(One Who Is Praised)


The word Muhammadun and Muhammadin in the book AlQuran refers to "the one who is praised." It appears in four key verses: HQ 3:144, 33:40, 47:2, and 48:29. Additionally, the term Ahmad, another variation of the word Muhammad, is used in HQ 61:6. In its grammatical form, a noun with tanween (such as Muhammadun and Muhammadin), the word becomes an indefinite noun, signifying the universality of praise and its timeless quality.  Also, the word Ahmad signify the profound intensity of the praise.

But why is one praised? The praise arises from the unique role of being the khatam an-nabiyyin—the Seal of the Prophets. This title is more than a mere designation; it reflects the culmination and perfection of prophetic wisdom. He is called "sealed" because he embodies and completes the prophetic lineage, fully encompassing all the attributes of the 19 prophets mentioned in Surah Al-Ana'am verses 81-86 and surah Maryam verse 56. His enlightenment, inner establishment, and direct experiential knowledge of the truth mark him as the one who has successfully received and actualized the profound, hidden knowledge granted by the Divine.

In this sense, the praise is not merely a recognition of external deeds but a deep acknowledgment of the realized truth and wisdom, fully integrated within his self / psyche. 

Muhammad is the one who acknowledged and recognized fully the truth of the irreducible, fundamental, oneness of reality and when it is seen as difficult to accomplish orderly generated result (manifestation), he does not evade from the way of Allah.  Your minds are capable of creating illusions, biases and distortions that can affect your perception of reality. However, Allah admits those who take security in Al Kitab with awareness and conscious experience, to His hidden garden of knowledge. In His garden of knowledge you will be able to learn to recognize, strengthen the insight of the fundamental truth and overcome our cognitive limitation with courage, fully rooted, solidified and ingrained. 


Allah knows of your faith going back and forth when you have recognized the fundamental truth.  That is because there are rejecters and there are those who hinder you from abiding in the path that Allah has shown you. Be mindful of thoughts from your own independent thinking and thoughts from your intuitive thinking. With cognitive limitations, your interpretations from these thoughts may not be accurate. So seek forgiveness and know that there is no reality but Allah.  Allah admits those who take security in Al Kitab and do correctional deeds to His hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow.   On the contrary, those who reject or cover the truth they enjoy and consume falsehood, innovation, baseless understanding, wrong interpretation and the likes of it, as if consuming pleasant and blissful knowledge bestowed by Rabb / Lord resulting in accumulating internal conflicts that burn their psyche.  Allah will make all your deeds become worthless if you know but reject the fundamental truth. 


Those who turn back after Allah has made it clear for them of the truth and obey Allah in part, then Allah will also make your deeds become worthless.  Indeed Allah will test and put into trial those who recognize and fully understand the nature of their psyche / self.  Know that the hayaatu duniya, those attachments that we adhere to in life are only amusements and diversions from our mindfulness.

If He should ask you for it and honour you, then you should be patient and hold fast to the fundamental truth that Allah reveals to you.



By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).  

47:1    Those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) and shaddu / evade ( when the truth is seen diffcult to accomplish) from the way of Allah, 'akmalahum / their deeds will go astray (misdeeds).

47:2    And those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab, the way of Allah) and do soleha / corrections (in the transformation of self) and aamanu / take security with what has been revealed on Muhammadin / one who is praised (for his approval and acknowledgment of the truth), and it is the truth from their Rabb / Lord, He will cover sayyi'atihim / their misdeeds and aslaha / correct their conditions.

47:3    That is because those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) follow falsehood, and those who aamanu / take security follow the truth from their Rabb / Lord.  Thus does Allah present to an-nas / the agitated mind their amsaal / similitudes.

47:4    So when you meet those who reject then strike the riqabi / the ones who are on the look out (for knowledge) until you have subdued them then bind firmly.  Then either he manna / strengthens after or either liberate / set free until the war (conflict) lays down its burden.  And if Allah wills He would have been victorious for them He tries some of you with some.  And those who were being killed in the way of Allah, He will never astray their deeds / actions.

47:5    He sayahdiihim / will guide them and yuslihu / will correct, put at ease (from the agitation) their condition.

47:6    And admit them to jannata / hidden garden of knowledge, (attaining enlightenment) complete recognition of his true self, to them.

47:7    O you who aamanu / keep secured, if you help Allah , He will help you and plant firmly (rooted, solidified and ingrained) your aqdama / courage.

47:8    But those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth), for them is going astray, and He will waste their deeds. 

47:9    That is because they disliked what Allah revealed, so He rendered worthless their deeds.

47:10    Do they not proceed throughout the lower consciousness and see how was the consequence of those from before them ?  Allah destroyed over them, and for the kaafirin / rejecters / those who cover (the truth) is comparable (the same as those disliked what Allah revealed).

47:11    That is because Allah is the protector of those who aamanu / have taken security and because the kafaru /  rejecters / those who cover (the truth) have no protector for them. 

47:12    Indeed, Allah will admit those who aamanu / have taken security and aamilu solehaati / done correctional deeds to jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which knowledge flow, but those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) they enjoy and ya'kulu / will consume (the knowledge) as if consume the ana'am / bestowal of pleasant thoughts (from Allah), and the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) will be a residence for them.

47:13    And how many from qariah / cluster of established thoughts (or images or sensations) was stronger in strength than your qaryatika / cluster of thoughts which drove you out? We destroyed them; and there was no helper for them.

47:14    Is he who is on clear evidence from his Rabb / Lord like him whom the evil of his deeds has been made attractive and they follow their desires?

47:15    A parable of the jannati / hidden garden of knowledge which is promised to the muttaqeen / those who are mindful / conscious, in it flows of knowledge 'asinin / incorruptible, and flows from labanin / grasping (the knowledge and understanding) the taste whereof does not change, and flows from khamri / stillness of mind (direct revelation) delicious to those who drink, and flows from pure (free from impurities) sweetness and for them therein from all thamara / increased intelligence and forgiveness from their Rabb / Lord.   Like those who abide in the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) and who are made to drink heated conflicting knowledge so it rends their bowels scattered into pieces (meaning things will not be working out well).

47:16    And among them,  are those who listen to you, until when they depart from you, they say to those who were given knowledge, "What has he said just now?" Those are the ones of whom Allah has sealed over their hearts and who have followed their  desires.

47:17    And those who are guided, He increases them in guidance and gives them their taqwa / mindfulness.

47:18    Then do they yanzuru / observe / contemplate except that the moment should come upon them unexpectedly ? Without doubt already there have come its indications. Then what good to them, when it has come, will be their remembrance?

47:19    So know, that there is no ilaah / reality but Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the mukminin / the one who feel secured from his own thoughts  and mukminat / the one who are secured from thoughts collected by sensory inputs.  And Allah knows of your mutakallabakum / faith back and forth (of your feeling of safe and secured) and your secured resting state.

47:20    Those who take security say, "Why has a surah / an overpowering influence not been revealed ?"  Then when a surah / overpowering influence is revealed and fighting is mentioned therein, you see those in whose hearts there is a disease looking at you with a look of one overcome from the mauti / lifeless (soul).  So more appropriate for them.

47:21    Obedience and sayings of makruf / state of facts that are well known and fully acknowledged. And when the matter (of fighting) was determined, if they had been true to Allah , it would have been better for them.

47:22    So would you perhaps (eagerly desire), if you turned away, that cause corruption in the lower consciousness and sever your relationship with arhamakum / your merciful showering of education ?    

47:23    Those it is whom Allah has cursed so He has made them deaf and blinded absaarahum / their insight.

47:24    Then do they not tadabbaru / ponder upon the Qur'an / expressions derived from reading (the ayaati), or are there locks upon (their) hearts?

47:25    Indeed those who return on their backs (turning away from the abstract system of education) from after what tabayyana /  become clear to them, the shaitan / acts from state of despair sawwala / entice / suggest over them; and He gives them respite (Allah gives them relief from the suffering that arise).  

47:26    That is because they said to those who disliked what Allah revealed, "We will obey you in part of the matter." And Allah knows what they conceal.

47:27    Then how (will it be) when the malaaikah / faculty of authority complete them (their souls) and wujuhahum / their focus to care (for growth) and their backs (the part that they obey and the part disobey) ?

