(The Deprivation Suffered)


This surah begins by stating that being alive essentially involves acquiring knowledge from Allah for your education and evolution. Allah possesses higher consciousness, where truth is constructed by the knowledge acquired, and lower consciousness, where knowledge is revealed for growth and development. The knowledge you acquire determines the path of your evolution, whether as a kafir or a mukmin. Allah emphasizes that He is the one who will evolve you into a mukmin. If you acquire knowledge from sources other than Allah, you become a kafir. The messenger for the delivery of this knowledge is your own inner voice in the form of sensible thoughts.

The moment of taghabun is described as the time when all your thoughts are consolidated, making you aware of the deprivation you suffered due to lack of mindfulness. For those who believe in and take security from the knowledge given by Allah, and who correct themselves by practicing this knowledge, Allah will cover their wrongdoings and admit them into His hidden gardens of knowledge, where they will abide eternally. As for those who reject Allah's signs, their knowledge is useless and worthless, and they will dwell in the heat of conflicts. Therefore, be mindful of the knowledge you embrace and your reluctance to evolve. Detach and surrender your nafs (soul) fully to Allah. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

64.1    Whatever in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and whatever in the ardh / lower consciousness yusabbihu lillah / glorifies Allah (for His abundant knowledge).  For Him is the mulku / sovereignty (authority) and for Him is the hamdu / praise (for the approval), and He is qadirun / powerful over all things. 

64.2    He is the One who has evolved you, then among you there is the kafirun / rejecter / denier, and among you there is the mukminun / one who take security.  And Allah is Seer of what you do. 

64.3    He evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness with the truth, and He harmonized you and perfected your harmonization, and to Him is the final destiny. 

64.4    He knows what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and He knows what you conceal and what you declare. And Allah knows with the essence of your sudur / awareness. 

64.5    Did the news not come to you of those who had rejected from before? They had tasted (experienced) the consequences of their decision and they incurred a painful punishment. 

64.6    That was because rusuluhum / their inner voices that deliver the messages came to them with clear proofs, but they said: “Shall mere basharun / sensible thoughts guide us?” So they kafaru / rejected / denied and tawallau / turned away.  And Allah is free of need.  And Allah is Self-sufficient, Praiseworthy. 

64.7    Those who kafaru / rejected / denied claim that they (true self) will not yub'asu / be raised. Say: “Rather, by my Lord, you tub'asunna / will be raised, then you will be informed of everything (deeds from knowledge of ghaib) you have done, and this is easy for Allah to do.”

64.8    Therefore, you shall aaminu / take security with Allah and His rasul / inner voices (that deliver the message), and the light (that will guide you) that We have revealed.  And Allah is Acquainted over all that you do.

64.9    The moment when He will assemble you for the Moment of Assembly (consolidating the thoughts); that is the moment of taghabun / deprivation suffered.  And whoever yukmin / take security in Allah and solehan / deeds that correct themselves, He yukaffir / will reject / will deny / will cover his bad deeds / wrong doings, and will admit him into jannaati / hidden garden of knowledge with rivers (knowledge) flowing beneath them, abiding therein eternally. Such is the great success.

64.10    As for those who kafaru / reject / deny and kazzabu / lie with Our ayaati / signs, they are the ashabu nnar / companions of the internal conflicts (thoughts that burn the agitated mind); they will abide therein.  And miserable is the destination.

64.11    No musibatin / misfortune strikes except with the permission of Allah. And whoever yukmin / take security in Allah, He will guide his heart / pull of affection. And Allah knows all things.

64.12    And obey Allah and obey the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  And if you turn away, then only upon Our rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) is the clear delivery (of the hidden message).

64.13    Allah, there is no reality except Him. And in Allah the mukminun / those who took security, shall surely tawakkal / rely with devotion.

64.14    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), from among your pair (zakara / thoughts from memory and unsa / thoughts from sensory inputs) and your awlad / thoughts conceived of own conditioning are aduwwan / transgressions to you; so beware of them. And if you pardon, and overlook, and forgive, then indeed Allah is Forgiver, Merciful.

64.15    Indeed, what amwaal lukum / accumulated knowledge to you and awladukum / your conceived thoughts by your own conditioning, are finatun / a trial, and with Allah is a great recompense.

64.16    Therefore, fattaqullah / be mindful of Allah what astathaqtum / you embrace, and listen, and obey, and anfiqu / self-experience (the reform putting the knowledge into good practice) for the good of their nafs / soul.  And whoever yuqo / is protected (by becoming mindful of at-taghabun / the deprivation) of his shuhha / reluctance to spend his soul (reluctant to put into practice for the evolution of own soul), then these are the muflihun / successful ones (those who successfully unlock the frontiers of consciousness).

