(Strict abidance to the truth)


Allah, in His wisdom, unveils the Al Kitab, inherent script to illuminate the restless mind trapped in darkness, devoid of guidance, and leads it towards the light of clarity and divine guidance. However, those who prioritize worldly attachments and relationships over the eternal hereafter, which marks the end of all illusory divisions, will employ deceptive tactics to obstruct the path of Allah. They engage in delusion, fabrication, and baseless interpretations of the inherent script. 
Truly, Allah reveals His signs in a language that resonates with their understanding, aiming to extract the agitated cluster of thoughts from the abyss of ignorance and bestow awareness upon them, prompting moments of return to Allah. 
A superiority complex, a psychological condition, manifests as an exaggerated belief in one's own significance, abilities, and accomplishments. Individuals afflicted by this complex tend to harbor an inflated sense of self-worth, deeming themselves superior to others in intelligence, appearance, or social status. They often adopt a condescending and patronizing attitude towards others, dismissing their opinions and disregarding their feelings. Among the cluster of thoughts, there are those familiar with exhibiting superiority complexes who will inflict harm upon you and distort the truth you have constructed.

Within the realm of agitated thoughts, there exists a group preoccupied with their mundane daily routines, trapped in a monotonous cycle of existence. Another faction is consumed by trivial matters, draining their energy and leaving them devoid of the capacity for self-reflection and personal growth. Consequently, they dismiss the messages conveyed by their inner voice, despite the undeniable evidence accompanying them. These groups, burdened by the weight of their worldly concerns, fail to recognize the profound significance of the messages that resonate within. They remain oblivious to the transformative potential contained within the clear evidence presented to them. 
Those who adamantly reject the message find themselves trapped in a perpetual state of stagnation, devoid of self-reflection and personal growth. Their actions amount to nothing more than ashes, and they gravitate towards embracing false knowledge propagated around them. Consequently, when the inevitable moment of reckoning arrives, they find themselves utterly incapable of transcending their current state. 
Conversely, those who seek solace in Al Kitab, the inherent script, and strive to rectify their actions are granted access to the concealed garden of knowledge. Within this sanctuary, the streams of truth flow abundantly. Through embracing the truth, a profound transformation takes root, breathing life into their existence and replacing the prior restlessness and turmoil with inner peace.

In the relentless pursuit of navigating the vast expanse of knowledge made accessible to us, lies the key to unraveling the profound wisdom and luminous truths that dispel the shadows of ignorance. Allah, the divine force, orchestrates the ascent of our consciousness, both on the higher and lower planes, intertwining it with an augmented intellect, thus enabling us to comprehend and embody the received truths. It is through this divine benevolence that Allah fulfills our every request.

When our minds, tainted by corrupt notions, find solace in a state of unassuming clarity, no erosion of its intrinsic well-being, we establish a profound connection (salaah). Our hearts, thereby, become receptive vessels, nurturing our awakened intellect and drawing sustenance from its profound insights.  This is the message of truth delivered to caution and enlighten us, affirming the unequivocal truth that Allah stands as the irrefutable and foundational essence of being. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman).

14.1    Alif Lam Ra.  Alif signify the oneness reality of being.  Lam represent the manifestation of the reality in the form of His representations and Ra represent the support of the truth that you receive in the form of order or command from your Rabb / Lord.  It is a state of kitabun / inherent script anzalnahu / We revealed to you, so that it brings the agitated mind out from the darkness (without guidance) to the light (with guidance) with the permission of their Rabb, to al aziz / the noble / potent, al hamidi / the approved / commended way.

14.2    Allah, to whom belongs whatever is in as samaa' / the higher consciousness and whatever is in al ardh / the lower consciousness.  And woe (condemnation) to the kaafiru / rejecters / those who cover (the truth) from a severe punishment. 