47:28    That is because they followed what angered Allah and disliked (what) He approved, so He rendered worthless their deeds.

47:29    Or do those in whose hearts is disease think that Allah would never expose their hatred ?

47:30    And if We willed, We could show them to you, and you would know them by their mark; but you will surely know them by the tone of (their) speech. And Allah knows your deeds.

47:31    And We will surely test you until We make evident those who strive among you and the patient, and We will test your akhbar / knowing. 

47:32    Indeed, those who kafaru / rejected / covered (the truth) and hinder (others) from the path of Allah and opposed the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) after guidance had become clear to them,  never will they harm Allah at all, and He will render worthless their deeds. 

47:33    O you who aamanu / took security, obey Allah and obey the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) and do not tubtilu / invalidate your deeds.

47:34    Indeed, those who rejected / covered (the truth) and hindered (others) from the path of Allah and then maatu / ended the dissociation while they were kuffarun / rejecters / those who cover (the truth), then never will Allah forgive them.

47:35    So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is with you and will never deprive you of  your deeds.

47:36    Indeed the hayaatu duniya / close attachments in life is only amusement and diversion (from being mindful).  And if you tukminu / take security and be mindful / conscious of Allah, He will give you your rewards and not ask you for your wealth (knowledge and mental growth).

47:37    If He should ask you for it and (ask with) honour you, and you would withhold (not proceeding towards direct experience of the truth), and He would expose adhghaanakum / your hatred.

47:38    O you (the particle "haa" indicate far for those who withhold)!   These calls to tunfiqu / self-experience (to reform by putting into practice what Allah has given you) then among you are those who yabkholu (bakhil) withhold (they could hardly come near to killing their soul - refer HQ 2:71).  And whoever withholds then surely what he withholds is his nafs / soul /self and Allah is the ghaniyyu / the sufficient / the being free of need and you are the fuqara / needy.  And if you turn away, He will replace you with another qauman / group of thoughts; then they will not be the likes of you.






 (Those Who Revive Their Deen) 


Surah Ali Imran provides guidance for those who are inclined to the concept of reviving their deen, the truthful way of life binding upon Muslims. It involves embracing conscious obedience to Allah's judgment and embarking on a transformative journey to free your minds from restlessness and the agitations of impurities. With the guidance, you ensure that when the time comes to end the dissociation of your higher self, you stand firm and remain steadfast. Allah, the fundamental absolute, irreducible, independent being, has revealed Al Kitab, which includes At Tawrah, the natural law that governs the consequences of behavior, and Al Injeel, the good news of moral behavior derived from observing the natural law. These serve as parameters for exercising your free will towards your actions. If you transgress, you will face the consequences.

Like the surah earlier, surah Ali Imran also commences with the three alphabets of Alif, Lam, and Meem, serves as a gateway to exploring the relationship between your mind of the lower consciousness and divine communication of the higher consciousness. Alif signifies the singular, fundamental, irreducible reality of being. Lam represents the manifestation of this reality in the form of His representations, and Meem is the letter of death, signifying the 'aakhirah', the ending of baseless, misunderstood and wrong understanding of existence called duniya relating to your close attachments and relations. Aakhirah then are the amalan, deeds involved in dissolving the 'duniya', revealing the higher self that remains.  This process of aakhirah, thus end the dissociation and unify our higher self as a fractal being of higher consciousness.   

Allah reveals Al Kitab, the inherent script, as ayaati / signs, for those who are familiar with the hukum, the law of Allah. These ayaati are supported by attributes comprising of motherly unconditional love, care, and compassion. As for the mutasyabihat, those who prefer to take resembling representations as truth, they will be captivated by the signs (the representation) and will not be able to see the hidden truth. The mind of lower consciousness is nourished by data accumulated from memory and logic, while the higher consciousness reveals hidden knowledge that expands your intuition. For the muttaqeen, those who are mindful of Allah, the approach is to use the localized mind to receive the signs and employ the faculties of logic, focus, linearity, and assertiveness within the parameters of the divine masculine attributes to analyze, comprehend, and understand the knowledge of the ghaib, the unseen.  Those who reject the signs will never be able to comprehend or understand the knowledge of the unseen through their accumulated knowledge in memory, or logical contemplation.

The fundamental basis for a successful human psyche is to establish Ibrahimic thinking—being naturally inclined towards the truth. You will always be in a state of submission to attain Islam and do not associate others with Allah. Beware of fanciful thoughts that seek to mislead, reject the truth after witnessing it, and disguise and conceal the truth. The worst offenders are those who are familiar with Al Kitab, trust what was revealed, but reject the Aakhirah (the end), which signifies the dissolution of Duniya, including our simulated identity. They are unwilling to dissolve their conceptual self and its identity. Therefore, Allah reinforces the importance of trusting what He has revealed and following our deen, our truthful way of life, and conscious obedience to Allah’s judgment. Once we understand the revealed message, it is imperative to consciously put it into practice. This is the state of truthfulness, and it is attained only after you consciously implement the knowledge you have received.

Initially, our minds are filled with agitated and restless thoughts. The awareness of lacking true knowledge and the subsequent weeping signify the beginning of the quest for understanding. Our minds are blessed for acquiring factual knowledge, which carries clear signs, enabling an Ibrahimic thinker to discern truth from falsehood. Those who begin their quest with an Ibrahimic inclination have the ability to reason their way through. Those who hold onto Allah will be guided on the path of truth.

Sensible thoughts trust in the evolution and transformation of the agitated mind, providing assurance to hold onto the connection with Allah.  Therefore, we should avoid artificially inflating knowledge through exaggeration. If you strive sincerely and remain patient, Allah will keep your trust in the transformative process strong. Muhammadun, a praised inner voice delivering the message of Allah, is free from impurities. So when the message to end the dissociation of the true self comes, do not turn back. Fulfill the command wholeheartedly, and even if you do turn back, there is no sin as long as you are grateful for the received message. The dissociation of the higher self can only end with Allah's permission. Allah loves the muhsinin, those fortified with true knowledge. Allah is our protector and the best of helpers.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman). 

3:1    Alif, Lam, Mim.  Alif signify the single fundamental irreducible reality of being.  Lam represent the manifestation of the reality in the form of His representations and Mim is the letter of death, signifying aakhirah (ending the dissociation) by dissolving duniya and remaining behind the true self. 

3:2    Allah, la ilaha illa huwa / no reality of being except Him, the Hayyu / Ever living, the Qayyum / Ever Establish.

3:3    He has revealed to you, Al Kitab (the inherent script) with truth, confirming what was between his hands (what his rational thoughts established).  And He revealed the tawrah / natural law (Allah's law which govern the behavioral consequences) and the injeel / the good news (conception of good moral behavior).  

3:4    (AL Kitab) From before, a guidance for an-nas / agitated mind and revealed the fur'qan / a conscience (ability to distinguish the inner voice who deliver the divine message from a whisper of own thoughts).  Indeed, those who kafaru / reject with the ayaati / signs of Allah, for them a severe punishment, and Allah is exalted in Might, Owner of Punishment. 

3:5    Indeed, Allah la yakhfa / will not conceal upon Him a thing (nothing is concealed for discernment) in the ardh / lower consciousness and not in the samaa'i / higher consciousness.

3:6    It is He who yusawwiru / shapes (to fashion) you in the arham / conception (for educational sustenance of mental development) however you will. There is no ilaah / reality of being but Him (the independent absolute being) the Almighty, the Wise (provider of factual knowledge).

3:7    It is He who revealed Al Kitab / the inherent script (from your Rabb) to you.  From it are ayaatun / signs received by muhkamat / one who is familiar with Allah's law (with factual knowledge), they are the mother of Al Kitab (the foundation comprising of motherly support, unconditional love, care and compassion) and ukharu / others received by mutasyabihat / one who take resembling representations (with hidden patterns and values).  So in whose heart is a deviation they follow what resemble from it (which is the representations of truth) seeking its captivation and seeking its interpretation and no one knows its interpretation but Allah.  And those who are stable in knowledge they say "we aamanna / take security with it,  all is from the nearness of our Rabb / Lord".  And none yazzakkaru / will embody the divine masculine attributes but ulul albab / those who possess conscious minds (to what is given by his Rabb).  