64.17    If you tuqridu / detach (to) Allah a goodly (fully) qardhan / detachment (fully surrender to Allah), He will multiply it for you, and forgive you.  Allah is Appreciative, Forbearing.

64.18    'Alimul / knower of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden and the syahadah / witnessed; the Mighty, the Wise.


(The Group One After Another)


Allah establishes in this surah that it is He who reveals Al Kitab to guide our nas (agitated mind) to sincerely devote to Him the deen, which involves being self-aware of Allah and obedient to His system, judgment (as decreed in Al Kitab, the inherent script), and law. This awareness comprises:

a)     being aware that we do not set up from other than Him awliya / protectors,

b)     we take security that Allah is wahidu / one irreducible reality of being and He does not take waladan / a produce of an off-spring, and

c)    that it is He who evolves the samaawat / higher consciousness (hidden reality) and ardh / lower consciousness (verbal words, sensations and images stored in memory). 

Whenever we are afflicted with adversity, we implore our Rabb, turning in repentance to Allah so that we may be among those who sincerely devote our deen to Him and among the early muslims (submitters).

The word "Zumaran" appears in verses 71 and 73 of the surah. In Verse 71, "zumaran" refers to a group driven to Jahannam (a state of stagnation) one after another. In this scenario, there is no help from Allah. Those who kafara (reject/deny the commands of Allah) inevitably move towards Jahannam, a state of stagnation that halts spiritual progress. This is evidenced when they rely solely on their independent logic and are unable to acquire true and fresh knowledge from their Rabb, leading their lives guided only by their own cognitive perception. Conversely, "zumaran" in verse 73 pertains to those who are mindful of Allah's message and are driven to Jannah (hidden gardens of knowledge) in a group, one after another. In this scenario, whatever the produce of their mind—ideas, actions, imagination, projections, sayings, and so on—is all a result of guidance from Allah.

Praise be to Allah who has fulfilled His promise to us and made us inherit the ardh (lower consciousness), enjoying jannati (the hidden garden of knowledge) as we please. What a beautiful recompense for the aamilin (spiritual experiencers). Therefore, serve Allah, sincerely devoting the deen (conscious obedience to His judgment, principles, law, and system) to Him.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahman is the abundance of mercy for the abstract system of education of mental faculties through knowledge and the Rahim is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).

39.1    Revelation of Al Kitab / the inherent script is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise (based on empirical evidences and facts). 

39.2    Indeed, We have revealed to you Al Kitab / the inherent script with the truth, so serve Allah sincerely devoting to Him the deen / obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment). 

39.3    Absolutely, for Allah is the sincere deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey Allah's (systems, law and judgment). And those who set up from other than Him awliya' / protectors we serve them not except that they may bring us closer to Allah. Indeed, Allah will judge between them in what they differ.  For Allah does not guide him who is a liar, a rejecter. 

39.4    If Allah wished to take waladan / a produce of an off-spring, He could have lastofa / chosen from what He yakhluku / evolved what He pleases. Praised be He (the one who possess abundant knowledge); He is Allah, the wahidu / One irreducible reality of being, the Supreme. 

39.5    He evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness with the truth. He wraps the laila / spiritual darkness (without guidance due to barriers) over the nahar / illumination (divine light that illuminate with guidance), and He wraps the nahar / illumination (with guidance) over the laila / darkness (without guidance). And He sahhara / subjected the shamsa / clear luminosity and the qamar / deceptive perception, each running for an appointed term. Absolutely, He is the Mighty, the Forgiving. 

39.6    He evolved you from wahidatin / a single nafs / soul, then He made from it zawjaha / pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes (linear, focus, logic, brave) and unsa / divine feminine attributes (love, care, compassion).  And He anzala / revealed to you from al ana'am / the healthy and pleasant thoughts valuable azwajin / pair.  He evolves you in butuni / inner self of your ummaha / motherly orientation, an evolution from before evolution in three spiritual darknesses (the three degrees of faith that is ilmu yakin, aynul yakin and haqqul yakin). That is Allah, your Rabb / Lord. To Him belongs the mulku / kingdom of thoughts. No ilaaha / reality of being besides Him. How is it then you turn away ? 

39.7    If you reject, then indeed, know that Allah is nghaniyyun / free of need from you, and He is displeased with rejection for His servants. And if you are thankful, He is pleased with it for you. And no bearer may carry the burden of another. Then to your Rabb / Lord is your return, and He will inform (news of the ghaib) you of everything you had done.  Indeed, He fully knows with the essence of the sudur / awareness.

