

The book AlQuran is a profound and intricate text, offering deep insights into the nature of being, human existence, higher consciousness, lower consciousness, spiritual journey and behaviour, and our relationship with the Divine. To grasp these insights fully, it is essential to approach the text with exactness in definition. This precision is crucial because the meaning of the book AlQuran's teachings hinges on the careful interpretation of its language. Misinterpretation or vague definitions can lead to misunderstandings that may distort the intended message.

Correct interpretation of the book AlQuran is not merely a scholarly endeavour but a spiritual one. It requires more than just linguistic expertise; it demands sincerity, purity of heart, and a genuine intention to seek the truth.

Sincerity: A sincere seeker approaches the book AlQuran without preconceived notions or biases. This openness allows for a clearer understanding, free from the distortions of personal or cultural filters. 
Purity: The heart and mind must be pure, uncluttered by ulterior motives or desires that could cloud judgment. Purity in intention leads to clarity in understanding. 
Dependence on Divine Guidance: Ultimately, the correctness in interpretation comes through the guidance of Allah. The book AlQuran itself emphasizes that true understanding is a gift from the Divine, granted to those who seek it earnestly. It is through connection you are abled to see the signs, receive the message, comprehend, download and install the understanding of the book AlQuran’s true meaning.


It is essential to embody attributes that align with the Divine masculine energy. These attributes—such as confidence, assertiveness, responsibility, honour, logic, focus, strength, and leadership—play a crucial role in guiding one’s spiritual journey towards understanding the book AlQuran. 

Divine masculine energy is the embodiment of fatherly support, a force that inspires and propels us to take action, achieve our goals, and fulfil our responsibilities. This energy is not just about power or authority; it is a balanced and nurturing force that combines love with assertiveness. When we lean into this energy, it motivates us to manifest our highest potential and accomplish what we set out to do.  However, embodying this energy is not without its challenges. To truly align with the Divine masculine, one must first know oneself deeply. This self-awareness is the foundation for developing the characteristics associated with Divine masculine energy. It is through understanding our strengths and weaknesses and our purpose, that we can effectively harness this energy. 

One of the reasons many find it difficult to fully grasp and embody the Divine masculine is because of societal misconceptions. In many cultures, masculinity has been distorted into toxic forms that emphasize dominance, aggression, and control. These toxic traits are far removed from the balanced and nurturing qualities of the Divine masculine.  To overcome this challenge, it is important to redefine what it means to be masculine. True Divine masculine energy is both loving and assertive, strong yet compassionate. It supports others while maintaining a sense of responsibility and honour. By rejecting the toxic stereotypes and embracing a more holistic understanding of masculinity, one can better embody the attributes necessary for spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of the Quran. 


The book AlQuran employs its own unique terminology to convey specific meanings. To deeply study and comprehend its message, a student must first understand the terminology used. There are verses within the book Al Quran that clarify these terms, and this article compiles such explanatory verses. Note that this compilation is not exhaustive; it is periodically updated, and new versions will be published as needed.

The exposition of the verses in this compilation is approached from the perspective of "the study of the self." Allah Himself is the Master who established this study. He desires for an-nas (the agitated mind) to be aware of both Him and their own nafs (soul). Allah defines a muttaqeen (one who is mindful of both their souls and Allah) as someone who takes security in the ghaiba (spiritual or unseen) of the book Al Quran (HQ 2:3). Here, ghaiba refers to the unseen reality embedded in the hidden knowledge which is represented and symbolized in the physical world. The physical manifestations are merely signs, termed ayaati in the book Al Quran, that point to this spiritual reality. Allah decrees that those with deviating hearts will be captivated by the representations and seek interpretation from them, while those stable in hidden knowledge will seek the true interpretation from the reality of the unseen, revealed by Allah (HQ 3:7).

"O our Rabb (Lord), do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us rahmah (abstract education system) from Your nearness. Surely, You are the Bestower."

Aad - thoughts that refuse to accept the truth

11.59    Such was the case of ‘Aad / that refuse to accept the truth. They disregarded the ayaati / signs of their Rabb / Lord, and they disobeyed His rasul / inner voice (that delivers the truth), and they followed the command of every stubborn / complex thought.

69.6    And as for Aad / that refuse to accept the truth, destroyed (the truth that is received) with a suppressed spirit (falsehood that trap the spirit of truth from emerging), 'atiyatin / an arrogant act.

70.30    Except from azwaajihim / their pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes from their Rabb, or ma malakat aymaanuhum / what authority they have, to do their right (right here represent correct, based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others), then indeed, they are not malumin / to be blamed.

70.31    But whoever ibtagha / seeks beyond that, then they are the 'aadun / that refuses to accept the truth. 

Aamilin - practical experiencers

3:136    Those to them, their reward is forgiveness from their Rabb and jannatun / a hidden garden of knowledge beneath which rivers of hidden knowledge flow, wherein they will abide eternally; and excellent is the reward of the aamilin / practical experiencers.

Abaa - fatherly support (independent logical mind)

2:133    Were you witnesses when almauta / the lifeless hadhara / came to Yaqub / who always return to Allah, when he said to his bani / constructed (conceived) thoughts, what will you serve from after me?  They said, "we will serve your ilaaha / reality and the ilaaha / reality of your abaa / that foster fatherly supports, Ibraham / who is inclined to Allah's system of education and Ismael / who listen and obey the truth and Ishaq / who is perfected and alienated (from other sources)- wahidan / a single reality (a reality whom others rely upon).  And we are Muslims (ones who submit) to Him. 

7.173    Or you say: “it was only our abaa / conditioned mind (that foster the fatherly support) who set up partners from before and we were simply a zuriatan / a scattered thought from after them. So will You destroy us with what the mubthilun / one who falsify did?”  

18:5    They have no knowledge of it, nor did their abaa / fatherly support (their own independent logical mind); a grievous word it is that comes out of their mouths; they speak nothing but a lie.

18:80    And as for the ghulaamu / one excited by lust, abawaahu / his fatherly support (independent logical mind and emotion) were mukminain / those two who trust (and take security with the Rabb), so we feared (disapprove) that he should come upon both of them (by his undutiful conduct and bringing evil upon them) that yurhiqahuma / make excessive disobedience and rejection (ingratitude). 

Abna - construct of your own mental precreation

6.20    Those to whom We have given the Al Kitab / inherent script know it as they know their abna / construct (own mental precreation).  Those who lost their souls, they do not yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab). 

Abrar - truthfulness

2:177    It is not birra / truthfulness (to your covenant) that you turn wujuhakum / your focus to care (for growth) qibala / before the mashrik / illuminated state (from darkness) and the maghrib / darkness state (from illuminated), but the birra / truthfulness (to your covenant) is that one should aamana / experience safe and security with Allah and the yawmil aakhiri / moment of ending (dissolving duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) and the mala'ikah / sovereignty (one ruler one authority) and the kitab / inherent script and the nabiyyin / those who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), and give wealth (of knowledge) over his love (for it) to the qurbaa / who approach to learn and the yataamaa / who has no support for guidance and the masaakin / who are needy of guidance and the sabili / who pursue the path and the saa'ilin / who ask for the guidance and in the raqib / who are on the look out for guidance, and establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) salaat / connection (unified where the message is downloaded and received) and pursue zakaat / mental growth and development; and those who fulfill their covenant when they make it, and those who are patient in suffering and hardship and in time of conflicts.  These are they who are sadaqu / true in their way and these are muttaqeen / one who are mindful (of Allah). 

3:198    But those who are mindful / conscious of their Rabb / Lord will have jannatun / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which the knowledge flow, abiding eternally therein, a revelation from the nearness of Allah.  And whatever is near Allah is best for the abrar / truthfulness.  
Adam - who receive education of the hidden knowledge

2:31     And learning was imparted to Adam / who receive education of the hidden knowledge, the asmaa'a / names (with elevated hidden meaning for there is nothing exist before being measured and named) all of them then He presented them to the malaikah (sovereign self, one ruler one authority) then said, "inform me with asmaa'i / names (with elevated hidden meaning) of these (about those in existence), if you are truthful.

2:32     They said, "Subhana / Exalted (for the abundant knowledge) are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence)." 
2:33     He said, "O Adam / who receive education of the hidden knowledge, inform them with their asmaa / names (for there is nothing exist before it is measured and named of its describable characteristics).  And when he had informed them with their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the ghaiba / unseen (that the knowing is not in the world of matters or objects but in the understanding of reality that the object represented with its measurements and names) of the as-samaa / higher consciousness and al-ardh / lower consciousness?  And I know what is your appearance (representations) and what is concealed (reality). 

Adhan - abuse (as a result of over-stretched thought process)

2:262    Those who yunfiqun / should self experience (the reform) their wealth of knowledge, in the way of Allah (that is to put into direct practice the reform from the education provided by Allah) then do not follow what they have anfaqu / self-experienced (the reform), mannan /  a strength (which Allah has given when you were weak) and no adhan / abuse (of what Allah has given) will have their reward with their Rabb / Lord, and there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.

2:263    Qaulun / a word makrufun / known facts and forgiveness are better than genuine / truthful way followed by adhan / abuse (of the knowledge given).  And Allah is free of need and Forbearing.

2:264    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab)! Do not make your sodaqat / genuine / truthful way worthless with strength (that Allah has given when you are weak) and adha / abuse (the knowledge given), like the one who yunfiqu / self-experience (to reform) his wealth of knowledge (the direct practice from the education provided by Allah) showing off by an-nas / agitated mind and does not take security in Allah and the yawmil aakhiri / moment of ending (dissolving duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self); so his parable is as the parable of shafwanin / a purification upon it turabun / layers of illusions fa-ashabahu / then fell on it, then a disastrous consequence leaving behind it (any possibility of) saidan / ascension in his reform; they shall not be able to yaqdiru / measure anything of what they have earned; and Allah does not guide the qauma / group of established thoughts, the kaafirin / rejecters.

Aduwwun - Acts exceeding the limit (transgress)

2:36     Then both (zakara and unsa) let shaytan / acts arises from despair slip themselves concerning it (thoughts that germinate differences and disputes) and he (Adam) himself removed from what they were in it.  And We said, "Degrade yourselves all of you, as aduwwun / acts exceeding limit (transgress) to one another, and you will have in the ardh / lower consciousness mustaqarrun / one who is ongoingly desirous a place for settlement and mata'un / enjoyment (from what is provided by the wrong doings) for a period." 

Adzan - give permission

7.123    Firaun / one who is filled with superiority complex said: “Have you aaman / taken security with it before I give permission to you? This is surely makrun / scheme which you have schemed in the madeenah / state of conscious obedience (to Allah's judgment) to drive out its ahla / those acquainted, from it; so soon you will know.”

Ahdan - a covenant 

Ahda is a covenant between bani Israel ( degraded khalifah who contruct their spiritual journey seeking guidance) and Allah.  The obligations of the bani Israel is decreed in HQ 2:25 and Allah's obligation is stated in HQ2:38. 

2:25     And bashar / rational and sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) are those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and (stimulate to do) righteous deeds of the solihati / reforms, that for them is Jannat / Garden (of the hidden knowledge) beneath which the river of knowledge (truth / enlightenment) flow.  Whenever they are ruziqu / provided with a sustenance from thamaratin / increased intellect there from, they will say, "this is which we were nourished from before."  And it is given with it, mutasyabihan / a resemblance (a representation to the truth).  And for them in it are azwajun mutahharah / pair of one who is pure (zakara / divine masculine faculty (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) and unsa / divine feminine faculty (of Allah, that is unconditional love and unconditional acceptance), and they will abide in it eternally. 

2:38     We said, "Degrade from it (the hidden garden of knowledge), all of you.  And when hudan / guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance, there will be no haufun / fear upon them, nor will they yahzanun / grieve. 

2:40     O bani israel / those who construct spiritual journey seeking guidance, izkuru / embody the masculine faculty of consciousness (be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of My nikmati / favour (blessing received) which I anaam / bestowed (with healthy and blissful thoughts) upon you and fulfil with ahdi / covenant and I will fulfil your covenant, and farhabun / be devoted (only to Me). 

2:47     O Bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey seeking guidance, uzkuru / embody masculine faculty of consciousness (that us be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of My nikmati / favour (blessing received) which I anaam / bestowed (healthy and blissful thoughts) upon you and that I fadhaltukum / excelled you over aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge. 

5.13    Then with what (they reject) break their covenant, We have cursed them, and made their hearts become hardened (i.e. do not hear or understand Allah's word); they take the words out of context; and they forgot (not conscious of) a part of what they zukkiru / used to embody the divine masculine attributes.  And you will not tazalu / cease to tatthali'u / discover upon betrayal in them except for a few from them; so pardon them and isfah / bear (with them); Surely Allah loves the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge

Ahillah - altering Allah's message

2:189    And they question you about the ahillah / altering (Allah's message).  So they are mawaakitu / designated for an-nas / agitated mind and hajj / reasoning out.  And it is not the birru / truth to enter mental houses from the back, but the birra / truhfulness (to your covenant) is  one who are mindful and conscious of Allah. And enter mental houses (of your psyche) from their doors (not through ego and self interest). And be conscious of Allah that you may succeed.

Aimaanukum - by your right (to do the right action) 

4:33    And for all, We have made mawaali / state of authority as master (which is rijal and nisa) of what is taraka / conceived by walidani / parental support (zakara and unsa) of their produce (thoughts) and akrabun / close related thoughts.  And to those who you pledged aimaanukum / by your right (one authority for actions, emotions and thoughts), give them their share.   Indeed Allah is ever, over all things, a witness. 

Ahmadu - Praised inner voice for delivering the hidden knowledge

61.6    And when Isa / (inner voice) fortified with ruh qudus, ibnu / construct of Maryam / state of exploration, said, “O bani Israel / who construct the spiritual journey (seeking the truth), indeed I am rasul / inner voice that deliver message of Allah to you, confirming what is between my hands (established in my rational thinking) from At Tawrah / the natural law that govern good moral behaviour, and mubasshirun / one who is given rational thoughts with rasul / inner voice who come from after me, his name (with elevated meaning) is Ahmadu / (inner voice) endowed with praise (for delivering  the hidden knowledge).”  But when he came to them with the clear proofs, they said, “This is a clear sihrun / diversion.”

61.9    He is the One who sent His rasul / inner voice with the guidance and deen il haq / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) of truth, that make it prevail over the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey, even though the mushrikun / those who put partners (to Allah) detest it.

Ajilah - hastiness

17.18    Whoever seeks the life of the 'ajilah / hastiness, We will hasten for him in it what he wishes to whom We intend, then We will make jahannam / dark hole of ignorance for him a place which he will be burned, disgraced, abandoned.

Akbar - greater

9.72 Allah has promised, the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind) and mukminat / those who take security (from receiving Allah's revelation with their intuitive mind), jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allah (with the intuitive mind) is greater. It is that which is the great attainment. 

Akbaru syahadah - greater testimony

6.19    Say: “Which is akbaru syahadah / greater witness (testimony)?” Say: “Allah is witness between me and between you, and He has inspired to me this Qur’an / expression of truth (from reading ayaati /signs) that I may warn you with it and whoever it reaches, that you are bearing witness that with Allah are other ilaahan / reality of being!” Say: “I do not bear witness!” Say: “But He is a singular (irreducible) ilaahun / reality of being, and indeed I am free of what you have set up!”   

Akhirah - ending

4:78    Wherever you are, almauta / lifeless soul will yudrikkumu / seize / catches you and even if you were in burujin / prominent,  mushayyadah / elevated state (in terms of knowledge of the truth).  And if goodness reaches them they say this is from the nearness of Allah.  And if hurt / badness reaches them, they say this is from your nearness.  Say all are from the nearness of Allah.  Then what is for these qaumi / group of established thoughts that they are not near enough to understand hadisan / representation (of which there is reality behind the perception of matter).  

53.25    Then for Allah is the aakhirah / ending and the ulaa / beginning, 

Akimu salaat (Sod Lam Waw) - establish connection

2:43     And aqimu / establish the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and pursue the zakaah / mental development growth and warka'u / submit with those who are participating in raaki'un / submission.
2:110    And aqimu / established (rooted, solidified and ingrained) the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and pursue az-zakaah / the mental growth / development and whatever good you sent forth is for your anfus / souls, you find it with Allah.  Indeed, Allah is Seer with what you do.

Al Ardh wa As Samaa'a - lower consciousness & higher consciousness

2:22     The one who has made for you al-ardh / the lower consciousness firasha / development (spread and expanded) and as-samaa / the higher consciousness a bana'an / a construct of the absolute truth and caused to reveal from the as-samaa / higher consciousness maa / flowing knowledge (of truth) and caused to brought forth with it from al-thamara / the intelligence a rizqa / provision for you.  So do not set for Him andadan / rivals while you know. 
21.31    And We placed in the ardh / lower consciousness rawaasiya / firmly grounded (fixed natural law), that (the messages are) tamida / intricate (detailed and inter-related) with them, and We made therein fijajan / full spectrum of meaning, subulan / ways that they might be guided. 
21.32    And We made the samaa'a / higher consciousnesss saqfan / a cover by high authority, mahfudzhan / those who preserve (the purity) and they, about its signs, mu'ridhun / those who turn away.

51.48    And the ardh / lower consciousness farashnaha / We have spread it then nikma / have enjoyable and pleasant thoughts of al-mahdun / the place to prepare for development. 

Al Bayt - the mental house 

2:125    And when We made al-bait / the mental house a place of return (from disobedience to obedience) for an-nas / the agitated mind and you take the place of salla / connection (with hidden message delivered by rasul / inner voice) from the maqami / state of established position of Ibrahim (who is inclined to Allah's system of education) and We covenanted towards Ibrahim (who is inclined to Allah's system of education) and Ismail (who listen to the truth) that they purify My mental house for the tho'ifina / go round and the 'akifina / retreat and the rukka'i / bow / accept, the sujud / submit.

Alhamdulillah - praise be to Allah for giving the hidden knowledge

27.15    And surely We gave Daud / who break up complex, wild thoughts and Sulaiman / who submit, attain peace 'ilman / hidden knowledge, and they both said: “Alhamdulillah / Praise be to Allah (for giving knowledge of the ghaib) who preferred us over many of His servants who are mukminin / the one who take security (in al kitab).” 

Al Kitab - the inherent script

2:213    An nas / the agitated mind is one single ummah / group of foundational thoughts and Allah appointed nabiyyeen / the ones who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) mubashhirin / one who has sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) and warnings and with them he revealed Al Kitab / the inherent script in truth liyahkuma / to govern (understanding based on Allah's system, law and judgment) between an-nas / the restless thoughts in mahtalifu / what they represented in it.  And they did not ihtalafa / represent in it except those who were given it from after what clarifications came to them to wrong between each other.  Then Allah guides from the truth with His permission to those who trust and take security for what they ihtalafu / represent in it.  And Allah guides who will (he who wants the guidance) towards the straight path.

3:7    It is He who revealed Al Kitab / the inherent script (from your Rabb) to you.  From it are ayaatun / signs received by muhkamat / one who is familiar with Allah's law (with factual knowledge), they are the mother of Al Kitab (the foundation comprising of motherly support, unconditional love, care and compassion) and ukharu / others received by mutasyabihat / one who take resembling representations (with hidden patterns and values).  So in whose heart is a deviation they follow what resemble from it (which is the representations of truth) seeking its captivation and seeking its interpretation and no one knows its interpretation but Allah.  And those who are stable in knowledge they say "we aamanna / take security with it,  all is from the nearness of our Rabb / Lord".  And none yazzakkaru / will embody the divine masculine attributes but ulul albab / those who possess conscious minds (to what is given by his Rabb).  

6.92    And this is a kitab / inherent script which We have revealed, blessed, affirming what is between his hands (what his independent logical mind upholds), and that you may warn the ummal quraa / cluster of motherly thoughts and those around it.  And those who yukminun / take security with aakhirah / ending with it, and they yuhafizhun / preserve their salaah / connection / communion.  
17.2    And We gave Musa / the one who is familiar with the truth, the kitab / inherent script and We made it hudan / a guidance for the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey: “Do not take from other than Me, wakilan / a trusted custodian.”  

Allah - no reality of being except Him

2.255    Allah, there is la ilaaha illa huwa / no reality of being except Him, the Ever Living, the Ever Establish.  No sinatun / slumber (state of drowsiness where pure mind connection is severed during awake) can ta'huzuhu / seize Him nor naumun / sleep (state of inactivity or not knowing).  Whatever is in the higher consciousness and in the lower consciousness is for Him.  Who is there that can intercede (a soul step in from his own content of consciousness, other than the truth, as a satisfaction for another soul) in His presence except with His permission.  He knows what is between aidihim / their hands (experiences of own self) and what is kholfahum / their representations (of the truth).  And nor shall they encompass with anything from His knowledge except with what he wills.  His kursiyy / structure that support the truth, extends over the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness and He feels no burden in guarding and preserving both of them.  And He is High, the Supreme.   

2:257    Allah is wali / guardian of those who aamanu / trust / take security (in Al Kitab).  He brings them out of the darkness (without guidance) into the nur / brightness (with guidance); and those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah), their guardians are taghut / other than Allah (illusory otherness), who take them out of the brightness (with guidance) into the darkness (without guidance); they are the companions of the nar / burning sensation of internal conflicts (that burn an-nas), in it they shall abide.

10.3    Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is Allah, the one who khalaqa / evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness in sittati ayyam / six phases (in the evolution of an-nas) and then adapted over the 'arsh / framework support, disposing of (wiping out)  the matter (the conditioning of the mind). There is no shafi'i / intercessor except after His permission. That is Allah, your Rabb / Lord, so serve Him. Then will you not tazakkarun / embody the divine masculine attributes (linearity, focus, logic, assertiveness to go through the evolution in six phases)?
10.4    To Him is your return altogether. And Allah promises, truth.  Indeed, He yabda'u / will begin the khalqa / evolution (of lower and higher consciousness of An Nas) then repeats it that He may reward those who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab) and done corrective deeds, bilqisthi / with justice.  And those who kafaru / rejected them sharabun / will have an inward absorption from hamimin / heated taste (of conflicts) and a painful punishment for what they yakfurun / reject.

Allahi Akbar - Allah is greater

9.72    Allah has promised the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind) and mukminat / those who take security (from receiving Allah's revelation with their intuitive mind), jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allah (by the intuitive mind) is greater.  It is that which is the great attainment.  

6.78    So when he saw the shamsa / brightness baazi'ghah / begin to appear, he said: “This is my Rabb / Lord, this is akbar / greater.” So when it disappeared he said: “My qaum / group of established thoughts, indeed I am barii / dissociated of what you tushrikun / have set up.” 

Al masih, ibni Maryam - The pure thought, constructed by  state of exploring

3:45    When the malaaikah / state of sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler and one authority) said, O Maryam / state of exploring (to seek the truth), surely Allah gives you bashiru / sensible thoughts of a word from Him, elevated to Al masih Isa ibnu Maryam / pure soul Isa (who is fortified by holy spirit / pure essence of hidden knowledge) brought about by Maryam (state seeking the hidden knowledge), wajihan / a focus to care (for growth) in the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and in the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) from those who are the close ones (the duniya).    
3:46    And he (Isa) will speak to the nas / agitated mind in the mahdi /  place prepared for the development of Isa (to fortify with ruh qudus) and a kahlan / well-develop and he will be of those who solihin / correct themselves. 
5.75    The masihu / pure, ibnu / construct of Maryam / state of exploring for the truth, is no more than a rasulun / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs); certainly kholat / has been emptied of its impurities from the rusul / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) before; and his ummi / motherly support (devoted, explore, curiosity) was siddiiqatun / truthful, they used to ya'kulu / digest the tha'ama / consumption of knowledge.  See how We clarify the ayaati / signs for them, then see how they yu'fakun / are deluded.  
Alwah - localised content of consciousness

7.145    And We wrote for him in the alwahi / localised content of his consciousness, from all things maw'izotan / a sermon with lessons, and detailing all things. Take it with strength and order your qauma / group of established thoughts to take the best from it. I will show you daral fasiqin / the state of defiantly disobedient.

54.13    We hamal / conceived it (knowledge from higher consciousness) upon his core essence of the alwah / localised content of the consciousness and dusurin / (form) a foundation.

Aaminu - take security

2:41     And aaminu / take security with what I have revealed to musaddiqan / one who conformed to what is with you, and do not be the first to kafiri / reject with it and do not tashtaru / purchase with My ayaati / signs a small price, and fattaqun / be extremely cautious / careful / mindful of Me alone. 

2:136    They said aamanna / we trust (and take security) with Allah and what is revealed towards us and what is revealed towards Ibrahim (who is inclined to the truth) and Ismail (who listen to the truth) and Ishak (who is perfected and alienated from other thoughts) and Yaqub (who always return to the truth) and the asbati / those of like minded and having same interest and what was given to Musa (who is matured and familiar with the truth) and Isa (who is fortified with ruh ul qudus, dignified and even) and what was given to the prophets (who pronounce and establish the truth) from their Rabb / Lord.  We do not nufarriqu / distinguish (that they are all inner voice that deliver the revelation from your Rabb) between anyone from them and we are muslims / submitters for Him.

Ana'am - healthy and pleasant thoughts

2:40     O bani israel / those who construct spiritual journey seeking guidance, izkuru / embody the divine masculine attributes (be linear, logical, brave, exploratory, focus and assertive) of My nikmati / favour (blessing received) which is anaam / healthy and pleasant thoughts, upon you and fulfil with ahdi / covenant and I will fulfil your covenant, and farhabun / be devoted (only to Me).

Andadan - thoughts of the agitated mind as equal to Allah

39.8    And when the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, is afflicted with adversity, he implores his Rabb / Lord, turning (in repentance) to Him.  Then, when He grants him a blessing from Him, he forgets his previous imploration from before, and sets up equals with Allah, in order to mislead others from His path. Say: “Enjoy your rejection for a while; for you are of the ashhabi / companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas).” 

Anfaal - ascension or spiritual growth

17.79    And from the laili / darkness (state of not knowing the truth), then arise with it nafilatan / an ascension (spiritual growth) for you, perhaps your Rabb / Lord would raise you (to) maqaman / a station that is mahmudan / praiseworthy (for the hidden knowledge received).

Anfus - souls

5.105    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), upon you are anfusakum / your souls; none who are misguided can harm you if you are guided. To Allah is your return, all of you, and then He will inform you of what you have done.

An-nar - the internal conflict that burn an-nas

2:24      Then if you do and you will never be able to, then be fattaku / extremely cautious of the nar / burning sensation of internal conflict, which will burn it, an-nas / the agitated mind and become the hijarah / hard headed minds, reckoned by your own self for those who are kaafirin / rejecters / those who cover (who do not follow their own Al Kitab / Inherent Script). 
3:151    We will cast terror (as a result of self-experience) into the hearts (with two sides argument and confusion) of those who kafaru / reject for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down (any) authority.  And their dwelling will be the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas), and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers. 

An-nas - the agitated mind

2:8       And from an nas / thoughts of the agitated mind are those who say aamana billah / we take security with Allah and with the yawmil aakhiri / moment of ending (moment of ending the duniya) but they are not with mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind). 
2:213    An-nas / the agitated mind is one single ummah / group of foundational thoughts and Allah appointed nabiyyeen / the ones who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) mubashhirin / one who has sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) and warnings and with them he revealed Al Kitab / the inherent script in truth liyahkuma / to govern (understanding based on Allah's system, law and judgment) between an-nas / the restless thoughts in mahtalifu / what they represented in it.  And they did not ihtalafa / represent in it except those who were given it from after what clarifications came to them to wrong between each other.  Then Allah guides from the truth with His permission to those who trust and take security for what they ihtalafu / represent in it.  And Allah guides who will (he who wants the guidance) towards the straight path. 
10.19    And an-nas / agitated mind was not but one ummah / group of thoughts, then they ihtalafu / represent (in the lower consciousness). And if not for a word that preceded from your Rabb / Lord, surely it would have been decreed between them concerning what therein they yahtalifun / represent.

Annujum - sparkling of revelation

6.97    And He is the One who made for you annujum / sparkling of revelation, to guide you by them in zulumat / darkness (absence of knowledge) of the barri / truthfulness and the bahri / ocean of knowledge.  We have explained the ayaati / signs to a kaumin / group of thoughts who know.  

Ansha'a - raise (how Allah raises / develop you)

36.79    Say, "He will give them life who raised them the first time; and He is, of all evolution, Knowing."

36.80    The one who made for you from khadori / immatured state of shajaril / multifaceted realities, naran / a burning sensation of conflict, then from it you tuqidun / become weak (descending).

36.81    Is it not He is the one who kholaqa / evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness biqodirin / with measurement upon mithlahum / like of them that yakhluqa / evolve (that is evolved by their own conditioned mind).  Rather, and He is the kholaqal 'alim / supreme who evolve, the All Knower.  

Aqal - comprehension using pure logical mind

5.58    And when you call to the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), they take it for huzuwah / fooling around (not mindful) and play. That is because they are qauman / group of established thoughts who do not ya'qilun / comprehend (use pure logical mind).  

8.22    Indeed, sharra al dawaab / the evil of life experience, in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who will not ya'qilun / comprehend (use their pure logical mind). 