3:8    O our Rabb / Lord do not deviate our hearts after when you guided us and grant for us rahmah / abstract education system from your nearness.  Surely you are the one who grant.

3:9    Our Rabb / Lord indeed You will gather an-nas / the agitated thoughts (all thoughts from your agitated mind) for yawmin / a moment,  there is no doubt in it.  Indeed Allah never yuhlifu / replace the promise.

3:10    Surely those who kafaru / rejected (ayaati of Allah) never will their amwal / accumulated knowledge and their awlad / thoughts given birth (by rijal and nisa) tughni / avail them (their knowledge, ideas and thoughts do not benefit ) against Allah at all.  And they are those who fuel the nar / internal conflict (that burn an-nas). 

3:11    Like the plight of the ahle firaun / those who are acquainted with superiority complex and those from before them.  They kazzabu / denied our ayaati / signs, so Allah seized them with their sins.  And Allah is severe in punishment. 

3:12    Say to those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah), "You will be overcome and gathered together to jahannam / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halt spiritual progress), and evil mihadu / developmental place." 

3:13    Surely it was for you aayatun / a sign in the fi'atain / two group of thoughts which met - a group fighting in the cause of Allah (aaminu) and another of kaafirun / rejecters (include mufsidu who corrupt ayaati of Allah).  They saw them like rakya / vision of the ain / perception. But Allah supports with His victory who want (victory).  Indeed in that is a lesson for those acquainted with the absaari / insight.

3:14    Adornment for an-nas / the agitated mind is the love of (things) desire from an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) and banin / thoughts conceived (by our brain) and the aggregation of the aggregated (of desires and thoughts) from zahabi / dispersed thoughts and al fiddati / rebind (getting together the dispersed thoughts) and al hoili / seeking for fanciful imagination and al an'am / the enjoyable and pleasant thoughts and al harith / work for physical gains.  That is the enjoyment in the life of the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and Allah, in His nearness, is the beautiful place of return.  

3:15    Say, "Shall I inform (stating with certainty) you of (something) better than that?  For those who attaqau / are mindful / conscious in the nearness of their Rabb / Lord (something better) will be jannatun / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which rivers (flow of knowledge), wherein they abide eternally, and azwajum mutahharah / purified pair (that is zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes)  and ridhwaanun / approval (of the knowledge) from Allah. And He is Allah, All Seer with the servants.

3:16    Those who say, "Our Rabb / Lord, indeed we have aamanna / trusted (and take security), so faghfir / forgive us our sins and protect us from the punishment of the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas),"

3:17    The sabirin / patient, the sadiqin / truthful, the qanitin / obedient, those munfiqin / those who self-experience (with their logic), and those mustaghfirin / who seek forgiveness with ashari (sahara) / turning before appearance (of an-nar / the internal conflict).

3:18    Allah witnesses that surely He, la ilaha illa huwa / no reality of being except Him, and the malaaikatu / divine sovereignty (one ruler and one authority) and ulul ilmi / those possess knowledge of the ghaib, qaaiman / establishing (rooting, solidifying and ingraining transformative deeds) with justice (establishing only He is the fundamental absolute reality).  There is no ilaaha / reality of being except Him, the Almighty, the Wise (provider of deeds based on facts).

3:19    Surely ad deen / the indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law) in the nearness of Allah is Islaam / sound submission for innate peace (free from internal conflicts).  And those who were given al kitab (the inherent script) did not ihtalafa / represent (the truth) except to wrong each other after the knowledge came to them and whosoever rejects with the ayati / signs of Allah then surely Allah is quick in taking the account.  

3:20    So if they haajju / reason out with you, then say I have aslamtu / submitted wajhiya / my focus to care (for growth) to Allah and those who follow (putting their focus to evolve and develop), and say to those who have been given al kitab (the inherent script) and ummiyyeen / those who are given motherly support (care, compassion, nurture).  Do you submit ?   So if they submit, then indeed they follow the right way, and if they turn back, then upon you are only the delivery (of the message) and He is Allah, All seer with the servants.

3:21    Surely those who yakfuruna / reject with the ayati / signs of Allah and yaqtuluna / kill the nabiyyeen / inner voices  who pronounce (the news of the ghaiba), without the truth.  And they kill those who order with the justice from an-nas / agitated mind.  Then give them bashhir / sensible thoughts with the painful punishment.

3:22    They are the ones whose deeds have become worthless in this duniya / close attachments and relationships and the aakhirah / ending (in the dissolution of duniya), and for them there will be no helpers. 

3:23    Do you not consider,  those who were given a portion of the kitab (the inherent script)?  They are invoked to the kitab / inherent script of Allah that it liyahkuma / should judge  between them; then a distinguished party from them turns away, and they are refusing.

3:24    That is because they say, "Never will the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) touch us except for numbered moments," and they were deluded in their deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law) by what they were inventing. 

3:25    So how will it be when We jama'nahum / gather them (converge and harmonize those thoughts that turned awayfor a moment about which there is no doubt? And each soul wawuffiyat / will be completed what it earned, and they will not be wronged. 

3:26    Say, "O Allah , Master of the Sovereignty, You give the mulki / sovereign authority (where mind,soul and body is one ruler one auhtority) to whoever will and take away sovereignty from whoever will. You give honour to whoever will.  You disgrace to whoever will.  Biyadika / with your hand is all betterment.  Indeed You measure over all things. 

3:27    You cause the darkness (without guidance) to enter the light (with guidance), and You cause the light (with guidance) to enter the darkness (without guidance); and You bring the living out of the maiti / lifeless, and You bring the maita / lifeless state out of the living (of the higher self). And tarzuqu / You give provision to whoever without account."

3:28    Let not the mukminun / those who trust (and take security with Al Kitab) take the kaafirin / rejecters ( to ayaati of Allah) as allies from other than mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind).  And whoever does that (take allies from other than mukminin) has nothing with Allah in anything, except that you are mindful from them as should be mindful.  And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the destination.

3:29    Say, "Whether you conceal what is in your sudur / awareness or reveal it, Allah knows it. And He knows that which is in the samawaat / higher consciousness and that which is in the ardh / lower consciousness.  And Allah measures over all things.

3:30    Moment every nafs / soul will find (as) muhdharan / one who is conscious of what it has done of good and what it has done of evil, (it) shall wish that between it (good) and between that (evil) was a great distance. And Allah warns you of Himself, and Allah is kind with the servants.

3:31    Say, if you love Allah then follow me (the message of the truth).  Allah will love you.  He will forgive you your sins, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

3:32    Say, obey Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), then if they turn back,  Allah does not love the rejecters. 

3:33    Indeed Allah chose Adam / one who is ready to receive education of the unseen and Nuhan / strong sense of empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant) and the 'ala Ibrahim / those who are inclined towards the truth and the 'ala Imraan / who are reviving the deen (in a well cultivated manner), over al aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge.

3:34    Zurriyati / scattered thoughts (early developed thoughts of Adam, Nuh, 'Ala Ibraheem and 'Ala Imraan), some of them from others.  And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

3:35    When said imraatu / stubbornly disputing thought of Imran / an active revival (of the deen), "my Rabb / Lord, surely I have vowed to dedicate what in my bathin / inner affair muharraran / one who is freed / liberated (from all attachments) for You.  So accept from me, surely You are the Listener, the Knower.  

3:36    So when she gave birth (to thought that she conceived) to her, she said my Rabb / Lord surely I gave birth to unsa / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love, care and unconditional acceptance).  Allah knows more with what she gave birth.  And the zakaru / divine masculinity (like linearity, logical, focus and assertive) is not like the unsa / divine femininity (like unconditional love, care and unconditional acceptance).  And surely I have sammaituha / named her (what is given birth to by the divine femininity) Maryam / urge to explore (the best among the explorers) and surely I take refuge for her with You and her zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts, from the shaytan (act arises from state of despair) the rajim / accursed.