39.8    And when the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, is afflicted with adversity, he implores his Rabb / Lord, turning (in repentance) to Him.  Then, when He grants him a blessing from Him, he forgets his previous imploration from before, and sets up equals with Allah, in order to mislead others from His path. Say: “Enjoy your rejection for a while; for you are of the ashhabi / companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas).”

39.9    Is one better who is devout during the laili / darkness (without guidance), saajidan / submitting and qa'iman / establishing, fearing the aakhirah / ending, and seeking the rahmata / abstract system of education of his Rabb / Lord?  Say: “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” Only ulul albab / those who possess intelligence (in awareness) yatazakkaru / will be conscious (the infinite mind).

39.10    Say: “O My servants who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), ittaqu / be mindful of your Rabb / Lord.” For those who do good in this duniya / close attachments is good (for the nafs / soul / psyche), and the ardh / lower consciousness of Allah is spacious (increase in the awareness of the truth). Those who steadfastly persevere will receive their recompense fully (pertaining to the increase in awareness), without reckoning (accounting for it).

39.11    Say: “I have been commanded to serve Allah, muhlisan / sincerely devoting the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) to Him.”  

39.12    “And I was commanded to that (sincerely devoting to Allah's deen) be awal / early among the muslimin / those who submit (with their unfeterred logical mind).”  

39.13    Say: “I fear, if I disobeyed my Rabb / Lord, (there will be) azaaba yawmin azhim / a great moment of punishment.” 

39.14    Say: “Allah is the One I serve, sincerely devoting my deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) to Him.”  

39.15    “Then serve whatever you wish from besides Him.” Say: “Indeed, the losers are those who lose their souls and their ahle / those acquainted on yawmal qiamah / moment of the establishment.  Absolutely, such is the mubin / clear / real loss.” 

39.16    For them, they have dhulalun / shades (to their tapestry of life) of an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) from above them and shades (of the same) from below them.  That will (bring) fear of Allah with it to His servant: “O My servants, you fattaqun / shall be mindful (of Me).”  

39.17    And for those who avoid the taghut / non-reality (other than Allah), and turn to Allah in repentance, for them are the bushra / sensible thoughts.  Fabasshir / so give sensible thoughts to My servants.  

39.18    Those who listen to what is being said, and then follow the best of it, they are those whom Allah has guided, and they are those who are ulul albab / those intelligent with awareness.

39.19    As for those who have deserved word of the punishment; can you save those who are in the an-nar / internal conflict (that burn an-nas)?

39.20    But those who are attaqau / mindful with their Rabb / Lord,  ngurafun / they take what is handful to them from above ngurafun / as fills the hands (meaning digest the knowledge accordingly as is what is, without conditioning it by your conditioned mind), with rivers of knowledge flowing beneath them. The promise of Allah, and Allah does not break the promise.

39.21    Do you not see that Allah reveals maa'an / good fresh knowledge from the samaa' / higher consciousness, then lets it flow as springs of inspirations in the ardh / lower consciousness, then He produces with it cultivations (of knowledge) of various colors (shades of knowledge), they mentally swollen with excitations until they wither (stirred and become bad), then they see it musfaran / empty (knowledge of no value) then makes it hutoman / unfounded (baseless) knowledge.  In this is zikraa / consciousness for ulil albab / those who possess intelligent with awareness  (those who are aware of what Allah said and follow it).  

39.22    So is whoever Allah sharaha / expanded his sadra / awareness for Islam / submission to attain peace, then he will be on a light from his Rabb / Lord. So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against awareness of Allah. They have gone far astray.

39.23     Allah has revealed the best hadith / representation of reality, kitaban / an inherent script mutasyabihan / one that resemble, mathani / oft repeated (frequently repeated inherent script).  Those who yakhshawna / fear (acknowledge the potential threat when there is no guidance) their Rabb / Lord they shiver from it's juludu / firmness, then their juludu / firmness and their qulub / pulling of affection soften up to the remembrance of Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah; He guides with it whoever wills (to be guided). And whoever Allah let go astray, then not for him any guidance. 

39.24    Then is there who yattaqi / is mindful with wajhihi / his focus to care (for growth) from the su'a / evil / badness of the punishment on the moment of establishment?   And it will be said to the transgressors: “Taste what you have earned.”

39.25    Those before them have kazzaba / denied, and thus the punishment came to them from where they did not perceive.

39.26    So Allah made them taste the humiliation in this hayati duniya / living temptations (of close attachments and relations), but the punishment in the aakhirah / ending is far greater, if only they knew.