Aqimu - establish your understanding (of the hidden knowledge)

2:19     Or (it is) like bringing down (perception of signs) from the higher consciousness, in it is state of darkness and threatening and perplexing.  They set their directions in their desire to conceive from the in-sensibilities of fearing maut / lifeless (without awareness of truth for the soul). But Allah Himself encompassing with the kaafirin / rejecters.  
2:20     The perplexity almost snatches away their insight.  Every time it adha'a / flashes (lights up) for them, they walk in it (ponder, contemplate), and when it azlama / wronged / had injustice upon them, they qamu / establish (understanding of the sign they perceived).  And if Allah had willed, He could have taken away their understanding and their insight.  Indeed, Allah measures over all things. 
2:43     And aqimu / establish the salaat / connection (where the message is downloaded and received) and pursue the zakaah / mental development growth and warka'u / submit with those who are participating in raaki'un / submission.

Arabiyyan - articulate (clear and intelligibly)

12.2    Surely We have revealed qur'anan arabiyyan / an articulative (clear and intelligibly) expression of truth, perhaps you ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind). 
39.28    A Qur’an / an expression of the truth, arabiyyan / an articulate (clear and intelligibly) manner, without any iwajin / distortion, that they may yattaqun / be mindful. 

A'raf - perception and recognition of facts  

7.46    And between them (companions of jannah and an-nar)  a hijabun / veil, and over the a'raf / perception and recognition of facts, (there are) rijalun / independent thought processes who recognized all bisimaahum / with their features.  And they called out to the companions of jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge that: “Salamun / Peace be upon you!” They have not yet entered it, but they are hoping.

7.47    And when their absaar / insights (from a'raf) are turned towards the companions of an-nar / the internal conflicts, they say: “Our Rabb / Lord, do not place us with the qaumi / group of established thoughts, the zalimin / wrong-doers!”  
7.48    And the ashabul (companions) of a'raf / perception and recognition of facts, in rajalan / independent thought processes recognized them with their features, they said: “What good did your large number do for you, or what you were arrogant for?” 

Arafat - pure knowing (perception and recognition)

2:198    There is no junaahun / inclination to wrong doing upon you for seeking fadlan / excellence from your Rabb / Lord.  Then when afadhtum / you have accumulated abundant knowledge from arafat / pure knowing (of perceptions and recognition of facts), then uzkuru / embody divine masculine attributes (be linear, logical, brave, focus, assertive) of Allah with al-mash'ar al-haram / the enlightenment of the prohibition (like destituteness, cruelty, magnifying state that hinder rationalization thoughts).  And uzkuruhu / embody His masculine faculty of consciousness (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive), as He has guided you, and that, you were from before it among those astray.  

Arash - structure / framework support

6.141    And He is the One who ansha'aha / raised jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge; both ma'rushatin / structural state (of self) and other than ma'rushatin / structural state; and annakhla / the structured knowledge, and zar'a / spiritual growth, all with different taste; and zaituna / knowledge that are dynamic in its expression and rummana / knowledge that is rich in its content, mutashabihan / comparable / resemble and not mutashabihin / comparable / resemble.  Kulu / consume from its thamari / intellect when it athmara / blossoms and give its haqqah / due on the moment of its harvest; and do not tushrifu / waste. He does not love the musrifin / one who love to waste.    

7.137    And We let the qaum / group of established thoughts who were weak inherit the mashriqu / distinguished state of the ardh / lower consciousness and its maghriba / state of isolation / remoteness which We have blessed in it. And the good word of your Rabb / Lord was tammat / completed over bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey for their patience; and We destroyed what Firaun / those having superiority complex and his qaum / group of established thoughts were doing, and what they used to yakrishun / erect (structure of superiority complex).

11.7.    And it is He who evolved the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness in six phases / moments (progressive stages) - and His arshuhu / framework / structure had been upon almaa' / the knowledge - that He might test you as to which of you is best in deed. But if you say, "Indeed, you are resurrected after the mauti / destituteness," those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) will surely say, "This is not but obvious sihrun / diversion from the right course." 
18:42    And surrounded with thamarihi / increased intellect, so he began turning it inside-out altogether over what he anfaqa / self-experienced in it (the reform), while it had collapsed upon 'urushiha / its framework / structure, and said, "Oh, I wish I had not associated with my Rabb / Lord, anyone." 

Arbaban - Lords, nourishers 

3:64    Say, O ahlal kitab (those who are acquainted in the inherent script from their Rabb) come to a word that is equal / common between you and us that we serve non except Allah, and that we do not associate anything with Him and that we do not take from among us arbaban / lords (nourisher) other than Allah.   So, if they turn back then say, you bear witness (that is you see evidence with knowledge) by us, muslimun / submitters.

Ardh - lower consciousness

2:22     The one who has made for you al-ardh / the lower consciousness firasha / development (spread and expanded) and as-samaa / the higher consciousness a bana'an / a construct of the absolute truth and caused to reveal from the as-samaa / higher consciousness maa / flowing knowledge (of truth) and caused to brought forth with it from al-thamara / the intelligence a rizqa / provision for you.  So do not set for Him andadan / rivals while you know.
2:35     And We said, "O Adam / one who receive education of the unseen, us'kun / calm down / remain still, you and your pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes (linear, focus, brave, logic) and unsa / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love and care) of al-jannah / the hidden garden of knowledge and both kula / consume knowledge from it freely wherever you both desire.  And do not come near this shajarata / tree / word (thoughts that germinate differences / disputes), lest you be from the zhalimin / wronged doers (putting things in wrong place when you accept the representation as the reality).
2:36     Then both (zakara and unsa) let shaytan / acts arises from despair slip themselves concerning it (thoughts that germinate differences and disputes) and he (Adam) himself removed from what they were in it.  And We said, "Degrade yourselves all of you, as aduwwun / transgressors to one another, and you will have in the ardh / lower consciousness mustaqarrun / one who is ongoingly desirous a place for settlement and mata'un / enjoyment (from what is provided by the wrong doings) for a period."
2:61    And when you said, "O Musa / the one who is matured and familiar (with the truth), never (we) nashbira / endure waahidin / a singular ta'amin / consumption (of knowledge).  So ud'u / invoke your Rabb / Lord for us to bring forth for us out of what (is available) the cultivation of the ardh / lower consciousness, from baqliha / its ideas, and qiissa'iha / its resurrection, and fumiha / its fertility, and 'adasiha / its prosperity and basaliha / its protection." He (Musa) said, "Would you exchange that which is better for that which is adna (attached close to you)? Lower (your) misran / obstinate / stubborn thoughts, then surely you shall find what you have asked for!" And they were covered with humiliation and misery, and they drew on themselves the anger from Allah. That was because they used to reject the ayaat (signs, proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.) of Allah and killed (dissolve) the nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) without the truth. That was because they 'asau / disobeyed and they ya'tadun / transgressed the limits.

21.31    And We placed in the ardh / lower consciousness rawaasiya / firmly grounded (fixed natural law), that (the messages are) tamida / intricate (detailed and inter-related) with them, and We made therein fijajan / full spectrum of meaning, subulan / ways that they might be guided.

91.6    And the ardh / lower consciousness and what thohaaha / increase its consciousnesss.

Ashabu nar - companions of the internal conflicts

2:39     And those who kafaru / rejected and kazzabu / denied with ayaatina / Our signs, they are those (agitated mind) who will be ashhabu / companions (intellect of logical mind and ladunni of intuitive mind) of an-nar / burning sensation of internal conflict (that burn an-nas), they will abide in it perpetually.

2:78    And from them there are ummiyyun / who give motherly care, who do not know al kitab / the inherent script except their amaniyya / longing / wishes and they do nothing except yazunnuna / of the opinion (formulated based on conjectures because they do not know al kitab).

2:79    Then woe to those who wrote al kitab / the inherent script with their hands (using their own independent logic), then they say this is from the nearness of Allah to purchase with it for a little price.  Then woe to them from what their hands wrote and woe to them from what they earn.

2:80    And they say an-nar / the burning sensation of internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) shall not touch us except (for) counted moments.  So have you taken a covenant in the nearness of Allah who never yuhlifa / replace any of His promises or you just ascribe to Allah what you do not know ?

2:81    Yes, whosoever earns evil and surrounded with it, they (intellect of logical mind and ladunni of intuitive mind) are companions of the an-nar / burning sensation of internal conflicts (that burn an-nas); they will dwell therein forever.

Ashabul mash'amah - companions of the left (those who reject and dwell in a state of misery)

90.19    And those who kafaru / rejected with Our ayaati / signs, they are the companions of the left (those in a state of misery)

Ashara - assembled thoughts

6.128    And the moment We gather them all: “O ma'sara / assembled intimate thoughts of the Jinn / hidden intellect (where the truth is concealed from intellect), you have managed to take many from the ins / one who are aligned with the truth.”  Their wali / guardian from the ins / one who is aligned with the truth said: “Our Rabb / Lord, we have indeed istamta'a / taken advantage of one another, and we have reached our term to which You appointed for us.” He said: “An-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) is your dwelling, abiding therein, except as Allah wishes.” Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable.

Ashnam - images as realities

7.138    And We let the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey cross the sea of knowledge, then they came upon qaumin / group of established thoughts who were devoted to ashnam / images (that appear as realities) to them; they said: “O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, make for us an ilaahan / reality like they have aalihah / realities (from the images)?” He said: “You are an tajhaluna / ignorant (consciously avoid seeking knowledge) qaum / group of established thoughts!” 

Asmaa'a - names with elevated hidden meaning

2:31     And learning was imparted to Adam / who is ready to receive education of the hidden knowledge, the asmaa'a / names (with elevated hidden meaning for there is nothing exist before being measured and named) all of them then He presented them to the malaaikah (sovereign self, one ruler one authority) then said, "inform me with asmaa'i / names (with elevated hidden meaning) of these (about those in existence), if you are truthful.

Asnaman - image / appearance / representation

6.74    And when Ibrahim / who is inclined to Allah's system of education, said to abihi / his fatherly support (independent logical mind), azara / strengthen (the foundation of his knowledge): “Will you take asnaman / image / appearance / representation as aalihah / reality?  I see you and your qaum / group of established thoughts are clearly misguided.”  

Asr - squeezed or forced out  

2:266    Would anyone of you like to have jannatun /  hidden garden of knowledge (for guidance) from nakhilin / structured and a'nabin / related / significant (to the subject matter) underneath which rivers of knowledge flow in which he has from every al-thamara / the increased intellect (that is knowledge from every sectors)?  And reaches him kibaru / full grown and weak zuriatun / scattered thoughts, then reaches it i'sarun / a squeezed / forced out (thought) in it (is) narun/ a burning sensation of internal conflict (that burn an-nas) so is bursted / flared up.  Thus Allah make clear to you (His) aayati / signs so that you might tatafakkarun / ponder / give thought.

103.1    By the asr / (entered) in a state where the barriers that create darkness is squeezing out the light leading to more darkness (to a state of not receiving guidance from Allah). 

Atiullah wa atiur rasul - follow Allah and follow the inner voice

7.158    Say: “O an-nas / agitated mind, I am rasulullah / a messenger (inner voice that deliver the guidance) of Allah to you all.  Those for it (the guidance) have the mulku / sovereignty (one ruler one authority for the body, mind and soul) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, there is no ilaaha / reality except He (the fundamental absolute reality); He gives yuhyi / life (to the true self) and yumit / causes lifeless (of the true self).” So aaminu / take security with Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), the nabiyyi ummiyyi / who motherly pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib with unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of a motherly support), who yukminu / take security with Allah and His kalimaah / words; and follow him that you may be guided.

Ayaati - signs (revelations from higher consciousness)

2:41     And aaminu / take security with what I have revealed to musaddiqan / one who conformed to what is with you, and do not be the first to kafiri / reject with it and do not tashtaru / purchase with My ayaati / signs a small price, and fattaqun / be extremely cautious / careful / mindful of Me alone.

6.55    And it is such that We explain the ayaati / signs, and point out the way of the mujrimin / one who violated the covenant.  

39.63    To Him belongs the keys of the samaawat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. And those who kafaru / rejected the ayaati / signs of Allah, they are the losers.

Azab - punishment

70.28    Indeed, punishment of their Rabb / Lord is not that from ma'mun / state which one is secured 

Azdadu - added or increased

3:90    Indeed, those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) after their imaan / security then azdadu (zaid) / added (increase) kufran / (in) rejection (to the laknat state) - never will their repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray.   

Azlamu - wrongful for inventing lies

6.21    And who is more azlamu / wronged than he who invents lies about Allah, or lies / denies His ayaati / signs!  The wrong-doers will never succeed.    
6.93    And who is azlamu / wronged than he who invents kaziban / lie against Allah, or says: “It has been inspired to me,” when We did not inspire anything to him; or who says: “I will bring down similar to what Allah has revealed.” And if you could only see the wrong-doers in suffocation of the mauti / destituteness (lifeless soul), when the malaikah / state of those in authority have their arms opened: “Bring your souls / selves out, today you will be given the severest punishment for what you used to say about Allah without truth, and you used to be arrogant towards His ayaati / signs.” 

7.37    Who is more azlamu / wronged than he who invents against Allah kaziban / a lie, or denies with His ayaati / signs? They are those who nasibuhum / their  indemnification will reach them from the kitab / inherent script; so that when Our rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) come to yatawaffau / complete (their souls), they will say: “Where are those whom you used to call on besides Allah?” They said: “They have abandoned us!” And they bore witness upon their souls / selves that they were kaafirin / rejecters. 

Azwaja - pair (or zauj)

75.37    Was he not nutfatan / a seed of knowledge from manniyyin / wishful thinking put forth? 

75.38    Then he was 'alaqatan / attached in a void, so evolved and shaped. 

75.39    Then He made from it the pair, the zakara / divine masculine attributes (linear, logical, focus and assertive) and the unsa / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love and unconditional acceptance). 

66.5    Perhaps his Rabb / Lord thollaqakunna / would separate you that he will substitute you for Him, azwajan / a pair (zakara / divine masculine attribute and unsa / divine feminine attributes) who are better than you; muslimaat / those who submit (with intuitive mind receiving revelation from Allah), mukminaat / those who take security (with intuitive mind), qaanitan / devout, taaibatin / repentant, 'aabidatin / serving, saa'ihatin / explore, thayyibatin / mature and abkaaran / fresh.

Ba'athna - We raise to life

2:56    Then ba'athnakum / We raised you up (with awareness of truth for the soul) from after mautikum / your lifeless state (without awareness of truth for the soul), so that you might be grateful.     

2:129    Our Rabb / Lord, and raise (to life) in them a rasul (an inner voice) who will recite upon them (so that they follow closely) Your ayaati / signs and will teach them Al Kitab / the inherent script, and the hikmah / wisdom (actions based on understanding of the truth) and yuzakkihim / make them grow (mentally).  Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise (provider of understanding of the truth).
6.29    And they had said: “There is only this hayatunad duniya / living temptations of close attachments and relations, and we will not be with mab'uthun / raising up of our true self!” 

Ba'sin - evil  

2:90    Bi'sama / evil (is) that by selling their anfus / souls with it (kitabun) resulting in them kafaru / reject with what Allah has revealed, grudging that Allah should reveal with His favour unto whom He will from His servants.  So they have drawn on themselves wrath upon wrath.  And lil kaafirin / to the rejecters  (ayaati of Allah), a disgraceful punishment.

17.5        So, when the promise of the first of the two comes, Ba'athna / We raised over you servants of Ours, those who are strong in ba'sin / evil, so they be on the look up for redressing the diyar / state of encircling thoughts, and was a promise maf'ula / fulfilled. 

Baddala - change or alter

2:59    But those zalamu / who did wrong, changed qaulan / a saying other than that We had revealed to them, so We revealed upon the wrong-doers rijzan / a punishment from as samaa' / the higher consciousness with whatever they were yafsuqun / defiantly deviate from the fact (what was revealed).

Badi'u - innovation

6.101    Badi'u / innovation (of what they construct) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, how can He have waladun / that foster fatherly support (to rear, educate and upbringing thoughts from own mental faculties) while there is not for Him a companion (while He is alone and nothing is with Him, the fundamental absolute being)?  And khalaqa / evolved all things and He is knowledgeable in all things.  

Bahiimah - skeptical attitude

5.1    O you who aamanu / take security (in Allah), fulfill (your covenant) with the 'uqud / pledged (of committments).  Made uhillat / permissible for you are the bahiimah / skeptical attitude that are ana'am / healthy and blissful thoughts, save that which is being yutla / recited to you.  Do not make permissible the soidi / captivation (of the representation) while you are under restriction (captivation of the representation that destroy the state of truth).  Surely Allah yahkumu / judge what you will.       

Bahirah - ocean of knowledge 

5.103    Allah did not decree from bahirah  / ocean of knowledge and not allowing it saibah / to flow freely without restrictions, and not wasilah / download and receive, and not hamin / conflicting,  but those who kafaru / rejected invented lies against Allah, and most of them do not comprehend.  

Bakka - remorse for own foolishness, ignorance 
3:96    Indeed the first (mental) house placed for an-nas / the agitated mind is that with Bakka (weeping for his foolishness and ignorance), a blessing and guidance for aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge.
12.16    And they came to their abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind) in the isha'an / early part of darkness (where perception is starting to be difficult), yabkuna / weeping.

53.43    And that it is He adhhaka / who makes you laugh (by reason of happiness) and abkaa / weep (by reason of sadness) 

Balaad - languid attitude

3:196    Do not be deceived by the turnings (of the aim / goal / care) of the kafaru / rejecters, in the bilaadi / languid attitude (the one living a life of ease and comfort, ignoring the difficulties of life and choose the easy path). 

3:197    A small enjoyment; then their abode is jahannam / dark hole of ignorance, and the mihadu / developmental place of evil. 

Bani Israel - those who construct spiritual journey (to seek guidance)

2:83    And when We took a covenant of bani Israel / those who construct spiritual journey to seek guidance, that you will not ta'buduna / serve except Allah and ihsanan / (be) good (excellent) with waalidain / that foster parental support (that is rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / impetus urges (from mental activities) wadzi / and endowed (provide the best) with the qurba / who approach for knowledge and the yatama / who has no support for guidance and the masakin / who are needy of guidance and say husnan / good deeds to an nas  / the agitated mind and establish (rooted and ingrained) salah / connection (where messages are downloaded and received) and pursue zakah / mental growth and development then except few from you, you turn away avoiding it.

Baqara - self inquiry for mental development

6.144    And from the two ibili / skills, and from the two baqara / self inquiries, say: “Is it the two zakarain / divine masculine attributes (of the past and future) that He harrama / forbade or the two unsa / divine feminine attributes (of the past and future), or what the arhamu / conceptions of the unthayain / two outcomes feminine attributes (of the past and future)?  Or were you witnesses when Allah ordered you with this?” Who is more wronged than he who invents lies about Allah to misguide an-nas / the agitated mind without knowledge. Allah does not guide the qauma / group of established thoughts that are wrong-doers. 

6.146    And for those who are hadu / self lenient (being leisurely in their deeds) We have made forbidden every dhi zhufura / successes possessed; and from the baqari / self inquiry and the alghanama / the gain We made forbidden over them shuhu mahuma / their mental development except what is apparent in its hamalat / conception, or become bad in its state of affair, or mixed with greatness. That is a punishment for their rebellion, and We are truthful.

Basara wa tudriku - insight and comprehension

6.103    The absoru / insight cannot tudriku / comprehend Him, and He can yudriku / comprehend all absora / insight; and He is the Subtle, the Acquainted. 

6.104    Surely, bashaa'iru / rational and sensible thoughts have come to you from your Rabb / Lord; so whoever absora / has insight, then linafsihi / for his self / soul, and whoever is blinded (in respect of insight), then will be against her.  And I am not a hafiz / preserver over you.

6.105    And that to you We sarrifa / convey the ayaati / signs and that they may say: “You darasta / have studied,” and We will make it clear for qaumin / group of established thoughts who know. 

Bashar - rational and sensible thoughts

2:25     And bashar / rational and sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) are those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and (stimulate to do) righteous deeds of the solihati / reforms, that for them is Jannat / Garden (of the hidden knowledge) beneath which the river of knowledge (truth / enlightenment) flow.  Whenever they are ruziqu / provided with a sustenance from thamaratin / increased intellect there from, they will say, "this is which we were nourished from before."  And it is given with it, mutasyabihan / a resemblance (a representation to the truth).  And for them in it are azwajun mutahharah / pair of one who is pure (zakara / divine masculine attributes (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) and unsa / divine feminine attributes (of Allah, that is unconditional love and unconditional acceptance), and they will abide in it eternally.

6.48    And We do not send the mursalin / the one who deliver the message, except as mubasshirin / the one who bear sensible thoughts and munzirin / the one who warn of punishment to wrong-doers; so whoever aamana / take security, and aslaha / correct themselves, then there is no fear for them nor will they grieve.

11.2.    Do not serve but Allah.  Indeed, I am to you from Him a warner and bashirun / sensible thoughts (who trust transformation and will stimulate you to be the one who transform).  
39.17    And for those who avoid the taghut / other than Allah, and turn to Allah in repentance, for them are the bushra / sensible thoughts.  Fabasshir / so give sensible thoughts to My servants.   

Bida'ah - innovation

6.100    And they set up partners with Allah from among the Jinn / truth is concealed from intellect, and khalaqa / evolved them. And they invented for Him banina / those who contruct independently and banaati / those who construct from signs received!  Be He glorified and exalted above what they describe.  
6.101    Badi'u / innovation (of what they construct) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, how can He have waladun / that foster fatherly support (to rear, educate and upbringing thoughts from own mental faculties) while there is not for Him a companion (while He is alone and nothing is with Him, the fundamental absolute being)?  And khalaqa / evolved all things and He is knowledgeable in all things. 

Birra - truthfulness

3:92    Never will you attain the birra / truthfulness (of your covenant) until tunfiqu / you self-experience (the reform) from that which you love. And whatever you experience - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.

Bi'sama - evil, grudging with Allah

2:90    Bi'sama / evil (is) that by selling their anfus / souls with it (kitabun) resulting in them kafaru / reject with what Allah has revealed, grudging that Allah should reveal with His favour unto whom He will from His servants.  So they have drawn on themselves wrath upon wrath.  And lil kaafirin / to the rejecters  (ayaati of Allah), a disgraceful punishment.

Buruj - prominent light (of truth)

85.1    By the samaa'a / higher consciousness (that) possessed the buruj / prominent light (of truth). 

85.2    And the maw'ud / promised moment (that guidance will come to those who seek guidance)

85.3    By shahidin / a witness and mashhud / state of witnessing (when the truth is revealed)

85.7    And they, were shuhudin / witnesses to what they (companions of falsehood) yaf'alun / did to the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind). 

Dakwa - claim

7.5    Then their only dakwa / claim when Our punishment came to them was: “Surely, we were zalimun / wrongdoers!” 

Darasta - studied from what is inspired

6.105    And that to you Nusarrifu / We convey the ayaati / signs and that they may say: “You darasta / have studied,” and We will make it clear for qaumin / group of established thoughts who know.  
6.106    Follow what is 'uhiya / inspired to you from your Rabb / Lord; there is no ilaaha / reality except He, and turn away from the musyrikin / those who set up partners (with Allah). 

Deen - indebted obligations to consciously obey Allah 

39.3    Absolutely, for Allah is the sincere deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey Allah's (systems, law and judgment). And those who set up from other than Him awliya' / protectors we serve them not except that they may bring us closer to Allah. Indeed, Allah will judge between them in what they differ.  For Allah does not guide him who is a liar, a rejecter. 

98.5    And they were not commanded except to serve Allah and be mukhlisin / one who is sincere to His deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement), hunafa' / naturally inclined (towards the truth), and established (rooted, solidified and ingrained) salaah / connection (to receive and download) and yu'tu / to pursue zakah / mental development.  And that is the established deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement). 

Dhahaba - took away, dispersed, thrown out

2:17    Masaluhum / their example is like example of those who istawqada / strives to ignite naran / a bright perception (so that they can see better), then when it illuminated what was around him,  Allah took away with their nur / light and left them in zhulumaat / darkness (created by barriers of their transgression so) they do not have insight.  

3:91    Indeed, those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) and matu / become lifeless (unaware of the truth) while they are kufran / rejector - then never would the capacity of the ardh / lower consciousness in dhahaban / dispersed thoughts be accepted from one of them even if he would ransom himself with it. For those there will be a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.

Dhillah - humiliation

3:112    They were brought down with the dhillah / humiliation wherever they understood, except with a binding from Allah and a binding from the agitated minds.  And they have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah and have been covered over them the maskanah / state of motionless (that is stagnant and no effort to seeking the truth). That is because they yakfuru / rejected with the ayaati / signs of Allah (signs, proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and killed the anbiya' / who pronounced (news of the ghaib), without truth. That is because they disobeyed and (they used to) transgressed.

Dhalalah - misguided 

7.30    Fariqan / a party He has guided and a party in truth over them is the dhalalah / misguided (party that is not guided); surely, that is because they have taken the shayatin / thoughts that are broken and in despair as guardians besides Allah; and they think they are muhtadun / one who is guided! 

Dhul Qarnain - possessor of education by mentation and ladunni

18:86    Until when he balagha / reaches maturity / strength (in understanding from) maghriba / early darkness (to) the shamsi / illumination and he perceives / finds her taghrubu / remote in perception of hami'atin / dirty thought and he finds near that a qauman / group of thoughts.  We say, O dhul qarnain / possessor of combined systems of education (by mentation and ladunni) either that you can give them retribution / punishment and you can take that, whatever in them pleasing. 

Dinarin - a glisten in excitement and admiration

3:75    And among the ahle (those who are familiar in) al kitab (the natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb) is he who, if you entrust him biqintharin / with a great possession (of knowledge), he yu'addihi / will discharge it (the trust) to you.  And among them is he who, if you entrust him with a dinar / (something) glisten in excitement and admiration, he will not discharge it (the trust) to you unless you are constantly qaaiman / establishing (the trust) over him. That is because they say, "There is no sabilun / path upon us in the ummiyyin / who give motherly care (but they do not know Al Kitab)." And they say the kaziba / lie about Allah while they know (because their opinion based on conjectures).

Diyaar - homes of encircling thoughts

2:85     Then, it is you who kill your anfus / souls and expel a fariqan / group distinguished from your diyaar / homes of encircling thoughts, (that) going round them supporting one another, in sin and in enmity.  And if they come to you tie or make him a captive, you put him on bail, although their expulsion was forbidden to you. Then do you take security in a part of Al Kitab / the inherent script and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this duniya (close attachments and relationships), and on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing (the dissolution of duniya) they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.

2:243    Have you not considered those who left from their diyaar / home of encircling thoughts and they ulufun / were familiar, hazara / beware almauta / the lifeless state (without awareness of truth for the soul)? Allah said to them, "Mutu / be lifeless"; then alive (of the true self) to them. Indeed, Allah surely is possessor of fadhlin / benefits over an-nas / the agitated mind and that akthara / most of the an-nas / agitated mind do not show gratitude.

Du'a - invoke

2:61    And when you said, "O Musa / the one who is matured and familiar (with the truth), never (we) nashbira / endure waahidin / a singular ta'amin / consumption (of knowledge).  So ud'u / invoke your Rabb / Lord for us to bring forth for us out of what (is available) the cultivation of the ardh / lower consciousness, from baqliha / its ideas, and qiissa'iha / its resurrection, and fumiha / its fertility, and 'adasiha / its prosperity and basaliha / its protection." He (Musa) said, "Would you exchange that which is better for that which is adna (attached close to you)? Lower (your) misran / obstinate / stubborn thoughts, then surely you shall find what you have asked for!" And they were covered with humiliation and misery, and they drew on themselves the anger from Allah. That was because they used to reject the ayaat (signs, proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.) of Allah and killed (dissolve) the nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) without the truth. That was because they 'asau / disobeyed and they ya'tadun / transgressed the limits.

8.24    O you who aamanu / take security (in Allah), istajibu / answer to Allah and to the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) when he invoke you to that which gives you (true self) life. And know that Allah transmutes between al mar'i / the stubborn thoughts and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered.

Duniya - close attachments and relationships

3:14    Adornment for an-nas / the agitated mind is the love of (things) desire from an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) and banin / thoughts conceived (by our brain) and the aggregation of the aggregated (of desires and thoughts) from zahabi / dispersed thoughts and al fiddati / rebind (getting together the dispersed thoughts) and al hoili / seeking for fanciful imagination and al an'am / the enjoyable and pleasant thoughts and al harith / work for physical gains.  That is the enjoyment in the life of the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and Allah, in His nearness, is the beautiful place of return. 
37.6    Indeed, We have adorned (make it beautiful) the duniya / close relations of the samaa'a / higher consciousness, (is) with an adornment of the kawaakib / bright sparkles of truth.

Fadlu - (Allah's) given advantage

2:64    Then you turned away from after that. So had it not been for the fadhlu / Allah's given advantage upon you and His Rahmatuhu (abstract system of education), surely you would have been among the khosirun / losers.

3:152    And certainly Allah sadaqakumu / had genuinely in a truthful way fulfilled His promise to you when you were tahussu / perceiving them (to overpower the kafaru's side of the argument) by His permission until when you lost courage and fell to disputing about the order and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you love. Among you are some who desire this duniya / close attachments, and among you are some who desire the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of close attachments). Then he sarafakum / divided you from them that He might test you. And He has already forgiven you, and Allah is the possessor of fadhlin / given advantage for the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent unfettered logical mind).  

Fahisha - immorality 
7.33    Say: “Certainly, My Rabb / Lord has made forbidden fawahisha / immorality; what is zahara / apparent from it and what is bathin / concealed; and sin, and baghya / seeking to do evil without the truth, and that you set up partners with Allah that which He has never revealed with it sulthanan / an authority, and that you say about Allah what you do not know.”  