3:37    So her Rabb / Lord accepted her (Maryam) with a beautiful acceptance and grew her nabatan / a healthy mental development and Zakaria / who is resourceful and informative (with divine masculine attributes) was responsible / to take charge of her, whenever Zakaria / who is resourceful and informative (with divine masculine attributes) entered upon her in the mihrab / state of conflict (among the unsa / divine femininity and zakaru / divine masculinity) and found rizqan / sustenance near her.  He said, O Maryam / urge to explore (the best among the explorers), how is this for you ?  She said it is from the nearness of Allah.  Surely Allah gives sustenance to who wills without account.

3:38    At that, Zakaria / who is embodied with divine masculine attributes (like focus, brave, logic, assertive), invoked upon his Rabb / Lord, saying, "My Rabb, grant me from ladunka / You directly, a good zurriyatan / off-spring of early developed thought.  Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication."

3:39    Then the malaaikah / sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority) called him (Zakaria / who embodied the divine masculine attributes) when he was qa'imun / establishing  yusalli / connection (for hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) in the mihrab / state of inner conflict (of goodness and badness).  Surely Allah bashhiru / gives sensible thoughts to you with Yahya / one who is alive (with the news of the ghaib / unseen) confirming with a word of Allah and sayyidan / a chief managing the affairs from the truth and restricting from unrelated knowledge and false source and a nabi / pronounce the news (of the ghaib / unseen) to attain enlightenment, from solihin / who correct themselves.

3:40    He said, my Rabb / Lord can he be ghulaamun / intensely excited for me and surely when full grown (maturity with understanding) has reached me and umraati / obstinate or disputing state, 'akirun / unproductive / came to nothing.  He said, likewise Allah does what is willed.

3:41    He said, my Rabb / Lord, make an ayatan / a sign for me.  He said, your ayaatu / sign for you is that you do not speak to the nas / agitated mind (silent the mind from chatting) for three moments (during clarity, darkness and hasten for early result) save ramzan / symbolically (mind only speak in respect of symbols as representation to reality) and uzkur / embody masculine faculty (linear, logical, focus and assertive) of your Rabb / Lord mostly and sabbih / swim (to seek) with 'ashiyyi / the darkness (do not stop looking for answers when you are in darkness) and at the ibkaari / hasten for early result.

3:42    And when the malaaikah / state of sovereign authority said O Maryam / urge in voyage of discovering (the best among all the knowledgeables), surely Allah has chosen you and purified you and He has chosen you above nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), of al aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge. 

3:43    O Maryam / urge to seek (the best among the knowleagables), be devout for your Rabb / Lord and sujud / submit / obey and rukuk / accept / be humble with those who rukuk / accept / humble. 

3:44    That is from anbaa'i / news of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, We inspired towards you.  And you were not with them (have no experience) when they yulquna aqlaamahum / meet their words (decided) who would be responsible / to take charge of Maryam / state of seeking (the hidden knowledge).  And you were not with them when they argued / disputed. 

3:45    When the malaaikah / sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority) said, O Maryam / state of ardent pursuit to discover, surely Allah gives you bashiru / sensible thoughts with a word from Him, His name (with elevated meaning) to Al masih Isa ibnu Maryam / the pure soul 
(freed of baseless and false understanding) Isa (who is fortified by holy spirit / pure essence of hidden knowledge) constructed by Maryam (state pf ardent pursuit to discover), wajihan / a focus to care (for growth) in the duniya (close attachments and relationships) and in the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) and from the muqarrabin / those who are near (to truth). 

3:46    And he (Isa) will speak to the nas / agitated mind in the mahdi /  place prepared for the development of Isa (to fortify with ruh qudus) and a kahlan / well-develop and he will be of those who solihin / correct themselves. 

3:47    She said, my Rabb how will waladun / thoughts given birth (attributable) to me and no basharun / sensible thoughts (who trust in transformation) has afflicted me?  He said, likewise Allah yakhluku / evolves what he (Isa) wills.  When the order is complete, then surely He said for him, "Be" and he was.   

3:48    And (Allah) will teach him (Isa) al Kitab (the inherent script) and al Hikmah / the wisdom (understanding based on Allah's law of facts and empirical evidence), at-tawrah / the natural law (Allah's law which govern the behavioral consequences) and al-injeel / the good news (conception of truth that manifest good moral behaviour),

3:49    And (send) a rasul / inner voice (that deliver guidance from your Rabb) to the bani Israel (those who construct spiritual journey seeking guidance) that "I have surely come to you with an ayat / sign from your Rabb / Lord, that surely I akhluqu / evolve for you from the tin / natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism), like excellent figure of a bird (flight of imagination and fantasy thoughts) so anfukhu / I inflate it so it become thoiran / an imagination / fantasy with the permission of Allah and ubri'u / I absolve the blind (for the truth) and the baraso / corrupt thoughts and I give life (with truth) to the lifeless (soul) with the permission of Allah.  And unabbi'ukum / I inform you (stating with certainty) with what you consume (knowledge) surely what you store in your houses (mental house).  Surely in that there is ayat / sign for you if you are mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind),

3:50    And (I have come) confirming to what was between my two hands from the Tawrah / the natural law (Allah's law which govern the behavioral consequences) and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you.  And I have come to you with ayati / a sign from your Rabb / Lord, so be conscious of Allah and obey me. 

3:51    Indeed Allah is my Rabb / Lord and your Rabb / Lord, then serve Him.  This is the  path of mustaqim (a path of the one who is established in the truth). 

3:52    And when Isa (who is fortified with ruh qudus) felt the rejection from them (flight of corrupted imaginary and fantasy thoughts) he said "who are helpers to Allah ?"  The hawariyyun / exclusive pure (thoughts) said "we are helpers of Allah, we trust (and take security) in Allah and bear witness (on the basis of the truth) by us, muslimun / submitters (pure thoughts from among the corrupted thoughts)".

3:53    Our Rabb / Lord)!  We trust (and take security) in what you have revealed and we follow the rasul / inner voice (that delivers ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) then write us down with those who bear witness (based on the truth).

3:54    And they (rejecters) makaru / deceived and Allah deceived and the best of the maakirin / deceivers is Allah (Allah deceives so that the truth is hidden while the rejecters deceive to satisfy their desires).

3:55    And when Allah said O Isa (the one who is fortified with ruh qudus) surely I will complete you and raise you (in derajat) to Myself and purify you from those who reject and I will make those who follow you superior to those who reject towards yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment (of the truth) so you will return to Me then ahkumu / (I will) provide understanding based on Allah's law (with facts and empirical evidence) in what you are takhtalifun / representing in it (the truth).

3:56    And as for those who kafaru /reject / cover (the truth), I will punish them with a severe punishment in this duniya (close attachments and relationships) and the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self), and they will have no helpers."

3:57    But as for those who trust (and take security) and did corrective actions, He will complete them their rewards, and Allah does not like the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).

3:58    This is what We recite to you,  from the ayaati / signs and the zikri / embodiment of divine masculinity (linearity, logical, focus and assertiveness of Allah's attributes), wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence).

3:59    Indeed the example of Isa (the one who is fortified with ruh qudus on the spirit of the truth) in the nearness of Allah is like the example of Adam (one who is ready to receive education of the unseen).  He evolved him from turab (layers of illusory / corrupted thoughts) then said for him "Be" and he was (timeless transformation take place psychologically). 

3:60    The truth is from your Rabb / Lord so do not become from those who doubt.

3:61    Hence, whoever may hajjaka / reason out / debate concerning it after the hidden knowledge has reached you, then say, let us invoke our abna / construct of argument (basis) and your abna / construct of argument (basis) and our nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) and your passionate urges and our anfus / souls and your anfus / souls then nabtahal / free to act as they may, and let the laknat / condemnation of Allah be to the kaazibin / those who deny.      

3:62    Indeed, this is the true qasasu / retracing the steps (to make an account of the facts accurately) and (there is) nothing from ilaah / reality of being save Allah.  And indeed, Allah is the Exalted in Might, the Wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence). 

3:63    Then if they turn away (after  knowing the truth), then indeed Allah knows the one who corrupt (the corrupter of the covenant).

3:64    Say, O ahlal kitab (those who are acquainted in the inherent script from their Rabb) come to a word that is equal / common between you and us that we serve non except Allah, and that we do not associate anything with Him and that we do not take from among us arbaban / lords (nourisher) other than Allah.   So, if they turn back then say, you bear witness (that is you see evidence with knowledge) by us, muslimun / submitters.

