inherent script. 

27.2    Hudan / a guide and bushra / sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation and will stimulate you to be the one who transform) to the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind). 

27.3    They are those who yukimu / establish the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and contribute towards zakaah / mental growth, and they with their aakhirah / ending they are yuqinun / certain. 

27.4    Indeed, those who do not yukminun / take security (in al kitab) with the aakhirah / ending, zayyanna / We have made their work appear pleasing to them, so they ya'mahun / wander blindly (for) their deeds. 

27.5    They are those to them (will have) evil punishment in the aakhirah / ending, (and) are the khosirun / losers. 

27.6    And indeed, surely you are receiving the Qur’an / expression of truth from ladun / direct (education from the Rabb / Lord) Wise (understanding with proofs),  Knowledgeable. 

27.7    When Musa / who is matured and familiar with the truth, said to his ahli / those who are acquainted: “Indeed, I perceive a familiar nar / internal conflict, I will bring you from it with a khabarin / knowledge or I bring you with shihabin / a difficulty qabasin / acquired knowledge so that you may be tashtholun / driven (the right way).” 

27.8    So when he came to it he was called, that blessed is he who in the nar / internal conflict and whoever hawlaha / transform / change it, and subhanallah / glory to Allah (the possessor of abundant knowledge), Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 

27.9    “O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, indeed, I am Allah, the Mighty, the Wise (understanding with proofs).” 

27.10    “And alqa / measure to determine your asha / strike (where you are strong and knowledgeable, manageable and can regulate the affair properly).” So when he saw it tahtazzu / blooming as if it were a Jinn / hidden intellect (not familiar with the truth), he turned ran away (with it) and would not turn back. “O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, do not fear, indeed there is no fear in My presence for the mursalun / the inner voices that deliver the messages from Me.” 

27.11    “Except he who has done wrong. Then if he replaces the evil deed with good, then indeed, I am Forgiving, Merciful (in approving my abundant knowledge).” 

27.12    “And adkhil / enter your / yada / hand / matters within your control into jaibika / your faithfulness; takhruj / it will come out baidha'a / bright from other than suu'in / evil in tis'i / principally empowered ayaati / signs to Firaun / superiority complex thoughts and his qaum / group of established thoughts; indeed they are qauman / a group of established thoughts who are fasiqin / deviated from the covenant (defiantly disobeyed).” 

27.13    So when Our ayaati / signs came to them for all to see, they said: “This is clearly sihrum / diversion / turned from the right course!” 

27.14    And they jahadu / struggled with her, and they were certain of their anfus / self / soul, zhulman / a wrongdoing and 'uluwwan / feeling high above. So see how it ended for the mufsidin / the one who corrupt (the covenant). 

27.15    And surely We gave Daud / who break up complex, wild thoughts and Sulaiman / who submit, attain peace 'ilman / hidden knowledge, and they both said: “Alhamdulillah / Praise be to Allah (for giving knowledge of the ghaib) who fadhal / gave advantage (to) us over many of His servants who are mukminin / the one who take security (in al kitab).” 

27.16    And Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace inherited Daud / one who break up complex, wild thoughts, and he said: “O an-nas / agitated mind, we have been taught how to understand manthiq / eloquency (in rehabilitation) of the thoir / flight of wild and fantasy thoughts, and we have been given from everything. Certainly, this is to him the fadhlu / given advantage of the clarity.”

27.17    And his junudu / assembly of thoughts of Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace hushira / were gathered, comprising of the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) and the Ins / those familiar with the truth and the thoir / wild and fantasy thoughts, so they yuza'un / were driven in rows (for rehabilitation).

27.18    Until they came to a valley of the naml / sense of helplessness (and vulnerability), namlatun / thought that received the sense of helplessness said: “O the naml / thoughts that feel helpless, enter your mental homes else you will be crushed by Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace and his junudu / assembly of thoughts while they do not notice.”

27.19    He then smiled, dhahikan / wondered from (what) she said. And he said: “My Rabb / Lord, awzigni / put me in line for rehabilitation that I may thank you for your nikmat / blessings of enjoyment which You ana'am /  have bestowed pleasant thoughts upon me and upon my sustainers (reflection and revelation), and that I may do solehan / reform deeds that please You, and admit me by Your rahmah / mercy for approval of the knowledge with Your servants that are solehin / reformed.”

27.20    And tafaqqada / went missing the thoira / wild and fantasy thoughts, then said: “Why do I not see the hudhuda / mental confusion, or is he from among ngaa'ibin / unseen (something not perceivable by our cognitive perception) ?”

27.21    “I will surely punish him severely, or I will surely azbahannahu / dissolve him, or he brings me with a clear sulthanin / authority.”  