Faqirun - poor in knowledge

3:181    Without doubt Allah has heard the saying of those, "surely Allah is faqirun / poor (not having the knowledge) and we are qagniyaa' / rich (competent and knowledgeable)".  Surely We will record what they have said and their killings of the anbiya' / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), without truth.  And We will say, "zuqu / taste (self-experience) the punishment of burning (that arises from your internal conflicts)".
Fariqan - a group

2:75    Afathadma'una / do you then hope that they would yukminu / feel secured for you, and a party from among them indeed yasma'una / used to hear the kalaama / word of Allah, then yuharrifuna / altered it from after what they 'aqaluhu / had understood it, and they yakmaluna / know (this).

3:100    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), if you obey fariqan / a group from those who were given the al Kitab / the inherent script, it will turn you back, after your imaan / take security,  (as) kaafirin / rejecters. 

Fasad - corruption in the lower consciousness

2:30     And when your Rabb / Lord said to the malaikah / state of sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler and one authority), " Indeed I will instill in the lower consciousness a khalifah / a representer; They said, "Will you instill in it one who cause yufsidu / corruption in it and the influence of the dimaa'a / brutality and we are occupied with your approvals and We nuqadisu / make perfect (qudus / purify) for You.  He (Rabb) said, "Indeed I know that which you do not know." 

2:251    So they defeated them by permission of Allah, and Dawud (one who is capable to break up the assembly of thoughts which can be complex and wild) killed Jalut / deluded as the one having authority, notable and well known, and Allah gave him (Dawud) the authority and the hikmata / understanding based on facts and taught him from that which he (Dawud) wants. And if it were not for Allah repelling an-nas / the agitated mind among themselves, the ardh / lower consciousness would have been fasadati / corrupted, but Allah is the possessor of excellence to the 'alamin / all the factual knowledge.

Fasiq - deviate from the fact  

2:59    But those zalamu / who did wrong, changed qaulan / a saying other than that We had revealed to them, so We revealed upon the wrong-doers rijzan / a punishment from as samaa' / the higher consciousness with whatever they were yafsuqun / defiantly deviate from the fact (what was revealed).

Fateha - victory decoding the signs 

2.76    And when they laqu / measure to determine as those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), they say, "Aamanna / we take security (in Al Kitab)", and when khola / alone (empty of aamanu in Al Kitab when govern by own thoughts), some of them among them, they say, "Atu haddisu / do they perceive the representation with what Allah has fataha / decoded the meaning (of the ayaati) upon you, that they may dispute with you about it, in the nearnest of your Rabb / Lord?"  Will you then not use reason ?

Feqah - understanding

6.65    Say: “He is kodiru / able to measure over them punishment from above them (high-level and complicated) or from below (low-level and simple) arjulikum / their independent thought processes, or yalbisu / wrap them (condition their mind into) shiya'an / divisions, let you taste (self-experience) some of you, conflicts of others.”  See how We dispatch the ayaati / signs, perhaps they yafqahun / may understand (the truth). 

Firaun - dictator with superiority complex and negative thoughts

2:49     And when We saved / secured you from ahle firaun / those who are acquainted with superiority complex (dictator with negative thoughts) who were afflicting you with suu'al azaba / severe punishment, yuzabbihuna / mutilate your abna / your construct (of the truth) and keeping your nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), alive.  And that was a great trial from your Rabb / Lord.

89.10    And Firaun / a dictator having superiority complex the owner of the awtad / established thoughts pegged (in the superiority complex)

Fityah - prime time of thoughts

18:10    When al fityah / the prime time of your spiritual journey awaa / you got yourself retreated to the kahfi / the place of refuge (the peaceful state of mind we take shelter in, from danger) and said, "Our Rabb / Lord, grant us ladunka / direct guidance from You (that is, not mediated by our own conditioned mind) rahmah / an abstract system of education and prepare for us from our affair rashada / sound judgment." 

Fulki - germination of the truth (also falak)

2:164    Indeed in evolution of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness and ihtilaafi / representations of the laili / darkness (without guidance) and the nahar / illumination (with guidance), and the fulki / germination of the truth that tajri / flow in the bahri / ocean of knowledge with which benefit an-nas / the agitated mind, and the maa / knowledge that Allah reveals from the higher consciousness, then gives life with it (in) the lower consciousness after mautiha / its lifeless state and spreads in it all stimulating, and the directing of the riyaahi / spirits (essence of the truth) and the traces made subservient between the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness, there are signs for qaumin / a group of established thoughts who understand. 

6.95    Surely, Allah germinates the habbi / love and annawaa / the intention; He brings the hayya / living out from the mayyit / lifeless (soul) and He brings the maiti / destituteness out from the hayyi / living.  Such is Allah; so why are you deluded?  

6.96    Faliku / (the One who) germinates the isbaha / emergence of clarity and maker of the laila / darkness (absence of knowledge) to reside in; and the shamsa / illumination and the qamara / delusion, for an account. Such is the measure of the Mighty, the Knowledgeable.

Fuqara - poor in the hidden knowledge

2:273    (Sadaqah / genuine / truthful way) for the fuqara / poor (those who are poor of the knowledge) have been limited in the way of Allah, unable to move about in the lower consciousness.  The ignorant (who consciously avoid seeking knowledge) would think of them as self-sufficient because of their limitation, but you will recognize them by their mark. They do not ask people persistently. And whatever you self-experience (the reform) of good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.  

Furada - alone after ending the dissociation (also farid)

6.94    And certainly, you have come to Us furada / alone, just as We had khalaq / evolved you the first time; and you have left behind you all that We have provided for you; and We do not see your intercessors (to step in to intercede with the truth) with you that you used to claim were with you in partnership; all is severed between you, and what you have claimed has abandoned you. 

Furqan - conscience to distiguish amwaalukum and awlaadukum

77.4    And the faariqaati / to distinguish, furqan / a conscience (ability to distinguish wealth of truth and thoughts you gave birth to) 

8.28    And know that amwaalukum / your wealth of truth and awlaadukum / your thoughts you gave birth to, are but a trial (challenges of perceptions and beliefs) and that Allah has with Him a great reward.

8.29    O you who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab), if you are mindful of Allah, He will grant you furqaanan / a conscience (discernment to distinguish thoughts you gave birth to, and wealth of truth) and will cover from you sayyi'ayikum / your misdeeds and forgive you. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty.

Ghaiba - unseen, hidden knowledge

3:44    That is from anbaa'i / news of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, We inspired towards you.  And you were not with them (have no experience) when they yulquna aqlaamahum / meet their words (decided) who would be responsible / to take charge of Maryam / state of seeking (the hidden knowledge).  And you were not with them when they argued / disputed. 
6.59    And with Him are mafaatihu /  decoding keys of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, none know them except He. And He knows what is in the birri / truthfulness (of the hidden knowledge) and in the bahri / ocean of knowledge; and not a fall from waraqatin / a cover (that hide the truth) except He knows of it; nor habbatin / an affection in zulumat / darkness (absence of knowledge) of the ardh / lower consciousness; nor rotbin / fresh knowledge or yabisin / dry (non substantial) knowledge; except in a clear kitabin / inherent script. 

6.73    And He is the One who khalaqa / evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness with the truth, and (the) moment He says: “Be,” then it is! (no space and time in higher dimension).  His saying is truth; and for Him is the mulku / sovereign authority (one authority one ruler) the moment the suuri / badness yunfakha / is blown (inflated).  Knower of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden and the witnessed; He is the Wise, the Acquainted. 

Hadith -  representation of reality  

2.76    And when they laqu / measure (to determine as) those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), they say, "aamanna / we take security (in Al Kitab)", and when khola / emptiness (of imaan), meet one another, they say, "Atu haddisu / do they perceive the representation of reality) with what Allah has fataha / decoded the meaning (of the ayaati) upon you, that they may dispute with you about it, in the nearnest of your Rabb / Lord?"  Will you then not use reason ?

39.23     Allah has revealed the best hadith / representation of reality, kitaban / an inherent script mutasyabihan / one that resemble, mathani / oft repeated (frequently repeated inherent script).  Those who yakhshawna / fear (acknowledge the potential threat when there is no guidance) their Rabb / Lord they shiver from it's juludu / firmness, then their juludu / firmness and their qulub / pulling of affection soften up to the remembrance of Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah; He guides with it whoever wills (to be guided). And whoever Allah let go astray, then not for him any guidance. 

Hadu - lenient

4:46    From those who are hadu / who became lenient yuharrifuna / distort (misrepresent the true meaning) the words from its place and they say, “we listened and we disobeyed”.  And listen other than the hearing and (they say) raina / we listen twisting with their languages and piercing (i.e. to make a way) in the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law).  If only they have said we hear and we obey and listen and (said) unzurna / we reflect and ponder (over the signs revealed) that is better and akwama / more establish for them.  But Allah cursed them with their rejection.  Then except few they will not yukminuna / take security.

Hajaruu wa jahaduu - migrate (from ignorance) and struggle (to Rahmatullah)

2:218    Those who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab), and those who hajaruu / migrated (to abandon the foolishness / ignorance) and jahaduu / struggled in the way of Allah, those are the ones who look forward to Rahmatallah / Allah's mercy (the abundant knowledge in abstract system of education). And Allah is ghafur / forgiving and rahim / merciful in showering education (to grant approval to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

Hajj wa umrah - reasoning out and revive

2:196    And complete hajj / reasoning out (rebuilding your thought process) and umrah / revive (bring to life the deen of Allah in silence of the logical mind so as to listen to your Rabb) for Allah, if you are being restricted so seek what is easy from al hadya / the guidance offered and you do not shave your head (a metaphor for outstripping the reasons and you loose your strength in reasoning out) until your hadya / guidance offered reached mahillah / place where infusion end (that is the point where disentanglement is reached).   So whosoever is from among you maridhan / disordered (like sick, very tired, in pain) or with him there is a hurt from his head (over stretching thought process) then you fidya / liberate / redeem from siyyam / self-restrain (from the act of reviving) or sadaqah / being genuine / being truthful (in conveying the truth) or nusukin / reclusion / solitude (that is devote wholly his time, energy, etc to reach point of disentanglement).  Then when you are secured (from the restriction) so whoever tamatta'a / took advantage with umrah / act of reviving (the deen of Allah) towards hajj / reasoning out (repairing your thought process) so seek what is easy from the hadya / guidance offered then whosoever do not find (not secured) then siyyam /  self restraint (from revival) for three moments in the hajj / reasoning out and seven when you return (back to your secured self).  That is complete ten.  That is to whom his ahlu / those familiar is not present at the masjidil haraam / forbidden (unhealthy mind) state of submission.  Be mindful of Allah and know that surely Allah is strong / severe in pursuit.
3:61    Hence, whoever may hajjaka / reason out / debate concerning it after the hidden knowledge has reached you, then say, let us invoke our abna / construct of argument (basis) and your abna / construct of argument (basis) and our nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) and your passionate urges and our anfus / soul / self and your anfus / soul / self then nabtahal / free to act as they may, and let the laknat / condemnation of Allah be to the kaazibin / those who deny.       

Hanifan - natural inclination to the truth

2:135    And they say become hudan / a lenient (gently and leisurely) or nasara / helpers, you would be guided.  Say the millata Ibrahim / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth), hanifan / a natural inclination (towards the truth), and he was not from the musyrikin / those who associate partners (with Allah).

4.125    And who is better in deenan / an indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law), from who submits wajhahu / his focus to care (for growth) to Allah, and he is muhsinun / one whose experience and deeds are out of true knowledge, and follows the millata Ibrahim / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth), hanifan / naturally inclined (to the truth)?  And Allah took Ibrahim (who is inclined to the truth) as a khalilan / perfect friendship.

Harut and Marut - Harut is loose-tongue or unrestrained in speech and marut is speech more in form / style less in substance

2:102    And they followed what the shayaatin (acts from state of despair) over the sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is in one ruler and one authority) of sulaiman (who possessed full authority over his submission), and sulaiman was not kafaru / rejecter (ayaati of Allah), but the shayaatin kafaru / rejected (ayaati of Allah), they (shayaatin) taught an nas / the agitated mind sihru / diversion (that turned away from the right course) and whatever was revealed to al malaka'in / the two commanding faculties of the mind, bibabil / with speech digression, harut / loose-tongue / unrestrained in speech and marut / speech more in form / style but less in substance, and both do not teach anyone until they (both) say, "Surely we are only a trial, therefore do not be takfuru / rejecter."  So they learn from those two what yufarriquna / will distinguish with it between al mar'i / preserving the tongue (guarding good speech) and zawjihi / his pair (rijal / independent thinking and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), and they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah and (bound) to learn what harms them and does not benefit them. And surely, knew that whoever purchase would have no share over it in aakhirah / the ending (dissolving the duniya and remaining behind only the dissociated self).  And evil is what they sold with it, their anfus / souls, if only they knew.

Hawariyyun - exclusive pure thoughts that will help

3:52    And when Isa (who is fortified with ruh qudus) felt the rejection from them (flight of corrupted imaginary and fantasy thoughts) he said "who are helpers to Allah ?"  The hawariyyun / exclusive pure (thoughts) said "we are helpers of Allah, we trust (and take security) in Allah and bear witness (on the basis of the truth) by us, muslimun / submitters (pure thoughts from among the corrupted thoughts)".

Hayaatu duniya - living temptations of close and attachments and relations

2:204    And from an-nas / the agitated mind is whose sayings amazed in your life of this duniya / close attachments and relationships, and Allah to yushhidu / witness as to what is in his qalbihi / heart (pull of affection and emotion), and he is 'aladdu / the most resisting of al khosimi / the ones who dispute.

2:205   And when he turn (into amazement of duniya), he occupies himself in al ardh / the lower consciousness that he may cause mischief in it and destroy "what you brought forth", and Allah does not love al fasad / the mischief-making. 

2:206    And when it is said to him, taqwa / be mindful / be conscious of Allah; he took izzatu / state of exaltation in himself with an ismi / act of disobedience, therefore jahannam / veil of ignorance is sufficient for him; and surely the mihadu / developmental place of evil. 

3:14    Adornment for an-nas / the agitated mind is the love of (things) desire from an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) and banin / thoughts conceived (by our brain) and the aggregation of the aggregated (of desires and thoughts) from zahabi / dispersed thoughts and al fiddati / rebind (getting together the dispersed thoughts) and al hoili / seeking for fanciful imagination and al an'am / the enjoyable and pleasant thoughts and al harith / work for physical gains.  That is the enjoyment in the life of the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and Allah, in His nearness, is the beautiful place of return.  

6.32    And the hayaatud duniya / living temptations of close attachments and relations is nothing more than la'ibun / fooling around and lahwun / diverted amusing activities, and the abode of the aakhirah / ending is far better for those who are yattaqun / mindful.  Do you not comprehend? 

10.24    Certainly the masalu / likeness of the hayaati duniya / living temptations of close attachments is like maa'i / flow of knowledge revealed from the samaa'i / higher consciousness then ikhtalatho / intermingled with it cultivation of the ardh / lower consciousness, from what an-nas / the agitated mind consume and the an'aam / pleasant thoughts until, when the ardh / lower consciousness has taken on its decoration and is adorned and her ahle / those acquainted suppose that they have capability over it, there comes to it Our command lailan / a darkness (to them) and naharan / a bright clear (command), and We make it as a harvest, as if it had not flourished in the past. Thus do We explain in detail the signs for qaumi / a group of established thoughts who think. 

Hijrah - yuhajir - emigrate from his mental home to Allah

4.100    Whoever yuhajir / emigrates in the cause of Allah will find in the ardh / lower consciousness many muraghaman / state of humiliation / degradation and sa'atan / an experience of the knowing. And whoever leaves from his baiti / mental home emigrating to Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), then overcomes by almautu / lifeless soul; without doubt, his recompense has fallen to Allah, and Allah is Forgiving, Rahiman / merciful (with the approval of His abstract system of education).   

Hikmah - wisdom (understanding based on Allah's law with clear empirical and factual evidence)

2:269    He gives the hikmah / understanding based on facts, to who wills (the hikmah), and whoever has been given the hikmah / understanding based on facts, has certainly been given much good.  And none yazakkaru / will embody the divine masculine attributes, except ulul albab / those of understanding (the one who independently rationalize and justify to what is given by Allah).   
17.39    That is from what your Rabb / Lord has inspired to you from the hikmah / wisdom (understanding with clear empirical and factual evidence). And do not make with Allah another reality, or you will be cast into jahannam / dark hole of ignorant, maluman / blameworthy, madhuuran / abandoned state. 

Hizb Allah - party of Allah

58.22    You will not find any qauman / group of thoughts who yukminun / take security in Allah and the yawmil aakhirah / moment of ending leaning towards those who hadda / limit Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), even if they were their aaba / that foster fatherly support, or their abna / construct of their own thinking, or their ihwa / other brotherly thoughts, or ashiratahum / their notable thoughts.  They (those who took security) are those who in their hearts (pull of affection) are decreed al-imaan / the security, and supports them with ruhin / a spirit from Him, and He admits them into jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge with rivers of knowledge flowing beneath them; abiding therein. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. These are the hizb Allah / party of Allah. Most assuredly, the party of Allah are the muflihun / ones who are successful (those who successfully unlock the frontiers of consciousness). 

Hud hud - mental confusion

27.20    And tafaqqada / went missing the thoira / wild and fantasy thoughts, then said: “Why do I not see the hudhuda / mental confusion, or is he from among ngaa'ibin / unseen (something not perceivable by our cognitive perception) ?” 

Humazah - sharp tongued (incitement)

68.11    Hammazin / a sharp tongue (the habitual swearer) going about criticising. 

104.1    Woe to every humazah / incitement (of shayatin / whispers from despair), lumazatin / an urge (inducement). 

Huzuwa - disregard, contempt, fooling around (not mindful)

2:14    And when they laqu / measure (to determine) those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), they say, "We feel safe / secure", but when they are kholau / alone (empty of guidance from Allah) with shayaatin / acts arises from state of despair, they say, "indeed, we are with you, mustahzi'un / one who disregard /  contempted / not mindful (because they follow thoughts from their own conditioned mind)". 

2:231    And when you talaq / separate your nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) and they have reached their term, either hold on to it with full knowledge (and recognition) or dissolve it with full knowledge (and recognition), and do not hold on to it, intending lita'tadu / to transgress, to neglect (the hudud / limit). And whoever does that has certainly wronged nafsahu / his soul. And do not take the ayaati / signs of Allah huzuwa / to fool around (not mindful). And uzkuru / embody divine masculine attributes (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive), nikmat of Allah (blessings received) upon you and what has been revealed to you of al kitab / the inherent script and al hikmah / understanding based on Allah's law by which He instructs you. And attaqu / be mindful of Allah and know that Allah is Knowing of all things.

Ibrahim - who is inclined to the truth  

2:124    And when his Rabb / Lord put Ibrahim (who is inclined towards the truth) to trial with words, then he completed them (experientially).  He said, surely I have  made you the imam / the leader for an-nas / the agitated mind.  He said, and from my off-springs (the scattered thoughts). He said, My covenant shall not reach the oppressors.

3:67    Ibrahim (who is inclined to the truth) was not yahudiyyan / a self lenient (being gentle and leisurely in their deeds) and not nasaraniyyan / a helper (but no concern to seek the truth) but he was a hanifan / a natural instinct towards the truth, muslim (the one in submission to attain peace) and he was not from those who associate.

4.125    And who is better in deenan / an indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law), from who submits wajhahu / his focus to care (for growth) to Allah, and he is muhsinun / one whose experience and deeds are out of true knowledge, and follows the millata Ibrahim / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth), hanifan / naturally inclined (to the truth)?  And Allah took Ibrahim (who is inclined to the truth) as a khalilan / perfect friendship.

Ifrit - strong, cunning and effective from among the hidden intellect

27.39    Ifritun / a thought that is strong, crafty and effective from among the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) said: “I will bring it to you with it before taquma / you establish from your maqam / state that you are established.  And indeed, over it I am surely strong and trustworthy.”

Iftara - invented or fabricated

3:94    And whoever iftara / invent / fabricate upon Allah the kaziba / denial / untruth from after that - then those are the wrongdoers.

61.7    And who is more unjust than him who iftara / fabricated the lie on Allah, (while) he is called towards Islam / peace? And Allah does not guide the qauma / established thoughts of the unjust. 

Ihtalafu - represent (the truth)

2:213    An-nas / the agitated mind is one single ummah / group of foundational thoughts then Allah ba'atha / raised (to life) nabiyyeen / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) mubashhirin / one who has sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) and warnings and with them he revealed Al Kitab / the inherent script in truth liyahkuma / to govern (understanding based on Allah's system, law and judgment) between an-nas / the agitated mind in mahtalifu / what they represented in it.  And they did not ihtalafa / represent in it except those who were given it from after what clarifications came to them to wrong between each other.  Then Allah guides from the truth with His permission to those who trust and take security for what they ihtalafu / represent in it.  And Allah guides who will (he who wants the guidance) towards the straight path. 

3:105    And do not be like the ones who became divided and ihtalafu / replace the truth from after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment.

Ilaaha - fundamental reality of being

6.19    Say: “Which thing is akbaru syahadah / greater witness (testimony)?” Say: “Allah is witness between me and between you, and He has inspired to me the Qur’an / expression of truth (from reading ayaati /signs) that I may warn you with it and whoever it reaches, that you are bearing witness that with Allah are other aalihatan / reality of beings!” Say: “I do not bear witness!” Say: “But He is a singular (irreducible) ilaahun / reality of being, and indeed I absolve of what you have set up!”   
6.74    And when Ibraheem / who is inclined to the truth, said to abihi / his fatherly support (independent logical mind), azara / strengthen (the foundation of his knowledge): “Will you take asnaman / image / appearance / representation as aalihah / realities?  I see you and your qaum / group of established thoughts are clearly misguided.”    
7.138    And We let the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey cross the sea of knowledge, then they came upon a qaumin / group of established thoughts  who were devoted to images (appear as realities) to them; they said: “O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, make for us an ilaahan / reality like they have aalihah / realities?” He said: “You are an ignorant qaum / group of established thoughts!”  
17.39    That (the message), is from what your Rabb / Lord has inspired to you from the hikmah / wisdom (understanding with clear empirical and factual evidence). And do not make with Allah another ilaahan / reality of being, or you will be cast into jahannam / dark hole of ignorant, maluman / blameworthy, madhuuran / abandoned state.  
18:110    Say, "I am only a bashar / sensible thoughts (who trust in transformation) like you, to whom has been inspired that your ilaah / reality of being is a single irreducible ilaah / reality of being.  So whosoever would hope for the meeting with his Rabb / Lord - let him do corrective / reformative deeds and do not associate with ibadah / service of his Rabb / Lord, anyone." 

Iman - take security

10.95 And do not be of those who deny with ayaati / signs of Allah then be among the khosirun / losers.

10.96    Indeed, they are those upon who will not yukminun / take security over the word of your Rabb / Lord that has been haqqat / received truthfully,  

Imraatu - stubbornly disputing thought

3:35    When said imraatu / stubbornly disputing thought of Imran / an active revival (of the deen), "my Rabb / Lord, surely I have vowed to dedicate what in my bathin / inner affair muharraran / one who is freed / liberated (from all attachments) for You.  So accept from me, surely You are the Listener, the Knower.  

19.28    “O uhta / sisterly thoughts of Harun / who has a strong will to deliver the truth, your fatherly support (logical mind) was not imra'a saw'in / an evil stubborn thought, and your motherly support (intuitive mind) was never baghiyya / sought after!” 

Infaq - spend what has been given by putting into practice

2:215    They ask you, what they yunfiqun / should self-experience (the reform).  Say, "Whatever you anfaq / self-experience from good is then for waalidain / parental support (rijal / independent logical mind and nisa / passionate urge) and al akrabin / the close related and yatama / no support for guidance (dominant in independent thinking) and masakin / needy of knowledge and ibni sabil / pursuing the path. And whatever you do of good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it."  

Injeel - good news

3:65    O ahlal kitab (those familiar with the inherent script), why do you tuhaajuna / reason out / debate in Ibraheema (who is inclined to the truth), and the tawrah / natural law (that govern the consequences of behaviour) and injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour) has not been revealed except from after him.  Will you then not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind) ?   

5.46    And We followed up in their footsteps with Isa / who is fortified with Ruh Qudus, abna / construct of Maryam / state of exploring for the truth, affirming what was between his hands (what is understood logically) from the Tawrah / natural law (that govern the consequences of the behaviour).  And We gave him the Injeel / the good news (conception of good moral behaviour), in it is a guidance and a light, and affirming what was between his hands of the Tawrah, and a guidance and a lesson for the muttaqin / those who are mindful. 

Insaan - aligned with the truth

4:6    And test / try the yatama / who has no support from Rabb (in respect of self development) until when they baligh / attain maturity of an-nikah / entanglement / commingle (with nisa / passionate urge). Then if you anastum / are aligned (with the truth) the rushdan / sound judgment (in the right course) from them so disburse amwaal / accumulated knowledge to them and do not digest it excessively with hurriedness / quickly that they are yakbaru / magnified. And whosoever is ghaniyyan / self sufficient (and free of needs) then he should refrain and whosoever is needy then let him digest with acknowledgement / recognition (of the facts). So when you disburse their amwaal / accumulated knowledge to them then take witnesses over them and Allah is sufficient in taking account.

11.9.    And if We give al insaan / the one who is aligned with the truth, to taste (self-experience) rahmatan / blessings of fresh knowledge (from system of education) from Us, then We removed it from him, surely he will be despairing / hopeless, a rejecter. 

Iqra' - read Kitab to comprehend Quran

7.204    And when the Qur’an / expression of truth (given by Allah) is being read, then listen to it and pay attention, that you may receive turhamun / mercy (the teachings of the Quran).

17.14    Read your kitaba / inherent script (to receive the Quran / expression of truth)!  It is sufficient for you with your nafsi / soul / self the moment over you, an account (of it).

Isa Ibni Maryam - who is fortified with ruh qudus, construct or brought about by passionate state of exploration

2:87    And surely We gave Musa (one who is aligned to the truth) the kitab (inherent script) and We followed up with the rusuli / inner voices (that recite the ayaati, teaches Al Kitab and Al Hikmah). And We gave Isa (one who is fortified with ruhul quddus), the abna (construct) of Maryam (passionate state of exploration seeking the truth), with bayyinat / clarity and supported him with Ruh-ul-Qudus (the holy spirit / essence of the truth). Is it that whenever there came to you rasulun / an inner voice (that deliver the hidden message) with what your anfus /  selves desired not, you grew arrogant? Then fafariqan / a party (of the hidden message received) you kazzab / denied / wronged and a party (of hidden message received), you taqtulun / killed.
3:49    And (send) a rasul / inner voice (that deliver guidance from your Rabb) to the bani Israel (those who construct spiritual journey seeking guidance) that "I have surely come to you with an ayat / sign from your Rabb / Lord, that surely I akhluqu / evolve for you from the tin / natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism), like excellent figure of a bird (flight of imagination and fantasy thoughts) so anfukhu / I inflate it so it become thoiran / an imagination / fantasy with the permission of Allah and ubri'u / I absolve the blind (for the truth) and the baraso / corrupt thoughts and I give life (with truth) to the lifeless (soul) with the permission of Allah.  And unabbi'ukum / I inform you (stating with certainty) with what you consume (knowledge) surely what you store in your houses (mental house).  Surely in that there is ayat / sign for you if you are mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind),

5.110    When Allah said: “O Isa / who is strengthened with Ruh Qudus, abna / construct of maryam / state of roaming looking for truth, uzkur / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of My favour upon you and your walida / thoughts breed by mind, that I supported you with the ruhil quddus / pure spirit of consciousness; you spoke to an-nas / the agitated mind in the al mahdi / a place prepared for development (of Isa fortified with ruh qudus) and kahlan / well developed; and I taught you the kitab / inherent script (from your Rabb) and the hikmah / deeds based on the truth (with facts and empirical evidence), and the tawrah / the natural law (which govern the behavioral consequences), and the injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour); and you takhluqu / would evolve from tin / natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism) like the shape of thoir / flight of wild and fantasy thought, then blow into it and it becomes thoiran / a wild and fantasy thought with My permission; and you would absolve the blind (for the truth) and the baraso / corrupt thoughts with My permission; and you would bring out the lifeless (soul) with My permission. And I have restrained the bani Israel / those who constructed the spiritual journey from you, that you came to them with proofs; but those who rejected among them said: ‘This is clearly sihrun / diversion (from the right course)!'

Isra' - spiritual journey

17.1    Subhaana / explore (swim in the abundant knowledge) is the one who asra' / had spiritual journey with His abdi / servant, lailan / a darkness (not having insights) from al masjidil al haram / the forbidden unhealthy mind in submission (like destitute mind, cruel mind, magnifying thoughts, thoughts hinder rational thinking, etc) to al masjid al aqsa / the state of submission with remote infinite insights (of the truth), whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our ayaati / signs.  Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

Israfana - unmindful or heedless

3:147    And not of their sayings except that they said, "Our Rabb, forgive us our sins and the israfana / unmindful / heedless in our affairs and make our steps firm and give us help over the qaumi / group of established thoughts of the kafirin / rejecters."

17.33    And do not taqtulu / kill the nafsa / soul / self, which Allah has made this harram / forbidden, except with the haqqi / truth.  And whoever is killed mazhluman / wrongfully, verily We have made for his wali / guardian, sulthanan / an authority so let him yusrifu / be heedless in the qatal / killing, surely he is mansuran / a state of one who need help. 