3:65    O ahlal kitab (those familiar with the inherent script), why do you tuhaajuna / reason out / debate in Ibraheema (who is inclined to the truth), and the tawrah / natural law (Allah's law which govern the behavioral consequences)  and injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour) has not been revealed except from after him.  Will you then not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind) ?   

3:66    You are those who have been haajajtum / reason / debating about that of which you had knowledge.  But now why do you tuhaajjuna / reason out / debate on what you have no knowledge about.  And Allah knows, whereas you know not.  

3:67    Ibrahim (who is inclined to the truth) was not yahudiyyan / a self lenient (being gentle and leisurely in their deeds) and not nasaraniyyan / a helper (but no concern to seek the truth) but he was a hanifan / a natural instinct towards the truth, muslim (the one in submission to attain peace) and he was not from those who associate.

3:68    Indeed, the most worthy of Ibrahim (inclined to Allah's system of education) among the nas / agitated mind are those who follow him and this nabi / pronounces and establishes (news of the ghaib), and those who trust (and take security in) him.  And Allah is the protector of the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind).

3:69    And tho'ifatun / a group of looping thoughts (with fantasy) from the ahlil kitab (those who are familiar to their natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb) going around wishing they could mislead you. But they do not mislead except their anfus / souls, and they perceive not. 

3:70     ahlal kitab (those who are acquainted to the natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb), why do you takfuru / reject with ayati / signs of Allah while you witness (you see the evidence and know the truth)? 

3:71    ahlal kitab (those who are familiar in the natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb), why do you talbisu / disguise the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know ?

3:72    And tho'ifatun / a group of looping thoughts (of fantasy) going around (wishing to mislead) of the ahlil kitab (those who are acquainted to the natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb) say, "Take security with those which was revealed to the aamanu / those who took security wajha / its focus to care (for growth) of an-nahar / the internal conflict and akfuru / reject  its aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) perhaps they will return,

3:73    And you do not tukminu / trust anyone except those who follow your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law).  Tell them surely al hudaa / the guidance is Allah's guidance that is granted to everyone just like it was granted to you, otherwise they would yuhajju / contend / reason out about that before your Rabb / Lord.  Say, "Indeed,  the fadla / given advantage is in the hand of Allah - He grants it to who wills.  And Allah is all-Encompassing, Knowing. 

3:74    He distinguishes for His rahmah / abstract system of education,  who wills.  And Allah is the possessor of the great fadhli / given advantage.

3:75    And among the ahle (those who are familiar in) al kitab (the natural inherent prescribed script of Rabb) is he who, if you entrust him biqintharin / with a great possession (of knowledge), he yu'addihi / will discharge it (the trust) to you.  And among them is he who, if you entrust him with a dinar / (something) glisten in excitement and admiration, he will not discharge it (the trust) to you unless you are constantly qaaiman / establishing (the trust) over him. That is because they say, "There is no sabilun / path upon us in the ummiyyin / who give motherly care (but they do not know Al Kitab)." And they say the kaziba / lie about Allah while they know (because their opinion based on conjectures).

3:76    Rather, whoever fulfills with his commitment and be conscious of Allah - then indeed, Allah loves those who are conscious of Him.

3:77    Indeed, those who yashtaruna / trade / exchange the covenant of Allah and aymaanihim / their right (experience based on factual knowledge) for a small price, they are those who will have no evolution on them in the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self), and Allah will not speak to them or look at them on the moment of qiamah / establishment, nor will He zakki / mentally develop them; and they will have a painful punishment.

3:78    And indeed from them is a distinguished division who yalwuuna alsinatahum / misconstruct / distort their languages with the Kitab / inherent script (misrepresent the true meanings) so that you calculate it is from the Kitab / inherent script and it is not from the Kitab / inherent script.  And they say it is from the nearness of Allah and it is not from the nearness of Allah.  And they say the kaziba / denial on Allah and they know it.

3:79    It is not for a bashar / sensible thought (who trust in transformation) that Allah should gives him al Kitab / the inherent script and al Hukum / the law of nature (so that you understand with clear proofs) and an-nubuwah / the prophecy then he says for linnas / agitated mind that be a servant for me besides Allah but (instead say) become rabbaniyyun / reality of lordliness with what you have been given the knowledge of the Kitab / inherent script and with what you take lessons. 

3:80    Nor could he order you to take the mala'ikah / faculty of authority and nabiyyin / pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), as arbaban / lord other than Allah.  Would he order you with alkufri / the rejection (ayaati of Allah) when you had been muslimun / submitters? 

3:81    And when Allah took misaqa an-nabiyyeen /  covenant of the pronouncement and establishment (news of the ghaib) "certainly whatever I gave you from al Kitab / the inherent script and hikmah / actions based on truth (with facts and empirical evidence) then comes to you rasulun / an inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) confirming that which is with you definitely you will trust with it and definitely you will help him".  He said "are you akrartum / affirmed and akhaztum / take over on to my load?  They said "akrarna / we do affirm".  He said so you bear ashhadu / self evidenced / self witness and I am from those who bear shahidin / witness.  

3:82    Then whoever turned away after that - they were the faasikun / defiantly disobedient (the ones who defiantly break Allah's covenant).

3:83    Afaghaira / do they yabghuna / seek other than the deen / Allah's prescribed obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law) and to Him aslama / submitted whosoever in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness thou'an / obediently / willingly and karhan / dislikingly / unwillingly, and to Him they will return. 

3:84    Say we aamanna / take security with Allah and what is revealed on us and what was revealed on Ibrahim (who is inclined to Allah's system of education) and Ismail (who listen and obey Allah) and Ishaq (who is perfected and alienated) and Yaakub (who always return to Allah when afflicted) and the asbathi / who are like minded and having same interest and what was given to Musa (one who is matured and familiar with the truth), Isa (fortified with ruh qudus) and the nabiyyun / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) is from their Rabb / Lord.  We do not make distinction between anyone of them (that they are all inner voices that deliver Allah's revelation) and to Him we are musliminun / submitters.   

3:85    And whosoever seeks deenan / an indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law) other than the Islaami / sound submission for innate peace (free from conflicts) then it will never be accepted from him and he will be from the khosirin / lost ones in the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya).  

3:86    How shall Allah guides qauman / a group of established thoughts (in transformation of their soul) who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) after their imaan / trust and had shahidu / self - witnessed that the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) is true and bayyinat / clarity had come to them ?  And Allah does not guide the qauma zalimun / group of established thoughts who have wronged.

3:87    Those (qauma zalimun) their recompense will be that upon them is the laknat / condemnation (no inspiration, no development and no evolution) of Allah and the malaa'ikah / state of sovereign authority and an-nas / the agitated mind, all together,

3:88    Abiding eternally therein (in the laknat state), the punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.

3:89    Except for those who tabu / repent from after that and correct themselves. For indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

3:90    Indeed, those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) after their imaan / security then azdadu (zaid) / added (increase) kufran / (in) rejection (to the laknat state) - never will their repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray. 

3:91    Indeed, those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) and matu / become lifeless (unaware of the truth) while they are kufran / rejector - then never would the capacity of the ardh / lower consciousness in dhahaban / dispersed thoughts be accepted from one of them even if he would ransom himself with it. For those there will be a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.

3:92    Never will you attain the birra / truthfulness (of your covenant) until tunfiqu / you self-experience (the reform) from that which you love. And whatever you experience - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.

3:93    All at ta'ami / the consumption of knowledge was lawful for bani Israel (those who construct the spiritual journey seeking the guidance) except what Israel (those seeking guidance) has forbidden upon his nafs / soul from before the revelation of At Tawrah / the natural law (Allah's law which govern the behavioral consequences).  Say bring with the tawrah (natural law) and recite it if you are truthful.   

3:94    And whoever iftara / invent / fabricate upon Allah the kaziba / denial / untruth from after that - then those are the zhaalimun / unjust (putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).

3:95    Say Allah has spoken the truth then follow the millata ibraheem / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth) hanifan / a natural inclination towards the truth.  He was not from those who associates. 