39.27    And indeed We have put forth for an-nas / the agitated mind in this Qur’an / expression of reality (derived from reading to understand the reality behind the ayaati) from every masalin / example, that they may take heed.

39.28    A Qur’an / an expression of the truth, arabiyyan / an articulate (clear and intelligibly) manner, without any iwajin / distortion, that they may yattaqun / be mindful.

39.29    Allah puts forth the example of rajulan / an independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization) who has partners in it (conditioned mind) that dispute with each other, and rajulan / an independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization) dealing salaman / submissively / peacefully (pure mind) towards only rajuli / an independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization).  Are they the same example ?  Praise be to Allah; most of them do not know.

39.30    Indeed you are mayyitun / a lifeless (soul), and indeed they mayyitun / are a lifeless (soul). 

39.31    Then, indeed they on yawmul qiamah / moment of the establishment, you takhtasimun / will dispute in the nearnest of your Rabb / Lord.

39.32    So who is more zalamu / wicked than he who lies about Allah, and denies the truth when it comes to him? Is there not in jahannam / state of stagnation (halting spiritual progress) an abode for the kafirin / rejecters / deniers ?

39.33    And those who came with the truth, and saddaqa / truthful with it, these are the muttaqun / those who are mindful (of Allah).

39.34    They shall have what they wish in the nearnest of their Rabb / Lord.  Such is the reward for the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.

39.35    So that Allah yukaffiru / will reject / deny for them the worst that they did, and He may recompense them their reward for the best of what they do.

39.36    Is Allah not sufficient for His servant? And they frighten you with others besides Him.  And whoever Allah sends astray, then for him there will be no guide.

39.37    And whoever Allah guides, then there will be none that can mislead him. Is not Allah All Mighty, All Able of Punishment ?

39.38    And if you ask them: “Who has evolved the samaawat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness?”  They will say: “Allah.” Say: “Do you see what you call on besides Allah.  If Allah wanted any harm for me, can they alleviate His harm? Or if He wanted a mercy for me, can they hold back His mercy?” Say: “Allah is sufficient for me; yatawakkali / in Him I trust as custodian, the mutawakkilun / one whom I trust as custodian.”

39.39    Say: “O my qaum / group of thoughts, deed according to your makanati / state / condition, indeed (I am) experiencing. Then you will come to know.”

39.40    “To whom the humiliating punishment will come, and on whom a permanent punishment mukimun / stay (thought remain stagnant, not indulging in tafakur / thinking even when condition or state changes).”

39.41    Indeed We have revealed to you Al Kitab / the inherent script for an-nas / the agitated mind with the truth. Then, whoever is guided (is guided) so for his nafs / self / soul, and whoever goes astray then surely astray to his own loss. And you are not with wakilin / a trusted custodian, over them.

39.42    Allah completes (from their circumumbulation of their inner selves) the anfus / souls / selves at the time of their maut / destituteness; and for those that have not tamut / been lifeless, in manamiha / inactivity or not knowing. He then yumsiku / retains the one whom He has decreed for them the mauta / lifeless (soul), and He yursilu / delivers / sends back the others for ajalin musamman / an appointed term. In that are signs for qauman / a group of thought who tafakur / think.

39.43    Or have they taken from besides Allah, shufa 'aa / intercessors (that can step in to provide the truth)? Say: “What if they possessed nothing and will not ya'qilun / comprehend (the truth)?”

39.44    Say: “Surely for Allah belongs all intercessions.” To Him belongs the sovereignty of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, then to Him you will be returned.

39.45    And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not yukminun / take security with aakhirah / ending are shranked with aversion; and when others are mentioned besides Him, behold! They yastabshirun / rejoice (because they think it is sensible)!

39.46    Say: “O Allah, originator of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, knower of the ghaiba / knowledge of the hidden and the syahadah /  witnessed, you will judge between your servants regarding what they used to differ, in it.”

39.47    And if those who transgressed whatever there is in the ardh / lower consciousness, and mislahu / its example with it, surely they would fidya / redeem with it from suu'i / badness of the punishment of the yawmal qiamah / moment of establishment. They will be shown by Allah what they did not expect.

39.48    And they will be shown the sayyi'atu / evil of what they had earned, wahaqa / and they will be enveloped by that which they used to ridicule with it.

39.49    So when the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, is touched by adversity, he implores upon Us, then when We bestow a nikmah / blessing (with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts) upon him, he says: “Surely I attained this because of knowledge I had!” Indeed, it is a fitnatun / trial / test, but most of them do not know.

39.50    Surely those before them have said the same thing, yet what they earned did not help them in the least.

39.51    So, they suffered the evil of what they had earned. And zalamu / those who wronged themselves from these will suffer the evil of what they earned; they cannot escape.