Istasqaa - process of achieving fresh knowledge (the truth)

2:60    And when Musa / the one who is aligned (with the truth) asked for istasqaa / fresh knowledge for qaumihi / his group of established thoughts, so We said: "id'rib / study / investigate / discipline al hajara / the hard headed (not accepting new and fresh knowledge) bi asaaka / with your staff (where you are strong and knowledgeable, manageable and can regulate the affair properly).  Staff (strength) you lean on it, then fajarat / gushed forth there from isnata 'asharata / folded assembly (of thoughts), 'ainan / a perception.  Each (group of) thoughts unasin / aligned with the truth, knew its own place for water (knowledge). "Kulu / consume knowledge and ashrabu / absorb inwardly of that which Allah has provided and do not act corruptly, in al ardh / the lower consciousness, mufsidin / one who make mischief." 

Ith'nay - repeatedly

5.12    And certainly Allah has taken the covenant  (from the) bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey seeking the truth, and ba'athna / We raised you up (raise in derajaat) from them ithnay / repeatedly, 'ashara / assembly of naqiban / representatives.  And Allah said: “I am with you if aqamtumu / you establish the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and pursue towards zakah / mental development / growth, and aamantum / take security with My rusuli / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), and azzartumuhum / support them, and you detach (with) Allah a goodly qardan / detachment; then I will cancel your sins and admit you into jannatin / hidden valley of flowing knowledge beneath them. Whoever rejects after this from you, then certainly he has strayed sawaa / made similar as the path.” 

Iwajan - a distortion

3:99    Say, "O ahle / those who are familiar in Al Kitab / the inherent script, why do you averse from the way of Allah those who aamana / took security (in Al Kitab), seeking to make it iwajan / a distortion (in the message), while you shuhada'a / witnessed (the truth of the message)?  And Allah is not unaware of what you do."

14.3    Those who yastahibbu / love more / prefer the hayaata duniya / the living temptations (of close attachments and relationships) over the aakhirah / ending and turn from the way of Allah, seeking in it iwajan / a distortion, they are those in extreme deviation. 

Jaawaz - process in your mind

7.138    And We let the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey jaawaz / process (in their mind) the sea of hidden knowledge (received), then they came upon qaumin / group of established thoughts who were devoted to ashnam / images (that appear as realities) to them; they said: “O Musa / one who is matured in rational thinking, make for us an ilaahan / reality like they have aalihah / realities (from the images)?” He (Musa) said: “You are tajhaluna / ignorant (who do not possess knowledge because you consciously ignore seeking knowledge) qaum / group of established thoughts!”  

Jahannam - stagnation (where spiritual progress halt)

2:206    And when it is said to him, taqwa / be mindful / be conscious of Allah; he took izzatu / state of exaltation in himself with an ismi / act of disobedience, therefore jahannam / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halt spiritual progress) is sufficient for him; and surely an evil mihadu / developmental place.  

7.179    And certainly, We have given to jahannam / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halt spiritual progress) many of the Jinn / those not familiar with the truth and ins / those who are familiar with the truth; they had qulubun / hearts (pull of affection) with which they did not understand, and they had visions with which they did not have insights, and they had 'azanun / call with which they did not hear. They are like the ana'am / enjoyable and pleasant thoughts; but rather, they are adhollu / astray. These are the ngafilun / unaware ones.

Jahil - ignorant (consciously avoid seeking the knowledge)

6.111    And even if We had revealed to them the malaaikah / sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority), and spoke of the mauta / lifeless (soul), and We had gathered before them everything, they still would not yukminu / take security except if Allah wills.  And most of them yajhalun / will be ignorant (consciously avoid seeking the knowledge).  

Jalut - seen or displayed as having authority

2:251    So they defeated them by permission of Allah, and Dawud (one who is capable to break up the assembly of thoughts which can be complex and wild) killed Jalut / seen or displayed as having authority, notable and well known, and Allah gave him (Dawud) the authority and the hikmata / understanding based on facts and taught him from that which he (Dawud) wants. And if it were not for Allah repelling an-nas / the agitated mind among themselves, the ardh / lower consciousness would have been fasadati / corrupted, but Allah is the possessor of excellence to the 'alamin / all the factual knowledge.

Jami'an - a gathering

2:29     It is He who khalaqa / evolved for you what in the al-ardh / lower consciousness jami'an / a gathering (of the content of your consciousness).  Then (He) istawaa /  adapt the samaa' / higher consciousness and then sawwahunna / shaped (mould) them sab'a / congregate higher consciousness, and He is Well-Acquianted with all things. 

3:157    And if you are being killed (dissolved) in the way of Allah or muttum / one who became lifeless, the forgiveness is from Allah.  And the rahmah / mercy (from the hidden knowledge gained) is better from what yajma'un / they gather (convergence of those thoughts from their agitated mind).   

4.87    Allah, there is no ilaaha / reality of being except He. He will surely jama'annakum / gather you (the content of your consciousness) for the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment in which there is no doubt. And who is truthful (in) hadisan / representation of this reality, from Allah?   

62.9    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) is called from moment of the jumu'ah / gathering of thoughts (from the content of your consciousness), then you shall strive towards zikkri / embodiment of the divine masculine attributes of Allah, and leave the bai'a / exchange (because the delivery of truth will take its place naturally). This is better for you, if only you ta'lamun / understand. 

Jannah - hidded gardens of knowledge

7.43    And We removed what was in their suduri / awareness from ghillin / conditioned mind (and what influenced it); rivers of knowledge will flow beneath them; and they will say: “Alhamdulillah / All praise be to Allah (for accepting us in His abstract system of education) who has guided us to this, and we would not have been guided unless Allah guided us.  Surely, the rusulu / inner voices (that deliver the message) of our Rabb / Lord had come with the truth.” And it was called to them: “This is Jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge; you have inherited it for what you have done.”  

38.50    Jannatin / hidden garden of delightful knowledge, for them the doorways of adnin mufattahah / the one who received the decoded meaning of ayaati (from Allah), perpetually. 
47:15    A parable of the jannati / hidden garden of knowledge which is promised to the muttaqeen / those who are mindful / conscious, in it flows of knowledge 'asinin / incorruptible, and flows from labanin / grasping (the knowledge and understanding) the taste whereof does not change, and flows from khamri / stillness of mind (direct revelation) delicious to those who drink, and flows from pure (free from impurities) sweetness and for them therein from all thamara / increased intelligence and forgiveness from their Rabb / Lord.   Like those who abide in the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn am-nas) and who are made to drink heated conflicting knowledge so it rends their bowels scattered into pieces (meaning things will not be working out well). 

Jannati Adnin - Hidden garden of abiding knowledge

19.61    Jannati / Hidden gardens of 'adnin / abiding knowledge; that the Rahman / abstract system of education had promised His servants with the ghaib / unseen. Indeed, His promise of ma'tiyyan / a state of comprehension. 

19.62    They will not hear in it any nonsense, only salaman / peace. And they will have their provision in it bukratan / result in an early stage and 'asiyyan / first darkness (when you sought to be guided). 

Jasad - body adhered to self

7.148    And qaum / group of established thoughts of Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, took from after him, from huliyyihim / their adorned state of mind ijlan / hastiness jasadan / a body to him, weak. Did they not see that it could not speak to them, nor guide them to any way? They took it and they were zalimun / those who wronged themselves.

21.8    And We did not make jasadan / body adhered to self not consuming athho'ama / digestion of the message, nor were they khalidin / eternal.   

Jibril - faculty of mind which decode the hidden message

2:97    Say whoever is aduwwan / a transgressor to Jibril (faculty of mind which decode the hidden message), for indeed he has brought it down upon your heart (pull of affection and emotion) with permission of  Allah, confirming to what is between his hands (that which is within his power) and hudan / a guidance and bushraa / sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) for mukminin / those who take security (from their unfettered independent logical mind). 

Jinn - hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord)

6.76    So when the lailu / darkness (barriers that block the light) janna / covered (the truth) upon him (Ibraheem), he saw kaukaban / flickering of knowledge (from his hidden thought process), and he said: “This is my Rabb / Lord.” But when it disappeared he said: “I do not like those who disappear (as it only represents the reality).” 

6.100    And they set up partners with Allah from among the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord), and khalaqa / evolved them. And they invented for Him banina / thoughts contruct (from independent logical mind) and banaati / thoughts construct (from passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity)!  Be He glorified and exalted above what they describe.  

6.128    And the moment We gather them all: “O ma'sara / assembled intimate thoughts of the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord), istakthartum / you have many from the ins / who are aligned with the truth.”  Their wali / guardian from the ins / who is aligned with the truth said: “Our Rabb / Lord, we have indeed istamta'a / taken advantage of one another, and we have reached our term to which You appointed for us.” He said: “An-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) is your dwelling, abiding therein, except as Allah wishes.” Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable.

18:50    And when We said for the malaa'ikah / sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler and one authority) to asjudu / submit for Adam / one who is ready to receive education of the unseen (the khalifah / the representor), then they all fasajadu / submitted except iblees / those who are wrapped (with broken spirit and despair).  He was of the jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) and departed from the command of his Rabb / Lord. Then will you take him and zuriatahu / his scatterred thoughts as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you?  Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange.

Jumuah - gathering of thoughts

3:173    Those to whom an-nas / the agitated mind said: Surely an-nas / agitated mind have gathered against you, therefore fear them, but this increased their faith, and they said: sufficient is Allah for us and most pleasant and enjoyable is the wakil / trusted custodian.

62.9    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when the salaah / connection / communion is called from the moment of jumu'ah / gathering of thoughts, then you shall strive towards the remembrance of Allah, and leave the bai'a / pledge. This is better for you, if only you knew.  

Junub - state of bewilderness

3:191    Those who yazkuru / embody divine masculine faculty of Allah (be linear, logical, focus and assertive) while qiyaman / establishing (rooted, solidified and ingrained of soul transformative deeds) or qu'udan / lay in waiting (to act) and over junubihim / their state of bewilderness (when what is understood is fresh and different from what is normally known) and yatafakkaru / reflect / give thought in khalqi / evolution of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness,  "Our Rabb / Lord, You did not khalaqta / evolve this bathilan / a falsehood; subhanaka / exalted are You (possessor of the abundant knowledge); then save us from the punishment of the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas). 

Junudi - enlisted fresh knowledge

2:249    So when Talut / who is young with junudi / enlisted fresh knowledge to be malikan / a sovereign authority (one ruler one authority) over you, set out with the junudi / enlisted fresh knowledge, he said: Surely Allah will try you with a river flow of knowledge; whoever then drinks (or digests and conditioned) from it, then (the knowledge) not from me, and whoever does not digest of it, then indeed he is from me, except whoever takes with his hand as much of it as fills the hand (meaning digest (understand) what is needed without conditioning the self); then they sharibu / drank (digest and conditioned) from it except a few of them. So when he had crossed it (became conditioned), he and those who trust with him (the assembly of thoughts) said: We have the moment no capability against Jalut (what is exposed and made clear) and junudihi / his enlisted fresh knowledge. Those who were yazhunnun / of the opinion that they would meet their Allah said: How many has a small party overcame a large party by Allah's permission, and Allah is with the patient.

33.9    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), be aware of the nikmah / blessing (with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts) of Allah upon you when junudun / enlisted fresh knowledge came to you then We reveal upon them rihan / a spirit and junudan / enlisted fresh knowledge you could not see them. Allah is with what you do, bashiran / All - Seer. 

Ka'abata - prominent (the ones stand out) established thoughts

5.97    Allah has made the baital haraam / forbidden thoughts of unhealthy mental house ka'bata / prominent (stand out) established for an-nas /  agitated mind and asshahra alharaam / the notable restrictions and hadya / guidance offered and alqalaid / the keys (to unlock the secrets of higher conciousness and the lower consciousness); so you may know that Allah knows what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and what is in the ardh / lower consciousness, and that Allah is aware of all things. 

Kafaru - reject ayaati / signs of Allah  

2:89    And when there came to them, kitabun / an inherent script from the nearness of Allah confirming what is from before that yastaftihuna / will bring victory as a decoded message against those kafaru / who reject (ayaati of Allah), then when there came to them that which they had recognised, they kafaru / reject with it. So let the curse of Allah be on the kafirin / rejecters.

2:161    Surely those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) and maatu / become lifeless (without awareness of truth for the soul) and they were rejecters, they are the ones on whom is the curse (who will not receive any guidance) of Allah and the mala'ikah / state of sovereign authority and an-nas / the agitated mind altogether.  

7.51.   They (kaafirin) are those who took their deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) as distraction and amusement and whom are deluded with the hayaatu duniya / living temptations of close attraction and relations."  So this moment We nansaahum / abrogate / cancel them just as they nasu / forgot the meeting of this moment of theirs and for having rejected Our ayaati / signs. 

Kalbi - loss of reasoning due to state of madness or confuse

7.176    And if We had willed, surely We could have raised him with it (in a state of astray), and be akhlada / forever stuck to the ardh / lower consciousness and he followed his desire.  Famasaluhu / so his example is like the example of the kalbi / madness / confusion (loss of reasoning due to state of madness / confusion), if tahmil / conceive on him, he will fatigue, or if you leave him, he fatigues; such is the example of the qaumi / group of thoughts who kazzabu / lie with Our ayaati / signs. So uksusi / retrace the steps (to make an account of the facts accurately), perhaps they yatafakkarun / will ponder. 

Kasyaf - remove from memory

6.41    Rather, it is Him alone you will call on; then He will remove that which you called Him for, if He wills; and you will forget what you set up. 

Kaziba Allah - lies over Allah

6.93    And who is azlamu / more wronged than he who invents lies about Allah, or says: “It has been inspired to me,” when We did not inspire anything to him; or who says: “I will bring down similar to what Allah has revealed.” And if you could only see the wrong-doers at the moments of the maut / ending of the dissociation, when the malaikah / state of those in authority have their arms opened: “Bring your souls / selves out, today you will be given the severest punishment for what you used to say about Allah without truth, and you used to be arrogant towards His ayaati / signs.”  

Khalaqa - mental evolution of an-nas to become tattaqun

2.21    O an-nas / thoughts of the agitated mind, serve your Rabb / Lord (Nourisher of facts and evidence of the truth), one who has evolved you all (with the truth) and those from before so that you become tattaqun / mindful of your thoughts (conscious of the Consciousness).

2:29     It is He who halaqa / evolved for you what in the al-ardh / lower consciousness jami'a / all together.  Then (He) istawaa /  adapt the samaa' / higher consciousness and then sawwahunna / shaped (mould) them sab'a / congregate higher consciousness, and He is Well-Acquianted with all things.

3:191    Those who yazkuru / embody divine masculine faculty of Allah (be linear, logical, focus and assertive) while qiyaman / establishing (rooted, solidified and ingrained of soul transformative deeds) or qu'udan / lay in waiting (to act) and over junubihim / their state of bewilderness (when what is understood is fresh and different from what is normally known) and yatafakkaru / reflect / give thought in khalqi / evolution of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness,  "Our Rabb / Lord, You did not khalaqta / evolve this bathilan / a falsehood; subhanaka / exalted are You (possessor of the abundant knowledge); then save us from the punishment of the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas). 

4:1    O an-nas / the agitated mind! Ittaqu / be mindful / conscious of your Rabb / Lord, who khalaqakum / evolve you from a single nafs / self / soul and evolve from it, its pair (zakara / divine masculine faculty (like linear, logic, focus and assertive) and unsa / divine femininine faculty (like unconditional love, care and acceptance) and dispersed from both of them many rijalan / independent thought processes, and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity); and attaqu / be mindful / conscious of Allah, whom you ask with it and the arhama / inception (giving birth to thoughts). Surely Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.

7.11    And certainly, We khalaq / evolved you, then We shawwar / shaped you, then We said to the malaikah / mental faculty of authority: “isjudu / submit to Adam /  one who receive education of the unseen;” so then they sajadu / submit except for iblees / one who is wrapped with broken spirit and despair, he was not of those who sajidin / submit.  

7.189    It is He who has khalaqakum / evolved you from one nafsin / (pure) self, and He made from it its pair (rijal / independent thinking and nisa / thinking derived from extrenal observation via senses) to reside with. When he resided with her (the pair), she conceived (giving birth to thoughts) with a light load, and she continued with it; then when it became heavy, they called on Allah, their Lord: “If You give us solehan / a reform / transform, then we will be among the grateful.” 

14.32    It is Allah who evolve the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and reveal ma'an / knowledge of the truth from the samaa'i / higher consciousness and produced with it thereby thamara / increased intelligence as provision for you and subjected for you the fulka / perseverance to voyage through the ocean of knowledge by His command and subjected for you an-nahar / the illumination (for guidance).  

30.40    Allah is He who khalaqakum / evolved you, then gave razaqakum / you sustenance, then He causes you to die, then brings you to life.  Is there any among the partners you set up that can do any of this?  Glory be to Him and exalted above what they set up. 

Khamri wa maysir - conceal the flow of thoughts and state when truth is easily obtained

2:219    And they question you about al khamri / the one conceal the flow of thoughts (in their mind) and al maysir / state when easily obtain (easily obtain the truth with no struggle).  Say it is greatest sin in both of them and some means of benefits for an-nas / the agitated mind, and their sin is greater than the benefits of the two. And they ask you as to what they yunfiqun / should self-experience (the reform). Say: the 'afwa / the ones wiped out or made redundant (example spend on manifesting the truth and gaining direct experience that has been wiped out or made redundant). Thus does Allah make clear to you the ayaati / signs, that you may ponder.

Khatama - seal signify a covering over qalbu

2:7       Allah has set khatama / seal over their qalbu / heart (pull of affection and emotion) and over sam'ihim / their understanding / hearing and over absarihim / their insight is ngishawatun / is layer / covering.   And for them is a great azaab / punishment.

33.40    Muhammadun /  one who is hamd (praised as a result of the approval for receiving true knowledge in Allah's system of education) is not abaa / one who foster fatherly support  of any of your rijal / independent thinking from own mind, but rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) of Allah and khatama / seal of the nabbiyyin / ones who proclaim and establish the truth. And Allah is fully aware of all things.  

Khilaf - khalifah - an act of representing (false with truth or truth with false)

2:30     And when your Rabb / Lord said to the malaikah / state of sovereign authority (in mind), " Indeed I will instill in the lower consciousness a khalifah / a representer; They said, "Will you instill in it one who cause yufsidu / corruption in it and the influence of the dimaa'a / brutality and we are occupied with your approvals and We nuqadisu / make perfect (qudus / purify) for You.  He (Rabb) said, "Indeed I know that which you do not know."  
2:113    And the yahudu / self lenient (being gentle and leisurely in their deeds) say: The nasaara / helpers (one who have forgotten much what were reminded) are not upon anything and the helpers say: The yahudu / self lenient are not upon anything (in respect of goal and proof) while they recite the Kitab / the inherent script.  Even thus say those who have no knowledge, like (the same) to what they say; so Allah shall yahkumu / judge (gives understanding and proofs based on Allah's law) between them on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing (transformation of soul) in what (truth) they yahtalifun / represent. 
4.82    Do they not tadabbaru / reflect on the Qur’an / expression of truth (derived from the reading)? If it was from any other than Allah they would have found in it many ihtilafan / representation (of the truth).

Khinzir - self magnifying thoughts

5.3    Hurrimat / forbidden on you is the maitah / lifeless (destitute) mind (mauta al ardh / lifeless (destituteness) of the lower consciousness) and addamu  / the cruel mind (bloody / brutal) and the lahmu al khinzir / self magnifying mind and what alter (the message) with other than Allah with it and the munkhoniqah / mind which suffocate and mawquzah / that which hurt the brain and mutaraddiyah / destructive thoughts and the nathihah / thoughts that lead to argument and what is consumed by the akala sabu'u / congregated intelligence except what you dakkai / understand and what is the nushubi / clearly distinguishable / marked  and that you seek tastaqsimu / to separate with the azlam / proportion (and omitting the rest), that is the way fisqun / to relinquish.  The moment of ya'isa / despair is for those who kafaru / reject / deny (then they become ignorant) from your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment), so do not fear them, and fear Me, today I completed for you your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system. law and judgment) and I completed on you My nikmati / composure and I accepted / approved for you Al Islam / the inner peace as deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment) but whoever is hurt in the due process of makhmasoh / considerate behaviour, altering wrongfully towards unlawfulness, then indeed Allah is ever protecting, merciful. 

5.60    Say: “Shall I inform you of bisharrin / pleasant and pleasurable thoughts from that as mathubatan / a reward from Allah? Those whom Allah cursed and became angry at them, and He made from them the qiradata / monkey minds and the khonazira / self magnifying thoughts and servants of thoghut / non-reality (other than Allah), a dwelling of deviations from the sawaa'i / prudent path.”  

Khoira ummatin - best group of thoughts enjoin makruf and forbid munkar

3:110    You are khoira ummati / best group of thoughts produced for an-nas / agitated mind. You enjoin what is makruf / factual (where facts are known) and forbid what munkar / is disguised (where facts are not known) and tukminu / keep security with Allah. If only the ahlul kitab  (those who are acquainted with the inherent prescribed script of Rabb) had kept their safety, it would have been better for them. Among them are the mukminun / those who take security (with their intuitive mind), and most (their logical mind) are the defiantly disobedient.

3:114    They yukminun / keep secured with Allah and the yawmil aakhiri / moment of ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) and they order with what is acknowledged (clear facts) and forbid about the disguised (facts not known) and they hasten in betterments.  And they are from the solihin / corrected ones.

Khosirun - losers

2:27     Those who yanqudu / break the ahda / covenant of Allah after misaakihi / contracting / determining it and severe that which Allah has ordered yuusola / to be connected and they themselves cause yufsidu / corruption in the al-ardh / lower consciousness.  It is those who are the khosirun / losers. 

6.31    Surely, khosira / losers are those who kazzabu / have lied with their meeting with Allah; until when the saa'ah / moment of direct experience comes to them baghtatan / unexpectedly,  they say: “We deeply regret over what farratna / we have neglected in it,” and they yahmilu / will conceive their burdens on their backs; unquestionably evil is what their burden (is). 

10.95    And do not be of those who deny with ayaati / signs of Allah then be among the khasirun / losers. 

Kiraman Kaatibin - honorable recorder

82:10    And indeed,  over you are surely khafizhin / preservers (to preserve the self from degradation).

82:11    An Honorable recorder (that is the keepers / preservers). 
82:12    They (the keepers / preservers) know whatever you do. 

Kubra - greatest

53.18    Certainly he saw signs from his Lord, the greatest. 

Kuluu - consume (eat) knowledge

2:35     And We said, "O Adam / one who receive education of the unseen, us'kun / calm down / remain still, you and your pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes (linear, focus, brave, logic) and unsa / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love and care) of al-jannah / the hidden garden of knowledge and both kula / consume knowledge from it freely wherever you both desire.  And do not come near this shajarata / tree / word (thoughts that germinate differences / disputes), lest you be from the zhalimin / wronged doers (putting things in wrong place when you accept the representation as the reality).

2:168    O an-nas / agitated mind! Kulu / consume knowledge that which is halalan / lawful and thoyiban / good in the lower consciousness, and follow not the footsteps of shaytan / acts arises from the state of despair. Verily, he is to you an open aduwwun / transgressor.

Kun fayakun - Be and it is (the process of evolution is timeless.  No gradual process)

6.73    And He is the One who has khalaqa / evolve the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness with the truth, and the moment He says: “Be,” then it is! His saying is truth; and to Him is the mulku / kingdom of thoughts the moment yunfakha / is inflated in suuri / badness.  Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Wise, the Acquainted.  

Laila - darkness (no insights to the truth)

2:51    And when We promised Musa / one who is familiar with the truth, arbaiina / abstinence (self restraint from independent logic that lead to) lailatan / a darkness (no insights to the truth), then you accept to be ij'la / hasty from after it and you were zalimun / unjust.  

10.67    It is He who made for you the laila / darkness (no insights to the truth) that you may settled (blindly) in it and the brightness, mubshiran / one who is given insights. Indeed in that are signs for qaumin / group of established thoughts, who listen. 

14.33    And He subjected for you the shamsa / brightness (with insights to the truth) and the khamar / illusion (vagueness to the truth) and subjected for you the laila / darkness (no insights to the truth) and the nahar / illumination (with clarity) 

Lailatal siyyam - darkness of self restraint (to put barrier)

2:187    It is lawful for you to be in lailatal siyyam / restraint (from asking about Allah) in a state of darkness (without insights to the truth) as the rafathu / revolting approach to your nisa / passionate urges (activity of the mind from emotional drive), they (lailatal siyyam) are a covering for you and you are a covering for them.  Allah knows that you betrayed your souls so He returns over you and pardoned you about it.  So now accompany them and seek what Allah has written for you and kulu / consume knowledge and sharabu / absorb until the white thread from the dawn clarifies for you from the black thread then completes the siyyam / self restraint (from asking) towards the laili / darkness and you do not accompany them when you are devoted in the masajid / state of submission.  These are the hududu / boundaries / limits of Allah so you do not go near them.  Likewise Allah clarifies His ayats / signs for the people so that they may be mindful of their thoughts.

Laknat Allah - condemnation of Allah

3:87    Those (qauma zalimun) their recompense will be that upon them is the laknat / condemnation (no inspiration, no development and no evolution) of Allah and the malaa'ikah / faculty of authority and an-nas / the agitated mind, all together, 

3:88    Abiding eternally therein (in the laknat state), the punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.

Luth Mahfuz - Preserved inscribed lesson and details of truth

7.145    And We wrote for him in the alwahi / inscribed decrees from all things maw'izotan / a sermon with lessons, and detailing all things. Take it with strength and order your qauma / group of established thoughts to take the best from it. I will show you daral fasiqin / the state of defiantly disobedient.

Maa'an mina samaa'i - flow of knowledge from higher consciousness

6.99    And He is the One who reveals maa'an / flow of knowledge from the samaa'i / higher consciousness, and We brought out with it nabata / news that result in knowledge of every kind. We brought out from it khodiran / presence which We bring out from it habban / love mutarakiban / the one who ride on them; and from nakhli / the best that are organized, from its appearance qinwanun / permanent and daniya / non permamnent; and jannatin min 'anaabin / hidden gardens from related subject matter; and azzaituna / knowledge that is dynamic in its expression and arrummana / knowledge that is rich in contents, mushtabihan / resembling and not resembling. Look at its thamara / intelligence when it increases and it matures. Certainly, these are ayaati / signs for kaumin / group of thoughts who yukminun / take security (in al kitab).  

Maarid - disorder from shaytan

37.7    And hifzhan / preserve (the sparkles of truth) from every shayatin / acts arises from despair (fear, sorrow, anxiety and conflicts), maarid / a disorder. 

Madyan - state of conscious obedience (deen)

7.85    And to Madyan / (those in the) state of conscious obedience (deen) , their brother (brotherly acquainted thought) Shu’ayb / one who gather and unite, (he) said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, serve Allah, nothing to you from ilaahin / a fundamental reality of being besides Him. Clarity has come to you from your Rabb / Lord, so fulfill al kaila / the measure of intelligence and al mizan / equitable balance of its importance, and do not tabkhasu / deprive an-nas / the agitated mind what belongs to them, and do not make corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness after islahiha / it has been reformed. That is better for you if you are mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab).”  

Mahaiz - flow of urges upon puberty (reaching maturity)

2:222    And they question you about the mahaiz / overflow of urges (where the flow of urges is still at discernment level, urges that need to be controlled upon, before reaching maturity in understanding and making a judgment), say it is a hurt / anxiety, so detach from an-nisa / the impetus urges (from your mental activity) in the mahaiz / overflow (of the urges) and you do not go near them until they are purified.  Then come to them from where Allah has ordered you.  Surely Allah loves those who return and He loves those who are purified.

Maidah - intricate message

5.112    When the hawariyyun / thoughts that help return to original state said: “O Isa, abna Maryam / one who is strengthened with ruhul qudus, construct of state to discover the true knowledge, can your Rabb / Lord reveals upon us maaidatan / an intricate message from samaa' / higher consciousness?” He said: “Ittaqu / be mindful of Allah if you are mukminin / one who take security.”   
5.113    They said: “We wish na'kula / to consume (maaidatan) from it and so our hearts become relieved, and so we know that you are truthful, and so that we can become a witness over it.”

5.114    Isa (the one who is strengthened with ruh qudus) the abna / construct for the one in maryam / a state to discover true knowledge, said: "O Allah, our Rabb / Lord! Reveal to us maaidatan / an intricate message from as samaa' / the higher consciousness to be  - our first and our last - a return (to a spiritual alchemy of happiness) and a sign from You and provide us sustenance, for You are the Best of sustainers." 

Maitah - destitude mind

36.33    And aayatun / a sign for them is the dead ardh / lower consciousness (destitute mind). We have brought it to life and brought forth from it habban / love, then from it they consume (the fresh knowledge). 

Majalis - state of clearing unnecessary thoughts

58.11    O you who aamanu / take security, when you are told to tafassahu / quiet your mind from thoughts in the majalis / state of clearing your unnecessary thoughts, fafsahu / quiet your mind; Allah yafsahi / will quiet your mind for you.  And if it is said, unshuzu / arise, then arise.  Allah will raise those among you who aamanu / take security, and those who acquire knowledge to higher ranks; and Allah is fully aware with what you do.  

Majnun - hidden soul from awareness

37.36    And were saying, "Are we to leave aalihatina / our reality (of beings) for shairi / deep feeling, majnun / a hidden soul (from awareness)?" 

54.9    Qaum / group of established thoughts of Nuh / one who is compassion to those who do not remember, who denied (the ayaati) before them, they denied Our servant and said: “majnun / hidden soul and disconnected from awareness”. 

68.51    And indeed, those who kafaru / reject (ayaati / signs) would almost make you slip with their insight for what they listen (with) the zikra / divine masculine attributes, and they say, "Indeed, he is majnun / intellect not familiar with the truth."  