3:96    Indeed the first (mental) house placed for an-nas / the agitated mind is that with Bakka (weeping for his foolishness and ignorance), a blessing and guidance for aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge. 

3:97    In it are clear ayaatun / signs of the maqamu / established position (transformation of soul) of Ibrahim (the one who is inclined to the truth).  And whosoever enters it become secure and surely for Him upon an-nas / agitated mind is hajj / reason out of the (mental) house over an-nas / agitated mind whosoever has the capability towards its way and whosoever reject then surely Allah is self-sufficient of al 'alamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge. 

3:98    Say, "O ahle / those who are acquainted towards Al Kitab / the inherent script, why do you takfuru / reject with ayaatin / signs of Allah and Allah is shahidun / witness over what you do?"

3:99    Say, "O ahle / those who are familiar in Al Kitab / the inherent script, why do you averse from the way of Allah those who aamana / took security (in Al Kitab), seeking to make it iwajan / a distortion (in the message), while you shuhada'a / witnessed (the truth of the message)?  And Allah is not unaware of what you do."

3:100    O you who aamanu / take security (with Allah), if you obey fariqan / a group from those who were given the al Kitab / the inherent script, it will turn you back, after your imaan / take security,  (as) kaafirin / rejecters.

3:101    How could you reject the ayaatu / signs of Allah and over you they are recited and in you is His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb).  And whosoever holds with Allah then without doubt he has been guided towards siratim mustaqim / path of the one who is established in truth. 

3:102    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) ittaku / be mindful of Allah as the right of taking His mindfulness and do not tamutunna / be lifeless except you are muslimin / submitters.

3:103    Waktasimu / and hold fast jami'an / all together bihabli / with tying a knot to Allah and do not be tafarraqu / be divided.  And uzkuru / embody masculine energy (like linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the nikmati / blessings (with enjoyable and pleasant thoughts) of Allah over you (pertaining to the knowledge given) when you were a'da'an / rivals and He joined your hearts (to be in affection) then ashbahtum / your early light of understanding with His nikmat / favour and you were on the edge or the brink of an nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) and He saved you from it.  Likewise Allah makes His ayaati / signs clear to you that you may be guided.

3:104    And let there be from you ummatun / a group of thoughts invoking to good, enjoining with the makruf / acknowledged of facts and forbidding what is the munkar / disguised (facts not known), and those will be the muflihun / successful ones (those who break the frontiers of consciousness).

3:105    And do not be like the ones who became divided and ihtalafu / replace the truth from after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment.

3:106    At the moment of wujuhun / focus to care (for growth) is bright and wujuhun / focus to care (for growth) is dark.  As for those whose wujuhu / focus to care (for growth) is dark,  "Akafar / did you reject (ayaati of Allah) after you imaan / take security ?  Fazuqu / then taste (self-experience) the punishment for what you used yo takfurun / reject."

3:107    And as for those whose wujuhu / focus to care (for growth) is  bright,  within the rahmah / abstract system of education of Allah, they will abide therein eternally.

3:108    These are the ayaatu / signs of Allah (We) recite them to you (to follow thereof),  with truth; and Allah wants no injustice lil aalamin / to all the empirical factual knowledge.

3:109    And to Allah belongs whatever is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and whatever is in the ardh / lower consciousness.  And to Allah will matters be returned.

3:110    You are khoira ummati / best group of thoughts produced for an-nas / agitated mind. You enjoin what is makruf / factual (where facts are known) and forbid what munkar / is disguised (where facts are not known) and tukminu / keep security with Allah. If only the ahlul kitab  (those who are acquainted with the inherent prescribed script of Rabb) had kept their safety, it would have been better for them. Among them are the mukminun / those who take security (with their intuitive mind), and most (their logical mind) are the defiantly disobedient.

3:111    Never will they (the fasiqun) harm you except 'azan / hurt / anxiety.  And if they fight you, they will turn their backs to you; then they will not be helped.

3:112    They were brought down with the dhillah / humiliation wherever they understood, except with a binding from Allah and a binding from the agitated minds.  And they have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah and have been covered over them the maskanah / state of motionless (that is stagnant and no effort to seeking the truth). That is because they yakfuru / rejected with the ayaati / signs of Allah (signs, proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and killed the anbiya' / who pronounced (news of the ghaib), without truth. That is because they disobeyed and (they used to) transgressed.

3:113    Not all of them are same from ahlil kitab (those who are acquainted with the inherent script) ummatun / group of thoughts that qaaiman / established in following of the ayats / signs of Allah in portions of the laili / darkness (without guidance) and they are those who yasjudun / submit.

3:114    They yukminun / keep secured with Allah and the yawmil aakhiri / moment of ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) and they order with what is acknowledged (clear facts) and forbid about the disguised (facts not known) and they hasten in betterments.  And they are from the solihin / corrected ones.

3:115    And whatever from good they do - then never will it be rejected / covered  from them. And Allah is All Knowing with the muttaqin / those who are mindful of their thoughts.

3:116    Indeed, those who kafaru / reject / cover (the signs) - never will their amwal / accumulated knowledge or their awlad / thoughts produce by rijal / independent thinking process and nisa / passionate urge, tugni / avail them against Allah at all, and those (thoughts of the agitated mind) are the companions of an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas); they will abide therein eternally (living in inherent fire of conflicts due to useless knowledge or unreasonable desires).

3:117    Example of what they yunfiqu / self-experience (the reform) in this hayaati duniya / living temptations (of close attachments and relationships) is like that of rihin / a spirit / an essence of the truth in it sirrun / persistence which asabat / reaches / strikes the activities of qaum / group of established thoughts who have wronged their anfus / souls then corrupts it.  And Allah has not wronged them, but they wrong their anfus / souls.

3:118    O you who aamanu / take security, you do not take bathonah (batin) / spiritual / intimate from beside your (inner true) self.  They will not fail to make you crazy and they like that you suffer.  Without doubt hated has badati / appeared from their mouths and what is hidden in their sudur / awareness is greater.  Without doubt We have clarified for you ayats / signs if you would ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind)

3:119    Here you are, those of you who love them (those who take inner true self), you tu'minu / keep safe with al Kitab (the inherent prescribed script of the Rabb), all of it.  And when they laqu / measure to determine, they say we keep secured, when they are kholu / alone (empty of aamanu when you are govern by your own thoughts) they bite their fingers from anger over you.  Say mutu / (soul) become lifeless with your anger.  Surely Allah is knowledgeable of what (is in) the sudur / awareness.

3:120    If goodness afflicts you they get hurt / feel bad and if badness / hurt reaches you they rejoice and if you have patience and you be mindful / conscious, they (their machination / plots) cannot harm you in anything.  Surely Allah encompasses with what they are doing.

3:121    And when you,  come out early from your ahle (those who are acquainted) to prepare the place for those mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) as maqaida / foundation to the qital / fight (between your inner true self and other than your inner true self) - and Allah is Hearing and Knowing -

3:122    When two groups of looping thoughts (from fantasy) among you incline to lose courage, and Allah was their guardian; and upon Allah the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) falyatawakkali / will surely placed their trust (to Allah) as custodian.

3:123    And without doubt Allah helped you with full maturity and you were azillah / humiliated (with their plots).  So be conscious of Allah and you may be thankful. 

3:124    When you said to mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind), is it not sufficient that your Rabb / Lord sends down three thousand malaa'ikah / authorities to reinforce you ?

3:125    Rather, if you tasbiru / have patience and tattaqu / mindful / conscious and they come to you raged, over from this your Rabb / Lord will reinforce you with five thousand marked malaa'ikah / faculty of authority.

3:126    And Allah made it not but as bushra / sensible thoughts (to evolve and transform) for you and as an assurance to your hearts with it. And there is no help save from the nearness of Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence).

3:127    That He might cut off thorafan / an awareness from those kafaru / ones who reject / cover or suppress them so that they turn back disappointed.

3:128    Not for you is the affair anything (whether to stop or suppress) or forgive them or punish them, for indeed, they are zhaalimun / unjust (putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).

