
Those who seek huda / guidance are those who are seeking the truth about the deen / way of life towards attaining Islam / peace. The one who guides is the one who knows the truth so the one who knows the truth is the one who has the authority to guide. In surah Al Lail 92:12, Allah decreed, “Surely on Us is the guidance”. This statement sets out only Allah can guide human and Allah does not authorize human to be the one who can also guide. Thus whoever takes the role of guiding others to attain Islam / peace, in reality, he ashroku billah / associate himself with Allah as those who also know and has also the authority to guide.
The human mind is fragmented. Whatever knowledge accumulated in the human mind is limited to the content stored in the form of thoughts, sound and images of the memory. As a result, whatever opinion, conclusion, judgment, idea, knowledge and so on will not be complete and wholly in nature. The reason is that what human knows is little compared to what human does not know. The scope is borderless and the limitation is a lot. In the light of this scenario, human will not be able to guide as mentioned in surah Al Qasas 28:56 ;

Surah Al Qasas 28:56 - “Surely you will not be able to guide whom you loved. But Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows more with those who are guided”.
Allah guides by inspiring ruh / spirit and there is insight when Allah made the ruh / spirit become a light. Allah explained how Allah guides human in surah As Shura 42:52;



Surah As Shura 42:52 -“And likewise from Our order We have inspired a ruh / spirit towards you. You did not have the perception what was Al kitab / the book and neither of the belief but We made it (ruh / spirit) nuran / a light. We guide to whom We will from Our servants with it (ruh / spirit). And surely you guide towards the straight / upright path (only with the ruh / spirit inspired as the light).
In conclusion, there is no authority SAVE only Allah who guides with His ruh / spirit inspired to those who seek Allah's help.




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SURAH YUSUF 12 : 111




Surah Yusuf 12:111    Surely, in their qasasihim / retracing their steps to the truth, there is a lesson  for ulil albab / those  who  possess understanding. It is not hadisan / an event that has been invented, but to affirm what is between  his  hands (that is, what is understood and held firm as belief) and  tafsila / an explanation of all things, and a guidance and rahmatan / a providence that lead to peacefulness for kaum / a group of thoughts yukminun / who trust.

In order to affirm what we understood is the truth, we need to retrace our steps diligently, looking for evidence to ensure correctness as well as a more concrete explanation and understanding of the truth.  The efforts to qasasin / retrace will guide and provide rahmah for those who trust.

Note : The same meaning of the word qasasan (kaf shod shod) is used in surah Al Kahfi 18:64.



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With the (all comprehensive) name Allah, the rahmaan, the raheem.

Surah Taha 20:120 Then (Iblees / the one wrapped in evil emotion) whispered to him the shaitan / act to disobey the command of his Rabb / Lord, he said, "O Adam / the one who is ready to attain awareness (that is with fuad, hearing and insight the ability to distinguish) shall I direct you to the shajarati / tree (parable for words) of khuldi / eternity and mulkin / possession / kingdom  that will not deteriorate?"   


Truth cannot be discovered when your fuad / heart is wrapped in fear, sorrow, jealousy, hatred, anxiety or any of the evil emotion.  To see the truth, the mind must be pure, clear and not coloured or influenced by these evil emotions.  Inevitably, the dominance of the separate self will lead you as your master if actions are not taken to dissolve the evil that wrapped your heart.  Examine closely the relationship between the separate self and your body / mind, is there a master / controller / servant relationship ?  No, between the separate self and your body / mind, both are holons that is, both are parts and whole.


Forthwith, you will hear voices whispering to you suggesting to take on evil actions attached with illusory promises of happiness, fulfillment and success.  Clearly, if you accept the suggestion brought forth by the separate self based on the whispers you hear, then you disobey the command of your Rabb / Lord.

The Mysterious Khuldi



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ALLAH IS ..... 


According to Latin, the word existence has its root coming from the word existere which comes from the combination of "ex" meaning out and "sistere". A check with http"// its meaning is, ..... 

late 14c., "reality," from Old French existence, from Medieval Latin existentia/exsistentia, from existentem/exsistentem (nominative existens/exsistens) "existent," present participle of Latin existere/exsistere "stand forth, come out, emerge; appear, be visible, come to light; arise, be produced; turn into," and, as a ... 


Existence thus signify come into being. Based on this premise, in quranic language, wujud is not existence. Existence is actually maujud (in Arabic). Thus it is wrong to translate the arabic word wujud as existence. So when we say "Allah wujud" in Arabic, we should say "Allah is" and not "Allah exist" in English. Hence, those other than Allah, rightfully in Arabic is said as "maujud" that is appear, arise, come into being or simply exist in English.



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  AN-NAJM (The sparkling of revelation) SUMMARY #looking_at_oneself The precursor to all action is knowledge. The specific knowledge require...