Makruf wa munkar - facts are known and facts are not known

3:110    You are khoira ummati / best group of thoughts produced for an-nas / agitated mind. You enjoin what is makruf / factual (where facts are known) and forbid what munkar / is disguised (where facts are not known) and tukminu / keep security with Allah. If only the ahlul kitab  (those who are acquainted with the inherent prescribed script of Rabb) had kept their safety, it would have been better for them. Among them are the mukminun / those who take security (with their intuitive mind), and most (their logical mind) are the defiantly disobedient. 

Mala'i - the state filled and grounded with superiority complex

2:246    Have you not considered al mala-i / the state whose thoughts filled (grounded with egoistic, long conditioned and self interest) from the bani Israel (those who construct the spiritual journey to seek guidance) from after Musa / the one who is familiar with the truth, when they said to a nabi / who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib) of theirs, "Ab'asa / raise (to life) for us malikan / an authority (one ruler pne authority within us), and we will contend / struggle in the way of Allah " He said, "Would you perhaps kill if prescribed upon you killing ?"  They said, "And why should we not kill in the cause of Allah when we (our separate self) have been driven out from our diyaar / state of encircling thoughts (that is our identity) and from our children / thoughts that we have given birth to?" But when killing was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers. 

7.109    Said the malaa'u / those who are filled with superiority complex from among qaum / group of established thoughts of Firaun / one who is filled with superiority complex: “This is surely a knowledgeable saahirun / the diversion (turned from the right course)”  

Ma malakat aymanukum - what your right hand possesses

4:3    And if you are fearful that you cannot do justice in the yatama / who has no fatherly support (in respect of self-development), then nikah / commingle what is good to you from an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), twos and threes and fours, then if you are fearful that you cannot be taqdilu / equitable then one or ma malakat aymanukum / what authority of your right possesses (right represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others). That is adnaa / appropriate, that you may not ta'ulu / deviate from the right course. 

Manama - deep sleep with silent mind

8.43    When Allah showed them to you qalilan / a few in manamika / your deep sleep (showing a few aspects of the reality when state of mind is at rest during sleep) and if He had shown them to you to be many, surely then you would have failed and you would have disputed in the matter, but Allah saved you. Indeed, He is the Knower of what is in the suduri / awareness.  
39.42    Allah completes the anfus / souls / selves at the time of their maut / end of dissociation; and for those that have not tamut / ended the dissociation, in manamiha / her deep sleep (a state where mind is silent during sleep), He then yumsiku / retains the one whom He has decreed for them the mauta / ending of the dissociation, and He yursilu / delivers / sends back the others for ajalin musamman / an appointed term. In that are signs for qauman / a group of established thoughts who tafakur / think. 

Manna and Salwa - strength and endurance

2:57    And We provided zallalna / shade ghamama / covering over you and We reveal al manna / the strength (when you are weak) and as salwaa / the endurance (with patience and comfort ); kuluu / consume knowledge from the best whatever our provision for you. They did not wrong Us but wronged their own nafs / soul / self . 

3:164    Surely Allah has manna / strengthened (when you are weak) upon the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind), as He ba'atha / raised up (to life) among them rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver guidance from your Rabb) from among their soul / self, who recites to them (to follow) His ayaati / signs, and purifies them and teaches them Al Kitab / the inherent script and hikmatan / understanding based on Allah's law (with facts and empirical evidence), although before that they were in obvious error. 

Manthiq - eloquency of factual logic in rehabilitation

27.16    And Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace inherited Daud / one who break up complex, wild thoughts, and he said: “O an-nas / agitated mind, we have been taught how to understand manthiq / eloquency (articulatory) of the thoir / flight of wild and fantasy thoughts, and we have been given from everything. This is indeed the clear preference.” 

27.17    And his junudu / assembly of thoughts of Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace hushira / were gathered, comprising of the Jinn / hidden intellect (that are not familiar with the truth) and the Ins / those familiar with the truth and the thoir / wild and fantasy thoughts, so they yuza'un / were driven in rows (for rehabilitation). 

Maradhun - state of disorder due to lying

2:10     In qulubihim / their heart (pull of affection and emotion) is maradhun / state of disorder (sick, tired, in pain and short of knowledge), so Allah has dahumu / increased / prolonged their maradhan / disorder and for them is the azaab / punishment of extreme pain with what they yakzibun / deny.

Mash'ar Al Haraam - the enlightenment of the prohibition

2:198    There is no junaahun / inclination to wrong doing upon you for seeking fadlan / excellence from your Rabb / Lord.  Then when afadhtum / you have accumulated abundant knowledge from arafat / pure knowing (of perceptions and recognition of facts), then uzkuru / embody divine masculine attributes (be linear, logical, brave, focus, assertive) of Allah with al-mash'ar al-haram / the enlightenment of the prohibition (like destituteness, cruelty, magnifying state that hinder rationalization thoughts).  And uzkuruhu / embody His masculine faculty of consciousness (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive), as He has guided you, and that, you were from before it among those astray. 

Masih - pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding)

5.6    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when qumtum / you establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) for salaah / connection (to download and receive hidden messages), faghsilu / wipe to remove (the mental baseless and false understanding with) wujuhakum / your care (for growth) and your hands (what you have authority from it) up to the marafiqi / state of gentleness (from state of aggressiveness in your works / actions), and imsahu / wipe to remove with your heads  (wrong understanding, baseless belief that are written as established beliefs) and arjulakum / your independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) up to the ka'bain / two prominent (those established thoughts from Rijal / independent thought processes, and Nisa / passionate urges that will ground your position firmly).  And if you are in junuban / a state of bewilderness, then purify yourselves.  And if you are mardho / disordered (sick, tired or in pain and short of knowledge) or over blank minded or one of you come out from the gha'iti / position of submerged (in other irrelevant matters) or you have been in contact with an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive), then you do not find ma'an / flow of knowledge then tayammamu / focus / pay attention toward saidan thoyyiban / good ascension in your reform then wipe / erase with wujuhikum / your care (for growth) and aidikum / what you have authority from it.  Allah does not intend to put on you from any difficulty but he intends for you to purify and to complete His favour on you, so that you may be grateful.  
5.75    The masihu / pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding), ibnu / construct of Maryam / state of discovering the truth, is no more than a rasulun / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs); certainly kholat / has been emptied of its impurities from the rusul / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) before; and his ummi / motherly support (care, passion, devoted, explore, curiosity) was siddiiqatun / truthful, they used to ya'kulu / digest the tha'ama / consumption of knowledge.  See how We clarify the ayaati / signs for them, then see how they yu'fakun / are deluded. 

Masjidil Haraam - forbidden unhealthy mind in submission

5.2    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not violate the sha'ari Allah / pure intuition (feeling of the flow of truthfulness that rub through our nervous system when something is clearly understood) of Allah, nor the shahral haram / notable forbidden things, nor the al hadya / the guidance offered, nor the qalaaida / foundations (to unlock the secrets of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness), nor the aaminna / pursuit of the baital haram / forbidden elements of your mentation (like destitute, cruel, self magnifying, etc) for those who are seeking fadlan / an excellence from their Rabb / Lord and ridwana / an approval (admission to Allah's abstract system of education).  And when it is permitted for you, then fasthadu / you may be captivated (with pride). And let not shana'anu /  hatred of qaumun / group of established thoughts yajrimannakum / incriminate you (to violate the covenant); because they saddukum / had aversed you from the masjidil haram / forbidden (unhealthy mind) state of submission; make you transgress. And help each other with birri / truthfulness (of your covenant) and the taqwa / mindfulness, and do not help each other in sin and transgression.  And be mindful of Allah, for the punishment of Allah is severe.
5.3    Hurrimat / forbidden on you is the maitah / lifeless (destitute) mind (mauta al ardh / lifeless (destituteness) of the lower consciousness) and addamu  / the cruel mind (bloody / brutal) and the lahmu al khinzir / self magnifying mind and what alter (the message) with other than Allah with it and the munkhoniqah / mind which suffocate and mawquzah / that which hurt the brain and mutaraddiyah / destructive thoughts and the nathihah / thoughts that lead to argument and what is consumed by the akala sabu'u / congregated intelligence except what you dakkai / understand and what is the nushubi / clearly distinguishable / marked  and that you seek tastaqsimu / to separate with the azlam / proportion (and omitting the rest), that is the way fisqun / to relinquish.  The moment of ya'isa / despair is for those who kafaru / reject / deny (then they become ignorant) from your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment), so do not fear them, and fear Me, today I completed for you your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system. law and judgment) and I completed on you My nikmati / composure and I accepted / approved for you Al Islam / the inner peace as deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment) but whoever is hurt in the due process of makhmasoh / considerate behaviour, altering wrongfully towards unlawfulness, then indeed Allah is ever protecting, merciful.  

Maula - protector

3:150    Yes Allah is maulaakum / your protector, and He is the best of helpers. 

Mauta - lifeless

2:28     How can you takfuru / reject (ayaati / signs) with Allah when you were amwaatan / lifeless (without awareness of truth for the soul) and you were ahyaa / brought to life (aware), then yumitukum / you let yourself lifeless (when the content of consciousness is falsehood and in illusion), then yuhyikum / you came to life (of the true self), and then to Him you will turja'un / repeatedly returning. 
3:185    Every soul / self will zaa'iqatu / taste (experience) almauta / the lifeless state, and your reward will only be completed on you (true self) on yawmal qiyamah / the moment of  establishing (the reality of being). So whoever is saved / drawn away from an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) and admitted to jannah / hidden garden of knowledge then surely faza / has attained direct experience.  And what is the life of this duniya / close attachments and relationships, except the delusional enjoyment.

6.36    Only those who listen will respond.  As for the mauta / one ended the dissociatiion, Allah will resurrect them, then to Him they will return.  

29.57    Every nafs / self / soul will taste mauti / ending of dissociation.  Then to Us will you returned. 

Maw'izotan - sermon to encourage reflection and deep understanding

10.57    O an-nas / the agitated mind, surely there has to come to you maw'izhotan / sermon (encourage reflection and deeper understanding) from your Lord and healing for what is in the suduri / awareness and hudan / guidance and rahmatun lil mukminin / mercy (for Allah's abstract system of education) for the mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab). 

Millata - life practices

2:120 And never the yahudu / self lenient (being gentle and leisurely in their deeds) tardho / pleased you, and the nasara / helpers until you follow their millat / life practices (based on guidance by logic and reasoning of their conditioned mind). Say: Surely Allah's guidance, is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge has come to you, you shall have no waliyyin / guardian from Allah and not any helper. 
2:130 And who detest / dislike about millatil ibraheem / life practices (based on guidance by motherly support of your intuitive mind inclined to the truth) except the one whose soul / self is foolish. And without doubt We have chosen him in the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and surely in the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and its relationship), he will be from those who is the solihin / reformers.  
3:95    Say Allah has spoken the truth then follow the millata ibraheem / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth) hanifan / a natural inclination towards the truth.  He was not from those who associates.  

Misalan - example

2:26     Indeed, Allah (will) not (let) ba'udhatan / annoyance disturb yastahyi / comprehension about what masalan / an example that yadriba / set forth what (is) then superior over it (the comprehension of the reality behind the example is superior).  Then as for aamanu / those who are secured (with ayaati of Allah), they will know that it is the haq / fact from their Rabb / Lord.  But as for those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah), they say, "what did Allah intend by this as an example?  He lets go astray with this (dalalin) and guides many with it (hadya) except faasiqun / the one who declines the fact (that is the hadya /  guidance).

Mishra - divine boundary that set limits in reasoning not to intervene with the interpretation of the truth

2:61    And when you said, "O Musa / who is matured with rational thinking, never (we) nashbira / endure waahidin / a singular ta'amin / consumption (of knowledge).  So ud'u / invoke your Rabb / Lord for us to bring forth for us out of what (is available) the cultivation of the ardh / lower consciousness, from baqliha / its ideas, and qiissa'iha / its resurrection, and fumiha / its fertility, and 'adasiha / its prosperity and basaliha / its protection." He (Musa) said, "Would you exchange that which is better for that which is adna (attached close to you)? Lower (your) misran / divine boundary (setting limits in your reasoning not to intervene with the truth revealed by your Rabb), then surely you shall find what you have asked for!" And they were covered with humiliation and misery, and they drew on themselves the anger from Allah. That was because they used to reject the ayaat (signs, proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.) of Allah and killed (dissolved) the nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) without the truth. That was because they 'asau / disobeyed and they ya'tadun / transgressed the limits. 

12.99    So when they entered upon Yusuf / who interpret reality with its representation, he took his abawai / parents (that is his own rational thinking and passionate urges) to him and he said: “Enter misra / divine boundary (setting limits in our reasoning not to intervene in the interpretation of the truth) to the obstinate thought, Allah willing, in security.” 

Mithaqa an nabiyyeen - covenant of the prophets

3:81    And when Allah took misaqa an-nabiyyeen /  covenant of the pronouncement and establishment (news of the ghaib) "certainly whatever I gave you from al Kitab / the inherent script and hikmah / actions based on truth (with facts and empirical evidence) then comes to you rasulun / an inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) confirming that which is with you definitely you will trust with it and definitely you will help him".  He said "are you akrartum / affirmed and akhaztum / take over on to my load?  They said "akrarna / we do affirm".  He said so you bear ashhadu / self evidenced / self witness and I am from those who bear shahidin / witness.  

Mufsidun - one who is corrupted the covenant

2:220    In the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind only the dissociated self).  And they ask you about yatama (those who are not guided by their Rabb (in respect of self development). Say, "Islahun / a reform for them is best.  And if you mix (aakhirah and duniya), then they are your brothers (a brotherly relationship). And Allah knows the mufsida / one who corrupted from the muslihi / reformer. And if Allah had willed, He could have put you in difficulty.  Indeed, Allah is All Mighty and Wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence).

Muhammadin - one who is praised / one who is enlightened with the truth

47:2    And those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and do soleha / corrections (in the transformation of self) and aamanu / take security with what has been revealed to Muhammadin / one who is praised (one who is enlightened with the truth) and it is the truth from their Rabb / Lord.  He will kaffara / cover their sayyi'a / mistakes / weaknesses and aslaha / correct their conditions.

Muhdaran - one who is conscious of what good is done and what evil is done

3:30    Moment every nafs / soul / self will find (as) muhdharan / one who is conscious of what it has done of good and what it has done of evil, (it) shall wish that between it (good) and between that (evil) was a great distance. And Allah warns you of Himself, and Allah is kind with the servants.

Muhsinin - one whose experience and deed is of true knowledge

2:236    There is no junaaha / inclination to wrong doing upon you if you talaq / separate the nisa / impetus urges (from your mental activities) you have not touched (or felt) nor specified for them an obligation. But give advantage - sufficiently according to his capability and insufficiently according to his capability - a benefit with full knowledge (and recognition), haqqan / an entitlement  upon muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.

5.93    There is no sin upon those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and amilus solihaat / do corrective actions incline in what (knowledge) they consume when they are mindful and aamanu / take security and amilus solihat / do corrective actions, then they are attaqau / mindful and ahsanu / do the best, then they are attaqau / mindful and amilus solihat / do corrective actions; Allah loves the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.   

6.84    And We granted him Ishaq / one who is perfect / alienated and Yaakub / one who always return (to Allah), both of whom We guided; and Nuh / one who is compassion to those who are not remembering, We guided from before; and from his zuriyati / scattered thoughts is Daud / one who break up complex wild thought, and Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace, and Ayub / one who return to his true self, and Yusuf / one who interpret reality from its representation, and Musa / one who has strong value in humanity, and Harun / one who possess strong will to deliver the truth. It is such that We recompense the muhsinin / the ones whose experience or deeds are out of true knowledge.  

Muhtadun - the one who is guided

2:156    When musibatun / calamity reaches them they say surely we are for Allah and surely towards Him we will return.

2:157    Those, upon them are salawaat / connections (unifications where the messages are downloaded and received) from their Rabb / Lord and a rahmah (an abstract system of education), and those are the ones who are guided.

Mujadila - the one who is in contention towards tahawarukuma

2:197    The hajj / reasoning out (rebuilding your thought process) is a ashurun / reputation maklumaat / well-known, so whoever has made faradho / obligatory therein the Hajj / reasoning out (rebuilding your thought process), then there is no rafatha / wrongful approach and no wickedness and no jidala / contention in the Hajj / reasoning out (rebuilding your thought process).  And whatever from good you do - Allah knows it. And take provisions, then indeed, the best provision is taqwa / be mindful / conscious.  And taqwa / be mindful / be conscious of Me, O you of understanding (the one who listen and follow to what is being said).

58.1    Certainly, Allah has heard the saying of those who are tujaadilu / in contention with you in her pair and tashtaki / acknowledge her grief to Allah and Allah hears the tahawurakuma / thoughts wanting to return to original state between you.  Certainly, Allah is Hearer, Seer.  

Mujrimin - the one who violate the covenant

6.55    And it is such that We explain the ayaati / signs, and point out the way of the mujrimin / the one who violated the covenant. 

6.56    Say: “I am prohibited from serving those you call upon other than Allah” Say: “I will not follow your desires, otherwise I would go astray and I would not be of those guided.” 

6.57    Say: “I am on a clarity from my Rabb / Lord and you have denied with it. I do not have what you hasten towards; the judgment is with Allah only; He narrates the truth, and He is the best decider.”  

Mukmin - the one who take security

2:4      And those yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab) with what We revealed to you and what We revealed from before and they are yuukinun / certain with their aakhirah /ending (dissolution of duniya, closed attachments and relationships). 

27.3    They (mukminin) are those who yukimu / establish the salaah / connection / communion, and contribute towards zakaah / mental growth, and they with their aakhirah / ending they are yuqinun / certain.  

5.55    Surely for your guardian Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab); they are those who yukimu / establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) the salaah / connection (synthesizing to download and receive the message) and contribute towards the zakah / mental purification / development, and they raaki'un / a self abasement / humility (accepting the truth with humility).  

Mulku - sovereignty

57.2    For Him is (the) mulku / sovereignty (fully stepped in to his inner authority) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness (universal) and al ardh / the lower consciousness (localised). He gives life (to the dead consciousness) and causes death (to the separate self's simulated consciousness by his conditioned mind), and He is over all things qaadirin / competent in His measurement (of empowering the inner authority). 

Mumtahina - the one who examine

49.2    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not tarfa'u / raise your voices (to make your own opinion heard) above the voice of the nabi / one who pronounce and establish the truth, nor shall you speak loudly to him as you would speak loudly to each other, lest your works become nullified while you do not perceive. 

49.3    Surely, those who lower their voices with the rasul of Allah, they are the ones whose hearts have been imtahana / examined by Allah for the tawqa / mindful. They have deserved forgiveness and a great reward. 

49.4    Surely, those who call on you from behind the concealment (of the voices of the rasul), most of them do not comprehend. 

Munafiqin - Those who self experience the reform

3:167    And liya'lama / that He will make known nafaqu / self-experience (the reform) and it was said to them, "ta'alau / most high deed is qaatilu / fight (dissolve duniya including mind, body and soul) in the way of Allah or udfa'u / drive away." They said, "If we had known fighting, we would have followed you." They were nearer to kufri / reject (ayaati of Allah) that moment than to imaan / trust, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is most Knowing of what they conceal, 
4.142    Indeed the munafiqin / those who self-experienced (with their incomplete own logic), seek to deceive Allah, while He is deceiving them; and when they qamu / establish to make the salaati / connection (establishing a channel to receive the message), they do so lazily, only to show the people; they do not yazkuru / embody masculine faculty of Allah except qalilan / very little. 

Mushrikaati - polluted thoughts (associating Allah with others)

2:221    And do not tankihoo / commingle (be infected) to your own al mushrikaati / the polluted thoughts (associating Allah with others) until they become yukminna secured (in Al Kitab).  And a mukminaatun / those who take security (by their intuitive mind from Allah) is better than your own process of infiltrated / impure thoughts even though it might dazzle you ?  Those (thoughts) continuously invite (you) to an-nar / the burning sensation of internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) but Allah invokes you to Al Jannah / hidden garden of knowledge and the process of protection, by His notification.    And He makes clear His signs for an-nas / the agitated minds that perhaps they may introspect (with full awareness and independently support the rationalization).

Musibatun - calamity

2:155    And definitely We will test / try you with something of the fear, hunger and loss from the wealth (of knowledge) and the soul / self  and the thamara / increased intellect; and basshiri / sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) to those who have patience / persevere,

2:156    When musibatun / calamity reaches them they say surely we are for Allah and surely towards Him we will return.  

Muslim - one who is in a state of submission to attain peace

3:84    Say we aamanna / take security with Allah and what is revealed on us and what was revealed on Ibrahim (who is inclined to Allah's system of education) and Ismail (who listen and obey Allah) and Ishaq (who is perfected and alienated) and Yaakub (who always return to Allah when afflicted) and the asbathi / who are like minded and having same interest and what was given to Musa (one who is matured and familiar with the truth), Isa (fortified with ruh qudus) and the nabiyyun / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) is from their Rabb / Lord.  We do not make distinction between anyone of them (that they are all inner voices that deliver Allah's revelation) and to Him we are musliminun / submitters.  

9.72 Allah has promised, the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind) and mukminat / those who take security (from receiving Allah's revelation with their intuitive mind), jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allah (with the intuitive mind) is greater. It is that which is the great attainment.   

Mustaghfirin - one who seek forgiveness before the wrongdoing take into effect

3:17    The sabirin / patient, the sadiqin / truthful, the qanitin / obedient, those munfiqin / those who self-experience (with their logic), and those mustaghfirin / who seek forgiveness with ashari (sahara) / turning before appearance (of an-nar / the internal conflict). 

Mustahzi'un - one who is contempted due to following their own thoughts

2:14    And when they laqu / measure to determine as those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), they say, "We feel safe / secure", but when they are kholau / alone (empty of guidance from Allah) with shayaatin / acts arises from state of despair, they say, "indeed, we are with you, mustahzi'un / one who disregard /  contempted / not mindful (because they follow thoughts from their own conditioned thinking and thinking derived from external observation)".

2:15    Allah yastahzi'u / will disregard / contempt them and prolong them in tughyaanihim / their actions of taking security in falsehood, (while) they wander blindly.

Mustaqarrun wa mata'un - an ongoing desire for stability and an advantage (leading towards development).

2:36     Then both (zakara and unsa) let shaytan / acts arises from despair slip themselves concerning it (thoughts that germinate differences and disputes) and he (Adam) himself removed from what they were in it.  And We said, "Degrade yourselves all of you, as aduwwun / acts exceeding limit (transgress) to one another, and you will have in the ardh / lower consciousness mustaqarrun / one who is ongoingly desirous a place for settlement and mata'un / enjoyment (from what is provided by the wrong doings) for a period."

7.24    He said: “Degrade; for you are rivals to one another; and in the ardh / lower consciousness you will have mustaqarrun / an ongoing desire for stability and mata'un / advantage leading towards development." 

Muttaqeen - those who are mindful (thoughtful, very careful, extremely cautious)

2:3    Those who yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab) with the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden (that is, the pattern and meaning of truth hidden behind what the signs represent) and they yuuqimu / establish (rooted, solidified and installed) the salaat / connection (establishing a channel to receive the message) and they yunfiqun / will self-experience (the reform) what razaknaahum / We provide them  
2:4      And those yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab) with what We revealed to you and what We revealed from before and they are yuukinun / certain with their aakhirah /ending (dissolution of duniya, closed attachments and relationships).  
2:5     They are those upon them are guidance from their Rabb / Lord.  And they are the successful ones.  
3:198    But those who are mindful / conscious of their Rabb / Lord will have jannatun / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which the knowledge flow, abiding eternally therein, a revelation from the nearness of Allah.  And whatever is near Allah is best for the abrar / truthfulness.  

3:200    O you who aamanu / keep secured, persevere and endure and remain abiding and attaqu / be mindful / conscious of Allah that you may be successful.

Naba - news of the ghaib inspired by your Rabb

3:44    That is from anbaa'i / news of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, We inspired towards you.  And you were not with them (have no experience) when they "threw their pens" (when thoughts are written in the mind) who would be responsible / to take charge of Maryam / state of seeking (the hidden knowledge).  And you were not with them when they argued / disputed. 

11.49    This is from anba'i / news of the ghaibi / knowledge not perceivable by cognitive perception that We inspire to you. Neither did you nor your qaum / group of established thoughts know this, so be patient; the 'akibah / end result will be for the muttaqeen /  those who are mindful / conscious of Allah. 

12.102    That is from anba'i / news of the ghaibi / knowledge not perceivable by cognitive perception that We inspire to you. You were not among them when they arranged their plan and were scheming.   

Nabi - pronounce and establish the truth

5.20    And when Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, said to his qaum / group of established thoughts: “O qaum / group of established thoughts, uzkuru / embody divine masculine attributes (that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the nikmat of Allah / blessings with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts when made in you anbiya / those who pronounce and establishes (the news of the ghaib), and made you mulukan / a sovereign authority (where your mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority), and He gave you what He had not given any from the 'aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 

19.58    They are those whom Allah has graced from the nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish the truth from zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts, of Adam / one who receive education of the unseen, and those hamalna / We conceived with Nuh / who is strong with empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant), and from zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts of Ibrahim / who is inclined to the truth and Israel / who is on intense spiritual journey, and from whom We have guided and chosen. When the revelations of the Rahman / abstract system of education are recited to them, they fall down prostrating / submitting, and bukiyya / weeping (for the little knowledge of truth they have). 

Nafaqu - self experience

3:167    And liya'lama / that He will make known nafaqu / self-experience (the reform) and it was said to them, "ta'alau / most high deed is qaatilu / fight (dissolve duniya including mind, body and soul) in the way of Allah or udfa'u / drive away." They said, "If we had known fighting, we would have followed you." They were nearer to kufri / reject (ayaati of Allah) that moment than to imaan / trust, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is most Knowing of what they conceal,

Nafs - embodiment of truthfulness

3:25    So how will it be when We gather them (all hidden knowledge received from salaah) for a moment about which there is no doubt? And each soul wawuffiyat / will be completed what it earned, and they will not be wronged. 

3:145    No nafsin / soul can tamuta / be lifeless except with Allah's permission, a term muajjala / fixed.  And whoever desire a reward in this duniya / illusory existence of otherness, We shall give it to him and whoever desire a reward in the aakhirah / ending (close attachments and relationships), We shall give it to him.  And swiftly shall We reward those who are thankful.  

5.116    And when Allah says: “O Isa / one who is strengthened with ruh qudus, abna / construct of Maryam / state to discover true knowledge, did you tell an-nas / the agitated mind to take you and your ummi / fundamental motherly support as ilaahaini / both fundamental realities from other than Allah?” He said: “Subha / glory for the abundant knowledge swim to You, I cannot say what I have no right of. If I had said it then You know it, You know what is in nafsi / my soul while I do not know what is in nafsika / Your soul. You are the Knower of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden.”   

Nahar - illumination with guidance

14.32    It is Allah who evolve the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and reveal ma'an / knowledge of the truth from the samaa'i / higher consciousness and produced with it thereby thamara / increased intelligence as provision for you and subjected for you the fulka / perseverance to voyage through the ocean of knowledge by His command and subjected for you an-nahar / the illumination. 

Najwa - save from being misguided

4.114    (There is) no good in most of their najwa / save (from being misguided), except who orders with sadaqatin / genuine / truthful or makrufin / acknowledged with known facts or islaahin / reform between an-nas / the agitated mind.  And whoever does this seeking the mardoti / approval of Allah, We will give him a great recompense.

58.12    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when you naajaitu / wish to be saved (from wrong understanding of) the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), then qaddimu / bring forth between your hands najwakum / your effort to save (from misguidance), sadaqatan / truthful genuine way.  That is khoirun / good for you, wa'atharu / and purer.  Then if not tajidu /  found (the najwa), then Allah is Forgiver, Merciful (for the approval of the knowledge).   

Nansah - abrogated

2:106 Whatever that is abrogated from ayaati / signs or cause it to be forgotten, We bring forth better than it or similar to it. Did you not know that Allah kadir / measures upon all things?

Naqata - sound thought free from defects and imperfections

11.64    “And O my qaum / group of established thoughts, this is naqatu / a sound thought (signify free from defects and imperfections), in her you have a sign. So leave her to ta'kul / consume intelligence from Allah's lower consciousness freely, and do not harm her, or else a close retribution will take you.” 

17.59    And what prevented Us from sending with the ayaati / signs except that the awwalun / former kazzaba / denied with it. And We gave to Thamud / those exhausted with work with no reform the naaqata / sound (free from imperfections) with foresight, but they did wrong with her. And We do not send with the ayaati / signs except takhwifan / a warning. 

Nasara - helper but forgotten what were reminded

5.14    And from those who have said: “Indeed We are nasaara / the one who support / help,” We have taken their covenant then they have forgotten (not conscious of) much of what they zukkiru / used to embody the divine masculine attributes; so We planted between them animosity and hatred until the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment (of the truth); and Allah will inform them of what they had done.
5.82    Surely you will find an-nas / the agitated thoughts with the greatest animosity towards those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) are the yahuda / self lenient (being unmindful and leisurely in their deeds) and those who are asharaku / polytheists; and surely you will find the closest in affection to those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) are those who said: “We are nasara / helpers / supporters (but forgotten much what were reminded);” that is because among them are qissisina / learned and ruhbanan / devotee, and they are not arrogant. 