27.22    So (the mental confusion) did not stay long, then he said: “I have encompassed with what you have not been encompassed with it, and I have come to you from saba'in / a captivation with news (of the ghaib) which is yaqin / certain.”  

27.23    “Indeed, I found imraatan / an obstinate thought ruling them, and she was given from all things, and she had a great 'arshun / structure / framework support.”

27.24    “And I found her and her qaum / group of established thoughts yasjuuduna / prostrating / submiting to the shamsi / clarity from other than Allah! And the shaytan / acts from despair had made their works appear pleasing to them, so he kept them away from the path, for they la yahtadun / are not being guided.”

27.25    “Will they not yasjudu / prostrate / submit to Allah who brings out what is hidden in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and He knows what you hide and what you declare?”

27.26    “Allah, there is no ilaaha / fundamental reality of being except He, the Rabb / Lord of the supreme arsh / structure / framework support.”

27.27    He said: “We will see whether you are being truthful or you are from the liars.”

27.28    “Go take this kitaabi / inherent scripture so alqihi / measure to determine it  to them, then turn away from them then observe what they respond with.”

27.29    She said: “O mala'u / state of mind that filled with obstinate thoughts indeed, a noble kitaabi / inherent script alqiya / has been measured to me.”

27.30    “Verily , it is from Sulaiman / one who submit to attain peace, and it reads: ‘By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.  (The Rahman is the abundance of mercy for the abstract system of education of mental faculties and the Rahim is the mercy for the approval of the knowledge to those who seek it through Ar Rahman)."

27.31    ‘That not be exalted against me and come to me as muslimin / one who submit (to al kitab).’ 

27.32    She said: “O mala'u / state of mind that filled with obstinate thoughts, tell me in this matter of mine, for I will not take a decision until you tashhadun / are present with me.”

27.33    They said: “We are possessor of qaumin / a group of established thoughts of great might (of stubbornness) and the command is over you, so see what you will command.”

27.34    She said: “Indeed, when the muluka / thoughts with authority enter qaryatan / a cluster of thoughts, they afsadu / corrupt it and make its aizzata / most strong / noble of ahli / those acquainted, azillah / humiliated.  It is such that they do.”

27.35    “And indeed, mursilatun / inner voices with message is sent to them with hadiyyatin / an offer of guidance, so see with what the mursalun / inner voices (that delivered the messages) will return.”

27.36    So when they came to Sulaiman / one who submit to attain peace, he said: “Are you providing me with maalin / wealth of knowledge?  What Allah has given  me is far better than what He has given you. No that is not true, (actually) you are rejoiced with hadiyyatikum / your offer of guidance!”

27.37    “Return to them surely we shall come to them with junudin / assembly of thoughts the like of which they have never seen, and we will drive them out azillatun / humiliated, and they are soghirun / subdued.”

27.38    He said: “O mala'u / state of mind filled with disputing thoughts, which of you can bring me her arsh / structure / framework support before they come to me (in) muslimin / submission?”

27.39    Ifritun / a thought that is strong, crafty and effective from among the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) said: “I will bring it to you with it before taquma / you establish from your maqam / state that you are established.  And indeed, over it I am surely strong and trustworthy.”

27.40    And one who is with him had knowledge from al kitab / the inherent script said: “I will bring to you with it (the arsh / framework support) before thorfuka / your awareness return to you.” So when he saw it mustaqirran / one who has strong desire for stability is near him, he said: “This is from fadhla / given advantage of my Rabb / Lord, so that He tests me whether I am thankful or whether I reject. And whoever is thankful, then surely he is thankful for his nafs / soul / self, and as whoever reject, then my Rabb / Lord is nganiyyun / self-sufficient, noble.”

27.41    He said: “nakkiru / fearing the collapse of  arshaha / her structure / framework support so we may see if she will be guided or if she will be of those who are not guided.”  

27.42    So when she came, it was said: “Is your arsh / structure / framework support like this?” She said: “It is like it” “And we were given the ilma / knowledge from before her, and we were muslimin / one who submit (to Al kitab).”

27.43    And that which she served besides Allah has avoided her (from submission).  Indeed, she was of the qaumin / group of established thoughts who were kaafirin / rejecters.

27.44    It was said to her: “udkhuli / comprehend the sharha / exposition (reality that has been made clear).” So when she saw it (the reality) she account it as lujjatan / a profound discernment, and kashafat / removed that saakaiha / what driven her to avoid (serve besides Allah). He said: “Indeed, it is sharhan / an exposition (reality that has been made clear) mumarradun / one that has been broken down (and analysed) from qawarir /  settled firmly (long established drive to serve other than Allah).” She said: “My Rabb / Lord, surely I have wronged my nafs / self / soul; and I submit with Sulaiman / one who submit to attain peace from Allah, Rabb / Lord of the 'aalamin / empirical and factual knowledge.”