3:129    And to Allah belongs whatever is in the higher consciousness and whatever is in the lower consciousness. He forgives whoever wills and punishes whoever wills. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

3:130    O you who aamanu / keep secured (in Al Kitab),  do not eat / consume ar-riba (artificial swelling of knowledge), double redouble and be mindful / conscious of Allah so that you may be successful (break the frontiers of consciousness).

3:131    And attaku / be mindful of an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas), which has been prepared for the rejecters / those who cover (including those who practice ar-riba, exaggerate the knowledge).

3:132     And follow Allah and the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) so that you will receive turhamun / mercy (from guidance of Ar Rahman).

3:133    And hasten to forgiveness from your Rabb / Lord and a jannah / hidden knowledge as wide as the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness, prepared for muttaqin / those who are conscious / mindful. 

3:134    Those who yunfiqu / self-experience (the reform) during ease / pleasure and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the agitated mind - and Allah loves the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge;

3:135    And those when they commit fahishah / obscenity or zhalamu / wrong their nafs / soul, they zakaru / embody the masculine faculty of Allah (be linear, logical, focus and assertive) then they seek forgiveness.  And who can forgive guilt / sin except Allah ?  And they did not persist over what they did and they know it.

3:136    Those to them, their reward is forgiveness from their Rabb and jannatun / a hidden garden of knowledge beneath which rivers of hidden knowledge flow, wherein they will abide eternally; and excellent is the reward of the aamilin / practical experiencers.

3:137    Indeed there have been sunanun / practices before you, fasiru / so explore throughout the lower consciousness and observe how was the end of mukazzibin / deniers.

3:138    Here is a clear statement to an-nas / agitated mind and hudan / a guidance and maw'izatun / sermons / instructions to muttaqin / those who are conscious / mindful.

3:139    So do not be weak nor fall into despair.  For you must gain mastery if you are mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind).

3:140    If a wound has touched you, so certainly a similar wound has touched the qauma / group of established thoughts (in transformation of soul).  Such moments We give by turns among an-nas / the agitated mind that Allah may know those that aamanu / keep their security and that He may take to Himself from your ranks witnesses.  And Allah loves not the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).

3:141    Allah's object is to clear / purify aamanu / those that keep their safety (in Al Kitab) and to deprive (of the purifications) the kafaru / those who reject / cover.

3:142    Or do you calculate that you will enter jannata / hidden garden of knowledge and whereas Allah knows jahadoo / those who strive amongst you and He knows who have patience.

3:143     And certainly you used to wish for almauta / lifeless state from before talqauhu / measured to determine of it so surely you have seen it while you looking (at it).

3:144    And Muhammadun / one who is praised (for the knowledge given and sunanun / practices) is not, except a rasulun / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), surely ar rusulu / the inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) from before him were khalat / has been emptied of its impurities.  If he mata / is lifeless or were killed, will you turn back (depart right away from the impurities) on your heels (as the consequence).  If any did turn back on his heels (make a sudden departure from the impurities), then never will Allah make him yadhurra / suffer and Allah will reward those who are thankful.

3:145    No nafsin / soul can tamuta / be lifeless except with Allah's permission, a term muajjala / fixed.  And whoever desire a reward in this duniya / illusory existence of otherness, We shall give it to him and whoever desire a reward in the aakhirah / ending (close attachments and relationships), We shall give it to him.  And swiftly shall We reward those who are thankful.  

3:146    And how many from nabiyyi / who pronounces and establishes (news of the ghaib) fought with him many rabbiyun / who possess knowledge.  But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, and not weaken and not give in.  And Allah loves the sabirin / patience / steadfast.

3:147    And not of their sayings except that they said, "Our Rabb, forgive us our sins and the israfana / unmindful / heedless in our affairs and make our steps firm and give us help over the qaumi / group of established thoughts of the kafirin / rejecters."

3:148    So Allah gave them the reward of this duniya / illusory existence of otherness and the good reward of the aakhirah / ending (close attachments and relationships).  And Allah loves the muhsinin / one who fortify himself with true knowledge.

3:149    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), if you obey those who kafaru / reject / cover, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will become losers.

3:150    Yes Allah is maulaakum / your protector, and He is the best of helpers.

3:151    We will cast terror (as a result of self-experience) into the hearts (with two sides argument and confusion) of those who kafaru / reject for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down (any) authority.  And their dwelling will be the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas), and wretched is the residence of the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).

3:152    And certainly Allah sadaqakumu / had genuinely in a truthful way fulfilled His promise to you when you were tahussu / perceiving them (to overpower the kafaru's side of the argument) by His permission until when you lost courage and fell to disputing about the order and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you love. Among you are some who desire this duniya / close attachments, and among you are some who desire the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of close attachments). Then he sarafakum / divided you from them that He might test you. And He has already forgiven you, and Allah is the possessor of fadhlin / given advantage for the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent unfettered logical mind). 

3:153    When you tus'iduna / ascending (sa'idan - ascend in your diversion and test) and not talwuna / turning towards anyone and the rasulu / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) was invoking behind you.  So (you) returned (when you lost courage and diverted) you distress with a distress so you would not grieve for that which had escaped you or that which had befallen you. And Allah is khobirun / All Aware with what you do. 

3:154    Then from after distress, He reveals upon you amanah / trust, a slumber coming upon a party of you, while another party worried about themselves, yazhunnun / assuming with Allah other than the truth, zhanna / opinion of jaahiliyyah / nescience (who do not possess knowledge because they are uninformed), saying, "Do we have any hand in the affair?" Say, "Indeed, the matter belongs completely to Allah." They conceal within their soul what they will not reveal to you. They say, "Had we any hand in the affair, we would not have been killed here." Say, "Even if you had been inside your houses, those decreed to be killed would have come out to where they (now) lie" and that Allah might test what is in your sudur /  awareness and clear what is in your hearts. And Allah is Knowing of that within the sudur / awareness. 

3:155    Indeed those of you who turned back among you on the moment the two gathered (the honest and the dishonest thoughts), surely it was shaytan (acts arises from state of despair) who caused them to slip for some they had earned.  But Allah has already forgiven them.  Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.

3:156    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not be like those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) and said about their brotherly thoughts when they darabu / strike in the lower consciousness or engage in fighting, "If they had been with us, they would not have matu / lifeless or have been killed (dissolved)," so Allah makes that (misconception) a regret within their hearts. And it is Allah who gives life and yumitu / causes the ending of dissociation, and Allah is Seeing of what you do.

3:157    And if you are being killed (dissolved) in the way of Allah or muttum / one who became lifeless, the forgiveness is from Allah.  And the rahmah / mercy (from the hidden knowledge gained) is better from what yajma'un / they gather (convergence of those thoughts from their agitated mind).  

3:158    And if muttum / one who became lifeless definitely you are being gathered towards Allah.

3:159    So because of rahmah / mercy from Allah's system of education, you were gentle with them. And if you had been rude and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then tawakkal / trust as custodian upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves mutawakkilin / ones who trust Him as custodian.

3:160    If Allah should help you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can help you after Him? And upon Allah let the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind) falyatawakkali / should surely trust as custodian.

3:161    And not (attributable) to a nabi / who pronounces (news of the ghaib) that he would act unfaithfully and whoever betrays shall bring what he has betrayed on the moment of the qiyamah / establishment (of the truth). Then will every soul tuwaffa / complete (their souls) for what it earned, and they will not yuzlamun / be wronged.

3:162    So is the one who pursues ridwan / approval of Allah like one who brings upon himself the anger of Allah and whose refuge is jahannam / veil of ignorance ? And wretched is the destination. 

3:163    They are darajaat / degrees in the nearness of Allah , and Allah is Seeing of whatever they do.

3:164    Surely Allah has manna / strengthened (when you are weak) upon the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind), as He ba'atha / raised up (to life) among them rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver guidance from your Rabb) from among their souls, who recites to them (to follow) His ayaati / signs, and purifies them and teaches them Al Kitab / the inherent script and hikmatan / understanding based on Allah's law (with facts and empirical evidence), although before that they were in obvious error.   

3:165    Why when a disaster struck you, although you had struck with one twice as great, you said, "From where is this?" Say, "It is from your soul."  Indeed, Allah measures over all things.

3:166    And what struck you on the moment the two gathered (the honest and dishonest thoughts) was by permission of Allah that He will make evident, the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind).