Nazir - warner to an-nas of the punishment of you do wrong

14.44    And warn an-nas / the agitated mind of a moment when the punishment will come to them then those who zhalamu / did wrong will say, "Our Rabb / Lord, delay us for a short term; we will answer Your call and follow the rusul /inner voices that carry the message."  "Had you not sworn, from before, that for you there would be no cessation (referring to the covenant in HQ 2:25)? 

Nikah - commingle and be infected

2:221    And do not tankihoo / commingle (be infected) to your own al mushrikaati / the polluted thoughts (associating Allah with others) until they become yukminna secured (in Al Kitab).  And a mukminaatun / those who take security (by their intuitive mind from Allah) is better than your own process of infiltrated / impure thoughts even though it might dazzle you ?  Those (thoughts) continuously invite (you) to an-nar / the burning sensation of internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) but Allah invokes you to Al Jannah / hidden garden of knowledge and the process of protection, by His notification.    And He makes clear His signs for an-nas / the agitated minds that perhaps they may introspect (with full awareness and independently support the rationalization).

Nikmati - favour for blessing received

2:40     O bani israel / who construct spiritual journey seeking guidance, izkuru / embody the divine masculine attributes (be linear, logical, brave, exploratory, focus and assertive) of My nikmati / favour (blessing received) which is anaam / healthy and blissful thoughts, upon you and fulfil with ahdi / covenant and I will fulfil your covenant, and farhabun / be devoted (only to Me). 

93.11    And as with ni'mati / blessing (for receiving the knowledge of the ghaib / unseen) of your Rabb / Lord, then haddis / embrace the representations (to have deep intimate relationship with the reality). 

Nisa - passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity)

2:223    Your nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) are a cultivation for you (whereby from the urges you can cultivate knowledge of the truth).  So come to your cultivation how you will and advance for your anpus / soul / self and be mindful / be conscious of Allah and know that you are going to meet Him and give bashhiri / sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) to the mukminin / those who take security (from their unfettered independent logical mind).

2:187    It is lawful for you to be in lailatal siyyam / restraint (from asking about Allah) in a state of darkness (without guidance) as the rafathu / revolting approach to your nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), they (lailatal siyyam) are a covering for you and you are a covering for them.  Allah knows that you betrayed your souls so He returns over you and pardoned you about it.  So now accompany them and seek what Allah has written for you and kulu / consume knowledge and sharabu / absorb until the white thread from the dawn clarifies for you from the black thread then completes the siyyam / self restraint (from asking) towards the laili / darkness and you do not accompany them when you are devoted in the masajid / state of submission.  These are the hududu / boundaries / limits of Allah so you do not go near them.  Likewise Allah clarifies His ayats / signs for the people so that they may be mindful of their thoughts.

58.2    Those from among you who yuzhahiru / manifest from their nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), that they are not ummahatihim / their motherly support (for growth and development). Ummahatuhum / their motherly support is none except they are those who walad / (thoughts) gave them birth to them.  Indeed, they layaqulu / are saying that is munkaran / a disguise (facts not known) from the saying of wazuran / a distortion.  And Allah is Pardoner, Forgiver.   

Nubuwwah - establishment of Allah's message of the truth by Nabi to self

6.89    Those (all the above mentioned from HQ 6:83 to HQ 6:87) to whom We have given the kitab / inherent script, and the law, and the nubuwwah / establishment of Allah message of truth in self, if they reject it, then We will entrust it to a kauman / group of thoughts who will not reject it.  

Nufus - contents of the soul

17.25    Your Rabb / Lord is fully aware with what is in nufusikum / your souls. If you are solihin / correct / reform, then certainly He is to awwaabina / those who return, a Forgiver. 

Nuh - sense of empathy and compassion for the nescient and ignorant

7.59    Certainly, We had sent Nuhan / sense of empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant), to his qaum / group of established thoughts, so he said: “O qaumi / my group of established thoughts, serve Allah, there is no ilaahin / reality to you besides Him (the reality of being). Indeed, I fear for you punishment of yawmin azheem / a great moment!”

10.71    And recite to them naba'a / hidden news of Nuh / sense of empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant) , when he said to his qaum / group of established thoughts, "O my qaum / established thoughts, if it is kabura / burdensome upon you my establishment (of the hidden news) and tazkiri / my embodiment (of the divine masculine attributes) with aayati / signs of Allah, then on Allah I tawakkaltu / put my trust.  So you and your partners resolve your plan (affair). Then let not your plan be ghummah / a distress to you. Then resolve it upon me and do not give me respite (you can act against me immediately from what you plan - do not give me time).” 

Nur mir rabbihi - light from his Rabb

39.22    So is whoever Allah sharaha / expanded his sadra / awareness for Islam / submission to attain peace, then he will be on a light from his Rabb / Lord. So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembering Allah. They have gone far astray. 

Qa'adu - remain behind (from going out fighting)

3:168    And those who said for their brotherly thoughts and while they qa'adu / remained behind said if they had obeyed us they would not have been killed.  So repel almauta / lifeless state, from your soul / self if you are truthful. 

Qadirin - competent in His measurement to empower

57.2    For Him is (the) mulku / sovereignty (fully stepped in to his inner authority) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness (universal) and al ardh / the lower consciousness (localised). He gives life (to the dead consciousness) and causes death (to the separate self's simulated consciousness by his conditioned mind), and He is over all things qaadirin / competent in His measurement (of empowering the inner authority). 

Qagniyaa' - rich in knowledge

3:181    Without doubt Allah has heard the saying of those, "surely Allah is faqirun / poor (not having the knowledge) and we are qagniyaa' / rich (competent and knowledgeable)".  Surely We will record what they have said and their killings of the anbiya' / who pronounce (news of the ghaib), without truth.  And We will say, "zuqu / taste (self-experience) the punishment of burning (that will arises from your internal conflicts)".  

Qalaid - keys that unlock the secrets

39.63    To Him belongs maqaalidu / keys (to unlock the secrets) of the samaawat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. And those who kafaru / rejected the ayaati / signs of Allah, they are the losers. 

Qariah - cluster of established thoughts

69.4    Thamud / that accept which is not true and Aad / that refuses to accept which is true, denied (the truth) with al-qariah / the cluster of established thoughts (of repetitive and negative thoughts). 

101.3    And what can make you know what the qari'ah / cluster of established thoughts (repetitive and negative) is? 

101.4    Moment an-nas / the agitated mind (restless thoughts) will be kal-farashi / like expand (spread its development),  mabthuth / dispersed. 

101.5    And the jibalu / fixed headed stubborn thoughts will be kalihni / like unsettled, manfush / loosened (smoothly afflicting the mind). 

101.9    Then his ummu / motherly support (feminine attributes of care, compassion and wisdom) is haawiyah / own desire.  

Qarnin - thoughts binding of the same group

6.6    Did they not see We have destroyed from before them from qarnin / thoughts binding of the same group? We granted them dominance in the ardh / lower consciousness what not granted to them, and We sent the samaa' / higher consciousness to them abundantly, and We made flow of knowledge beneath them; then, We destroyed them for their sins, and established after them other qarnan / thoughts binding of the same group.  

Qasasu - retracing the steps

3:62    Indeed, this is the true qasasu / retracing the steps (to make an account of the facts accurately) and (there is) nothing from ilaah / reality of being save Allah.  And indeed, Allah is the Exalted in Might, the Wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence).  

Qaum - group of established thoughts

5.20    And when Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, said to his qaum / group of established thoughts: “O qaum / group of established thoughts, uzkuru / embody divine masculine attributes (that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the nikmat of Allah / blessings with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts when made in you anbiya / pronounces and establishes (the news of the ghaib), and made you mulukan / sovereign (having authorities and ownership), and He gave you what He had not given any from the 'aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.”   

10.6    Indeed, in ikhtilaafa / replacing of the darkness and the brightness and what Allah khalaqa / has evolved in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness are ayaatin / signs for qaumin / a group of established thoughts who are mindful of Allah.

10.7    Indeed, they are those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied with the life of this duniya / close attachments and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs 

5.21    “O my qaum / group of established thoughts, enter the muqaddasa / state of purity of the ardh / lower consciousness as Allah has decreed for you, and do not turn your backs, or you will become losers.”  

11.101    And We had not zhalamnahum / wronged them, but they had wronged themselves; their realities that they called on besides Allah did not rescue them at all when the command of your Rabb / Lord came, and they only added to their destruction.  

Qibla - direction of trust and security 

2:143    Likewise We made you ummatan / group of thoughts washotan / a mediated direction (when there is a conflict between thoughts from own rational thinking and revelation) that you be witness over an-nas / the agitated mind and the rasulu / inner voice be a witness over you.  And We did not make the qiblah / your direction of trust (security) that you were over it except that We know those who followed the rasula / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) from those who turn over their heels (turned away).  And it is not definitely greatness except over those whom Allah guides.  And Allah will not make your trust (and security) so that it is wasted.  Surely Allah is kind, merciful with an-nas / agitated mind.

2.144    Without doubt We have seen the taqalluba / turnings of wajhika / focus to care (for gowth) in the as-samaa' / higher consciousness so definitely We will revert you to a qiblah / your direction of trust (security) so that you will be pleased with it so revert wajhaka / your focus to care (for growth) to shatra / part (of designated self restrictions and prohibitions) of the masjidil haraam / forbidden (unhealthy mind) state of submission and from wherever you are so revert wujuhakum / your focus to care (for growth) to the shatra / part (designated self restrictions and prohibitions).  And surely those who are given Al Kitab / the inherent script definitely know that it is the truth from their Rabb / Lord and Allah is not unaware of what you do.

10.87    And We inspired to Musa / who is matured in rational thinking and his brotherly thoughts (in developmental and social support) that settle both your qaum / groups of established thoughts (your matured rational and brotherly thoughts) with mishra / divine boundary (setting limits in your reasoning not to intervene in the interpretation of the truth) buyutan / mental houses and make your buyuta / mental houses qiblatan / your direction of trust (security) and establish salaah / connections (to receive and download the hidden messages) and bashhiri / give pleasant thoughts to the mukminin / those who take security (in the understanding of the hidden message with their rational mind)."  

Qiradatan - monkey mind (a mind that trangress the sabti, equilibrium of peace)

2:65     And indeed you knew about those who i'tadau / transgressed from among you in the sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful active mind, and We said to them, "Be qiradatan / apes (that is, monkey mind for the transgression of a peaceful active mind), despised".    

Qirthas - target of writing

6.7    And if We had revealed to you kitaban / an inherent script in qirthas / target of writing (like paper), and they touched it with their own hands, then those who have rejected would say: “This is but clear sihrum / secretly known by relevation!” 

6.8    And they said: “If only malakun / an authority were revealed to him?” And if We had revealed malakan / an authority, the matter surely would be settled, then they would no longer yanzhurun / be considered. 

6.9    And if We had made him malakan / an authority rajulan / independent urge (from own thinking) and We lalabas / would have surely wrapped (condition their mind) them in what they already yalbisun / are wrapped (conditioned). 

6.91    And they did not appraise Allah as He deserves to be appraised, for when they said: “Allah has never revealed anything to basharin / sensible thoughts.” Say: “Who then has sent down the kitab / inherent script which Musa / one who has strong value in humanity, had come with, a light and a guidance for an-nas / the agitated mind? You treat it simply as qarathisa / target of writing, and you disclose (some of it) and conceal much; and you were taught what neither you nor your aba / mind that provide fatherly support knew.” Say: “Allah has.” Then leave them in their discourse, yal'abun / playing.    

Qitalu - killing of the separate self by educating and reform

2:216    Kutiba / written upon you Al qitalu / the killing (of the separate self by educating and reform), even though you dislike it (and unwilling to do it). And it may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you like something while it is bad for you. And Allah knows, and you do not know.

Qiyamah - establishment of the truth by dissolving the nafs

2:85     Then, it is you who kill your anfus / souls and expel a fariqan / group distinguished from your diyaar / homes of encircling thoughts, (that) going round them supporting one another, in sin and in enmity.  And if they come to you tie or make him a captive, you put him on bail, although their expulsion was forbidden to you. Then do you take security in a part of Al Kitab / the inherent script and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this duniya (close attachments and relationships), and on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing (the dissolution of duniya) they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.

Qudu an nar - fuel for internal conflicts that burn the agitated mind

3:10    Surely those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) never will their amwal / accumulated knowledge and their awlad / thoughts given birth (by mental faculties) tughni / avail them (their knowledge, ideas and thoughts do not benefit ) against Allah at all.  And they are those who fuel the nar / internal conflict (that burn an-nas). 

Quran - expression of the truth

4.82    Do they not tadabbaru / reflect on the Qur’an / expression of truth (derived from the reading)? If it was from any other than Allah they would have found in it many ihtilafan / representation (of the truth).  

7.204    And if the Qur’an / expression (given by Allah) is being read, then listen (to understand) to it and pay attention, that you may receive turhamun / mercy (the approval of the knowledge received). 

17.9    Certainly this Qur’an / expression (of the truth) guides to that which is more aqwam / upright, and it gives yubasshiru / sensible thoughts to the mukminin / one who take security (in Al kitab) who do solehati / reform that they will have a great reward. 

Quranan Arabian - an articulative expression of the truth

12.2    Surely We have revealed qur'anan arabian / an articulative expression (of the message that is easy to understand), perhaps you will comprehend.

12.3    We naqussu / retrace to you the best qasasu / tracing (that is to retrace the steps to make an account of facts accurately) through what We have awhaina / inspired to you in this Qur’an / expression; and before it you were of those who were unaware. 

Qurban - disssolve the illusory being

2:83    And when We took a covenant of bani Israel / those who construct spiritual journey to seek guidance, that you will not ta'buduna / serve except Allah and ihsanan / (be) good (excellent) with waalidain / that foster parental support (that is rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / impetus urges (from mental activities) wadzi / and endowed (provide the best) with the qurba / who approach for knowledge and the yatama / who has no support for guidance and the masakin / who are needy of guidance and say husnan / good deeds to an nas  / the agitated mind and establish (rooted and ingrained) salah / connection (where messages are downloaded and received) and pursue zakah / mental growth and development then except few from you, you turn away avoiding it.

46.28    Then why those they took from other than Allah qurbanan aalihah / a dissolved reality did not nasara / help them ?  Rather they had strayed from them (qurbanan aalihah other than Allah).  And that was ifkuhum / their delusion and what they were yaftarun / inventing. 

Rabb - sustainer who evolve you become muttaqin

2.21    O an-nas / thoughts of the agitated mind, serve your Rabb / Lord (Nourisher of facts and evidence of the truth), one who has evolved you all (with the truth) and those from before so that you become tattaqun / mindful of your thoughts (conscious of the Consciousness).

2:22     The one who has made for you al-ardh / the lower consciousness firasha / development (spread and expanded) and as-samaa / the higher consciousness a bana'an / a construct of the absolute truth and caused to reveal from the as-samaa / higher consciousness maa / flowing knowledge (of truth) and caused to brought forth with it from al-thamara / the intelligence a rizqa / provision for you.  So do not set for Him andadan / rivals while you know.

Rabbaniyyun - reality of lordliness

3:79    It is not for a bashar / sensible thought (who trust in transformation) that Allah should gives him al Kitab / the inherent script and al Hukum / the law of nature (so that you understand with clear proofs) and an-nubuwah / the prophecy then he says for linnas / agitated mind that be a servant for me besides Allah but (instead say) become rabbaniyyun / reality of lordliness with what you have been given the knowledge of the Kitab / inherent script and with what you take lessons. 

3:80    Nor could he order you to take the mala'ikah / faculty of authority and nabiyyin / pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), as arbaban / lord other than Allah.  Would he order you with alkufri / the rejection (ayaati of Allah) when you had been muslimun / submitters? 

Rafiqan - manners

4:69    And whosoever obey Allah and the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs) so they are with those whom Allah has an'ama / blessed over them from an-nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) and the truthful and the witnesses and the ones who reform.  And beautiful are those rafiqan / manners.

Rahman - Allah's abstract system of education

55.1    Ar Rahman

55.2    He (Ar Rahman) taught Al Quran / the exposition of truth

55.3    He (Ar Rahman) khalaqa / evolves the Insaan / one who is inclined to the truth   

Ra'ina and - listen to the recitation without pondering and reflecting 

2:104    O those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab / the inherent script), say not ra'ina / we listen but say unzurna / we reflect and ponder (over truth offered).  And for those who reject / cover (the truth) is a painful punishment. 

2:105    Do not be like those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) from ahle / the ones who are familiar of Al Kitab / the inherent Script, nor those musrikin / who pollute / associate (the inherent script) wish that any good should be sent down upon you from your Rabb / Lord.  And Allah yahtasshu / exclusively selects with rahmati / His abstract education system who desire, and Allah is possessor of the fadhli al azheem / great excellence. 

Ramadhan - intense phase where al quran / the expression of truth is revealed

2:185    Ramadhan / intense phase (of spiritual heat) is shahru / notable / apparent in which al quran / the expression of truth (in the comprehension of Allah's message) revealed as a guide for an-nas / agitated mind and the clarification from the guidance and the furqan / the conscience (ability to distinguish the inner voice who deliver the divine message and a whisper of own thoughts) so whosoever witness that apparent notion from among you, then he should sumhu / self-restrain (from being unjust in executing Allah's message).  Those who are maridhan / disordered (like sick, very tired, in pain) or safarin / state of absence (zero / blank mind) then iddah / take into account from the other moments.  Allah intends easiness for you and He does not intend any difficulty for you that you may complete the iddah / the entire account and so that you greaten Allah over what He guided you and that you may be thankful.

Rasul - duties and how Allah strengthen mukminin with rasul

2:129    Our Rabb / Lord, and raise (to life) in them a rasul (an inner voice) who will recite upon them (so that they follow closely) Your ayaati / signs and will teach them Al Kitab / the inherent script, and the hikmah / wisdom (actions based on understanding of the truth) and yuzakkihim / make them grow (mentally).  Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise (provider of understanding of the truth).

3:164    Surely Allah has manna / strengthened (when you are weak) upon the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind), as He ba'atha / raised up (to life) among them rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver guidance from your Rabb) from among their soul / self, who recites to them (to follow) His ayaati / signs, and purifies them and teaches them Al Kitab / the inherent script and hikmatan / understanding based on Allah's law (with facts and empirical evidence), although before that they were in obvious error.   

3:184    Then if they kazzabu / deny you, so surely were rusulun / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) kazziba / denied before you, who brought bayyinat / clarity and zuburi / intelligent that is determined and shaped (in relation to the realisation of meaning with insights and conscious understanding) and the munir / enlightening al kitab / inherent scripture.  
4.170    O an-nas / agitated mind, without doubt rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati / signs) has come to you with the truth from your Rabb / Lord, so aminu / take security (in it); that is better for you. And if you takfuru / reject, then to Allah is what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence). 
5.67    O rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), deliver what was revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord, and if you do not then you have not delivered His message; and Allah will protect you from an-nas / the agitated mind.  And Allah does not guide those rejecting kaum / group of established thoughts.  

7.35    O bani Adam / those who construct to receive education of the unseen, if come rusulun / inner voices (that deliver the message) give to you from amongst you and yaqussu / retrace the steps to you of My ayaati / signs; then for those who are aslaha / seek to reform, there will be no fear over them nor will they grieve. 

7.61    (Nuh) said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, I am not with dhalaltun / misguidance, but I am rasulun / inner voice (that deliver the message) from the Rabb / Lord of 'aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 

7.62    “'Ubalighukum / to deliver to you risaalaati / the enlightening messages of my Rabb / Lord, and anshahu / I advise you, and I know from Allah what you do not know.”  

14.4    And We have not sent from any rasulin / inner voice delivering (Allah's message) to clarify for them except with the language of his qaum / group of thoughts.  So Allah astrays to who wills and guides to who wills and He is the Aziz / Noble / Potent, the Hakim / Wise.  

64.12    And obey Allah and obey the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  And if you turn away, then only upon Our rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) is the clear delivery (of the hidden message). 

Riba - artificial swelling of knowledge

2:275    Those who consume riba / artificial swelling of knowledge cannot yaqumu / establish (the transformation of soul) except as what is yaqumu / establish by those who is being beaten by the shaytan (act from despair) from one of its touch. That is because they say, "Exchange (transform for betterment) is like ar-riba / the artificial swelling of knowledge." But Allah has permitted the exchange (transform for betterment) and has forbidden ar-riba / the artificial swelling of knowledge. So whoever has received maw'izatun / a sermon from his Rabb / Lord and become strong to fight (the riba) putting it to an end whatever salafa / experienced before, and his affair rests with Allah. But whoever returns to (ar-riba)- those are the companions (intellect of logical mind and ladunni of intuitive mind) of an-nar / the burning sensation of internal conflicts (that burn an-nas); they will abide eternally therein.

2:276    Allah cancels ar-riba / the artificial swelling of knowledge and increases sadaqat / genuine and truthful way and Allah does not love any rejecter, sinner.

2:278    O you who aamanu / trust / take security, ittaku / be mindful / be conscious of Allah and leave off what remains ar-riba / the artificial swelling of knowledge if you mukminin / those who take security (from your unfettered independent logical mind).    

2:279    Then if you do not (leave off what remains of ar-riba / the artificial swelling of knowledge) so take a notice of war from Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and if you turn back, then the heads / leaders of your wealth (knowledge from education by Allah) are for you.  You do not oppress and you will not tuzlamun / be wronged. 
2:280    And if he is in difficulties, then respite is given to him towards easiness and that you give sadaqa / genuine / truthful way, that is better for you if you would have known. 
4.161    And for their taking of the riba / superficial (inflated) knowledge and understanding, while certainly they were prohibited from doing so, and for their consuming the amwaala / accumulated knowledge of an-nas / the agitated mind unjustly. We have prepared for the kafirin / rejecters among them a painful punishment.   

Rijal wa nisa - independent thought processes and passionate urges

4:7    For the rijali / independent thought processes, nashibun / a share of what (is) conceived (by) the waalidani / that foster parental support (from both left and right hemisphere of the brain) and akrabun / close related thought (from memory), and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) are a nashibun / share of what (is) conceived (by) the waalidani / that foster parental support (from both left and right hemisphere of the brain) and akrabun / close related thoughts (from memory), be it less from it or kathura / much - an obligatory nashiban / share. 
4:32    And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For rijali / independent thought processes, a share of what they have earned, and for nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) are a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing. 

4:33    And for all, We have made mawaali / state of authority as master (which is rijal and nisa) of what is taraka / conceived by walidani / parental support (zakara and unsa) of their produce (thoughts) and akrabun / close related thoughts.  And to those who you pledged aimaanukum / by your right (one authority for actions, emotions and thoughts), give them their share.   Indeed Allah is ever, over all things, a witness. 

4:34    The rijalu / independent thought processes are those who qawwamu / take a stand (established position) over an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity)with what Allah has given the bounty to any one of them over the other and with what they anfaqu / self-experience (put into direct experience for reform) from their wealth of knowledge.  So (they make) correction and devotion and preservation for the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, with what Allah has preserved.  And those whom you fear of the agitation / emotional shock then sermon them, and abandon them in the side and strike them, so if they obey you then do not seek over them a way.  Surely Allah is Great, High.

Rijsan - pollution or contamination

5.90    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), surely al-khamru / concealing the flow of thoughts, and al-maysiru / the state where knowledge easily obtained (without much struggle like knowledge offered by learned), and al-ansobu / the portion (of understanding Al Kitab) deluded by own fabrication, and azlamu / accepting certain portion and omitting the rest (of the knowledge offered) are rijsan / pollution / contamination by the work of the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair.  You shall avoid it so that you may be successful (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).  

Rizqi - provision of knowledge

2:22     The one who has made for you al-ardh / the lower consciousness firasha / development (spread and expanded) and as-samaa / the higher consciousness a bana'an / a construct of the absolute truth and caused to reveal from the as-samaa / higher consciousness maa / flowing knowledge (of truth) and caused to brought forth with it from al-thamara / the intelligence a rizqa / provision for you.  So do not set for Him andadan / rivals while you know.

12.37    He said: “No turzaqa / provision of tho'amun / food for knowledge will come to you, except that I would have informed you both about its ta'wil / interpretation before it comes to you. That is from what my Lord has taught me. I have just left the millata / abidance (way of serving) of qaumin / group of thoughts who do not yukminun / take security with Allah, and they are kafirun / rejecters / those who cover with the aakhirah / ending.”   

Ru'ban fi qulubihim - cast terror of two sides conflicting argument and confusion in their hearts 

18:18    And you would think them (those astray who has no protector and no guide) awake, while they were asleep. And We turned them to the right and to the left (two sides argument that is the truth and the falsehood), while their madness / confusion (loss of reasoning due to state of madness / confusion) stretched (cannot be conceived) extending with closing their minds (do not want to think). If you had appeared at them, you would have turned away from them to elude / dodge and been filled from them with terror.

Ruh - spirit of the knowledge (essence of the truth)

17.85    And they ask you concerning the Ruh / Spirit (essence of the truth).  Say: “The Ruhu / Spirit of consciousness (essence is the truth) is from the authority of my Rabb / Lord; and the knowledge you were given was but very little.” 

51.41    And in 'Aad / that refuses to accept which is true, when We sent against them the riha / spirit of consciousness (essence is the truth), the 'aqeem / powerless. 

Saa'a - evil, sin, badness

7.177    Saa'a / evil is the example of the qaumu / group of established thoughts who kazzabu / lied with Our ayaati / signs, and it was their souls that they had wronged. 

Saa'ah - direct experience (meta consciously)

7.187    They ask you regarding the saa'ah / moment of direct experience: “When  mursaaha / its understanding established?” Say: “Certainly its knowledge is with my Rabb / Lord, none can yujalliha / make evident / make obvious for waktiha / its coming except He. It is thakulat / arduos / not easy through the samaawaati / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; it will not come to you except baghtatan / unexpectedly.” They ask you, as if you are hafiyyun / think highly of (responsible) for it! Say: “Its knowledge is with God, but most of an-nas / the agitated mind do not know.” 

12.107    Are they secure against the coming of ghashiyatun / an enveloping / overwhelming azab / punishment from Allah, or that the sa'atu / state of direct experience will come to them suddenly while they do not perceive?  

18:36    And I am not azhunnu / certain of the saa'ata / direct experience (meta consciously) will qaa'imah / establish.  And if I should be brought back to my Rabb / Lord, I surely will find better from it, munqalaban / central to what the heart."

43.61    And indeed he, surely is ilmun / a knowledge for saa'ati / direct experience of reality (with meeting Allah).  So have no doubt about it and follow Me.  This is sirothum mustaqim / a straight path.   

Sab'a - congregate from adapting and fashioning higher to lower consciousness

2:29     It is He who halaqa / evolved for you what in the al-ardh / lower consciousness jami'a / all together.  Then (He) istawaa /  adapt the samaa' / higher consciousness and then sawwahunna / shaped (mould) them sab'a / congregate higher consciousness, and He is Well-Acquianted with all things.

Sabbath - equilibrium of a peaceful mind

2:65     And indeed you knew about those who i'tadau / transgressed from among you in the sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful active mind, and We said to them, "Be qiradatan / apes (that is, monkey mind for the transgression of a peaceful active mind), despised".  
4.154    And We raised the thur / mount (signifying the weighty magnitude of the covenant) above them by the covenant they took, and We said to them: “Enter the bab / door (of the covenant) in sujjadan / humility / submissive.” And We said to them: “Do not ta'du / transgress the sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful active mind (because if you do, it becomes a monkey mind);” and We took from them a solemn (genuine) covenant. 

Sabran - to have patience

18:67    He said, "Indeed, with me you will never be able to have patience.

18:68    And how can you have patience for what you do not encompass with it khubran / awareness ? 

Sadaqah - truthful and genuine way of najwa (saved from misguidance)

2:271    If you tubdu / make apparent your sadaqaati / genuine / truthful way, it is (a life of) good and pleasant; and if you conceal them and give them to the poor (who are not having the knowledge), it is better for you, and He yukaffiru / will cover about you from your misdeeds. And Allah, with what you do, is All Aware.

3:152    And certainly Allah sadaqakumu / had genuinely in a truthful way fulfilled His promise to you when you were tahussu / perceiving them (to overpower the kafaru's side of the argument) by His permission until when you lost courage and fell to disputing about the order and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you love. Among you are some who desire this duniya / illusory existence of otherness, and among you are some who desire the aakhirah / ending (close attachments and relationships). Then he sarafakum / divided you from them that He might test you. And He has already forgiven you, and Allah is the possessor of bounty for the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind). 

58.12    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when you naajaitu / wish to be saved (from wrong understanding of) the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), then qaddimu / bring forth between your hands najwakum / your effort to save (from misguidance), sadaqatan / truthful genuine way.  That is khoirun / good for you, wa'atharu / and purer.  Then if not tajidu /  found (the najwa), then Allah is Forgiver, Merciful (for the approval of the knowledge).  

58.13    Are you reluctant to tuqaddimu / bring forth between your hands najwakum / your effort to save (from misguidance), sadaqaatin / truthful genuine way?  Then, if you cannot do such, and Allah has forgiven you; then you shall akimu / establish the salaah / connection / communion, and aatu zakaah / perform mental development (of knowledge), and obey Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  And Allah is fully acquainted with what you do. 

Safar wal marwah - mixed mind and mind that preserve akhlak

2:158    Surely ashafa / process of refining the mixed mind (of purities and impurities) and almarwata / moral goodness (state of mind that preserve akhlak) are from Allah's sha'airi / enligtenment (perception and recognition of truth).  So whoever hajja / reason out (to repair or rebuild) of the mental house (the thought process) or awi' iqtamara / flourishing state then it is not junaaha / inclined to wrong-doings over him that yathowaffa / he goes round (circumumbulate) with both of them. And whosoever tatawwa'a / able to khairan / do good then surely Allah is thankful, knowing.