27.45    And certainly, We have sent to Thamud / that accept which is not true, their brotherly thought Saleh / one who reform / correct oneself: “You shall serve Allah.” Then they became two disputing groups.

27.46    He said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, why do you hasten with evil before the hasanah / good? If you would only seek the forgiveness of Allah, perhaps you will receive mercy (from Allah's abstract system of education).”

27.47    They said: “Our thoir / flight of wild and fantasy thoughts with you and with whoever with you.” He said: “Your thoir / flight of wild and fantasy thoughts is with Allah, but you are qaumun / a group of established thoughts who are tuftanun / on trial.”

27.48    And in the madinah / state of conscious submission (deen), were tis'atu / principal rahthin / congregated thoughts (wild and fantasy) who were causing corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness, and they were not yuslihun / reforming.

27.49    They said: “Taqasamu / part of the share with Allah surely we will (mental) housed him (with the messages of truth from Our rasul) and his ahla / those acquainted, then surely we say to his guardians: ‘We did not witness your state of destroying his ahli / acquiantance, and indeed, surely we are sadiqun / truthful.’”

27.50    And they schemed a scheme and We schemed a scheme, while they did not notice.

27.51    So see what the 'aaqibatu / consequence of their planning was! We destroyed them and their qauma / group of established thoughts altogether.  

27.52    So these are buyutuhum / their mental homes (that house knowledge of the truth), ruined, for what they transgressed.  Indeed, in that is a sign for qaumin / a group of established thoughts who know.

27.53    And We saved those who aamanu / takse security (in Al Kitab) and were yattaqun / mindful.

27.54    And Lot / one who adhere to the truth, when he said to his qaumi / group of established thoughts: “Why do you commit faahishata / immorality when you can clearly see?”

27.55    “You are approaching the rijala / independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization) out of desire instead of the nisaa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creatibity, empathy and determination)! Indeed, you are tajhalun / ignorant (who do not possess knowledge because you consciously ignore seeking knowledge).”

27.56    But the reply of his qaumi / group of established thoughts was that they said: “Expel the aala / those acquainted to Lot / one who adhere to the truth from your qaryati / cluster of thoughts, indeed they are unasin / self / soul who make out to be pure!”

27.57    So We saved him and his ahla / those acquainted, except for his imraata / obstinate thoughts; We qaddar / measure her to be of those doomed.

27.58    And We rained down a rain (reveal the knowledge of truth) upon them. Miserable was the rain (revelation) of those warned.

27.59    Say: “Praise be to Allah (for the abundant knowledge), and peace be upon His servants whom He has selected.” Is Allah better, or that which you set up?

27.60    Or who has evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and He sent down water of knowledge from the samaa'a / higher consciousness for you, so We cause hadaa'iqa / intent look to grow with it that are full of beauty. It is not your ability that causes the growth of its trees (words that form the foundation). Is there ilaahun / a fundamental reality of being with Allah?  No, they are qaumun / a group of established thoughts ya'dilun / who establish justice

27.61    Or who made the ardh / lower consciousness qararan / a firm abode, and He made khilalaha / it's little benefits anhaaran / washed away and He made for it rawaasiya / grounded like mountain, and He made between the two seas of knowledge hajizan / a barrier (parted one from the other). Is there ilaahun / a fundamental reality with Allah? No. But most of them do not know.  

27.62    Or who answers the distressed when he calls Him, and He kasyaf / unveils the evil, and He makes you khulafa / successors in the ardh / lower consciousness. Is there ilaahun / a fundamental reality with Allah?  Little do you remember!  

27.63    Or who guides you in the zulumat / barriers that lead to darkness of the barri / truthfulness (of your covenant) and the sea of knowledge, and He yursilu / sends the riyaaha / spirit of bushra / sensible thoughts between the hands (power) of His rahmati / abstract system of education. Is there ilaahan / a fundamental reality with Allah?  Exalted is Allah above what they set up.  

27.64    Or who originates the khalqa / evolution then yu'iduhu / repeats it, and who yarzuqukum / provides for you from the samaa'a / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. Is there ilaahan / a fundamental reality with Allah? Say: “Bring your burhan / proof if you are being truthful.” 

27.65    Say: “None whoever in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness know the ghaiba / knowledge of the hidden, except Allah. And they do not perceive when they yab'asun / will be raised (resurrected).”  