14.3    Those who yastahibbu / love more / prefer the hayaata duniya / the living temptations (of close attachments and relationships) over the aakhirah / ending and turn from the way of Allah, seeking in it iwajan / a distortion, they are those in extreme deviation.

14.4    And We have not sent from rasulin / inner voice (that deliver the message to clarify for them) except with lisani / language of his qaum / group of thoughts.  So Allah astrays to who wills and guides to who wills and He is the Aziz / Noble / Potent, the Hakim / Wise.

14.5    And We certainly sent Musa (the one who is matured and familiar with the truth) with Our ayaati / signs, that bring out your qaum / group of thoughts from darknesses to the light and instill awareness to them with the moments of Allah.  Indeed in that are signs for everyone that are patient and grateful.

14.6    And when Musa (the one who is matured and familiar with the truth) said to his qaum / group of thought, "uzkuru / embody divine masculine attributes, favor of Allah (fulfilling the covenant) upon you when He saved you from the ale firaun (those who are acquainted to those having superiority complex), who were afflicting you with the worst torment and were mutilating abna / your construction (of the truth) and keeping your nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), alive. And in that was a great trial from your Rabb / Lord". 

14.7    And when your Rabb / Lord ta'azzana / proclaimed, 'If you are shakar / grateful, I will surely azida / increase you (increase and added to what you already have); but if you kafar / reject / cover, indeed, My punishment is severe.' "

14.8    And Musa (the one who is matured and familiar with the truth) said, "If you should takfuru / reject / cover (the truth), you and whoever is in al ardh / the lower consciousness altogether - then indeed, Allah is free of need and hamidun / praiseworthy for an approval of the true knowledge."

14.9    Has there not came to you naba'u / news of the ghaib, of those before you - the qaum / group of thoughts of nuhin / who weep a lot and 'aadin / who refuse to accept the truth and thamud / who accept that which is not true? No one knows them but Allah. Their rusuluhum / inner voices (that deliver the message) brought them with bayyinati / clear proofs, but they returned their hands to their mouths (biting them in anger) and said, "Indeed, we kafarna / reject / cover (the truth) in that with which you have been sent with it, and indeed we are, about that to which you invite us, in shakkin / suspicious, murib / doubter."

14.10    Their rusul / inner voices (that deliver the messages) said, "Can there be doubt about Allah, fatiri / originator of the samaa' / higher consciousness and al ardh / the lower consciousness ? He invites you that He may forgive you of your sins, and He gives you respite for a specified term." They said, "You are not but basharun / sensible thoughts  (who trust in transformation) like us who wish to hinder us from what our abaa / that foster fatherly support, were serving.  So bring us a clear authority."

14.11    Their rusul / inner voices (that deliver the message) said to them, "We are only basharun / sensible thoughts (who trust in the transformation) like you, but Allah yamunnu / provides strength (when weak) upon who wills from His servants. It has never been for us to bring you evidence except by permission of Allah. And upon Allah let the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind), falyatawakkali / should surely rely with devotion.

14.12    And why should we not tawakkala / rely upon Allah while certainly He has guided us to our ways. And we will surely be patient against whatever harm you should cause us. And upon Allah falyatawakkali / I surely trust as custodian, the mutawakkilun / one whom I trust as custodian."

14.13    And those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) said for their rusul / inner voices (that deliver the message) definitely we will drive you out of our ardh / lower consciousness or you return in our millat / life practices (based on guidance by logic and reasoning of their conditioned mind).  So their Rabb / Lord inspired towards them (rusul) definitely We will destroy the oppressors.

14.14    And We will surely cause you to dwell in the ardh / lower consciousness from after them. That is for he who fears (the) maqami / standing position and fears (the) promise."

14.15    And istaftahu / they requested victory (so that they are successful in decoding the true meaning of the ayaati) from Allah, and disappointed of each obstinate (stubborn) recovery (from failure).

14.16    Ahead of him is jahannam / point of stagnation, and he will be absorb or pull from knowledge that hinder (the false knowledge that keep him stagnate).