Saaffat - standing before Rabb in awareness of your deeds

18:48    And they will be presented before your Rabb / Lord in rows, surely, "You have certainly come to Us just as We evolved you the first time. But you claimed that We would never make for you maw'idan / a promise."

89.22    And your Rabb / Lord jaa'a / become present (in your awareness) and the malaku / thoughts with authority saffan / come forward (to meet their Rabb), saffa / set in place. 

Sahabu - companions (intellect aligned to the to the truth and intuitive mind of ladunni)

2:39     And those who kafaru / rejected and kazzabu / denied with ayaatina / Our signs, they are those (agitated mind) who will be ashhabu / companions (intellect of logical mind and ladunni of intuitive mind) of an-nar / burning sensation of internal conflict (that burn an-nas), they will abide in it perpetually.

18:76    (Musa) said, "If I should ask you about a thing after this, then do not keep me (intellect aligned to the truth) as a companion.  Verily, you have delivered from ladunni / intuition (the presence) of your Rabb, 'udhran / an excuse (exempted from blame)." 

Sahabu jannah - companion (pure logical mind) of hidden knowledge

2:82    And those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and do solehah / reform, they (intellect of logical mind and ladunni of intuitive mind) are companions of jannah (hidden garden of knowledge), they will dwell therein forever.

Saharah - turned from the truth

7.113    And the saharah / one who is diverted came to Firaun / one who is filled with superiority complex, they said: “We require a reward if we are the ngalibin / victors / the one who can overcome.”  

7.116    He said: “You cast.” So when they cast, they saharu / divert the 'ainu / vision of an-nas / the agitated mind, and instilled terror in them, and they came with sihrin azheem / a great diversion. 

Salaah - connection to download and receive the truth

2:43     And aqimu / establish the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and pursue the zakaah / mental development growth and warka'u / submit with those who are participating in raaki'un / submission.

2:44     Do you ata'muru / continuously order an-nas / the agitated mind with the birri / truthfulness (to your covenant) and tansau / abandon anfusakum / your selves, while you follow Al kitab / the inherent Script, do you not ta'kilun / comprehend (use your reasons)?
4.103    Then when qadhaitumu / you are decreed with the salaata / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), then uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of Allah, qiaman / an establishing and qu'udan / waiting (for the understanding) and over junubikum / your bewilderness (where the message received is fresh and different from what is known). Then, when you are satisfied, aqimu / establish the salaata / connections.  Indeed, the salaata / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) for the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind), kitaban / an inherent script mawqutan / a determined matter (success is never an accident).  
5.6    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when qumtum / you establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) for salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), faghsilu / then cleanse (the baseless understanding) wujuhakum / your care (for growth) and your hands (what you have authority from it) up to the marafiqi / state of gentleness (from state of aggressiveness in your works / actions), and imsahu / purify with your heads  (wrong understanding, baseless belief that are written as established beliefs) and arjulakum / your independent thought processes up to the ka'bain / two prominent (those established thoughts from Rijal / independent thought processes, and Nisa / passionate urges grounded your position firmly).  And if you are in junuban / a state of bewilderness (confused) then purify  yourselves.  And if you are mardho / disordered (sick, tired or in pain and short of knowledge) or over state of absence (zero / blank mind) or one of you come out from the gha'iti / position of submerged (in other irrelevant matters) or you have been in contact with an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), then you do not find ma'an / flow of knowledge then tayammamu / focus / pay attention toward saidan thoyyiban / good ascension in your reform then wipe / erase with wujuhikum / your care (for growth) and aidikum / what you have authority from it.  Allah does not intend to put on you from any difficulty but he intends for you to purify and to complete His favour on you, so that you may be grateful. 

17.78    Aqimi / establish the salaah / connection for the duluki / rubbing of the shamsi / brightness, towards ngasaqi / dissappearing of the laili / darkness; and the Qur’an at the fajar / piercing light through a passage that opened.  Indeed, Qur’an at the fajar / passage that opened is witnessed.  

Sallu - connect

2:27     Those who yanqudu / break the ahda / covenant of Allah after misaakihi / contracting / determining it and severe that which Allah has ordered yuusola / connected (with hidden message) and they themselves cause yufsidu / corruption in the al-ardh / lower consciousness.  It is those who are the khosirun / losers.

2:125    And when We made al-bait / the mental house a place of return (from disobedience to obedience) for an-nas / the agitated mind and you take the place of salla / connection (with hidden message delivered by rasul / inner voice) from the maqami / state of established position of Ibrahim (who is inclined to Allah's system of education) and We covenanted towards Ibrahim (who is inclined to Allah's system of education) and Ismail (who listen to the truth) that they purify My mental house for the tho'ifina / go round and the 'akifina / retreat and the rukka'i / bow / accept, the sujud / submit.  

3:39    Then the malaaikah / state of sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler one and one authority) called him (ie Zakaria / who embodied the divine masculine attributes) when he was qa'imun / establishing  yusalli / connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) in the mihrab / state of inner conflict (of goodness and badness).  Surely Allah bashhiru / gives sensible thoughts to you with Yahya / one who is alive (with the news of the ghaib) confirming with a word of Allah and sayyidan / a chief managing the affairs from the truth and restricting from unrelated knowledge and false source and a nabi / pronounce the news (of the ghaib) to attain enlightenment, from solihin / who correct themselves

Samaawaat - higher consciousness

2:22     The one who has made for you al-ardh / the lower consciousness firasha / development (spread and expanded) and as-samaa / the higher consciousness a bana'an / a construct of the absolute truth and caused to reveal from the as-samaa / higher consciousness maa / flowing knowledge (of truth) and caused to brought forth with it from al-thamara / the intelligence a rizqa / provision for you.  So do not set for Him andadan / rivals while you know.

21.32    And We made the samaa'a / higher consciousnesss saqfan / a cover by high authority, mahfudzhan / those who preserve (the purity) and they, about its signs, mu'ridhun / those who turn away.

91.5    And the samaa'i / higher consciousness and what constructed it.

Sawwa - shape or mould

2:29     It is He who halaqa / evolved for you what in the al-ardh / lower consciousness jami'a / all together.  Then (He) istawaa /  adapt the samaa' / higher consciousness and then sawwahunna / shaped (mould) them sab'a / congregate higher consciousness, and He is Well-Acquianted with all things.  

91.7    And nafs / soul (self or psyche) and what sawwaha / shape (mould) it,

Sha'airi - pure intuition

2:158    Surely ashafa / process of refining the mixed mind (of purities and impurities) and almarwata / moral goodness (state of mind that preserve akhlak) are from Allah's sha'airi / enligtenment (perception and recognition of truth).  So whoever hajja / reason out (to repair or rebuild) of the mental house (the thought process) or awi' iqtamara / flourishing state then it is not junaaha / inclined to wrong-doings over him that yathowaffa / he goes round (circumumbulate) with both of them. And whosoever tatawwa'a / able to khairan / do good then surely Allah is thankful, knowing.

Shafa'at - A soul intercede another for justice and / or to give help

2:48      And be mindful of a moment, no nafsun / a soul shall avail (another) nafsin / soul shay'an / a thing and not yuqbalu / accepted from it shafa'atun / an intercession, and not be taken from it adlun / justice, and they shall not be yunsorun / helped.

2.255    Allah, there is la ilaaha illa huwa / no reality of being except Him, the Ever Living, the Ever Establish.  No sinatun / slumber (state of drowsiness where pure mind connection is severed during awake) can ta'huzuhu / seize Him nor naumun / sleep (state of inactivity or not knowing).  Whatever is in the higher consciousness and in the lower consciousness is for Him.  Who is there that can intercede (a soul step in from his own content of consciousness, other than the truth, as a satisfaction for another soul) in His presence except with His permission.  He knows what is between aidihim / their hands (experiences of own self) and what is kholfahum / their representations (of the truth).  And nor shall they encompass with anything from His knowledge except with what he wills.  His kursiyy / structure that support the truth, extends over the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness and He feels no burden in guarding and preserving both of them.  And He is High, the Supreme. 

4.85    Whoever intercedes with a good intercession (step-in with the truth from Al Kitab), he will have a reward of it; and whoever intercedes with an evil intercession (step-in with other than the truth), he will receive a share of it. And Allah has control over all things.

19.87    None will possess shafa'ah / intercession, except for he who has taken ahdan / a promise (the covenant) with the Rahman / abstract system of education (that nourish and develop mental faculty with truth). 

Shahidan - testimony, witness

5.106    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), shahaadah / witnessing (the truth) between you is when mautu / lifeless soul (no insights of the truth) is approaching ahadakum / one of you when the wasiah / connection is being made repeatedly who are equitable from you. Or, others from other than you if you have gone forth in the ardh / lower consciousness then befall musibatul maut / calamity of lifeless soul (not having insights of truth). Hold both of them (equitable connection from you as well as from others) from after the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and let them swear by Allah: “We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a qurba / dissolving (the waalidaini), and we will not conceal the testimony of Allah, else we are of the sinners.”   

6.19    Say: “Which is akbar / greater testimony?” Say: “Allah is witness between me and you, and He has inspired to me this Qur’an / expression (from reading ayaati) that I may warn you with it and whoever it reaches, that you are bearing witness that with Allah are other ilaahan / reality of being!” Say: “I do not bear witness!” Say: “He is only One ilaahun / fundamental reality of being, and I am innocent of what you have set up!”  

Shahril haraam qitalin - notable prohibitions in the process of killing the separate self

2:217    They ask you concerning the shahril haram / notable prohibitions about killing (the utmost prohibited act is killing the true self and bring alive the separate conceptual self of which contained the thoughts that are egoistic and self interest) in it. Say: killing (the true  self) in it is greatest, and hindering from Allah's way and denying Him, and the masjidil haram / forbidden (unhealthy mind) state of submission and turning its ahli / those who are familiar out of it, from it is greater in the nearness of Allah, and fitnatu / trial / test is greater than killing; and they will not cease killing you until they turn you back about your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law), if they can; and whoever of you turns back from his deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law), fayamut / then he becomes lifeless (without awareness of truth for the soul) while a rejecter.   These it is whose works shall go for nothing in the duniya / near attachment and the aakhirah / ending, and they are the companions (intellect of logical mind and ladunni of intuitive mind) of the nar / heated conflicts within oneself; therein they shall abide.

Shaikh - sage or learned elder

11.72    She (obstinate thought) said: “O my! Shall I a'alidu / give birth (produce, rear, educate and bring up to a soul) when I am 'ajuzan / powerless (unable to do it), and here is ba'li / one who I depend on, shaikhan / a sage (learned elder)? This is indeed a strange thing!”  

12.78    They said: “O the aziz / mighty, surely to him shaikhan / a sage (learned elder) of abaa / fatherly support (in analysis and reason), so take one of us in his place. Indeed we see you from the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.”   

Shajaratul zaqqum - word that germinate dispute

37.64    Indeed, it is shajaratun / a word that flow in ashlil jaheem / root of internal conflict, 

Shaytan - whisper from despair inspiring to deceive with fancy words and fabrications

2:168    O an-nas / agitated mind! Kulu / consume knowledge that which is halalan / lawful and thoyiban / good in the lower consciousness, and follow not the footsteps of shaytan / acts arises from the state of despair. Verily, he is to you an open aduwwun / transgressor.

2:169    Surely what he (those follow the footsteps of shaitan) will command you evil and indecency, and that you may speak against Allah what you do not know.

2:268    Shaitan / whisper (from despair) that seduce (from the right path) threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and fadlan / excellence. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.

3:175    It is only the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair that causes you to fear from his allies, but do not fear them, and fear Me (thus rely on Me) if you are mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind). 

5.91    Certainly, the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair only yuridu / wants to cause the 'adaawah / enmity between you through khamra / concealment of thoughts and maysir / state of easily obtaining the knowledge, and yasuddakum / to repel you away from zikri / embodiment of divine masculine attributes (like focus, logic, assertive) of Allah and from the salaah / connection (synthesizing for the download and installation of the message). Will you be deterred?  

6.112    And as such, We made for every nabiyyi / those who pronounce and establish the truth, aduwwan / rivals of shayatin / act arises from state of despair of al ins / the matured and familiar thought (with the truth) and al jinn / the hidden intellect (off the grid not familiar with the truth) to yuhi / inspire each other with fancy words in order to deceive. Had your Rabb / Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.  

7.27    O bani Adam / those who construct to receive education of the unseen, do not let the shaytan / thoughts that are broken and in despair afflict you as he evicted abawaikum / your parental support (own thinking) from the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge; he removes from them their libasa / covers to show them their suu'a / evil. Indeed, He and his directive see you from where you do not see them. We have made the shayatin / thoughts that are broken and in despair as awliya / guardians for those who do not yukminun / take security.   

Shia'an - division

6.65    Say: “He is kodiru / able to appraise raising over them punishments from above them (high-level and complicated) or from below (low-level and simple) arjulikum / their independent thinking, or yalbisu / wrap them (condition their mind into) shiya'an / divisions, let you taste some of you, conflicts of others.”  See how We dispatch the ayaati / signs, perhaps they yafqahun / may understand (the science / empirical evidence of law).  

6.159    Certainly, those who have divided their deen / system of conscious submission (to Allah's judgment) and become shiya'an / divisions, you are not with them in anything. Surely, their matter will be with Allah, then He will inform them of what they had done. 

Shuraka al jinna - setting up partners (with Allah) from jinn

6.100    And they set up partners with Allah from among the Jinn / hidden intellect (knowledge given birth by a hidden process) and khalaqa / evolved them. And they invented for Him banina / those who contruct independently and banaati / those who contruct relying on others without them having any knowledge! Be He glorified and exalted above what they describe.  

Sihru - diversion from the right course

2:102    And they followed what the shayaatin (acts from state of despair) over the sovereignty of sulaiman (who possessed full authority over his submission), and sulaiman was not kafaru / rejecter (ayaati of Allah), but the shayaatin kafaru / rejected (ayaati of Allah), they (shayaatin) taught an nas / the agitated mind sihru / diversion (that turned away from the right course) and whatever was revealed to al malaka'in / the two commanding faculties of the mind bibabil / with speech digression, harut / loose-tongue / unrestrained in speech and marut / speech more in form / style but less in substance, and both do not teach anyone until they (both) say, "Surely we are only a trial, therefore do not be takfuru / a rejecter."  So they learn from those two what yufarriquna / will distinguish with it between al mar'i / preserving the tongue (guarding good speech) and zaujihi / his pair (rijal / independent thinking and nisa / thinking derived from sensory inputs, and they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah and (bound) to learn what harms them and does not benefit them. And surely, knew that whoever purchase would have no share over it in aakhirah / the ending (dissolving the duniya and remaining behind only the dissociated self).  And evil is what they sold with it, their anfus / souls, if only they knew. 

51.39    Then he turned away with his supporters and said," saahirun / a diversion from the right course or majnun / a hidden soul from awarenesss." 

Sirru - secretly known by revelation

2:69     They said, "ud'u / invoke for us, your Rabb / Lord for us that He may clarify what luna / colour it is.  He (Musa) said, "Surely He (Allah) says a baqaratun / self-inquiry is a safraau / empty, faqi'un / pure bright, its colour tasurru / concealed to the observer.    
2:77    Do they not know that Allah knows what they yusirru / know secretly by revelation and yuklinun / what they perceive by their own logical thinking? 

Sittati ayyamin - six phases / moments that form the arsh / structure of evolution

7.54    Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is Allah who has khalaqa / evolved samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness in six ayyamin / phases / moments, then He settled upon the arsh / structure. The laili / darkness (barriers) runs away from covering the nar / brightness, which seeks it continually; and the shamsa / state of luminosity (clarity) and the qamar / illusory and the nujum / sparkling (of revelation) are commissioned by His command; to Him is the khalqu / evolution and the command. Tabaraka Allah / Glory to Allah, Rabb / Lord of the 'aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge

Note : The six ayyamin / phases are 1) Nar / brightness is covered 2) laili / darkness runs away 3) yadlubuhu hathithan / seeks continually 4) qamar / illusory (go away) 5) shamsa / clarity 6) nujum / sparkling of revelation.  The whole 6 phases form the arsh / structure of evolution. 

Solehati - reform / correct oneself

2:277    Indeed, those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and do the solehati / reform / correct oneself and establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) salaat / connection (unified where the message is downloaded and received) and give az-zakah / mental growth and development will have their reward with their Rabb / Lord, and there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.

Solibu - deprive of logic or reason

5.33    Innama / the only jazaa'u / recompense for those who have war with Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs), and seek to fasaadan / have corruption (by declining the facts) in the ardh / lower consciousness, is that they will be killed or yusallabu / deprived (of logic / reason) or that their aidihim / hands / power and arjuluhum / independence of their thought processes, be cut off from khilafin / a representation or that they be banished from the ardh / lower consciousness; that is a disgrace for them in this duniya / close attachment / relations and in the aakhirah / ending (dissolving duniya and remaining behind the higher self) they will have a great punishment. 

7.124    I will surely decapitate aydikum / your capabilities and arjulakum / your independence (urges from own thinking) from khilafin / discrepancy; then I will surely sollibannakum / deprive you of logic all together. 

Subhana - swim in the abundant expressons of truth

2:32     They said, "Subhana / glory be to You (for the swim in the abundant expressions of truth - haqqah); we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence)." 

69.52    So sabbih / swim in the abundant expressions of truth with the name (with its elevated meaning) of your Rabb / Lord, the 'azhim / Great. 

Suddu - stop (in the path of Allah)

7.45    “Those who yasuddu / stop from the path of Allah, and sought to make it crooked; and they with the aakhirati / ending were kafirun / rejecters.” 

Sudur - awareness

3:29    Say, "Whether you conceal what is in your sudur / awareness or reveal it, Allah knows it. And He knows that which is in the samawaat / higher consciousness and that which is in the ardh / lower consciousness.  And Allah measures over all things.

Sufaha'a - weak minded

4:5    And do not give the sufaha'a / weak-minded your amwaal / accumulated knowledge, which Allah has made a means of qiyaaman / establishment for you, but provide for them with it and wrap them and say to them words of makrufan / facts that are acknowledged (and known).

Suhuf - discernment of the inherent script 

80.13    In shuhufin / a discernment (of inherent scripts), mukarramah / of one who is noble (with high personal qualities and high moral principles),

80.14    Marfu'ah / (in) an elevated state, muthohharah / of one who is purified,

80.16    Honourable, truthful.

Sunnatallah  - archetypes of Allah (identical psychic structures common to all human

3:137    Indeed there have been sunanun / practices before you, fasiru / so explore throughout the lower consciousness and observe how was the end of mukazzibin / the one who denied / lied / utter falsehood. 

33.62     Archetype (identical psychis structures to human) of Allah with those who passed on from before; and you will not find in the archetype of Allah any change. 

Sunanun - practices in the lower consciousness

3:137    Indeed there have been sunanun / practices before you, fasiru / so explore throughout the lower consciousness and observe how was the end of mukazzibin / the one who denied / lied / utter falsehood. 

Surah - powerful influence

2:23     And if you are in doubt from what We have revealed over Our servant, then produce / bring with suratin / powerful influence from mislihi / its similarity and ud'u / invoke your shuhada / testimony from duni / other than Allah, if you are saadikin / truthful. 

10.38    Or do they say, "He invented it?" Say, "Then bring forth with suratin / an overpowering influence like it and invoke upon whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful." 

Ta'ami - consumption of knowledge

3:93    All at ta'ami / the consumption of knowledge was lawful for bani Israel (those who construct the spiritual journey seeking the guidance) except what Israel (those seeking guidance) has forbidden upon his nafs / soul / self from before the revelation of At Tawrah / the natural law (that govern the consequences of behaviour).  Say bring with the tawrah (natural law) and recite it if you are truthful.  

Note :  You should adopt an open mind explore all al ta'ami / comsumption of knowledge when you are in the mode of seeking the truth.  You may forbid certain knowledge before revelation of at taurah.  However, after at taurah is revealed and understood, then it become a natural discourse. 

Tabayyun - investigate to make it clear

4.94    O you who aamanu / take security (in Allah), when darabtum / you go forth in the cause of Allah you tabayyanu / investigate to make it clear and do not say to who that offer you with the salaama / submission for peace: “You are not a mukminan / one who take security (in Allah)!” You are seeking the aradha / pervasive delusional hayaati duniya / living temptation (of close attachments and relationships); but with Allah are abundant gains (in mental development). That is how you were from before, but Allah graced you, so tabayyanu / investigate to make it clear. Allah is All Aware over what you do.

Ta'buduna - serve

2:83    And when We took a covenant of bani Israel / those who construct spiritual journey to seek guidance, that you will not ta'buduna / serve except Allah and ihsanan / (be) good (excellent) with waalidain / that foster parental support (that is rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / impetus urges (from mental activities) wadzi / and endowed (provide the best) with the qurba / who approach for knowledge and the yatama / who has no support for guidance and the masakin / who are needy of guidance and say husnan / good deeds to an nas  / the agitated mind and establish (rooted and ingrained) salah / connection (where messages are downloaded and received) and pursue zakah / mental growth and development then except few from you, you turn away avoiding it.

Taghut - take security in falsehood

6.110    And We divert their fuad / mind and absara / insight, as they did not yukminun / take security with it the first time; and We leave them wandering in tughyaanihim / their falsehood activities.  

96.6    Lo and behold, certainly the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, is layathgha / surely bound to take security in falsehood.

96.7    That he sees himself, self-sufficient (free from the need to call on Allah for help)!  

Tahiyyatu - revival (bringing your soul to life)

4.86    And if you huyyitum / want to bring (their soul) to life (from the intercession) with tahiyyatin / a revival, then return with an even better hayyu / revival or return the same.  Allah is Reckoning over all things. 

14.23    And those who aamanu / take security and do corrective deeds will be admitted to jannaatin / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow, abiding eternally therein by permission of their Rabb / Lord; and their tahiyyatu / revival (bringing on their soul to life) will be salam / peace.  

Talaq - separation

2:227    And if they decide on talaq / the separation (between the true self and the separate self that is the moment of encounter with your Rabb) - then indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing. 

2:228    And mutalaqaatu / the one who is separated will wait with the anpus / soul / self for three readings (to achieve the right reading), and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has evolved in their arham / conception (from education on guidance of Ar Rahmaan) if they trust in Allah and al yawmil aakhiri / the moment of ending. And their bu'u / perplexes (one who depends on others for his improvement) have more right by consigning in that if they want islahan / a reform.  And for them is like on them with makruf / full knowledge.  And rijali / independent thought processes over them is a derajat / degree.  And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. 

2:229    The talaq / separation (of the separate self) is marratani / passing along. Then, either to hold on to it (separate self) with makruf / full knowledge / recognition of it or dissolve it (separate self) with ihsan / goodness / perfection (in experience). And it is not lawful for you to take anything (to withhold according to what you desire) whatever you have given them unless both fear that they will not be able to yukima / establish (within) the limits of Allah. But if you fear that they will not yukima / establish (within) the limits of Allah, then there is no junaaha / inclination to wrong doing upon either of them concerning that by which is ransom (of the fear) concerning it. These are the limits of Allah , so do not transgress them. And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah, they are those who are the wrongdoers. 

2:230    Then if tallaqha / separates her (the self), then she (separate self) is not lawful to him from after that until tankihoo / infects / co-mingling a pair other than her (other attachment like personality, ego, sorrow, fear).  Then if talaqqaha / separate her then there is no junaaha / inclination to wrong doing upon her for returning to each other if they think that they can keep (within) the limits of Allah. These are the limits of Allah, which He makes clear to a people who know. 

2:231    And when you talaq / separate your nisa / impetus urges and they have reached their term, either hold on to it (separate self) with full knowledge (and recognition) or dissolve it (separate self)  with full knowledge (and recognition), and do not hold on to it, intending harm, to neglect. And whoever does that has certainly wronged himself. And do not take the ayaati / signs of Allah huzuwa / to fool around (not mindful). And remember the favor of Allah upon you and what has been revealed to you of al kitab / the inherent script and al hikmah / understanding with clear proofs by which He instructs you. And be mindful / be conscious of Allah and know that Allah is Knowing of all things. 

2:232    And when you talaqtumu / separate an nisa / the impetus urges and they have reached their term, do not constraint them (that will bound to) infect their pair  when they agree among them with makruf / knowledge of the facts (and recognition). That is instructed to whoever of you trust and take security in Allah and the moment of ending. That is better for you and purer, and Allah knows and you know not. 

Talbisu - disguise the truth with falsehood 

3:71    ahlal kitab (those who are familiar in the natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb), why do you talbisu / disguise the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know ?

Talut - young fresh knowledge (with authority)

2:247    And their nabi / who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib) said to them: Surely Allah has raised (to life) talut / (thought) young fresh knowledge to be malikan / a sovereign authority over you. They said, "How can he hold authority over us while we have a greater right to the kingdom (of authority) than he, and he has not been granted an abundance of wealth (knowledge) ? He said: Surely Allah has chosen him in preference to you, and He has increased him abundantly in knowledge and embodied the truth, and Allah grants His authority to whom pleases, and Allah is All Encompassing, Knowing.

2:248    And their nabi / ones who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaiba) said to them: Surely the sign of His kingdom (of authority) is, that there shall be given to you the taabut / distinction (of the true self from the separate self) in which there is sakiinah / tranquillity from your Rabb / Lord and a remnant of what was left  by a'lu / those familiar (with) Musa / one who is familiar with the truth and Harun / strong will to deliver the truth, pregnancy (of truth by) the faculty of authority; most surely there is a sign in this for those mukminin / those who take security (from their unfettered independent logical mind).

Tattaqun - mindful / conscious of consciousness that reveal the knowledge

2:22     The one who has made for you al-ardh / the lower consciousness firasha / development (spread and expanded) and as-samaa / the higher consciousness a bana'an / a construct of the absolute truth and caused to reveal from the as-samaa / higher consciousness maa / flowing knowledge (of truth) and caused to brought forth with it from al-thamara / the intelligence a rizqa / provision for you.  So do not set for Him andadan / rivals while you know.

Tawakkal - rely with devotion

3:160    If Allah should help you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can help you after Him? And upon Allah let the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind) falyatawakkali / should surely trust as custodian. 

Tawbah - repentance

4:17    Surely (to accept) repentance is over Allah for those who do badness / ill with nescience then they repent from soon after.  So they are those over whom Allah (accept) repentance.  And Allah is Knower, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence). 

5.39    So whoever tabu / repent after zalmihi / his wrongdoing and aslaha / amends (correct themselves), then surely Allah will accept his repentance.  Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.  

Tawrah - Law of regularities that govern world of matter

5.43    And how can they make you their judge when they have the Tawrah, in it the hukum / natural law of Allah (that bind them which govern their behavioural consequences); then they turn away after that. Those are not with the mukminin / the one who take security (in Al Kitab).
5.44    Surely, We revealed the Tawrah (Allah's natural law which govern moral consequences), therein was guidance and light, by which the nabiyyun / those who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), who submitted (to the Tawrat, the binding and unchangeable law of Allah), judged the hadu / self lenient and the rabbaniyun / who possess the attribute prescribed and the ahbar / those who are learned for to them was entrusted the preservation of kitab / inherent script of Allah, and they were witnesses thereto. Therefore fear not an-nas / the agitated mind but fear Me and sell not My ayats / signs for a small price. And whosoever does not yahkum / judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the kafirun / those who reject.   
5.68    Say: “O ahlal kitab / those familiar with inherent script, you are not upon anything until you uphold the Tawrah / natural law (Allah's law that govern the behavioural consequences) and the injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour) and what was revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord.” And for many of them, what was revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord will only increase them in thughyaanan / falsehood and rejection. So do not feel sorry for the rejecting kaum / group of established thoughts.  

Tayammum - aim or pay attention

2:267    O you who aamanu / trust / take security (in Al Kitab), anfiqu / self-experience (the reform) from good (of which your mind is agreeable to it willingly and likingly) what you have earned and out of what We brought forth for you from the al ardh / lower consciousness. And do not tayammamu / aim / pay attention toward the bad therefrom, tunfiquna / self-experiencing while you would not take it except with your connivance at it (willingly and you cannot do that if you are involved in the illegal and immoral act).  And know that Allah is self-sufficient and Praiseworthy.   
4:43    O you who aamanu / take security, do not come near to salah / connection to receive the message (in unification where you want to download and receive the messages) when you are sukaara / not conscious of yourself until you know what you are saying and not in junuban / a state of bewilderness except taking a lesson of a way until you taghsilu / cleanse (the baseless understanding) and if you are mardha / disordered (sick, tired, pain and short of knowledge) or safarin / on state of absence (zero / blank mind) or one of you come from the ngaa'iti / position of submerged (in other irrelevant matters) or you have been in contact with an-nisa / the passionate urge (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), then you do not find maa'an / flow  of knowledge then tayammamu / focus / pay attention toward saidan / good ascension in your reform then amsahu / wipe  with wujuhikum / your care (for growth) and aidikum / your strength / power, surely Allah is pardoning, forgiving. 