3:167    And liya'lama / that He will make known nafaqu / self-experience (the reform) and it was said to them, "ta'alau / most high deed is qaatilu / fight (dissolve duniya including mind, body and soul) in the way of Allah or udfa'u / drive away." They said, "If we had known fighting, we would have followed you." They were nearer to kufri / reject (ayaati of Allah) that moment than to imaan / trust, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is most Knowing of what they conceal, 

3:168    And those who said for their brotherly thoughts and while they qa'adu / remained behind said if they had obeyed us they would not have been killed.  So repel almauta / lifeless state, from your soul if you are truthful.

3:169    And you do not take into account to those who are being killed in the way of Allah are lifeless but alive near their Rabb / Lord being provided sustenance.

3:170    Rejoicing with what Allah has bestowed upon them of His fadhli / given advantage, and they yastabsiru / receive sensible thoughts with those after them who have not yet joined with them kholfihim / are replaced - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.

3:171    They receive sensible thoughts (in respect to evolution and transformation) of favor from Allah and fadhlin / given advantage and that Allah does not allow the reward of the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) to be lost 

3:172    Those who istajabu / responded to Allah and the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) from after the wound reaches them.  Among them for those who do ahsanu / good and be mindful / conscious have a great reward.

3:173    Those to whom an-nas / the agitated mind said: Surely an-nas / agitated thoughts jama'u / have gathered (convergence of thoughts from agitated mind) against you, therefore fear them, but this increased their faith, and they said: sufficient is Allah for us and most pleasant and enjoyable is the wakil / trusted custodian.

3:174    So they returned with favour from Allah and fadhlin / given advantage, no harm having touched them.  And they pursued the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is the possessor of great fadhlin / given advantage.

3:175    It is only the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair that causes you to fear from his allies, but do not fear them, and fear Me (thus rely on Me) if you are mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind).

3:176    And do not be grieved, by those who hasten into the kufri / rejection (ayaati of Allah).  Indeed, they will never harm Allah at all. Allah intends that He should give them no share in the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self), and for them is a great punishment.

3:177    Indeed, those who purchase the kufri / rejection / cover with imaan / trust and security - never will they harm Allah at all, and for them is a painful punishment.

3:178    And let not those who kafaru / reject (ayaati of Allah) think that Our granting them respite is better for their souls; We grant them respite only that they may add to their sins; and they shall have a disgraceful chastisement.

3:179    Allah would not leave the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind), upon what you are in until He separates the evil from the good.  And Allah would not elevate over the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, but Allah chooses from His rusuli / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) who wills (whoever want the hidden knowledge). So aaminu / have security in Allah and His rusuli / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb). And if you have security and be mindful / conscious of Him, then for you is a great reward.

3:180    And let not those who withhold what Allah has given them from His fadhli / given advantage, think that it is better for them. Rather, it is worse for them. They will be suffocated by what is withheld on the moment of standing / establishment.  And lil lahi / for Allah belongs the miraasu / heritage of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness.  And Allah , with what you do, is All Aware.

3:181    Without doubt Allah has heard the saying of those, "surely Allah is faqirun / poor (not having the knowledge) and we are qagniyaa' / rich (competent and knowledgeable)".  Surely We will record what they have said and their killings of the anbiya' / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), without truth.  And We will say, "zuqu / taste (self-experience) the punishment of burning (that arises from your internal conflicts)". 

3:182    That is with what your hands have put forth and that Allah is not ever unjust to (His) servants."

3:183    Those who said, "Indeed, Allah has taken covenant at us that we should not take security to a rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) until he brings to us with qurbanin / detach all attachment which an-nar / internal conflicts consumes it.  Say, "There have already come to you rusulun / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) before me with clear proofs and that of which you speak. So why did you kill them, if you should be truthful?"

3:184    Then if they kazzabu / deny you, so surely were rusulun / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) kazziba / denied before you, who brought bayyinat / clarity and zuburi / intelligent that is determined and shaped (in relation to the realisation of meaning with insights and conscious understanding) and the munir / enlightening al kitab / inherent scripture.

3:185    Every soul will zaa'iqatu / taste (experience) almauta / the lifeless state, and your reward will only be completed on you (true self) on yawmal qiyamah / the moment of  establishing (the reality of being). So whoever is saved / drawn away from an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) and admitted to jannah / hidden garden of knowledge then surely faza / has attained direct experience.  And what is the life of this duniya / close attachments and relationships, except the delusional enjoyment.

3:186    You will surely be tested in your wealth of knowledge and in your souls. And you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with much abuse. But if you are patient and be mindful / conscious then indeed, that is of the determination commanded.

3:187    And when Allah took a covenant with those who are given Al Kitab that definitely you will clarify it for an-nas / agitated mind and you will not hide it.  But they threw it away behind their backs and purchased with it little price.  Then the bargain that they did was bad.

3:188    And never think that those who rejoice with what they have brought and they love that they be praised for what they did not do.  So they never think they escape from the punishment, and for them is a painful punishment.

3:189    And for Allah belongs the dominion of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness, and Allah measures over all things.

3:190    Indeed, in the evolution of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness and ihtilafi / representations of the darkness (without guidance) and the nahar / illumination (with guidance) are signs for ulil albab / those intelligent with awareness.

3:191    Those who yazkuru / embody divine masculine faculty of Allah (be linear, logical, focus and assertive) while qiyaman / establishing (rooted, solidified and ingrained of soul transformative deeds) or qu'udan / lay in waiting (to act) and over junubihim / their state of bewilderness (when what is understood is fresh and different from what is normally known) and yatafakkaru / reflect / give thought in khalqi / evolution of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness,  "Our Rabb / Lord, You did not khalaqta / evolve this bathilan / a falsehood; subhanaka / exalted are You (possessor of the abundant knowledge); then save us from the punishment of the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas). 

3:192    O our Rabb / Lord surely to whoever you will admit into an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn asn-nas) then without doubt he will be disgraced.  And for the zhaalimin / unjust 
(thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality), there will be no helper. 

3:193    O our Rabb / Lord, surely we have listened to the caller, calling for imaan / security that aaminu / take security with your Rabb / Lord, so we took security.  O our Rabb / Lord then forgive for us zunubana / our guilt / sins and cover about us our badness / psychological illnesses and complete our lives with the abrar / truthfulness (to our covenant) after deprivation and suppressed in the abrari / truthfulness.  

3:194    O our Rabb / Lord and give us what You promised us over Your rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and You do not disgrace us on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishment (of the truth).  Surely you do not tuflifu / replace the promise.  

3:195    So their Rabb / Lord answered them, surely I do not waste doers deeds among you from the zakarin au unsa / divine masculinity (linearity, logic. focus and assertiveness) or divine feminity (unconditional love and unconditional acceptance).  Some of you are from the some.  So those who migrated and drive out from their diyaar / state of encircling thoughts and got hurt in My way and they fought and they were being killed, definitely I will cover their ills / weaknesses.  So I will definitely enter them in jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge from where the knowledge flow beneath them, sawaban / a reward from the nearness of Allah.  And the beautiful reward is near Allah.   

3:196    Do not be deceived by the turnings (of the aim / goal / care) of the kafaru / rejecters, in the bilaadi / languid attitude (the one living a life of ease and comfort, ignoring the difficulties of life and choose the easy path). 

3:197    A small enjoyment; then their abode is jahannam / dark hole of ignorance, and the mihadu / developmental place of evil. 

3:198    But those who are mindful / conscious of their Rabb / Lord will have jannatun / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which the knowledge flow, abiding eternally therein, a revelation from the nearness of Allah.  And whatever is near Allah is best for the abrar / truthfulness. 

3:199    And surely, among ahle Al Kitab (the ones that are acquianted with their inherent kitab) are whoever take security with Allah and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them, humbly submissive (without ego and self interest) to Allah, they do not exchange with ayaati / signs of Allah for a small price.  Those will have their reward with their Rabb / Lord. Indeed, Allah is swift in account. 

3:200    O you who aamanu / keep secured, persevere and endure and remain abiding and attaqu / be mindful / conscious of Allah that you may be successful (break the frontiers of consciousness).

















  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...