(The truth begins to reveal itself)


This Surah captures the profound moment when higher consciousness begins to unveil its truth to an-nas—the restless, agitated mind. Initially, the truth appears as scattered glimpses, shimmering and persistent, gently knocking at the door of your awareness. These glimpses are invitations, urging you to pay attention, to gather and consolidate these fragments of insight. As you begin to open yourself to this process, the truth unfolds progressively, revealing deeper layers of understanding with each step. The ta'wil—the interpretation of the ayat (signs) you receive—becomes clearer as your journey of self-discovery continues. This is an ongoing process, where your perception of reality and your understanding of the truth continually evolve as you interpret these signs more deeply.

Yet, it is in the nature of the human mind to doubt, to resist, and to cling to the comfort of what is already known—knowledge drawn from memory and information gathered through the senses. At this critical juncture, Allah poses a profound question: What has deceived you? It is in this moment of doubt that the mercy of Allah becomes evident. Over you, there is an honourable preserver, Kiraaman Kaatibin, whose role is to protect and preserve the self from becoming lost in obscurity. These guardians are ever-present, never absent, always offering reminders to guide you back to the truth.

Those who remain true to their covenant with Allah, who submit to their deen, indebted obligations to obey (Allah's system, law and judgment)  will find themselves in a state of delight, their souls continually growing and transforming. On the other hand, those who fail to honor this covenant stagnate, unable to progress in their journey of transformation and self-development.

For those who are true to their covenant, their growth is assured. In submitting to their deen, their souls undergo a profound transformation, with all impurities being annihilated, making them true servants of Allah. At this stage, all authority belongs to Allah, and your soul, mind, and actions are fully aligned with His will, surrendered entirely to His guidance. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

82:1    When the higher consciousness unfathorat / originate / start to reveal itself (the truth begins to reveal itself).

82:2    And when the bright sparkles (sparkles of the truth), consolidating (denoting muchness, frequency and revealing time and again with the aim to consolidate),

82:3    And when the ocean of hidden knowledge (signifying soiritual knowledge going deep and wide in scope) are opened (creating passage for the hidden knowledge to consolidate),  

82:4    And when the (contents of what is, the truth ) buried are uncovered (exposed itself). 

82:5    A soul will know what it (the content) that qaddamat / has taken precedence (that reveal itself first) and akhhar / kept back (still buried).

82:6    O the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, what has deceived you concerning your Rabb / Lord, the Generous, 

82:7    (He) Who evolve you, proportioned you, and equitably balanced for you ? 

82:8    In whatever form (personality archetype of the insaan) willed has He assembled you

82:9    No! Rather you deny with the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement).

82:10    And indeed,  over you are surely khafizhin / preservers (to preserve the true self from becoming obscured).

82:11    An Honorable recorder (that is the keepers / preservers). 

82:12    They (the keepers / preservers) know whatever you do. 

82:13    Indeed, the abrar (truthful to his covenant,  submit to his Deen) will be in delight; 

82:14    And certainly, fujjara / the ones declined (from submitting to the deen) will be in jahim / point of stagnation (halting the spiritual progress). 

82:15    They will burn (in the state of conflicts) therein yaw middeen / moment of your indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement), 

82:16    And never therefrom will they (Kiraaman Kaatibin) be absent. 

82:17    And what can make you know what is moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement)?

82:18    Then, what can make you know what is moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement)?

82:19    (It is) moment when a soul will not possess any authority for a soul; and the command, that moment, is (entirely) to Allah.



  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...