5.6    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when qumtum / you establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) for salaah / channeling to receive the message (from your Rabb / Lord), faghsilu / then cleanse (the baseless understanding) wujuhakum / your care (for growth) and your hands (what you have authority from it) up to the marafiqi / state of gentleness (from state of aggressiveness in your works / actions), and imsahu / purify with your heads  (wrong understanding, baseless belief that are written as established beliefs) and arjulakum / your independent thought processes up to the ka'bain / two prominent (those established thoughts from Rijal and Nisa grounded your position firmly).  And if you are in junuban / a state of bewilderness (confused) then purify yourselves.  And if you are mardho / disordered (sick, tired or in pain and short of knowledge) or over state of absence (zero / blank mind) or one of you come out from the gha'iti / position of submerged (in other irrelevant matters) or you have been in contact with an-nisa / the impetus urges (from your mental activities), then you do not find ma'an / flow of knowledge then tayammamu / focus / pay attention toward saidan thoyyiban / good ascension in your reform then wipe / erase with wujuhikum / your care (for growth) and aidikum / what you have authority from it.  Allah does not intend to put on you from any difficulty but he intends for you to purify and to complete His favour on you, so that you may be grateful. 

Thamara - intelligence

6.99    And He is the One who reveals maa'an / flow of knowledge from the samaa'i / higher conciousness, and We brought out with it nabata / news that result in knowledge of every kind. We brought out from it khodiran / presence which We bring out from it habban / love mutarakiban / the one who ride on them; and from nakhli / the best that are organized, from its appearance qinwanun / permanent and daniya / non permamnent; and jannatin min 'anaabin / hidden gardens from related subject matter; and azzaituna / knowledge that is dynamic in its expression and arrummana / knowledge that is rich in contents, mushtabihan / resembling and not resembling. Look at its thamara / intelligence when it increases and it matures. Certainly, these are ayaati / signs for kaumin / group of thoughts who yukminun / take security (in al kitab).  

Thamud - that accept which is not true

7.73    And to Thamud / that accept which is not true, We sent their brotherly thought Salehan / a thought that do reform, said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts (accepting various knowledge which is not true), serve Allah, you have no other from ilaahin / reality besides Him; verily, bayyinat / clarity has come to you from your Rabb / Lord, this is naqatu / a sound thought (signify free from defects and imperfections) of Allah, in her (the sound thought received) you have a sign, so leave her to ta'qul / consume intelligence in Allah’s ardh / lower consciousness, and do not harm her (the sound thought), else the painful punishment ya'khuzukum / will seize you.”  

11.61    And to Thamud / that accept which is not true, was their brotherly thought Saleh / thought that reform.  He (Saleh) said: “O my qaum / group of established thoughts (that accept which is not true), serve Allah, you have no ilaahin / reality from besides Him.  He has raised you from the lower consciousness, and has made you settle in it; so seek His forgiveness, then repent to Him.  My Lord is Near, Responsive.

11.62    They said: “O Saleh / one who correct himself, surely you were well liked among us before this. Do you prohibit us from serving what our aaba / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind) served? We are in serious doubt as to what you are inviting us.” 

69.5    So as for thamud / that accept which is not true, then destroyed (the truth that is revealed) with the thoghiyyah / grasping falsehood. 

Thoha - increase consciousness

91.6    And the ardh / lower consciousness and what thohaaha / increase its consciousnesss 

Thorafan - an awareness

3:127    That He might cut off thorafan / an awareness from those kafaru / ones who reject / cover or suppress them so that they turn back disappointed.

27.40    And one who is with him had knowledge from al kitab / the inherent script said: “I will bring to you with it (the arsh / framework support) before thorfuka / your awareness return to you.” So when he saw it mustaqirran / one who has strong desire for stability is near him, he said: “This is from fadhla / preference of my Rabb / Lord, so that He tests me whether I am thankful or whether I reject. And whoever is thankful, then surely he is thankful for his nafs / soul / self, and as whoever reject, then my Rabb / Lord is nganiyyun / self-sufficient, noble.” 

Thoyyibat - good thoughts that are permissable

5.4    They ask you what was made uhilla / permissible to them, say: “All the thoyyibat / good (thoughts) have been made permissible for you, and what you have taught from the jawarihi / committed / deserved mutakallibina / the one who is turned, you teach them from what Allah teaches you.  So consume (the knowledge) from what they have grasped over you and uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (that is, linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the name of Allah upon it, and be mindful of Allah.  Allah is swift in account.  

Tho'ifatun - group of thought going around to mislead

3:69    And tho'ifatun / a group of looping thoughts (with fantasy) from the ahlil kitab (those who are familiar to their natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb) going around wishing they could mislead you. But they do not mislead except their anfus / soul / self, and they perceive not. 

Tijaarah - exchange deal

2:16    They are the ones who have purchased the process of error (in exchange) for guidance, so tijaaratuhum / their exchange deal has brought no profit, nor were they guided.  

Tilawah (tutlaa) - read with affinity

10.15    And when Our ayaati / signs are tutlaa / read with affinity (to understand and follow the expression of truth) to them as clear evidences, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say, "Bring us a Qur'an /expression of truth, other than this or change it." Say, "It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed I fear, if I should disobey my Rabb / Lord, the punishment of a tremendous moment." 

Tin laazibin - cohesive inherent values of good moral and principles

37.11    Then, inquire of them, "Are they ashaddu / stronger (or more difficult) kholqan / an evolution creation or who We have evolved ?" Indeed, We evolved them from tin laazibin / cohesive natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism). 

38.71    When your Rabb / Lord said to the mala'ikah / state of sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul contitutes one ruler one authority): “Indeed, I am khaaliqun / evolving basharan / sensible thoughts from tinin / a natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism).”    

Ulul albab - those intellgent with awareness

3:190    Indeed, in the evolution of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness and ihtilafi / representations of the darkness (without guidance) and the nahar / illumination (with guidance) are signs for ulil albab / those intelligent with awareness. 
39.18    Those who listen to what is being said, and then follow the best of it, they are those whom Allah has guided, and they are those who are ulul albab / those intelligent with awareness.

Ummiyyun - motherly care

2:78    And from them there are ummiyyun / who give motherly care, who do not know al kitab / the inherent script except their amaniyya / longing / wishes and they do nothing except yazunnuna / of the opinion (formulated based on conjectures because they do not know al kitab).

3:20    So if they haajju / reason out with you, then say I have aslamtu / submitted wajhiya / my focus to care (for growth) to Allah and those who follow (putting their focus to evolve and develop), and say to those who have been given al kitab (the inherent script) and ummiyyeen / those who are given motherly support (care, compassion, nurture).  Do you submit ?   So if they submit, then indeed they follow the right way, and if they turn back, then upon you are only the delivery (of the message) and He is Allah, All seer with the servants.

Unsa - divine feminine attributes (like unconditional love, care, acceptance, and compassion)

3:36    So when she gave birth (of thought that she conceived) to her, she said my Rabb / Lord surely I gave birth to unsa / motherly support from divine feminine attributes (unconditional love, care and unconditional acceptance).  Allah knows more with what she gave birth.  And the zakaru / divine masculinity (which is linearity, logical, focus and assertive) is not like the unsa / divine femininity (unconditional love, care and unconditional acceptance).  And surely I have sammaituha / named her (what is given birth to by the divine femininity) Maryam / urge to seek (the best among the knowleagables) and surely I take refuge for her with You and her off-springs / scattered thoughts from the shaytan (act arises from state of despair) the rajim / accursed.

4.117    They are invoking on others besides Him except inaatha / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love and unconditional acceptance).  Indeed, they are only invoking on shaytanan (an act arises from despair), mariidan / a disorder. 

4.124    And whoever does deeds from solehati / that correct oneself, from zakarin / divine masculine attribute (linear, logical, focus and assertive) or unsa / divine feminine attribute (unconditional love, care and acceptance), and is mukmimin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind), then they will be admitted to jannah / hidden garden of knowledge, and they will not yuzlamuna / be wronged in the least.

Unzurna - reflect on the ayaati 

2:104    O those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab / the inherent script), say not ra'ina / we listen but say unzurna / we reflect and ponder (over truth offered).  And for those who reject / cover (the truth) is a painful punishment.

6.46    Say: “Do you see that if Allah were to take away sam'akum / your hearing and absorahum / your insight, and He seals your hearts; which ilaahun / reality in being besides Allah can bring it to you?” Unzurna / reflect how We nusarrifu / dispatch the ayaati / signs, but then they turn away.  

Wa'tasimu bihabli Allahi jami'an - and hold fast all together with the rope of Allah

3:103    Waktasimu / and hold fast jami'an / all together bihabli / with tying a knot to Allah and do not be tafarraqu / be divided.  And uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the nikmati / blessings (with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts) of Allah over you (pertaining to the knowledge given) when you were a'da'an / rivals and He joined your hearts (to be in affection) then ashbahtum / your early light of understanding with His nikmat / favour and you were on the edge or the brink of an nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) and He saved you from it.  Likewise Allah makes His ayaati / signs clear to you that you may be guided.

Waladan - a produce of an off-spring   

2:116    And they say, " Allah has taken waladan / a produce of an off-spring.  "Subhaanah / exalted (praised for His abundant knowledge).  Rather, to Him whatever in the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness.  All are qaanitun / devoutly obedient to Him, 

37.152    " Allah has walada / given birth (manifested, produce, rear, breed, bring up)," and indeed, they (the banun, think of themselves over what they construct) are surely kaazibun / liars.  

58.2    Those from among you who yuzhahiru / manifest from their nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination), that they are not ummahatihim / their motherly support (for growth and development). Ummahatuhum / their motherly support is none except they are those who walad / give birth to them (thoughts produced).  Indeed, they layaqulu / are saying that is munkaran / a disguise (facts not known) from the saying of wazuran / a distortion.  And Allah is Pardoner, Forgiver.  

Wali - guardian

6.14    Say: “Shall I take other than Allah as wali / a guardian; the originator of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; while He feeds the knowledge and not feed the knowledge!” Say: “I have been commanded to be the first who aslam / submits.” And do not be of the musyrikin / the one who associate.  

7.196    “My wali / guardian is Allah who sent down the kitab / inherent script; and He takes care of the solihin / those who reform.” 

Walidani - parental support that give birth by

4:7    For the rijali / independent thought processes, nashibun / a share of what (is) conceived (by) the waalidani / that foster parental support (from both left and right hemisphere of the brain) and akrabun / close related thought (from memory), and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity) are a nashibun / share of what (is) conceived (by) the waalidani / that foster parental support (from both left and right hemisphere of the brain) and akrabun / close related thoughts (from memory), be it less from it or kathura / much - an obligatory nashiban / share.

Wasiat - testament

2:132    And wasso / attested with it Ibrahim (who is inclined to Allah's education system) and Yaqub (who always return to the truth) left washa / testament for banihi / thoughts he gave birth to.  O baniyya / my produced thoughts, surely Allah has chosen for you ad deen / the indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law) then do not tamutunna / be lifeless (without awareness of truth for the soul) except you are muslimun / submitters (submit fully to the message of Allah).

Waznu - weight of the truth

7.8    And the waznu / weight on that yawm / moment will be the truth.  So, those whose weights are thakulat / heavy mawazinuhu / on his weighing, then those are the muflihun / successful ones.  

7.9    And whoever has light weights in his weighing, then these are the ones who lost their souls with what they zalimu / wronged themselves of Our ayaati / signs. 

Wirdan - arrive to what you have become

19.86    And We nasuqu / urge the mujrimin / one who violated the covenant to jahannam / dark hole of ignorance, wirdan / arrived to what (the mujrimin has) become.

Wusta - mediated, reconciled

2:143    Likewise We made you ummatan / group of thoughts washotan / a mediated direction (when there is a conflict between thoughts from own rational thinking and what guidance rasul delivers From your Rabb) that you be witness over an-nas / the agitated mind and the rasulu / inner voice be a witness over you.  And We did not make the qiblah / direction (of trust and security) that you were over it except that We know those who followed the rasula / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) from those who turn over their heels (turned away).  And it is not definitely greatness except over those whom Allah guides.  And Allah will not make your trust (and security) so that it is wasted.  Surely Allah is kind, merciful with an-nas / agitated mind.

2:238    Haafizhu / preserve (guard) on the salawaat / connections (unifications where the messages are downloaded and received) and salaatil wusta / the mediated interconnectedness (unified where the messages are mediated by mind free of conditioning for correct understanding) and quumu / establish (the transformation of soul) for Allah in qaanitin / devoutly obedient.      

Yahudi - Self lenient (being gentle and leisurely in their deeds)

5.18   And the yahudu / self lenient (being gentle and leisurely in their deeds) and the nasara / helpers (but forgotten much what were reminded) said: “We are the abna / construct of Allah, and His loved ones.” Say: “Then why does He punish you for your sins?” Rather, you are merely basharun / sensible thoughts which He has evolved.  He forgives (to those) who want (to be forgiven), and He punishes (to those) who want (to be punished).  And to Allah is the mulku / sovereignty (having authority and ownership of thoughts) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and all that is in-between, and to Him is the mashir / return. 

5.41    O rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb),  yahzunka / you do not be saddened by yusaari'u / rushing in the kufri / rejection from among those who said: “We aaman / took security (in Al Kitab)” with their mouths while their hearts did not tu'min / take security.  And from among those who are hadu / self lenient (being not serious and leisurely in their deeds), they are those who listened to lies; they listened to qaum / group of thoughts who never came to you; they distort the words from their context, and they say: “If you are given this, then take it, but if you are given anything different, then beware!” And whoever Allah wants to test, then you will not possess anything for him against Allah. These are the ones whose hearts Allah did not want to purify; in this duniya / close attachments (and relations) they will have humiliation, and in the aakhirah / ending (dissolving of duniya) they will have azabun azhim / a great punishment.   
5.42    They listen to lies, and consume lissuhti / of what (knowledge) is destroyed.  If they come to you, then you fahkum / may judge (base on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) between them or turn away from them; and if you turn away from them then they cannot harm you in the least; and if you judge then judge between them with justice. Surely Allah loves those who are just. 

Yaktumuna - conceal (the revelation)

2:174    Surely those who yaktumuna / conceal what Allah reveals from the kitab / inherent script and take for it a small price, they will kuluu / consume knowledge not in their bathin / inner self  except an-nar / the burning sensation of internal conflicts (that burn an-nas),  and Allah will not speak to them on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing (transformation of soul), nor will He purify them, and they shall have a painful punishment.

Yalwuuna alsinatahum - distort their languages

3:78    And indeed from them is a distinguished division who yalwuuna alsinatahum / misconstruct / distort their languages with the Kitab / inherent script (misrepresent the true meanings) so that you calculate it is from the Kitab / inherent script and it is not from the Kitab / inherent script.  And they say it is from the nearness of Allah and it is not from the nearness of Allah.  And they say the kaziba / denial on Allah and they know it. 

Yashtaruna - exchange the covenant for a small price

3:77    Indeed, those who yashtaruna / trade / exchange the covenant of Allah and aymaanihim / their right (experience based on factual knowledge) for a small price, they are those who will have no evolution on them in the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self), and Allah will not speak to them or look at them on the moment of qiamah / establishment, nor will He zakki / mentally develop them; and they will have a painful punishment. 

Yastabsiru - receive sensible thoughts

3:170    Rejoicing with what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they yastabsiru / receive sensible thoughts with those after them who have not yet joined with them kholfihim / are replaced - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. 

Yataama - who has no support of guidance from Rabb in respect of self development

4:1    O an-nas / the agitated mind! Ittaqu / be mindful / conscious of your Rabb / Lord, who khalaqakum / evolve you from a single nafs / self / soul and evolve from it, its pair (zakara / divine masculine faculty (like linear, logic, focus and assertive) and unsa / divine femininine faculty (like unconditional love, care and acceptance) and dispersed from both of them many rijalan / independent thought processes, and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity); and attaqu / be mindful / conscious of Allah, whom you ask with it and the arhama / inception (giving birth to thoughts). Surely Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.

4:2    And give the yataama / who has no support (of guidance from the Rabb), their amwaal / accumulated knowledge and do not exchange khobis / corrupt / defective (knowledge) with thoiyyib / good; and do not consume their amwaal / accumulated knowledge into your own amwaal / accumulated knowledge. Surely, that is ever a great sin.
4:10    Surely, those who consume amwaal / accumulated knowledge of yataama / who has no support (in respect of self development) dhulman / wrongfully are only consuming into buthunihim (bathin) / their spiritual / psychological naran / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas).  And they will be burned intensely. 
4.127    And they seek your yastaftu / youthful prime interpretation in the nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), say: “Allah will give you a youthful prime interpretation regarding them (the thoughts / urges) and what is being recited to you in the kitab / inherent script regarding the yataama an-nisa' / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), that are not guided (by Allah) whom you wish tankihu / to comingle but have not given them what was decreed for them, and the oppressed from the wildani / brainchild (ideas) : That you taqumu / establish for the yataama / those not guided in equality.” Whatever good you do, then Allah is aware of it. 

Yatlu - follow through

7.175    And atlu / follow through over them naba / news (that result in knowledge) of those whom Our ayaati / signs were given to him, fansalakho / then he detached himself from them, and thus the shaytan / act arises from despair followed him, and he became of those from the ngawin / went astray.  

Yawmal qiyamah - moment of standing or establishment of the dissolution of the illusory thoughts

3:161    And not (attributable) to a nabi / who pronounces (news of the ghaib) that he would act unfaithfully and whoever betrays shall bring what he has betrayed on the moment of the qiyamah / establishment (of the truth). Then will every soul tuwaffa / circumumbulate inner self (inward introspection) for what it earned, and they will not yuzlamun / be wronged.

17.58    And there is not qaryatin / cluster of established thoughts except We  destroy it before the yawmil qiayamah / moment of establishment, or punish it with a severe punishment. This has been masthura / written / committed in the kitab / inherent script. 

75.6    He asks: “Which (of the 'izhamah / established illusory thoughts) we put to the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment (for dissolution) ?”  

Yawmil aakhirah - moment of ending or dissolving illusory thoughts

2:48      And be mindful of a moment, no nafsun / a soul shall avail (another) nafsin / soul shay'an / a thing and not yuqbalu / accepted from it shafa'atun / an intercession, and not be taken from it adlun / justice, and they shall not be yunsorun / helped.

Yu'luuna - fell short in his reform

2:226    For those who yu'luuna / fell short (in his reform) from their nisa / impetus urges (from mental activity), is to wait (and expect) asharu / notable arba'ati / thought to hold on to, but if they return - then indeed, Allah is ghafur / Forgiving and raheem / Merciful (shower with knowledge from Ar Rahman). 

Yunus - who is in pursuit of the truth

21.87    And zha-nnun / who is in pursuit of the truth, when drawn to mughadhiyan / one who is in anger then zhanna / certain of his opinion, that is taqdira / decreed upon him so he called out within the zhulumat / darknesses (in situation not aware of the truth), "There is no ilaaha / reality except You; subhanaka / glory be to You (for allowing me to swim in the abundant knowledge). Indeed, kuntu / I was of the zhalimin / wrongdoers (for not being aware)." 

Yutawaffauna - complete the dissolution of separate self

2:234    And those who are yutawaffauna / completed (in the dissolution of separate self) among you and leave pair behind - they, (the pair) will wait with their soul / self for (and expect) ashurin / notable arba'ati / thought to hold on to and 'asharan / an assembly.  And when they have fulfilled their term, then there is no junaaha / inclination to wrong doing upon you for what they do with their soul / self with full knowledge (and recognition). And Allah is khobiran / All Aware with what you do.

Zabur - intelligent processing of data

4.163    Surely, We have inspired you as We had inspired Nuhin / the who has compassion (to those who do not remember the covenant) and the nabiyyin / those who pronounce (news of the ghaib) from after him. And We had inspired Ibrahim / who is inclined to the truth, and Ismail / who listen to the truth, and Ishaq / who is perfect and alienated from other than the truth, and Yakub / who always return to the truth, and the Asbati / who are like minded and having same interest, and Isa / who is fortified with Ruh Qudus, and Ayyub / who has returned to his true self, and Yunus / who always in motion to the truth, and Harun / who has strong will to deliver the truth, and Sulaiman / who submit and attain peace; and We gave Daud / who break up complex (and wild) thoughts, zaburan / intelligence that is determined and shaped (in relation to the realisation of meaning with insights and conscious understanding)

16.44    With bayyinati / clear proofs and zuburi / intelligent processing of data (in respect to realisation of the meaning with insights and conscious understanding). And We reveal to you the remembrance to let an-nas / the agitated mind to investigate to make it clear what was revealed to them, and perhaps they will reason out.  

21.105    And without doubt, katabna / We have prescribed in the zaburi / intelligent processing of data (to realise the meaning with insights and conscious understanding): “From after the remembrance, that the ardh / lower consciousness will be inherited by My servants who saalihun / correct (reform) their soul.” 

Zaitun - Anointed teaching of theologically grounded dynamic knowledge 

6.99    And He is the One who reveals maa'an / knowledge from the samaa'i / higher conciousness, and We brought out with it nabata / news that result in knowledge of every kind. We brought out from it khodiran / presence which We bring out from it habban / love mutarakiban / the one who ride on them; and from nakhli / the best that are organized, from its appearance qinwanun / permanent and daniya / non permanent; and jannatin min 'anaabin / hidden gardens from related subject matter; and azzaituna / knowledge that is dynamic in its expression and arrummana / knowledge that is rich in contents, mushtabihan / resembling and not resembling. Look at its thamara / intelligence when it increases and it matures. Certainly, these are ayaati / signs for qaumin / group of established thoughts who yukminun / take security (in al kitab). 

Zakara - embodiment of divine masculine attributes

2:40     O bani israel / who construct spiritual journey seeking guidance, izkuru / embody the divine masculine attributes (be linear, logical, brave, exploratory, focus and assertive) of My nikmati / favour (blessing received) which is anaam / healthy and blissful thoughts, upon you and fulfil with ahdi / covenant and I will fulfil your covenant, and farhabun / be devoted (only to Me).

Zakarin au unsa - Divine Masculinity And Divine Femininity

3:195    So their Rabb / Lord answered them, surely I do not waste doers deeds among you from the zakarin au unsa / divine masculinity (linearity, logic. focus and assertiveness) or divine feminity (unconditional love and unconditional acceptance).  Some of you are from the some.  So those who migrated and drive out from their diyaar / state of encircling thoughts and got hurt in My way and they fought and they were being killed, definitely I will cover their ills / weaknesses.  So I will definitely enter them in jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge from where the knowledge flow beneath them, sawaban / a reward from the nearness of Allah.  And the beautiful reward is near Allah.   

Zalimin - unjust

2:59    But those zalamu / who did wrong, changed qaulan / a saying other than that We had revealed to them, so We revealed upon the wrong-doers rijzan / a punishment from as samaa' / the higher consciousness with whatever they were yafsuqun / defiantly deviate from the fact (what was revealed)/ 
6.21    And who is more azlamu / unjust than he who invents lies about Allah, or denies His ayaati / signs!  Certainly, the zhaalimun / unjust (putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) will never succeed (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).   
11.19    (The zalimin) Those who hinder from the path of Allah and they seek to iwajan / distort it; and they with the aakhirah / ending (the dissolution of the conceptualised self and other attachments) they are in kaafirun / rejection / denial. 
18:57    And who is more azlamu / wrong / unjust than one who is reminded of the ayaati / signs of his Rabb / Lord but turn away from them and forget what his hands (physical deeds) have put forth?  Indeed, We have placed over their hearts (pulling of affection) coverings, as though they understand it, and in their ears deafness (not listening).  And if you invite them to guidance, they will never be guided,  ever.

Zauj - pair

2:35     And We said, "O Adam / one who receive education of the unseen, us'kun / calm down / remain still, you and your pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes (linear, focus, brave, logic) and unsa / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love and care) of al-jannah / the hidden garden of knowledge and both kula / consume knowledge from it freely wherever you both desire.  And do not come near this shajarata / tree / word (thoughts that germinate differences / disputes), lest you be from the zhalimin / wronged doers (putting things in wrong place when you accept the representation as the reality).

53.45    And that He evolves the zawjain / two attributes, the zakara / divine masculine attributes and the untha / divine feminine attributes 

53.46    From nutfatin / a seed of knowledge when it tumnaa / is wished 

75.39    Then He made from it the zaujain / pair (two), the zakara / approved thoughts from memory and the unsa / approved thoughts from sensory apparatus. 

Zikr - independently be aware

2:200    So when qadhaitum / you decided manasikakum / your state of devotion then uzkuru / embody masculine faculty of consciousness (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) like you zikrikum / embody the masculinity of your abaa / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind) or a greater masculinity.  Then from an-nas / the agitated mind who says O our Rabb / Lord, give us in the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and not for him in the aakhirah / ending of the dissociation of higher self (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind only the higher self) from halaaqin / reform.

Zina (zay nun ya) - immoral act of intermingle truth with falsehood

25.68    And those who do not call on any other ilaahan / reality with Allah (the absolute fundamental reality of being); and do not yaqtulu / kill the nafs / self which Allah has made forbidden, except with haq / truth; and no yaznun / immoral intermingle (truth with falsehood).  And whoever does that will commit, a sin.   

Zinat (zay ya nun) - adornment of hayaatu duniya

2:212    Adornment for those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) is the hayaatu / living temptation of ad duniya / close attachments and relationships, and they ridicule those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab).  And those who taqwa / be mindful of Allah are above them on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing (transformation of soul). And Allah gives yurzuku / nourishment (of the truth) to who will (he who want the provision) without account.

Zukhruf - fancy understanding

17.93    “Or that you have baitun / a consciousness from zuhruf / fancy undertanding (of no important value in Islam), or that you can (unsubstantiated by evidence) ascend into the samaa'a / higher consciousness.  And we will not nukmina / take security in your ascension until you reveal for us kitaban / a book that we ta'rauhu / can read it.”  Say: “Subhana / Glory be to my Rabb / Lord what am I but basharan rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver the message) of sensible thought!” 

Zulumat / barrier that lead to darkness (not able to comprehend knowledge) 

2:17    Masaluhum / their example is that of one who strives to ignite a fire, but when it illuminated by itself what was around him, Allah took away their light and left them in zhulumaat / darkness (created by barriers so) they could not comprehend themselves. 

6.1    Alhamdulillah / Praise be to Allah (for the approval of Allah's abstract system of education) the one who evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and who made the zulumat / barrier that lead to darkness (knowledge not comprehended) and the nur / uplift of barrier that bring about light (knowledge comprehended); yet those who kafaru / have rejected with their Rabb / Lord ya'dilun / equate others with Him (which is a substantial barrier).  

6.63    Say: “Who rescues you from zulumat / barriers that bring darkness of the barri / truthfulness and the bahri / ocean of knowledge ?” You call on Him tadharru'an /  implore humbly and khufyatan / obedient and submissive: “If You save us from this (from being misguided), we will be of the thankful!”  

Zumaran - a party in a state of dispersion

39.71    And those who kafaru / rejected (Al Kitab) will be driven to jahannam / state of stagnation, zumaran / a party in a state of dispersion.  Until when they reach it, and its gates are futihat / opened, and its khazanatu / treasure of knowledge say to them: “Did you not receive rusulun / inner voices (that deliver the message) from among you who recited to you the ayaati / signs of your Rabb / Lord, and warned you about your meeting this moment?” They said: “Yes, but it has been justified word of punishment has come to pass upon the kafirin / rejecters.”

39.73    And those who are mindful of their Rabb / Lord will be driven to jannati / hidden garden of knowledge, zumaran / a party in a state of dispersion (from ignorance to jannah). Until when they reach it, and its gates are futihat / opened (decoded the true meaning of ayaati), its khazanatu / treasure of knowledge will say to them: “Salamun / peace be upon you. You have done well, so enter to abide herein.”  

Zunnun - of the opinion

2:46     They are those who are yazhunnun / of the opinion (formulated based on conjectures because in essence they do not know al kitab) that they will certainly meet their Rabb / Lord, and to Him they will roji'un / return. 

2:78    And from them there are ummiyyun / who give motherly care, who do not know al kitab / the inherent script except their amaniyya / longing / wishes and they do nothing except yazunnuna / of the opinion (formulated based on conjectures because they do not know al kitab).

Zurriyati - early developed thoughts

3:33    Indeed Allah chose Adam / one who is ready to receive education of the unseen and Nuhan / strong sense of empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant) and the 'ala Ibrahim / those who are inclined towards the truth and the 'ala Imraan / who are reviving the deen (in a well cultivated manner), over al aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge.

3:34    Zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts (of Adam, Nuh, 'Ala Ibraheem and 'Ala Imraan), some of them from others.  And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. 

19.58    They are those whom Allah has graced from the nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish the truth from zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts, of Adam / one who receive education of the unseen, and those hamalna / We conceived with Nuh / who is strong with empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant), and from zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts of Ibrahim / who is inclined to the truth and Israel / who is on intense spiritual journey, and from whom We have guided and chosen. When the revelations of the Rahman / abstract system of education are recited to them, they fall down prostrating / submitting, and bukiyya / weeping (for the little knowledge of truth they have). 

Zuyyina Lillazhina Kafaru - Adornment for the rejecter 

2:212    Adornment for those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) is the hayaatu / living temptation of ad duniya / close attachments and relationships, and they ridicule those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab).  And those who taqwa / be mindful of Allah are above them on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing (transformation of soul). And Allah gives yurzuku / nourishment (of the truth) to who will (he who want the provision) without account.

Zuyyina Linnas - Adornment for the agitated mind 

3:14    Adornment for an-nas / the agitated mind is the love of (things) desire from an-nisa / the impetus urge (from mental activities) and banin / thoughts conceived (by our brain) and the aggregation of the aggregated (of desires and thoughts) from zahabi / dispersed thoughts and al fiddati / rebind (getting together the dispersed thoughts) and al hoili / seeking for fanciful imagination and al an'am / the enjoyable and pleasant thoughts and al harith / work for physical gains.  That is the enjoyment in the life of the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and Allah, in His nearness, is the beautiful place of return.  



  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...