14.17    He will swallow it (the false knowledge) but will not be pleasant (swallowing it). And the mautu / lifeless (thoughts) will come to him from everywhere, and he is not with lifeless (because he is with false knowledge). And from waraa'ihi / his surrounding all around, is a massive punishment.

14.18    (The) example of those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) with their Rabb / Lord is (that) their deeds (and experiences) are like ashes (no goodness and lastingness) which the wind blows forcefully on a stormy moment; they are unable (to keep) from what they earned a (single) thing. That is what is extreme astray.

14.19    Have you not seen that Allah halaqa / evolve the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness with truth?  If He wills, He can do away / expended with you and bring a new evolution.

14.20    And that is not difficult for Allah.

14.21    And they (the kafaru) will appear before Allah all together (with all the deeds of karamaadin / no goodness and lastingness), and the weak (in making judgment or opinion) will say to those who were istakbaru / arrogant, "Indeed, we were your followers, so can you free us anything against the punishment of Allah?" They will say, "If Allah had guided us, we would have guided you. It is all the same for us whether we show intolerance or are patient: there is for us no place of escape." 

14.22    And the shaytan / act arises from state of despair, says when the order is complete surely Allah promised you the promise of truth and I promise you then I akhlaftum / represent you and it was not for me from any authority over you except to invite you. You answered me so you do not blame me and blame your anfus / souls / psyche.  I am not with your screams and you are not with my screams.  Surely I reject with what you have been associating me from before.  Surely for the oppressors is a grievous punishment.

14.23    And those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and do corrective deeds will be admitted to jannaatin / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow, abiding eternally therein by permission of their Rabb / Lord; and their tahiyyatu / transformation to becoming alive in it (jannah)  salam / peace (tranquil state of mind). 

14.24    Have you not considered how Allah presents an example, a good word (excellent on your transformation) like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches in the samaa' / higher consciousness? 

14.25    It brings forth its fruit (to be consumed by intelligence) at all times, with the permission of her Rabb / Lord.  And Allah strikes an examples for an-nas / the agitated mind so that they yatazakkarun / may be independently in awareness. 

14.26    And the example of a bad word is like a bad tree, uprooted from the surface of the ardh / lower consciousness, not having any stability. 

14.27    Allah will steadfast those who aamanu / take security with the assuring saying in the hayati duniya / living temptation (of close objectival attachments and relations) and in the aakhirah / ending.  And Allah astrays the oppressors and Allah does what he wants. 

14.28    Have you not considered those who exchanged the favor of Allah for kufran / rejection and settled their qaum / group of thoughts (in) the circle of al bawari / the ruin / uncultivated? 

14.29    Jahannam / state of stagnation, which they will (enter to) burn, and wretched is the settlement. 

14.30    And they have attributed to Allah andadan / equals 
(thoughts of the agitated mind as equal to Allah) to mislead from His way.  Say, "Enjoy yourselves, for indeed, your destination is an-nar / internal conflict."

14.31    Say to My servants who are aamanu / took security to establish salah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and yunfiqu / self experience (the reform by putting into practical experience, from what (the truth) We have provided them, secretly and openly, from before that a moment comes in which there will be no bai'un / oath of allegiance in it, nor khilalun / any cause for others to befriend. 

14.32    It is Allah who evolve the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and reveal ma'an / knowledge of the truth from the samaa'i / higher consciousness and produced with it thereby thamara / increased intelligence as provision for you and subjected for you the fulka / perseverance to voyage through the ocean of knowledge by His command and subjected for you an-nahar / the illumination (for guidance). 

14.33    And He subjected for you the shamsa / light that clarify and the khamar / deception that agitate and subjected for you the laila / darkness without guidance and the nahar / illumination with guidance. 