39.52    Do they not realize that Allah spreads the provision for whoever chooses (who wants the rizqa, the truth), and withholds (to those who does not want the rizqa, the truth)? In that are ayaati / signs for qaumin / a group of thoughts who yukminun / take security (in Allah's kitab).

39.53    Say: “O My servants who transgressed against their nafs / soul, do not despair of the rahmah / mercy (in attaining the true knowledge) from Allah.  For Allah forgives all sins.  He is the Forgiver, the Merciful (for approval of the true knowledge).”

39.54    And turn to your Rabb / Lord, and submit to Him, from before the punishment comes to you. Then you cannot be helped.

39.55    And follow the best of what has been revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord, from before the punishment comes to you suddenly when you least expect it.

39.56    Beyond that nafsun / a soul will say: “O how regretful I am over what I disregard in janbi / state of being strange (that is when the true self is set aside) of Allah; and I was certainly one of those who ridiculed.”

39.57    Or say: “Had Allah guided me, I would have been among the muttaqin / those who are mindful (of Allah).”

39.58    Or say, when it sees the punishment: “If only I could have another chance, I would be among the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.”

39.59    Rather indeed, My ayaati / signs came to you, but you denied them and turned arrogant, and became one of the kafirin / rejecters / deniers.

39.60    And on yawmal qiyamah / the moment of establishment you will see those who lied about Allah wujuhuhum / their focus to care (for growth) will be muswaddah / the one manages the affair (instead of Allah only). Is there not an abode in jahannam / state of stagnation for the mutakabbirin / the one who is bigheaded?

39.61    And Allah will save those who were attaqau / mindful with what they acquired as their reward. No evil will touch them, nor will they grieve.

39.62    Allah is the One who evolve all things, and He is wakilun / a trusted custodian, over all things.

39.63    To Him belongs the keys of the samaawat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. And those who kafaru / rejected the ayaati / signs of Allah, they are the losers.

39.64    Say: “Do you order me to serve other than Allah, O you jaahilun / ignorant (who do not possess knowlledge because you ignore seeking it)?”

39.65    And surely He has inspired to you and to those before you, that if you set up partners, He will nullify all your amal / deeds, and you will be of the losers.

39.66    Rather, you shall serve Allah, and be among the thankful

39.67    And they have not given Allah His true worth; and the whole ardh / lower consciousness is within His fist on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishment, and the samaawat / higher consciousness will be folded in His right hand. Be He glorified and exalted above what they set up.

39.68    And nufikha / inflated in badness, whereupon everyone in the samaawat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness will be insensible to the thought (of fearing death), except whoever Allah wills. Then it will be blown another time, whereupon they will be establishing, looking.

39.69    And the ardh / lower consciousness will shine with the light of its Rabb / Lord, and the Al kitab / the inherent script will be placed, and the nabiyyin / those who establish (news of the ghaib) and the shuhada' / witnesses will be brought forth; and it will then be judged between them with the truth, and they will not be wronged.

39.70    And every soul will be paid for whatever it did, for He is fully aware of everything they have done.

39.71    And those who kafaru / rejected (Al Kitab) will be driven to jahannam / state of stagnation, zumaran / a group one after another.  Until when they reach it, and its gates are futihat / opened, and its khazanatu / treasure of knowledge say to them: “Did you not receive rusulun / inner voices (that deliver the message) from among you who recited to you the ayaati / signs of your Rabb / Lord, and warned you about your meeting this moment?” They said: “Yes, but it has been justified word of punishment has come to pass upon the kafirin / rejecters.” 

39.72    It was said: “Enter the gates of jahannam / state of stagnation, abiding therein. What a miserable destiny for the mutakaabirin / arrogant.” 

39.73    And those who are mindful of their Rabb / Lord will be driven to jannati / hidden garden of knowledge, zumaran / a group one after another. Until when they reach it, and its gates are futihat / opened (decoded the true meaning of ayaati), its khazanatu / treasure of knowledge will say to them: “Salamun / peace be upon you. You have done well, so enter to abide herein.” 

39.74    And they said: “Praise be to Allah (acknowledgement) who has fulfilled His promise to us, and He made us inherit the ardh / lower consciousness, enjoying jannati / hidden garden of knowledge as we please. What a beautiful recompense for the aamilin / experiencers.” 

39.75    And you will see the mala'ikah / authorities surrounding the arsh / structure, glorifying the praise of their Rabb / Lord. And it will be judged between them with the truth, and it will be said: “Praise be to Allah (system of consciousness is acknowledged), Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 





  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...