27.66    No, rather they have been overtaken by their knowledge in the aakhirah / ending. No, rather they are in shakkin / doubt about it. No, rather they are 'amun / blind about it.  

27.67    And those who kafaru / rejected said: “When we have become turaaban / under the layers of falsehood, as our aaba / that foster the fatherly support, shall we be brought out?”  

27.68    “Certainly, We have been promised this, we and our aaba / that foster the fatherly support from before. This is nothing except tales of old!”  

27.69    Say: “Siiru / explore in the ardh / lower consciousness then see how was the 'aaqibah / consequence of the mujrimin / the one who violated the covenant.”  

27.70    And do not be saddened for them, and do not be distraught for what they plot. 

27.71    And they say: “When is this promise (be fulfilled) if you are truthful?”  

27.72    Say: “Perhaps that He is now sending your way some of that which you hasten.”  

27.73    And indeed your Rabb / Lord has surely given fadlin / advantage to an-nas / the agitated mind, but most of them are not thankful.  

27.74    And indeed your Rabb / Lord knows what is concealed in their sudur / awareness and what they reveal.  

27.75    And there is not from a thing nga'ibatin / unseen / hidden in the samaa'a / higher consciousness or the ardh / lower consciousness, but is in a clear book.  

27.76    This is the Qur’an / exposition of the truth yaqussu / tracing the steps to bani Israel / those who construct their journey seeking (the truth) most of that which they are in yakhtalifun / dispute over (by placing falsehood over the truth).  

27.77    And indeed it is a guidance and a rahmatan (abstract system of education) for the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) 

27.78    Indeed your Rabb / Lord decreed between them by His judgment. And He is the Mighty, the Knowledgeable.  

27.79    So put your trust in Allah, certainly you are on the haqqul (the) mubin / clear truth. 

27.80    Indeed you cannot make the mauta / lifeless (soul), hear, nor can you make the deaf (include those not courageous enough to hear the truth) hear the call when they turn their backs and retreating. 

27.81    Nor can you guide the umyi / blind (with respect to mind) from their misguidance. You can only make those who yukminu / take security in Our ayaati / signs hear you, for they are muslimun / the one who submit (to Al Kitab).  

27.82    And when the qaulu / saying is fulfilled against them, We will bring forth for them dabbah / a stimulation from the ardh / lower consciousness, that will communicate with them. Indeed, an-nas / the agitated mind are not yuqinun / yaqin / certain with Our ayaati / signs.  

27.83    And the moment We gather from every ummah / group of thoughts of same foundation, a party that denied with Our ayaati / signs, then they will be driven in rows (for rehabilitation) 

27.84    Until, when they have come, He will say: “Have you denied with My ayaati / signs while you had no thuhithu / encompass knowledge of them? Or what were you doing?”  

27.85    And waqa'a / fulfilled the qaulu / saying upon them with what they wronged; they shall not speak.  

27.86    Did they not see that We made the laila / darkness (without guidance) for them to reside in, and the nahar / illuminated state (with guidance) to have insight? In that are signs for a qaumin / group of thoughts who yukminun / will take security (in the ayaati / signs).  

27.87    And moment yufakha / is inflated in the suuri / badness, then those in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness will be fafazi'a / horrified, except for whom Allah wills.  And all shall come to Him humbled.  

27.88    And you see the jibala / fixed headed thoughts, tahsabuha / think they are jamidah / firmly fixed, and they pass as the trail of sahabi / subservient. Allah who perfected (soundly and wholly) His shun'a / practice in everything. Indeed He is khobir / Aware over what you do. 

27.89    Whoever comes with the hasanah / good deed (with beautiful and good conduct) from it and they from being horrified moment they take security (in Al Kitab).  

27.90    And whoever comes with the sayyi'ah / bad deed, wujuhuhum / their focus to care (for growth) will be cast in the nar / heat from internal conflict. Are you not being rewarded for what you used to do? 

27.91    “Surely I have been ordered only to serve Rabb / Lord, this languid attitude (inert and easy) who He harram / forbid it, and to Him are all things, and I have been ordered to be from the muslimin / those who submit (to Al-Kitab with their unfeterred logical mind).” 

27.92    “And that I atluwal / recite (read to follow) the Qur’an / expression of truth (from the reading).” He who is guided then certainly he is guided for his own nafs / soul / self, and to he who is misguided, say: “Certainly I am from the munzirin / one who warn.” 

27.93    And say: “Alhamdulillah / Praise be to Allah (that the system of consciousness is hereby acknowledged), He will show you His ayaati / signs and you will know them. And your Rabb / Lord is not unaware of what you do.” 

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