14.34    And He gave you from all what is asked of Him.  And if you should count the favor of Allah, you could not enumerate them.  Indeed, insaan / those who are aligned with the truth, is most unjust and ungrateful (if you start to enumerate the favors of Allah to you). 

14.35    And when Ibrahim / the one committed to the truth said, O my Rabb / Lord, make this balada / languid attitude (ease and comfort) of aaminan / peace / security and keep me and baniiya / thoughts conceived, from serving the asnam / image as reality.  

14.36    O my Rabb / Lord, surely they have led astray majority from an-nas / the agitated mind, so he who follows me (Ibrahim) is of me and who disobeys me so surely you are ghafur / forgiving, rahimun / merciful for the knowledge showered. 

14.37    O our Rabb / Lord, surely I have askantu / settled (calm the agitation) from my zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts biwadin / with plain unassuming (mind which is without cultivation) near baitikal muharram / your mental house of the one who forbid (mental weaknesses).  O our Rabb / Lord that they may establish salah / connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download).  So make the hearts (hit or struck) of an-nas / the agitated mind desirable towards them and give them sustenance from the thamara / increased intelligence so that they may be thankful. 

14.38    Our Lord, indeed You know what we conceal and what we declare, and nothing is hidden from Allah in the ardh / lower consciousness and in the samaa'i / higher consciousness. 

14.39    Al hamd / the praise (for the approval of the knowledge) for Allah who has bestowed upon me al kibaru / the full grown Ismail / one who listen ( and obedient only to Allah) and Ishaq / one who is perfect (with pure knowing and alienated oneself from thoughts).  Surely my Lord is hearer of calls.

14.40    O my Rabb / Lord, make me muqima / the one who establish the salah / connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and from my zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts.  O our Rabb / Lord You accept my du'a / call / supplication. 

14.41    O our Rabb / Lord have forgiveness for me and my waalidaiya / parental support to their produce (to rear, educate and bring up) and for the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) when the moment of account is established. 

14.42    And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do.  Indeed, He only gives them respite for a moment when abshaaru / the vision tash khasu / will stare / fixedly in it. 

14.43    Muhti'ina / one who retreated in fear, muqni'i / the needy who do not ask, their awareness does not return to them, and their hearts (filled with) hawa'an / vain desires. 

14.44    And warn an-nas / the agitated mind of a moment when the punishment will come to them then those who zhalamu / did wrong will say, "Our Rabb / Lord, delay us for a short term; we will nujib / answer Your call and follow the rusul / inner voices that carry the message."  "Had you not sworn, from before (referring to the covenant), that for you there would be no cessation (no ending of the truth staring at you)" 

14.45    And (as a result of continued staring) sakantum / you settled / remain still in the settlements of those who zhalamu / wronged their selves, and it had become clear to you how We dealt with them.  And We presented for you examples." 

14.46    And indeed they planned their plan and in the nearnest of Allah is their plan, even if their plan had been to do away with the fixed headed thoughts (intolerant and obstinate). 

14.47    So never think that Allah is mukhlifa / one who replace in His promise to rusulahu / inner voices that carry the messages.  Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Owner of Retribution. 

14.48    Yawma tubaddalu / moment of changing al ardh / the lower consiousness other than (to) al ardh / the lower consciousness and samaawat / higher consciousness and it will be prominent Allah the wahidi / One irreducible reality of being, the Prevailing. 

14.49    And you will see the mujrimina / one who violated the covenant at that moment are attracted and bound together, 

14.50    Sarabiluhum / their coverings from qatiranin / stability and wujuhahum / their focus to care (for growth) veiled by an-nar / internal conflict. 

14.51    So that Allah will recompense every nafsin / soul /  self for what it earned. Indeed, Allah is swift in account. 

14.52    This is balaaghun / message delivered for an-nas / the agitated mind that they may be warned with it and that they may know indeed He is a ilaahun waahidun / one irreducible reality of being and that those of understanding yazzakkara / will be independently in awareness.







  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...